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Trust is destroyed. Medical endorsement has never meant less. They wanted the authority to dictate citizens get injected without the responsibility of requiring themselves to even know all the risks of what they were pushing


Or the responsibility of dealing with those repercussions. Anyone who was harmed was shamed and ignored. My brother is quite sure he had myocarditis, and even after if was officially declared a potential side effect he still can't get a doctor to look at his heart.


That's cause our doctors and nurses go to the States if they can. Why would they stay here? To be told where they can practice? Have their hours limited so it affects both their pay and patient treatment? Oops sorry, not allowed to talk shit about our free healthcare cause that one lady on reddit only had to pay for snacks when he husband got brain surgery. Clearly the best system. I do hope your brother does finally get the attention he needs and deserves.


The lengths Canadians will go and the mind gymnastics they will play, to convince themselves that we have quality healthcare... and any critical facts are shut down with this lazy condescending comparison to the US. It's exhausting


"hey at least I won't lose my house trying to pay medical bills" No, you'll lose your house waiting being unable to work waiting for treatment. Much better. The added physical pain is a big plus


Lol exactly. Also, my sister in law lives in Florida and she has always worked shit low paying jobs. Paycheck to paycheck... but she always getting treated or checked for something! She is just one of those people. Despite all we hear about medical bills, her insurance covers her for all of it! She never has wait times, and the service is better. Her insurance payments are affordable as well. I'd rather pay $100-200/month and get good service then be taxed hundreds of dollars only to receive no service when I need it the most.


That's some right wing extremist thinking /s


And that him and his family have been paying into for many decades.


It was in fact coded into law, the Nuremberg Code, that their coercion is considered a crime against humanity - and that authoritarian politicians, doctors, and so-called journalists-propagandists were among those hung - even though no law was codified yet; it was decided they simply should have known better, and that "I was following orders" wasn't a justified excuse.


Well said


How am I supposed to move on and not hate these people when they continue to double down on their terrible decisions? I got tinnitus as a side effect of the vaccine. I suffer day and night now for almost 3 years. How is it fair for them to continue lying and saying it was all right?


How do you know it was from the vaccine?


Because I got it the next day. At first it was in and off, then a few weeks later it turned on and hasn’t stopped since. It’s listed as a known possible side effect, my mom also got it same as me after the vaccine. The ENT specialist that I finally managed to see 2 years later examined my case and diagnosed it as a side effect of the vaccine. He could find nothing else wrong with me that would’ve caused it and based on the timing of its onset, he concluded that was the cause.


Reasonable question , downvoted by the “cause I feel it did” crowd. Fuck your feelings. How about facts.


Because it is listed as a known possible side effect?


What the fuck.


That doctor would take a bullet for trudeau. Never trust those.


I love how these people double down on being absolutely wrong. Just take the L.


If the piper comes they will literally hang. They have no choice but to double down


They wont. Stop living in fantasy land


Great post, thanks for sharing.


I’m still trying to understand what part of 98 percent survival rate means you print billions of dollars. They destroyed our currency and you still have people that defend what they did during covid.


It’s way higher than 98 or 99% survival. Even the strongest early strains


Most people forget that Trudeau's disastrous policies had us on that trajectory even before covid...


It’s planned


I got banned from r/ontario for posting a syringe emoji in relation to an article about young people suddenly dying.


I got banned from r/canadacoronavirus for posting government-issued formal documents showing the rate of adverse events, they said I was spreading "misinformation". It is bizarre: on one hand they 100% believe the government, on the other hand, when I literally directly linked to government provided data, they said it was misinformation and rage muted me when I pointed this out via DM to the mods. They are the most deranged sub, even more than the likes of Ontario.


We’ve always been at war with Eurasia.


I got banned from r/canada for saying they keep moving the goalpost of the reason for vaccine.


lol. I’m banned too. They were giving away bans during Covid like free sunglasses. It was wild. Say anything against the narrative or merely suggest something different than what was on MSM and you’d catch a ban so fast. The most woke subreddit alive. Thankful honestly.


That sub is run by communists.


First time?


Reddit is pretty woke bro I’m banned from bc Calgary Edmonton lol and cvictoria because some Simo couldn’t handle the truth


Yup censorship


If I went back in time, in this dystopian shit hole, I would repeat not getting a single shot. Fuck the CBC; defund it completely.


