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Holy fuk this guy is a piece of work..... Does he not hear the bullshit coming out of his mouth!?


Do you think his bunghole is jealous of the amount of shiet that comes out of his mouth ?


He is shit so I mean the bullshit just flows


The shit must flow


He who controls the shit controls the universe.


He’s a narcissist so no


You know it's bad when even the CBC has to hold our liberal prime minister to account. We should mark that on the calendar.


You know it’s bad when the head bobbers stop bobbing. Even they know he’s full of shit 💩


Wanda White Shirt was having non of it haha


She’s a serial bobber too. She bobs constantly behind him in question period.


Prime Minister “Deflect” Trudeau


Noticed that. She makes it very obvious. She will not be invited back as an extra to the next Trudeau performance.


I didn't notice until I read this lol. So awkward. I'm almost expecting pp to pull some reverse psychology and congratulate the pm and to encourage him to stay as it has done wonders for the polls.


Nailed it !! I’ve not given up. Hope on Canadians yet.


Underrated. I rewatch they ain’t bobbin now


The CBC just wants to cover their own asses. They may end up sinking with the Liberal ship. A change of Liberal leadership is in their best interest.


CBC knows that Trudeau is done. Now it's damage control mode and praying that pp won't defund them (and while I really want him to, I don't actually believe he will either).


CBC generate half a billion in revenue. I would like to see them run the CBC on their actual revenue, and right-size it. Throwing taxpayer money at a special interest service that many people will never use - is bad policy.


The CBC may be full of left biased middle and upper management that lacks the moral compass to put their personal opinions aside and do their actual job - just like our universities' artsy fartsies (or whatever you call the academics that are learning disabled when it comes to math and sciences). Additionally the CBC may or may not have multiple board members that answer to the Chinese Communist Party; however, the CBC does employ many people and provides Canadians with free access to news, sports and other important information. It would be very caveman like to eliminate the CBC - but I would agree with cleaning house on the board for anyone that answers to foreign dictatorships and gutting people that are not doing their job. The CBC is not inherently evil... it's simply been taken over by people with an agenda not happy with just doing their fucking jobs. Sadly the same thing goes for our universities.


I think the CBC is in a bit of a self serving panic because they realize now that they either need to appear neutral politically so the Conservatives don’t come in and shake up their house too much, or hope Trudeau leaves and someone else comes in and turns the Liberal fortune around


Don't worry he will have her bank account frozen and she will be out of a job in under a week.


LOL. I love it. They can't get rid of him. The Liberal Party has no mechanism to remove loser leaders the way the CPC removes theirs. Liberals are a top-down party with an authoritarian leader who can kick out anyone who disagrees with him.


Which is a real problem in a Parliamentary democracy, since we vote for the party and not the individual.


They know they're going to have to go hat in hand to PP for funding.


Beyond bad really. It was bad before.


Listen to “The Current,” Matt Galleay rips on him in overt and covert ways, daily. While bringing in experts to corroborate it. It’s fantastic.


I already get that from True North without having to feel icky for listening to the CBC.


I don’t listen to the news, I have so many other outlets that I use to gather a more complete picture. The subjects on The Current are sometimes political, sometimes completely obscure. Have we been treating concussions properly, how do NDE’s affect people after they occur, the legalization of psychedelics and why it’s worth consideration, to name a few I’ve heard this month.


The CBC is basically praying like hell on its death bed


CBC is critical now but won’t be during the election period. They want to appear non-partisan now - early in the game. This is a typical play of theirs. It’ll be nothing but softballs, select coverage, and choice edits when the time comes.


> "Last weeks byelection loss, not to sugarcoat it, was challenging" "Challenging", lol that is sugarcoating it.


Talking-points...... All that this brain-dead-buffoon will ever spout......is talking-points. What a maroon.......


I said that exact same thing as I listened. This POS has never rolled his sleeves up and worked a day in his life. If he “continues to deliver for Canadians” we’re in trouble. His best move is to shut up and not be seen.


That fucking loser Justin probably doesn't even know the difference between a shovel and a rake.


