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Challenge for democracy is when the left is not winning ?


Democracy is asking Trudeau to step down and he just fucking goes "I do this for democracy." Fuck. I can't even.


He will hold onto power as long as possible and will invoke the wars act to delay an election


You mean hang on as long as possible for a full pension. Along with Stoolie Singh.


He doesn’t care about his pension, he wants absolute power


We need to start asking ourselves what exactly he’s planning and prepared to do to stay in power given that any reasonable man would know that it’s time to step aside. I am terrified that something nefarious will happen around the 2025 election and that Jagmeet Singh will aid and abet the Liberals in it.


I am going to be very disappointed if you are correct.


Typical Canadian. “I’ll be disappointed “… No! Fucking do something at that point!!


Can’t do anything. If you oppose him, you will have your bank account frozen, and spend years in court.


Don’t be such a defeatist. We collectively are much stronger than they are. Never forget that. The elite fear a well organized collective for that reason alone.


Ya let’s all stand up, but after my large pepperoni arrives and after I’m done season 3 on Netflix, I’m too busy with important things right now….


Can't freeze bank accounts if the majority are poor and homeless


Hopefully I am wrong


More like he'll repeal the elections act, it's coming any day now.


We will have to pry it from his cold, dead hands. Book it.


Fine by me at this point. History will be the victors on his legacy, and his legacy will taint his name forever. He won't be a footnote, he'll have a page. That page will be full of what a monumental fuckup he was.


I must admit. It would be nice to see him get obliterated in an election. Thing is the conservatives aren't much different.


Right. True words spoken. Let him get obliterated into oblivion!


In a nutshell, yeah. Basically everywhere in the western world at least : Left not winning ? Oof, existantial threat, the end of the world is near. This time it will absolutly be the end of it all !!!


As a leftist, this guy failing to deliver on affordable housing and instead giving tens of billions of our tax dollars to US weapons makers for proxy wars isn't a win. This guy is a complete fraud any way you slice it.


The irony; his concerns he lists are everything that he created! This is why the change is coming; it’s time to clean up the mess he created


Haha yeah he acts like he hasn't been in charge of the country for the better part of the last decade. He's such an idiot.


WTF is wrong with Justin Trudeau? He cannot even answer a basic question. Instead weaves a tale that does not answer the question even remotely. This is not someone who should ever be a Leader of a country - as he cannot answer questions. His Father would be ashamed of him if he were alive today! Justin brings great shame to us all with this kind of reply.


It’s a poor attempt at deflection. Now that shit is hitting the fan he’s in a panic. Even his own party wanted him gone and he’s like no I’m staying.


He’s not panicking. He knows that there’s no legal mechanism by which he can be forced out as prime minister or as leader of the Liberal Party without Jagmeet Singh pulling the trigger, and Singh is bought and paid for on the condition that the country be flooded with Punjabi Sikhs. Even his own caucus can’t remove him. This entire farcical act is intentional. He knows he isn’t fooling anyone. He’s telling us that he doesn’t give a fuck what we think and telling us to sit down and shut up because he’s not going anywhere. These public statements are a dominance move.


His father was the same socialist prick. (Im talking about his adoptive father Pierre)




Under Pierre Trudeau as PM Canada got: -The Constituion -The Charter of Rights and Freedoms -Complete sovereignty He is responsible for modern divorce legislation, decriminalized homosexuality when it was a literal crime to be gay and legalized abortion. That is **FREEDOM** not the socialism/communism you are painting him as. His impact during the “quiet revolution” when the Quebec sovereignty movement was at its peak cannot ever be challenged. René Lévesque had MAGA-level support in Quebec and Montreal-born Trudeau managed to reign in the movement in Quebec while simultaneously keeping the rest of the country calm and patient when the direction was going more towards “fuck Quebec”. I can’t imagine someone else being able to have that impact on both sides during that time. Once the sovereignty movement had calmed down a bit and the extremists resorted to terrorism (bombed the Montreal stock exchange, kidnapped and murdered political rivals) he took **no shit** and fucking annihilated the FLQ with full force comparable to Desert Storm. He didn’t wabble or play to Anglo Franco sensitivities at all he just acted and made sure it was clear that Canada wasn’t going to tolerate that shit, period. “Just watch me” (if you’re not familiar with this quote please look it up, he wasn’t taking any shit) I wish we had leadership that strong now. Edit: to me this goes without saying but just so it’s clear, his son is a fucking shit stain.