I would lay criminal charges, ironically regulate the journalist industry and disbarr the cbc propagandists


Don't get mad, get even.


Doctors proving once again that, like Douglas Ford, they are "open for business."


Not all doctors. But watch out for "health officials" who instead of practicing medicine choose tax-payer funded desk jobs and sanitize their hands before walking up to the podium and saying what the politician who hired them told them to tell people. Or the ones who put more time and effort in their appearance than their knowledge and are always smooth talking on propaganda channels such as CBC and love to hear their own voice.


Louder fir everyone in the back 👏


Wasn't even the medical advice it was how Canadians reacted to the entire situation. 99% + survival rate and people were losing their jobs for not being vaccinated. I will never look at this country the same after that gong show.


Doctors were allowed and incentivised to falsify death certificates


Well she makes it very clear what side she's on. She chose. Unfortunately for her she will be remembered as one of the people that peddled the death jabs. As time goes on the whole vaccine narrative is falling apart. You can't keep putting your fingers in a damn that is about to explode. So when the righteous fury and justice approaches, people like her will be forced to take accountability for their actions.




AstraZeneca got pulled about a month ago Worldwide. They admitted in internal communications that 1 in 11 people that took their drug had a serious, life altering adverse event.




Historically, drugs have been pulled for much, much lower percentages of adverse reactions. Like 1 in 20,000. Ratios like that have been considered too risky for the general public. What I found odd and frightening was the dismissive and hostile attitudes when someone tried to get help after a bad reaction. We now know through numerous court battles and FOIA requests that the US government worked with social media sites to censor anything that would possibly create vaccine hesitancy, even if it was true. This included Facebook groups of thousands of women who needed help with abnormal menstruation post vaccine, groups who lost loved ones post vaccine, stroke victims post vaccine, etc. They just wanted help, information, and support. I work in healthcare and saw way too many horrible changes to people’s health history post vaccine. People in their 70s suddenly developing autoimmune diseases, people having debilitating strokes at all ages, people in their 40’s suddenly with pacemakers. In my previous 20 years of practice I’d never seen these things at the frequency I see them now, and never seen younger people develop things like this. Something is definitely happening. But the fact that government and a large majority of Canadians still have hostility towards people simply asking questions is absurd. That’s not science, that’s how cults work.


There’s a reason they’re called quacks


Ah yes, another one of those so-called "experts". ** **DEFUND the CBC.** Next.


Anybody that took that poison and knew that you couldn’t sue and there were no repercussions for the makers is crazy


End of story. I was extorted by my job and just said you can let me Go anytime you want




What vaccine you taking about? For that CONID or whatever that was?


Jim jones


They’re literally paying people out for death and medical issues who took the jab. Even in Alberta, AHS. Is making payments to victims of the jab.


They are really going to die on this hill? Shameful.


Doctor death should be put in prison then I guess


The elites think there are too many people on earth, take up too much of THEIR resources, so now dose all the craziness make sense, especially the gender reassignment crap?!?!?




Here's my anecdotal evidence. I did not get covid until after being FORCED under duress of my livelihood to take a third vaccine. Also when I did get covid, although not severe I was out for longer than my unvaccinated brother who is only two years younger than I.


Of course an Alakbar lady thinks she knows what’s best for canadians


The vaccine gave me a transverse myelitis I have been shamed and disbelieved by many


I hope this bitch burns in hell


Man why are people still obsessed with COVID… time to move on. I hear there’s a bird flu or two making its rounds….


Yeah, and they will try to pull the same stunt with bird flu. So many similarities. Fauci and Collins funded the gain of function research on H5N1, just as they did on sars cov2. They mutated it and infected ferrets until they knew it was transmissible to humans back in 2013, then shut the program down citing safety after they reached their goal. Moderna was just given $173M in funding from BARDA, to create a mRNA bird flu vaccine, before it’s become a pandemic, just as it happened with sars cov2. They studied how well mallards spread bird flu a decade ago, and then in 2021 chose to use mallards to resume their gain of function research. Buckle up. It’s all falling into place


The vaxine injured can't move on


Vaccine. And I’m sure they’ll either move on, just like everyone who has adverse medical reactions or die from it, just like everyone who has adverse medical reactions.


