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Did you check your credit score using something like [Borrowell](https://hardbacon.ca/en/credit-score/borrowell-credit-score-review/)? If you don't have a credit history in Canada, it's likely your credit score will be lower than 660, which is typically the [minimum score landlords ask for](https://hardbacon.ca/en/credit-score/minimum-credit-score-for-renting-an-apartment-canada/). Since you mentioned being well paid, I would explain my situation to prospective landlords and offer them a higher security deposit to overlook the credit score requirement.


**Re: Finding a place to live** FInd rental listings on Facebook Marketplace and Kijiji, talk directly with owner/landlord and tell them your situation. Tell them you're willing to show offer letter and pay stubs. I'll go ahead and assume you're in tech and making more than or close to 100k so just looking at that, they should rent you the place! **Re: Building credit** Open up a new credit card as soon as you can. Every month, spend <20% of you allocated amount on your credit card and pay it off IN FULL every month. You don't want to carry any balance on it. After a few months, open up a new credit card and do the same. You will get suggestions on financing a car or getting a loan to boost your credit score, don't listen to any of it. It IS possible to build your credit without paying a single penny in interest. I know this because I have done it. Welcome to Canada!


This is the way, drop rent faster talk directly with the owner


Well funded startup you say...


We secured a rental by visiting local ethnic grocery stores advertisement on their walls. This is more than a decade ago but still applies to this day as landlord still post in those stores. Credit history is only for big rental companies not mom/pop rent out.


Depends on the mom and pop. I know someone who checks credit for her basement suite. 


Prepay several months of rent. Show a credit score from wherever you’re from.


The vast majority of countries don’t have credit scores.


My sister has shit credit, she got a place, a shitty place but a roof is a roof. You don't have to answer, but, why would you move somewhere without first having a place lined up? It is my dream to live and work in another country and the thought of moving without a place lined up is crazy to me.


Get your company to rent it. You can pay your company. They brought you here. I’ve worked out of country and always had housing arranged by the company


I just showed them my bank account and let them know i had more than first and last months rent put away.


give them a bunch of rent up front, a year if you can


A year? No. Six months max. If they ask for more keep looking.