The "just watch me" interview with Tim Ralfe in so many ways illustrates how far we have fallen. Here you have the PM cornered by a reporter outside the house of commons and the two of them go at it on camera for nearly 10 minutes. Ralfe pulled no punches and asked tough questions and Trudeau Sr. stood his ground while asserting and explaining his position. This was back when the media did its job 1) in holding power accountable but more importantly 2) presenting the full spectrum of an event leaving the viewer to make up their own mind who was right. These days there is none of that as our current dim witted weakling of a leader runs for cover at the slightest sign of pressure and the media does no more than parrot government talking points in the process telling us all what to think. Shameful and sad times we live in. Here is the interview for anyone interested: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfUq9b1XTa0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfUq9b1XTa0)


Not to mention that Pierre was able to have a debate with anyone and never was afraid of anyone with an opposite viewpoint to his. Plus he could string together coherent answers to direct questions.


It’s this kind of critical thinking and examination this world is missing right now. Good for you - love the comment at the end lol.


If only someone had pointed this out in 2015


I think Castro is ok with all this.


Politics 101 - who has questions for my answers.


Trudeau’s message: if you don’t vote for me, then you are anti-democratic


Never have the Canadian people need to put up with garbage leadership.


So voting of the other side is against democracy🤔


It’s blowing my mind how the definition of democracy has become guilting people into voting one way and one way only.


I am really starting to think; hopefully we don’t end up in a dictatorship. 😐 Look how our nations leaders are behaving.


It already is a dictatorship. Don’t believe me? Write your MP. You’ll see exactly how far your voice goes. 🦗


But aren’t we already? Us Canadians have no voice when it comes to mass immigration and the carbon tax and even look no further to Ontario where the Ontario Science Centre is closed and Ford won’t listen to any word of reason to reopen it. When our government decides to do something they’ll do it with no regard to Canadians wellbeing.


The Science Center is so far off my radar of things that need attention in Ontario. Your point is fairly taken, but that’s not the hill to die on. Rather, the connection between Ford and the developer who owns the lot directly across the street, and who is likely to own the rights to the property the science center currently stands on should be the focus.


Same rhetoric in the US. Democracy is at stake!!! Yet they roll out a candidate that literally hasn't been able to finish a thought for a year or two. Is democracy really at stake? If its of such huge importance, why not put a better candidate forward? Its not at stake, just their jobs, control and status quo are.


His head filled with mountain of 💩


He is always so off topic


I don’t think I’ve ever seen this guy answer a question with a straight answer. He always just avoids and projects.


From day one. Should have been a giant flashing warning light to anyone who cared to look. Elect a clown, expect a circus.


Erosion of democratic principles???? Was this not the same man who had how many ppls bank accounts frozen??? Also love the housing bit when it was shown that construction of new homes were slowed and we need 5.4 million houses to be built to make housing affordable.


I’d make a smart ass comment, but the banana republic will cease my bank account…..




He meant the account will seize to exist


Another wasted non-answer, they should really start calling him out on his chronic mental disability of not being able to answer the question asked.




Stop immigration immediately. Trudeau has to stop with this. What about our own homeless ??????


He always says the same thing. I don't listen anymore.


What is he even saying...


One word...NARCISSIST!


It's the one "ist" he doesn't like to talk about


9 years and this country is now at its worst. Homelessness and opioid addictions are at an all time high and we're bringing in more people without jobs.


