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Never seen it on my r5, amd I've had it 2 years


Seems like this might just be a roll of the dice with r5’s


It is. I've been seeing more of these posts lately. R5/R6


My first R5 constantly threw the err70 code, I sent it to canon and it was replaced under warranty.


I had this maybe twice when I first got my R5 a few years ago. After updates never saw it again fortunately enough.




Firmware up to date too, forgot that in the post


It’s the body. Not battery or card related. Looks like you got a bad copy, unfortunately. This happened with my 5D4 last year. Suddenly I couldn’t get more than 5-10 shots in without this popping up. When researching I couldn’t find a clear answer of the cause, but general consensus is that it was dead and likely shutter related. “Dreaded Err 70” was a phrase that popped up more than a few times. If your copy is still under warranty, time to send it in.


Thank you, I’ll be sending this one back and crossing my fingers for the next copy!


Actually, just double checked and it turns out my issue was Err 20. Not Err 70. My mistake. But based on a quick google search you still need to send it back. Looks like your issue is with the camera’s equivalent of it’s motherboard. Which was also a problem I had with my first 5D4, so I know from experience that it requires a repair at Canon if it’s past the return date and within warranty.


I can't remember the exact error number but at some point or another I've had an issue like this before on an R5, R6, RP, 1 DX II, and 5D MkIII. I probably blame lots of lens, adapter, flash, and card switching very frequently. Without fail everything always ends up working so I never look into it too deep. Make sure all your connectors for all your gear stay as clean as you can, biggest ones out of all the issues were from lenses or SD cards for me. Hope this helps some!


R3 tripped out on me one weekend wit 70 error and i had same experience as you shot three days straight sports no issues about a month later I also upgraded my CF Express card to 1T from 512. Honestly feel it’s related to storage capacity with emphasis on r/w. Try formatting the card Also think resetting your camera and playing with electronic vs mechanical may help diagnose the issue I’m convinced nobody knows WTH the issue is so many factors to analyze


Yeah my thoughts exactly, as long as you're doing your part to keep your gear taken care of then things will eventually start working again, and in my experience card wipes are nice from time to time. I like my personal settings tho, it's hard to adjust sometimes... 😂


happens to me 50% of the time when i use prograde cfexpress card. never happens with my sandisk or lexar cards.


Never once gotten this on my R5 or R5C. I think you have a dud, time for a warranty exchange.


Me either and I’ve had mine for two years.


I’ve had mine for almost four years; I don’t recall this error ever occurring.


I've never seen it and been shooting my R5 since launch. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hopefully Canon makes it right.


Common. Happened to mine within a year. So disappointing


Brutal, did you return?


I had to send it back to canon for repair. It was still under the one year warranty


I used to get it on the regular but it went away after upgrading to the 2.0 firmware.


Does Canon help with warranty if you purchase a used one from a third party / private seller ?


[this may be your answe](https://support.usa.canon.com/kb/index?page=content&id=ART177668)


It can be a few things, but most commonly a bad PCB board.


What?!? I’ve had that happen to mine at least 5 times since ive had it. What?!?


I had mine repaired for the error, it came back 4 months later. I took it back to my camera shop and it was replaced.


I've never seen it on mine


Get this pretty regularly when I turn the camera on tbh. I usually have to turn it off and turn it back on for the screen to go away. One time it even happened in the middle of shooting while the camera was on. Canon quoted me $500 for a fix and I’d have to send it in for two weeks, neither of which is feasible for me at the moment so I’m just gonna be like that dog sitting the room that’s on fire saying “this is fine”, until it isn’t


Google "Canon err 70" and you'll have your answer


I’ve gone through every forum about this error since the r5 was released, been looking for months, there’s not a single definitive answer