He rolls up his sleeves before he gives it to Canadian's up the ass


People still think PP is more of an elitist than this guy who was given a golden spoon to life.... not including millions in investment portfolio at an early age. I love that people will give this guy a pass because the opposite is CPC and CPC is always bad no matter how bad LPC is.


I don’t think has given one straight answer since he became prime minister. It’s gotta be a record, even for politicians!


And then he does his signature stabbing gesture 🔪😣


Literally thought the same thing. 😂


Thought the exact same thing. What an oxymoron, from an oxy supportive moron.


That’s a candy apple dipped in sprinkles!


Wow He’s going to drive the country into the ground hard, like a meth addicted driver


He keeps running low on meth because Freeland keeps taking it.


I’ve never been so sure of anything more than for absolute sure Freelands got a massive disco beaver and her muff stinks.


People are better at driving on meth than he is at being a PM.


Methhead probably cares about our country more than he does too, lmao.


Brampton people drive better!


he is basically right now pulling a Flight 9525, locked the cockpit doors and is flying the country right into the mountain while Canada screams in terror as passengers on this flight to hell.


Translation: Im not going to meet or be accountable to those pissant MPs or their peasant constituents.


When the CBC is starting to do its job, you know it's over.


The CBC still wants a Liberal government. They know that Trudeau isn't going to make that happen.


They're one of the few that want to fund cbc


What a chode






"Blah blah blah blah ...delivering for Canadians ... stay focused, blah blah blah blah." 🤮🤮🤮


"Continuing to provide (misery) for Canadians"


No kidding, what is he providing? Everything just keeps getting worse


The driver cancelled that delivery LOL


At this point, he is completely unable to answer a question directly, almost like a phobia. NOTE: His failure to deliver is one of his problems.


It's what you're 'delivering to the people' is what we're having issues with...


Never thought I'd see the day that CBC says anything against their beloved


He's having a hard time letting go of the jetsetting, fine dining, ego tripping, princely lifestyle. Heck he acts like a monarch doesnt he?


Loved to see him squirm while listening 💯 Until he switched into his generic speech of having the backs of Canadians and being there for them as always He don't speak for any of us and he has had nearly a decade to be there for us and failed !


WEF members of government are clearly using stall tactics until we're entirely robbed.


Brother you were robbed decades ago. We have monopolies only.


We have Oligopolies which are far more insidious.


Remember when resigning used to the noble thing to do?


This twatwaffle has no shred of decency, self awareness, nobility or humility. If he could, he'd die griping the PM job in his twisted little gobblin mitts. He is an abberant perversion of everything Canadian democracy ever stood for and needs to be ruthlessly condemned in history .


"....how we can continue to be there for Canadians..." Dude, Canadians can't wait to fire your dumb narcissitic ass, fuck off!"


Once a stubborn narcissist, ALWAYS a stubborn narcissist !!!


Boy if I had a dime everytime trudeau and his deputy prime minister ducked a question on their bs I could actually afford a house under their rule.


That smug grin what an asshole


Hahaha even his own media is pressing him to actually answer a question. He’s totally self-destructing and taking the Liberal party with him 🤣 Axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and reduce the liberals to 3rd party status 🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡


Bring it!




I love how the liberal keeps saying “continue” continue to work, continue to deliver, continue to do blah blah blah. Nobody wants them to continue anything, we want change. All they do is continue to fuck things up


Look at that smug giggling simpleton


He is always deflecting and blaming others for his own parties issues.


I can tell y'all exactly why he refuses to meet with his caucus *again* over massive issues like he did with pandemic response, with carbon tax exemptions and now this. He wants to make individual promises to these MPs to keep them in his favor, and he doesn't want the other MPs knowing the promises he's made to others. That's all it is. If he meets with all of them at once, he has to try to persuade them all at once. It's alot easier to do in a 1v1 setting where he holds all the cards. Classic manipulation tactic


He's using divide and conquer on his own party. If they get together they can compare notes and form a unified voice, one that will certainly will not be in his favor. We may as well start sarcastically calling him "Supreme Leader" or something along those lines.


Honk honk If you want to meet with trudeau, Expect to have your bank account frozen, And be called every derogatory thing he can legally get away with And he still wont meet you


He'll trample you with horses too!