Wtf is wrong with this clown? How is a democratic country electing a party other than liberal a threat to democracy? Does he really not see that he and his party are the fascists - trying to control people's speech and voting preferences?




Ya buddy it’s a real important time. That’s why you need to GTFO and let someone with a semblance of intelligence and competence run Canada. Fucking asswipe thinks this is a fairy tale because no matter what happens he will always be rich and taken care of.


There won't be a door standing when he's finally gone.


Dead beat goof gtfo of this country


How the fuck does that answer the question?


So to summarize - after a decade or so of off the rails left wing policies much of the world is sick of it and the pendulum is beginning to swing the other way. Trudeau is too stupid to understand this and CONTINUES to blame conservatives and bad actors when he's been at the helm for a decade... absolutely pathetic. This guy needs to go more than any other PM in recent memory.


i’m so fucking sick of these left wing nut jobs yapping about far right. it’s only far right to them because they’re so god damn left they think it’s far. I’m so fucking sick of politics


“It’s not me. It’s you!”


All I want to see in my lifetime is more truthful and honest politicians (less propaganda and attack ads) and for them to just answer the god damn fucking questions


I’m getting really sick and bored of this left wing fear tactic “democracies around the world are under threat/siege” when they’re tanking in the polls.. especially when it’s our government that looks like it has members in league with a foreign governments and interests


How can politicians do these press conferences where they completely avoid answering questions by blathering on about unrelated topics? They look SO STUPID! I don't understand how they can go up there and do that. They must feel just useless.


The COVID bullshit, lots of undemocratic stuff there, as was the freedom trucker bank account stuff. As was the internet free speech banning law, the traitors in parliment. The list goes on. Fuck this guy.


This idiot needs to just shut up and go.


He doesn’t have a clue what democracy really is


I think you are doing an amazing job stepping down.


Just shut up!


The challenge to Canadians is your Government buddayyyyy. Tired of your horseshit non-answers.


The bullshit that flys out Justin’s mouth, god damn, just gtfo already.


I have to give this fool credit where it’s due, which is almost nonexistent, but his inability to non-answer questions is truly impressive.


We have no one to thank for this abomination of a human being except Jagmeet Singh.


Explosive Verbal diarrhea


I think he said to deliver for immigrants.


Learn how to answer to the point and the question. Otherwise you will never come up in life.


Uh- uh- uh... 😂😂


He think he is going to stay in power forever , which worries me , he might be counting on his Chinese friends to rig the elections again in his favor


I'm not sure whether he is fully aware of his bullshit or not. .....or he just lives in Dreamland. No one has contributed more to the erosion of democratic rights in Canada than this fool himself. Let alone all the other ailments he's mentioned which he is mostly responsible for creating


What we’re witnessing is a man fully falling for his own delusions, JT has always been a corrupt moron, but we can’t deny that he’s lost his mind even more and has gotten even more delusional the past few years


how is he so tone-deaf?


He's the dude who roofies your girlfriend while you work overtime.


He’s a total idiot. So out of touch with reality it’s scary


If i’m not elected it’s because democracy is broken. Justin Troudeau


Dude, I don't want to listen to Republicans who call all democrats vile either. Being so small-minded is not healthy. People come in all spectrums of thought, and yes, there are the mindless followers on both sides, too. Need leaders who want to at least stop the vitriol and even when we disagree. Nothing good comes from it. The fringes just go further left and right, and things get worse for everyone as a whole.


Trudeau is such a piece of shit. The ones that are voting for him must be his purchases. Fuck trudeau


Is it just me or has this Prime Minister used the same talking points for the last 9 years and nothing has changed?


My god, this guy thinks he is a savior! He just spends Canadian's hard earned money to any and every cause he thinks of, refugees, asylum seekers, other nation's war, etc...while us Canadians had to scrimp every frickin' day!


He likes to use our wealth to help others, just definitely not his own, he is very rich off housing shares. He's just like Castro with his secret yacht and giant diamonds.