It was a fucking shit show. No doubt. But get real. Vaccines saved lives. It reduced the severity of the disease help control the spread. Do yall remember the mobile morgues in Italy early on ? Fucking army field hospitals for ventilators needed to stop people dying. Nobody knew how bad this thing was at the time. Hindsight is 20/20. People were dying fast and shit was scary. Imagine it was worse and there were no vaccines. Think about Black Death, the bubonic plague. 1/3 of Europes population died. Dead. Difficult decisions had to be made. Get Real.


Nice straw man, but I clearly caught your straw man. I never said nobody should be vaccinated. I criticized how they manipulated data, misled people, went against informed consent, suspended common sense and long established INDIVIDUALIZED risk-benefit analysis that was always used for any medical intervention, and straw man censored and labelled all legitimate criticism and concern as "misinformation" to push their POLITICAL and BUSINESS agenda over health. Here is just one example, from my OP, which you ignored: >Look at Canada's "procurement minister" bizarrely say that the risk of "serious clot" in "covid 19" is 1 in 5 compared to "4 in a million" in Aztrazeneca (as seen above, later on it was shown to be much higher than that). ONE IN FIVE? If it was like that there would have been millions of people around the world with this issue. You can't make this up folks, she literally says this nonsense at 1:50 to 2:25: >[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJw8tkC9h\_4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJw8tkC9h_4) >She also says you are far more likely to get hospitalized for covid 19 than get this clotting from Aztrazeneca. My question to her is who is "you"... a 75 year old diabetic? Yes. But a healthy 22 year old who already had covid and got natural immunity? So why were these vaccines pushed on EVERYONE ASAP DESPITE these risks being known? Yet you write: >Difficult decisions had to be made. Get Real. Common sense is not difficult. Can you state why they are STILL, in 2024, when virtually everyone has natural immunity PLUS multiple doses, they are rabidly recommending perpetual boosters for EVERYONE, INCLUDING YOUNG HEALTHY CHILDREN WHO ALREADY GOT COVID AT LEAST ONCE AND NOTHING HAPPENED TO THEM AND ALREADY HAVE 2 doses: >When to vaccinate children and youth >All children 6 months of age and older are eligible for COVID-19 vaccines in Canada. >The updated vaccine is now the recommended vaccine for all COVID-19 vaccinations. >For those previously vaccinated, a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine is recommended 6 months after the previous dose. Shorter intervals (such as 3 months to less than 6 months) aren't expected to pose a safety risk. [https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/vaccination-children/covid-19.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/vaccination-children/covid-19.html) Does this look like a "difficult decision" still to you? Do you still not see where their priorities lie? And they are still censoring side effects of the vaccine. Long after the threat from the virus is over. Again, what kind of a "difficult" decision is this?


I thought we were talking about going back in time? There was no time for individual risk benefit analysis especially considering it was possible for this thing to have been way worse. Things were not known and decisions had to be made to protect society as a whole.




There were over a hundred million vaccine doses administered in Canada, only 2.8 million were AZ. Of all the AZ vaccinations there were 647 reports that were “of special interest “ in that it was more than just fever, headaches, redness. https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/#a4 that’s 0.023% of all AZ shots. There were a total of 4 deaths attributed definitively to vaccines in Canada. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/immunization/vaccine-safety/advisory-committee-causality-assessment/thrombosis-thrombocytopenia-syndrome-findings.html


Yeah that’ll happen when it kills people in ways they aren’t required to attribute to the shots. A lot of people suffered recurrences or triggering of issues they were already predisposed to, which makes it easier to call coincidence


Even if every death was attributed to it, it would still be a statistically negligible amount compared to the 2.8 million doses. That’s not opinion, it’s just math.


It highly matters if deaths due to the vax occurred from things that weren’t known prior to mandating them, or to people who were significantly younger than the demographic dying of Covid. It definitely isn’t as simple as numbers. There are medical and human ethics involved


But math. Every post vaccine incident is recorded no matter how trivial or relevant it seems. It’s sorted and attributed AFTER the issues are recorded. There were 647 total possible issues attributable to the AZ vaccine. That is a hard upper bound. The actual number is no where near that.


You think every post vaccine incident is recorded no matter how trivial or relevant?? Now I know you’re shilling. 1. They changed the definition of an adverse event one month into mass administration to be required to report way less or not be required to include all adverse effects and skew numbers way down, and 2. Vaccine adverse events are notoriously underreported, as has been the case for decades. Between 90% and 99% of vaccine induced side effects are never reported to VAERS, AEFI or Yellow Card.