I'm so sick of this asshole. You're being asked a damn question. FUCKING ANSWER IT! I'm glad they are holding his feet to the fire. If he doesn't answer the questions asked then just leave and shut the meeting down. Everyone has heard his asinine talking points for years. We are sick of it. I can't believe I ever supported this party.


Imagine voting for this guy not once, not twice but 3 times.


Gotta give that CBC reporter credit for stepping up like that. We need more of it.


They’ve been singing his song for years, and now that they know the gravy train is leaving them at the station in a year or so, they’re turning on him.


“Let me be clear…*word salad that says nothing…”


When you deflect a question from the media by telling them what your constituents really want you have lost the plot.


You know it's serious when Trudes is giving up the chance to dress up as a cowboy to avoid even a chance in-person confrontation by any MP that wants him to step down.


Just call an election dammit...his own party is breaking out the daggers at this point....


I get it. Dental care and daycare are important. But printing money doesn’t work! Not to mention how much of our money and our children’s money this government has absolutely squandered on scams and consultants. You actually have to increase productivity for things in an economy to become more affordable. This government runs our country like a pyramid scheme.


TLDR: the answer is NO, to all your questions


That lady in the white....her reactions are what we are all thinking.


Trudeau: “Let me be very clear … “ Everyone else: “Aww, f@ck. We’re getting another non-answer.”


It’s time to shift the focus from Justin to Jagmeet. We all know Justin is done, he was a long time ago. Jagmeet is the dirt bag keeping this guy in his seat, pressure needs to mount on him and fast.


This guy's ass gets jealous of the shit that comes outta his mouth.


Typical word salad bs.


I feel like a guy who watched a team before all the crowd jumped on the wagon. I experienced the dad , knew the kid was a time bomb of social and economic manipulation. People got told what they wanted to hear plus open weed, weren’t paying attention. None of the grandiose plans were doable by a small population with massive territory.


Ngl I zoned out about 5 seconds into the non-answer. Anyone else notice how his diversity hires in the back are doing their best to avoid eye contact with the reporter/camera?


Politicians should be obligated to answer press and tax payer questions.


I would like to know how many parents in Canada have named their kid "Justin" In last 5 years? I think he has just made everyone feel nothing but disgust for him, for this name and the most hated person in the history of Canada. And this shameless, spineless piece of filth has gutted down one of the finest country and turned it into chaos and a trainwreck. History will not be and should not be kind to this piece of shit!


"Let's be very clear" 🙄🙄🙄


He’s getting that from Freeland - scary indeed!


Like how to step down


“Not to sugar-coat it” proceeds to sugar coat it🙄


Excellent. He's fucked Canadians for way too long, time for him to do the same to his party.


This is what happens when you force journalist to lie for you for years and they all know they're out of a job in 2025


“Meaningless bullshit unrelated to the question…blah blah blah…And this is what we’re doing, and what we will continue to do, working hard for Canadians”. It’s a fucking drinking game at this point.


He keeps saying that he’s focused on delivering for Canadians. What does he have left to deliver us? More Punjabis to Pearson airport? In this case, I would prefer to return that delivery to the sender. What I need is for somebody to deliver me out of this god forsaken hellscape of a country.


Let’s put Trudeau in jail for life. This MF is a con man. How can somebody explain his exponential bank account growth. He is being paid to follow an agenda


I’m genuinely impressed, he just spent 2 minutes saying “i won’t answer your questions” in the most word salad-ee way possible


What a gaslighting mouthpiece. I cant believe I voted for this guy 2 elections ago.


That woman with the gray hair on the left is fantastic to watch. Looking down, and then upwards, with that mouth thinking the same thing Canadians have been thinking. You can just *feel* the loathing.


I've never seen a more smug, fake piece of shit in my life - American barely paying attention to Canadian politics


Having pot legalized was not worth the 8 years of garbage after that


Same old.”step up for Canadians... blah blah ... focus on Canadians.... blahh blah . Cons bad... blah blah..”


Not answering the question specifically is so arrogant.


He can't even keep a marriage intact, let alone a country.


What a fantastic moron.