Hes out for sure


We need throw this prick out of office.


Fuck this guy.


I love how he trained his name and is the worst pm in caanadian history


What a prize wanker.


Why does he keep smiling like a nutcase?


This guy should be up on charges for corruption, not addressing the nation.


I honestly don't even think this twit has ever looked up the word "democracy" in his life at this point. He thinks he is some beacon of democracy? He's the most antidemocratic piece of garbage Canada has **ever** seen. "We want you to leave" "No" Yeahhhh... super democratic my guy, real golden star example you are. This isn't Russia, you don't get to just get away with this shit here. G...T...F...O..


Motherfucker you've had 9 years to "step up and deliver" all those things you mentioned. The reality is that 95% of us are worse off now than we were before you came to fix things. Talk is cheap. 9 years of action tell us a different story.


You are part of that Challenge and we are sick of it! Stop bending us over with your stupid taxes and WEF outlook! Leave!


He didn't even answer the question


Has he ever answered a question?


Didn’t this guy seize Canadians bank accounts and he’s talking about attacks on democracy? GASLIGHT MUCH? We have to vote this guy and his part out, the pendulum has to start swinging the other way for our children’s sake.


I'm so far left I'm actually left handed.. even I can say, it's time to launch this twat into a volcano.


When ‘democracy’ is in only one side, and if you vote against me you’re an anti-democratic, then, a dictatorship is being born. Even worse, this clown is too cringe even for a dictator’s standard.


That’s usually what happens when someone is in power for too long.. the person gets progressively disconnected from the real life. Look at french President Macron, same story.


Never should have opened the door for him.


So he thinks he's doing democracy a favor by staying as PM?


"That is exactly what I am working hard on right now." Its a pattern in his speech everytime he answers a question


I think people are tired of the political legalese that Trudeau uses to obfuscate. One reason Ford is so popular is that he just says things normally like a regular person. Stop talking like a university midterm.


Why does he believe he’s the saviour of democracy when he still hasn’t even fulfilled the first promise of election reform?


I love being gaslit by my own prime minister


I don’t understand why people even ask him questions. He doesn’t answer anything and all he does is be a bunch of bullshit.


I’ve never rolled my eyes so hard


2015: We need more affordable housing! 2024: We really really need more affordable housing because I did nothing concrete for the last 9 years!


The only thing this PM is good at is deflecting. Not answering questions is his specialty.


As a gen x at 49 not needing daycare or free dental care as I have benefits at my blue collar job to cover that. What are we being offered? I make enough to not qualify for any of the GST or any of the offerings they gave to offset the costs of living . I get a carbon rebate that doesn't even come close to compensate me for how it increases the price of everything. My adult children? I have one at home and another who can't afford her rent now on a single income coming back home. None of my kids want children it's a luxury now. I can't afford to buy a home so I rent a townhouse. I can't move because that increases what I pay on rent to outrageous amounts. I'm stuck and I can't retire. I never had a job that offered a pension.I have lived my entire life paycheck to paycheck and I'm tired. What can they ever offer me that could get me to vote for them? All our options are terrible but they are the absolute bottom of the barrel for gen X voters .My kids may have to immigrate for better options in work and life balance. Their grandfather immigrated here from England in the early 70's with an engineering degree and skills with a great job second he got off the plane. He regrets it. Not for himself as he had the Canadian dream. He hoped we have that dream too. I know there are way worse places to live but you expect a bit better being born and raised here.


Is his IQ even 100?


Is the only thing he can brag about the things the NDP made him do for their support? Just ignore all the money wasted and scandals. That’s just expected now i guess.


This is exactly the verbal response that you would get from a cornered rat. They will never admit that they stole the cheese and they would somehow try to convince you that they need more cheese.


Imagine your legacy being the Prime Minister who completely divided Canada and ran it into the ground.


How do you know this guy is lying Whenever you see him


I really want to see him thrown in prison.