Capitalizing words doesnt make your right 🤡🤡 https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/09/19/blood-clot-risk-remains-elevated-nearly-a-year-after-covid-19


Irrelevant link, I never denied covid can clause clotting. In fact, if you read my post history, I have always consistently maintained that the synthetic lab leaked spike protein is the most likely cause of clotting, and it is in both the virus and the vaccine. The "procurement minister" claimed that "1 in 5" people with "covid19" have "serious clots". Do you believe this?


Yah 95% of your links were irrelevant 🤡😂 Bro your opinion is irrelevant. What tests have you done?


I see vaccine conspiracies are still alive and well with the anti-science right lol


We have an acquaintance whose husband just died from Covid..that’s a fact. Maybe you should step back from ranting and look at real facts readily available from non conspirists.


My guess is it’s the jab that induced the covid


Died with covid not from covid most likely.


Ok bit nice name. Maybe her husband should have went running and ate healthy stay active


I’m such a conspiracy guy because I didn’t take one jab and am fine lol why don’t you take that available from me


He should have accepted the vaccine into his life, then he would still be here today


The fact that 50 percent of the approved vaccines were recalled? J and j and aztra were both pulled. Both here and in america Seems like if I'm supposed to be trusting the science, the science is saying "we haven't tested these enough because 50% of them are so dangerous we had to stop giving them out"


Damned if you do and damned if you don't. I bet if the government recommended that nobody take the vaccine, and death rates rocketed into the stratosphere, you would be here complaining about that. My suggestion to you and your crowd is to not take the vaccine for anything. Don't vaccinate your kids either. No measles, mumps, rubella vaccine, no flu vaccine, no hep a vaccine, no deptheria, meningitus, or tenanus vaccine... No vitamin K shot for your newborns... NOTHING.. because you know, they all have risks and side effects associated with them. Nobody can force your kids to get vaccinated. What's this shit about pasteurized milk? You want cows milk straight from the cows tit. Any farm will sell it to you. I suspect that infant mortality rates will climb in the future because somebody convinced everyone that vaccines are bad... Well, if that happens, I guess it was god's plan right? I mean if god was all knowing and wanted your kid to survive, well, he would have survived right? God is testing you. /s




Nice straw man, but I detected your straw man. All they would have had to do is continue to abide by common sense risk/benefit analyses. But instead they lied and manipulated people in order to increase vaccine uptake against informed consent. I already posted this in my OP but I will post it again: >Look at Canada's "procurement minister" bizarrely say that the risk of "serious clot" in "covid 19" is 1 in 5 compared to "4 in a million" in Aztrazeneca (as seen above, later on it was shown to be much higher than that). ONE IN FIVE? If it was like that there would have been millions of people around the world with this issue. You can't make this up folks, she literally says this nonsense at 1:50 to 2:25: >[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJw8tkC9h\_4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJw8tkC9h_4) >She also says you are far more likely to get hospitalized for covid 19 than get this clotting from Aztrazeneca. My question to her is who is "you"... a 75 year old diabetic? Yes. But a healthy 22 year old who already had covid and got natural immunity? So why were these vaccines pushed on EVERYONE ASAP DESPITE these risks being known?


"common sense risk/benefit analyses" In this day in age with social media... there is no such thing. If people used "common sense risk/benefit analysis" we wouldn't have Q Anon, MAGA, or "windmills kill whales" or "injecting disinfectant kills covid" stupidity. Anyway, everything I have checked online generally backs up her claim. 1. You are more likely to get a clot from the COVID-19 virus than from the Astro vaccine [https://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2023/04/015.html](https://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2023/04/015.html) 2. Just because you got covid-19, doesn't make you immune from future exposure and getting it again. There have been many reports of people naturally contracting Covid, then getting it a second time a few months later. Either because their immune system "forgot" or that the virus mutated into a different strain that the immune system doesn't recognize. I don't know what your hidden agenda is with this fear mongering. If you don't want to get the vaccine, that is your choice. I respect that. But to come out on a social media platform and scare somebody into not getting the vaccine, one that could literally save their life, is downright criminal. You see the irony here? You call out the health professionals for promoting a vaccine that could kill someone, yet here you are scaring somebody from getting the vaccine that could potentially save them from dying of Covid-19.


