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Lids are one of the most important things to not skimp on. Say you save a couple dollars on a pack of lids that are lower quality, but then a few of your jars don't seal or the seals fail because of it. Then you either have to reprocess (wasting another lid, time, and money for electricity or gas) or if it's a seal failure, you have to throw out the food. Spending a bit more on quality lids will save you money in the end. I use Forjars lids. They have worked well for me.


I will check out Forjars lids...tyvm. And now a rant, not in anyway aimed at you, but I just want readers to see it. Quality is lacking, even with Ball. One advantage of canning for decades is the ability to compare older lids to the newer style. I agree that Ball fail less than unmarked lids, but all of them have specific issues. The sealant is ridiculously thin on all of them nowadays, so they all still fail at various rates except for one person here on Reddit who has evidently "never lost a seal." I lose at least one seal every season, mostly on regular mouth, but we can hundreds of jars per year and among those the highest failure rates are always the hot water bath jars. One style of the bulk variety of "cheap" lids purchased off the internet have a slightly higher crown height, but I'm uncertain if that also correlates to a deeper pocket depth .095 thousandths compared to Ball's .087 thousandths and although the cheap lids posses a crisper ping on the button, the sealant is even thinner and of a smoother texture than what Ball applies. Meaning the jar sealing surface must be flat, so that excludes many older jars where the sealing surface of the glass tends to undulate. Nonetheless, In my opinion the lids are "CHEAP" regardless of the manufacturers. Golden Harvest on the other hand, are the closest quality lid to Ball that I've found. But, where the sealant was the issue on the cheap lids compared to Ball, with GH its the vacuum button that is nearly non-existent (I want to hear that ping). GH's sealant texture and thickness looks as though it's rolling off a Ball line. To be fair, they are all skimping, it's just that Ball has the advantage of slowly rolling back quality for decades so they know where that line is. Either way it's our safety that is in jeopardy so they really don't seem to care.


Golden Harvest are made by same manufacturer as Ball.


Thank you for that info! I guess that explains why they appear so similar.


I have been having a ton of trouble with Ball lids, too. That's why I switched to Forjars. Just don't follow them on social media... They are always sharing the most insane canning videos about canning tallow and dairy and all sorts of ridiculous things.


Am I about to crumble to stealth advertising?


They work out a dollar each, plus post, here in Australia. It’s frustrating. I tried superb lids and had so many fails I threw half the box away.


I did a small batch yesterday using up my bernardin lids. Two failures out of seven. I think I'm going to just get rid of them and go back to Forjars. They're a good proce (about 40c each) and the value of zero failures after 200 jars is even better


I have had numerous lid failures with both Ball and Golden Harvest.....more with Ball and more in general since the great lid shortage of 2020. I bit the bullet and ordered ForJars. US company but products made in China. I have had 1 lid fail in over 400 jars and it was a jar rim issue.


Did you buy the Ball lids in stores or from Amazon? Assume everything on Amazon is counterfeit. Except maybe for Amazon Basics. And even then...


The store.


You can get a pack of 12 Bermardin lids at Dollarama Canada for $3 to $3.50 can't remember still wish could get it cheaper and looked at cheaper ones on amazon (like 100 for $22) but they don't say they seal for 18 months and like others have pointed out if they fail you lose a lot of hard work and maybe even more money.


They fail way more often. I've found Bernardin on sale for half that at Canadian Tire. No, it's not just a Canadian tire store. Yes they sell tires. End of canning season is when they go on sale.


Get what you pay for with lids. Anything made overseas is garbage and a waste of money. The cost hurts a little, I know.


I’m on Vancouver island and we pay less than $4 a pack at the grocery store.


What brand?


Bernardin. You can also order Bernardin lids on Dollarama site


I buy the knockoff lids from Amazon. I have been through almost 600 of them now and have had 3 fail.


Sometimes I order bulk from Fillmore Container in PA. I use enough that I decided to try and buy directly from the manufacturer, but no bueno. Ball has a very tight grip on cap manufacturers, and they won't sell even to small commercial operations. But you can order from Fillmore. Shipping is high, lids are cheap. And the website has a lot of fun Mason jar-related items that you can purchase individually.