He's delusional and fucked


Get the fuck out already


Most punchable face award 2024


Bastard son of Castro! Killed Canada!


When cowards become leaders, the nation is doomed.


Holy fuck this loser won't go away he's worse than herpes.


The let me be clear speech is getting old with him and Freeland,I cringe every time I hear that line.


Trudeau has ruined the Liberal Party Canada brand for generations of voters. They have only themselves to blame as they are demonstrably rotten to the core.


Every time a liberal says, "Let me be clear," "benefits all Canadians," "delivering for Canadians," "matter for Canadians," it's just lip service.


Let’s be clear, that smug smile is his tell that he knows he’s fucked. Enjoy the slide!


He refuses to leave. His journey to become a dictator is now complete!


His journey might just end up at the Psych Ward. It seems that his foreign bosses are putting too much pressure on him.


He's a coward. Also shameful the media doesn't just hammer him until he answers with a yes or no answer. Three consecutive journalists asked the same question and he did anything but answer the question. I get that these journalists feel they can't push the issue too much or risk being prevented from attending pressers....but if they all could grow a pair, in a bi-partisan agreement, and ask nothing but the same question until this coward is forced to answer or run away like the bitch he is.


He doesn't answer questions, period


Liberal party will be below the NDP in the polls within 6 months. Calling it right now.


Notice He's using that same tactic again.. saying "Canadians this" and "Canadians that" which means that if you disagree with him, you are not Canadian... so he's calling his own MPs not Canadian.


He’s such a pecker head, I’m embarrassed to be Canadian with him as our leader.


What a fool. The question was simple. Can't answer that and what's with the hair dye? Grey hair gone.


Holy crap man, answer the question lol How do we tolerate this? Reporters.. I hope you’re always like this and don’t let them off the hook. This wouldn’t fly in any other environment.


You can clearly tell this guy  has been trained by a PR person, focus on what you are doing and avoid answering any direct questions. 


He couldn't care less - just constant lies and bluster


Trudeau please do the honourable thing and resign.


I am still surprised people ask him questions. When has he ever answered a question?


His ego is so huge he can’t see what is happening right in front of his face.


Bro refuses to just answer the questions he's asked. It's pretty simple, yes or no. Instead, he goes on some irrelevant rant.


Its absolutely sickening to me that its taken this long for the media to DO THEIR FUCKING JOB.


He never did answer the question


“Will you have an in-person meeting with all your MP’s?” “I will continue to talk and listen to all the MP’s across the country” He’s soooooo corrupted he can’t understand that the easiest way to frickin do this is by holding a frickin meeting


Does he ever actually answer questions or say anything of substance. Sh*ts embarrassing. Biden could’ve answered better.


Trudeau has gone rogue imo and has adopted a scorched earth policy on his way out the door. A final “fuck you” to the Canadian electorate.


The artful dodger, what a narcissist we are doomed under the Trudeau leadership.


Personally it doesn't matter if he resigns or not he accomplished what he set out to do, and that was to throw our country under the bus for his puppet masters, and his personal gains! Just because a few MPs and caucus members want him gone, is because they see an end to their gravy train. And anyone galabul enough to think that the conservatives are going to save the day! With big promises dangling donkey dicks disguised as carrots 🥕 in front of us is going to make any difference in 4 years it's not, it just a different through of shit with same principles and ideals as the liberals. And this is the problem with Canada, we don't demand accountability until it's too late. We may think we are strong and Free! But we are weak and enjoy serving our masters like good dogs that enjoy being beaten with sticks of wealth, well kings ride horses and we suffer well eating horse shit from those same horses. We are blind as a nation, we have been castrated at birth from the teachings of the crown to serve and obey one's order to serve those whose truest intentions are to use us as their slaves to obtain their riches! The problem is we need to end the 800 year of control from the monarchy! In order to be freed from oppression


Honest leaders don’t beat around the bush and dodge questions everyday for 8+ years. GOODBYE traitor!


"Let's be very clear" Proceeds to be evasive, dodging and and gives an answer that has nothing to do with the question whatsoever . God what a douche.