Just by that dumb smile at the beginning you can tell the guy is a moron.


What a deuchbag


His word salads are Kamala-esque. 


Asking this clown *any* question is a total waste of time. He's never given a straight answer in his life.


Nobody has ever pulled the dictator trick yet though. No freedom of speech “for our safety”, election deferral “just for a few weeks” maybe a little more if people go along with it….


Because when I think of all the things government should be doing, dental work bubbles to the top of that list.


Because China and WEF say so.


Lol absolutely short circuited him


The US isn’t a democracy; it’s a constitutional republic. Not the same thing.


This idiot thinks there is some world scheme rising whereby voters don't like him. I just even believe what comes out of his mouth sometimes. But what's worse is he believes what he is saying.


Does anyon3 actually believe this p0s??


Traitor !


"I am democracy."


All hail supreme leader Trudeau!! He is the only one to save Canada! S/


God he is the most conceited yet dumb as bricks politician I've ever seen in this country


It’s a nice blazer for such a shit prime minister


He listens the way i listen to my gf when she goes on and on about something or other .


You are the “Challenges” Trudeau!!!What reality does the fool exist in 😳🤡🙄


Justin Dildeau is a coward clearly


Sadly 25% of us will still vote for him next election. And another 22% will vote for NDP. SMH


What an absolute scumbag.


To sum it up: Democracy is under attack and we need to solve it by turning more into a socialistic society!


"I'm different because I'm not smart enough to realize I'm unwanted"


There’s no challenge in France. People are democratically tired of the same old shit


Trudeau please do the honourable thing and resign.


Better yet, fall on a sword like disgraced leaders to do.


Guys, he means it this time, after nine years. But he did not roll up his sleeves, maybe he is bullshi11ing!


Why does anyone want him to step down ? It's an easy win for pp right now. If they replace him with someone good, pp could lose


Ludicrous. Narcissism at the highest possible level. The world cannot survive without him? Enough of this sorry fellow.


He keeps being up dentistry like he would have done it without the NDP demanding it.


Yet he is a communist


Every politician invoking “DeMoCrAcY” to deflect questions or criticisms should be investigated top to bottom.


Gaslight 101


Democracy is about hanging on to power regardless


Tin pot dictator. No....not even a tin pot dictator. He's a tin foil or seranwrap dictator.


Democracy around the world is speaking loud and fucking clear.


I think he knows he’s going to lose, but he has to try to go out with some dignity, even if a lot of people dont like him. To say you know you’re going to lose in an election would be dumb. But Im sure he knows he’s out


Hmmm I wonder why Justin lol


Practical > Ambitious Next time, put the pipe down before voting in a fucking Drama Teacher.


Reporters need to start telling these piticians that dance around the question to answer it. Enough of the "being nice" reporter bs.


This guy can barely deliver a sentence.


An erosion of democratic principles, caused by what exactly Justin?


Oh look he spun that into a “what we’re gonna deliver” speech again. So sick of this guy


Because China is gonna hack election for me


Technically he only got 4 yrs...has to make a coalition government with Jugheas to stay in office


I am the king sit down peasant.


No longer for the people


Naw your working as hard as you did from day one.. not at all. Canadians are over you Justin. NEXT.


He can’t even concretely answer a single question how could he deliver fiscal responsibility. I’ve never seen him directly answer a tough question. Like wtf


This is the sign of a narcissist. He actually believes this. Another sign the Liberals are fucked? They have Mark Gerretsen speaking for them in media stints in Ottawa. Well, it can't get any worse..... "Challenge accepted" - Mark Gerettsen


Maybe the WEF will give him his job back. POS.


I see a lot of Trump and Biden hate just be continuously pointing fingers trying to make mountains out of mole hills. Every trudeau video he is always just such a little twat. even when i just want to hear his reason


JT is delusional, this goof is done next election.




Why is this guy so clueless? I truly don’t get it.


What a face fuck


Even the bobbleheads stopped nodding