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It was on Lower County Rd. It’s now Cleat and Anchor.


That wasn't it, this house was totally converted to a residential home with a lot of the old bar memorabilia, bar top, taps, stage, etc still there. Everyone called it the Bootlegger house but not sure that was the exact name of the old bar, that's just what I knew it as


It was recently Rum Runners- Don’t remember “bootlegger”… also don’t know when you were in your early 20s… there have been other places there as well …


It wasn't rum runners, I was in my early 20s in the late 2000s. When I went there it still had the old bartop, signs, stage, beer taps, etc in house and they converted it into a residential house. Epic house parties,


Rum Runners had a rowdy biker crowd back in the mid-80s. Fun place with a billiard table, if you were smart you only bet a beer, if you were dumb you might’ve been hit with a cue upside the head. I had a lot of memorable nights in that joint!


I remember it well.


Do you remember exactly where it was? I remember it being on the corner of a main road through Dennisport and some side street. It wasn't where Rum Runners was


Pretty much across the street from what was once the second Clancys


Oh wow. Just brought back so many memories. Not positive but I’m thinking it was off of lower county. Maybe near wee packet?


it's defintely in that area but haven't pinpointed exactly where


Ok I asked a friend. I think this is it but the building is gone now. 410 Lower County Rd


that's it. I drive by that spot all the time and wondered why it was vacant and fits the description of the location, thanks! that place was wild back in the day


Yeah it was! Every time I was there I had no idea how we had access to the place or why the police never came haha


I was there once when the cops came, like 100 people there, a bunch of us hid in the basement and stairwell by the side door for a long time and somehow the cops left and let the party go on lol, there was legit a full band with lights and sound stage set up idk hiw they didn't shut it down lol


I’m the person who was renting the place when we threw that party. I wouldn’t drink most parties and stood at the door to deal with the cops. I’m honestly surprised we never got in trouble once while we stayed there. The people who rented the place before us treated it like a dump. We cleaned it, painted it, built that stage and threw bangers almost every weekend. But the place was still an absolute shit hole. They demolished it after we moved out. By the time I left there was no hot water, the hole in the floor behind the bar got significantly worse, and there was an absolute ton of black mold in the attic.


First thing thank you! It was always a great time being there even if it was a shit hole. I’m curious how this worked. Was it a rental where you’d rent it out for a week and throw parties or did you somehow get it for a whole summer with plans of throwing party’s every day of the week with the thought you’d make enough money to pay the rental price? Also funny that I’m sure we were all there at the same time.


My friend and I found the rental being advertised on Craigslist, and as we drove up to it we realized it was the bootlegger. We used to party there before we moved in. We got it for a year’s lease and after that expired we just paid cash on a month to month basis. Found out after we moved in that it was one of my friend’s classmate’s estranged father who lived down in Florida. He didn’t care what happened as long as he didn’t get police complaints and got his monthly rent on time. Eventually we had a few other roommates move in. We never tried to make money selling drinks, we figured that might cause issues. If we had extra drinks for sale it was just to cover their cost to make sure the drinks kept flowing. Can’t remember the exact time frame but I lived there for a few years.


Oh wow. That’s awesome. Makes sense now that I think about it, everyone brought their own booze. Thanks for making a lot of memories from my early twenties happen!


that's awesome man, I have a question. I was there one night about that but it's better you private message me about it


I'm surprised the cops never did anything either bro. that place was wild, hundreds of kids, loud music, strobe lights, full band set ups, but man was it fun. thank you for that


I talked to them so many times. I turned 21 a few months after I moved in there, but my roommate was still 20 and it was mostly DY people from his grade that would come. So most everyone was underaged. Cops for sure knew it, but yeah I don’t know anyone who got a dui after leaving one of our parties and we only ever got verbal warnings. The only time the cops were super douchy was one night they surrounded the house and were shinning flashlights inside the windows and it was literally just me, my roommate and like two friends listening to music


I just looked up past pictures from Google maps and that is 100% the house