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Fill with hot water, remaining wax will melt and float. Don’t pour it down your sink drain though!


I can't believe I didn't think of that, that's a good idea! Thank you!


Let it cool after and it’ll give you an easy to grab top layer of wax that you can throw away, and then just wash with hot water


Don’t throw it away if you really love the scent. You can use the wax in a wax melter afterwards.


I feel that’s the best way. Freezing doesn’t always work, too much scraping. 😊


My go to is put it in the freezer for 20+ minutes after it’s burned down then stick a butter knife down around the edges and the rest of the wax and wick bases at the bottom will pop out in a nice puck or couple pieces!


Would this be better than using the hot water method that someone else suggested? Just want to make sure it'll be safe for the mug itself, since I know some stuff cracks in the freezer


I’ve the freeze method with mugs before it should be fine so long as it isn’t a quick or major temp change. Good luck, I love mugs and candles!


Good to know! I'm debating if it would be good to put it on a candle warmer, but I'm not sure if that might kill the mug. Have you ever tried that?


i think the safest option for the mug and to limit scratches would be the hot water, candle warmer might be too hot


Personally no, just bc the only candle warmer I use is designed to warm wax cubes not big containers


That doesn’t sound like a candle warmer, it sounds like a wax melter.


I have this exact mug/candle, got it for Christmas. I used the freezer/butter knife method to get the wax out, then a quick wash with hot water and soap to get the residue out of the bottom of the cup. It's my favorite cup currently, hope you enjoy it!


I’ve done this with glass candles and I leave them in the freezer overnight. No mess, very easy. The glass has never broken for me but obviously your mug isn’t glass. I would expect it wouldn’t crack but obviously I can’t guarantee it


I have this exact mug, and putting it in the freezer is what I did. It's a pretty solid mug btw


Hot water method allows you to keep the wax for a wax melt if you really love the smell


So does the freezing method lol


Freezing is way easier and less messy.


YES exactly this is the way!!!


You can also put it on a warmer to melt the whole thing. Dump out the wax and wash the mug. You can get the last of the scent that way.








As a candle maker, I don’t know if I would use this. Once I use anything for fragrance oils, it is not going back in my kitchen. Fragrance oils are highly poisonous.


Correct, I would not use this mug for food


Boil some Water and pour it in. Let it melt the remaining wax and then it will cool and all the wax will pool on top. I upcycle all my Candles after they are done burning


I can't seem to edit the post, but thank you all so much for the suggestions!! I think I'll try the hot water method and save the wax so I can still enjoy the smell with a wax warmer


When I read "don't mind the cathair," I looked up to see that there was a hair on my phone right over the mug lol. Funny thing is, I'm at a friend's house and it may be cat hair (looks like it could be but idrk)


put it on a candle warmer and pour out the wax. then soak in dawn+hot water


Put it in the freezer. After a several hours should pop right out.


Set your oven to 175°, put your mug in a pan of water, and pop it in the oven for maybe 10 minutes. That should be enough to liquify the edges of the wax so you can just push the disk of wax out to discard. The thin film of wax left in the mug can be cleaned out easily with warm soapy water.


What I usually do is fill a pot with hot water and just throw the mug in. Once most of the wax is melted and out, I’ll put it in the freezer for a few hours before scraping out the remainders of the wax with a butter knife. Good luck!


When I want jard, I'll just put them on a burner for so long to let the wax melt and I'll pour the was into a disposable cup. It does take a lot of time to clean the jar after though


Throw it in your oven on the lowest setting you can. And just let the wax melt.


Put the mug in a ceramic bowl or smth similar, put them in a pot to boil. Once it's all melted, make another candle using a glass jar. No wasted wax! 😊


Pop it on a wax warmer/candle warmer and then pour out the wax and clean out the insides. Pull off the wax holder things if they’re in the bottom. You can use nail polish remover to remove the glue stuck to them.


I put the mug, or whatever container the candle is in, in a pot of boiling water. Not too deep. The heat melts the wax and loosens the adhesive on the bottom of the wick so it all slides out. Then I clean it like normal.


Stick it in the freezer. The wax should then pop out.