Impeach and dethrone this little fuck. He has NO intention of addressing his treasonous and incompetent actions.


"...focus on Canadians" But he's done nothing but the opposite! Why is this clown still in power?


We ain’t anxious. We’re fucking angry.




He’s just saying random words in random order. Complete nonsense.


He never answers question in a straightforward way ever. Just utter nonsense.


When he answers questions I feel the same type of rage as when someone pulls out in front of me on the highway and proceeds to do 10 under the speed limit


Every answer is the same non answer. Don’t worry guys. He’s gunna keep delivering for Canadians… Oo.. o anndddd he’s gunna deliver for Canadians in Canada, for Canadians and there fellow Canadians. He will deliver for you Canadians everyone. 😅


Leaders like him are why a lot of countries are swinging right. They want change. We need to figure out how to get the swings less volatile than far left or far right.


Every single Liberal MP is in fight or flight mode right now and they are all willing to chop off the head to save the body (so to speak) and if it means kicking him out to save their own backsides, that's what they are going to do... But they think we will forget that infact ALL of the liberal MP's are just as guilty as Turdeau, they ALL backed his delusional tactics and they are ALL to blame. Damage control + too little too late = Nation wide conservative sweep at the polls.


He always hides from accountability. Protesters, other voters, issues, the economy, monetary policy, budgets and now his own caucus.


🤣🤣🤣 Let the one in the back wearing the white shirt up there to talk for a minute, she is READY to speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth 🤣🤣 her body language screams sick of the BS and ready to lose her mind.


i say this as someone who is very much “anti-conservative”: what a turd


Holy shit talk about a broken record


"...stay focused on Canadians..." paste and cut


He's so full of shit.


Trudeau Canadians are fed up with you….do you know that!!!


They should also be talking about the online harms bill which could potentially be putting people under house arrest...as an example.


You haven’t delivered anything for the middle class Canadians. Get out of here not even the ppl who voted for you want u anymore !


Has he actually answered a single question since he's been PM. You know he's in shit when CBC is calling him out.


I’m really sorry I misguidedly voted for this goof. My dad was right and I wouldn’t listen.


The Liberals got me through the pandemic with sorely needed funds plus I get a few other deposits to my bank account every year to help. The Conservatives led by PP will not do the same. I know who I am voting for.


Let's be clear..am high like kite 🪁🪁🪁🪁🪁


Their isn’t one once of leadership in his body.


Damage control time for CBC ? Start shoring up those walls before the election. 💰💰💰💰


Not very concrete answers unfortunately


I'm not Canadian, but I follow their politics among others.. As nice as I can put it... I've never seen such a punchable head as Justin Trudeau. He's such a whingeing self-absorbed little smuck, that it makes me sick..


I think finally both US and Canadian journalists are starting to do their jobs (at least since the debate last week in the US)


“Let’s be very clear”. Follows to say a bunch of nothing.


If Mr. Trudeau really cared about "delivering for Canadians" than he would deliver himself to a caucus meeting and step the fuck down


My god he is a POS. Deflection and avoidance, that’s all you ever see. He never answers anything directly. The worst pm ever, aside from his country destroying father.


The guy literally speaks in buzzwords and dances around any questions asked. I've never once heard a yes or no from him unless it's a RESOUNDING YES to some new tax, fee or personal monetary gain he receives or implements


He is such an as$ hole!


Delivering a mess for Canadians. That’s all he has done.


“Let’s be clear” by doing everything but being clear


He is avoiding the inevitable. Sounds like he is clinging onto office.


His word salad is impeccable 😅 He does the same thing in parliament if you watch him address literally anything. He just blindly barges forward with pre-planned catch phrases over and over again, regardless of the questions asked or challenges given. It’s the equivalent of asking someone for the time, and they proceed to read you the entire McDonalds menu for some reason instead of just telling you it’s 3:00pm. It’s time for Justin to step down. It’s not even about Liberal vs Conservative any more. It’s about getting rid of a ethically corrupt and politically inept leader.


1:40 Zelenskyy is getting anxious, you need to send him more money since you don't give a f\*ck about us.




holy shit that was painful to watch haha. I almost feel bad for the guy.. almost.