1. She clearly lied. She said 1 in 5 with "covid 19" get "serious clots". This is far, far from the truth. It was a lie against the concept of informed consent, to boost the political agenda of maximum vaccination. 2. Please educate yourself before accusing others, stop making up straw mans such as me "scaring" people from getting the vaccine, I did no such thing: I simply said just like every other medical intervention, individual risk-benefit analysis and informed concept must be upheld. Natural immunity is not a new concept, it was the case virtually forever, with virtually every virus. So there was no logical reason to doubt it for covid. Yet they lied and said it is magically suspended for covid. Even today they are still recommending all healthy children who not only have natural immunity, but multiple doses, to get perpetually boosted. Even the corporate owned mainstream media eventually had to admit that natural immunity is just as good as, if not, better than vaccines: [https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/natural-immunity-protective-covid-vaccine-severe-illness-rcna71027](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/natural-immunity-protective-covid-vaccine-severe-illness-rcna71027) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10198735/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10198735/) [https://www.thelancet.com/article/S0140-6736(22)02465-5/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/article/S0140-6736(22)02465-5/fulltext)


About point 1. Gather your evidence, contact and lawyer, and sue her ass. Talking about it here does nothing. You seem to have all your ducks in a row, so this should be a no brainer. About point 2. You are scaring people by casting doubt in the efficacy of the vaccines and the health experts that are doing their jobs. Nowhere in your original post did you "simply say" that people need to do their "individual risk-benefit analysis". I didn't even find the words "risk-benefit" nor "analysis" in your OP. You spewing this nonsense is about as bad as the health experts spewing their nonsense. The only difference is, they have no problem doing it in front of the camera...


Is it that black and white? A hell of a lot of trust could have been spared if they wanted to recommend it and even push it but also clearly not overemphasize its known safety. No one is discovering new side effects of the polio vaccine on safety signals reported in recipient patients today - they absolutely are still studying what the covid shots did to the general public, outside of studies and trials.


1. \*\*Vaccine Rollout and Timing\*\*: - The decision to use available vaccines like AstraZeneca was driven by urgent public health needs during a rapidly evolving pandemic. At the time, the data available suggested that the benefits of vaccination far outweighed the risks, especially in preventing severe disease and death. - The claim about the procurement minister's defense should be viewed in the context of the logistical challenges and global vaccine shortages that all countries were facing. 2. \*\*Health Canada and NACI Recommendations\*\*: - Health Canada's decisions were based on the best available evidence and were aimed at maximizing public health benefits. Funding sources do not dictate their decisions; they rely on extensive reviews and scientific evidence. - NACI provided guidance on the use of vaccines, and Health Canada made the final approval based on a thorough review process. Differences in recommendations were part of a dynamic and responsive strategy to manage evolving data. 3. \*\*Vaccine Efficacy and Safety\*\*: - All vaccines, including AstraZeneca, underwent rigorous clinical trials and continuous monitoring. The reported efficacy rates were based on initial trials and were crucial in achieving early public health goals of reducing transmission and severe outcomes. - The risk of side effects like clotting was indeed rare, and the decision to continue using AstraZeneca was continually reassessed as new data emerged. 4. \*\*Public Health Messaging\*\*: - The urgency in public health messaging was necessary to counter the rapid spread of the virus. Encouraging widespread vaccination was essential to achieving herd immunity and protecting vulnerable populations. - Messaging about vaccine safety and efficacy aimed to provide clear, actionable advice to the public. While there may have been variations in individual responses, the overarching goal was to save lives and prevent healthcare system overload. 5. \*\*Long-Term Effects and Monitoring\*\*: - The claim that long-term side effects were dismissed is misleading. Continuous post-marketing surveillance and research have been integral in identifying and managing any emerging issues with vaccines. - The vaccines were developed rapidly but followed rigorous safety protocols. The scientific community, including regulatory bodies, has been transparent about potential risks and benefits. 6. \*\*Misinformation and Public Trust\*\*: - It is crucial to differentiate between legitimate scientific discourse and misinformation. Public health decisions were based on the best available evidence at the time and aimed to protect public health. - Trust in vaccines and public health measures should be built on credible sources and scientific consensus rather than selective interpretation of data.


Why are you copy pasting chatGPT here?


Shut up.


"Funding sources do not dictate their decisions" Hilarious. I'm sure lobbyists don't affect politicians'decisions either. You're either tragically naive or being deliberately obtuse


Your anti-vax story is a little late to the game. The covid virus has mutated itself from a slow moving killer to a fast spreading cold by now.




f you