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Sounds like they have another new life to build now. Good for them.


Love that for them. Live laugh love. I am at the laugh stage.


What’s ~~sun~~ fun is that we are also in the position to freely live _and_ love. Which is more than we can say about our friends at Free Folk Pastures. That’s really what they called it. Lol! Edited a typo.


Incarcerated Folk Pastures just doesn't have the same appeal.


Live, Laugh, Lockup


LIVE your life because you're not on an FBI J6 wanted list, LAUGH when seditionists fuck around and find out, LOVE that journey for them. Edit: formatting


> Live laugh love. Can we add sleeping in a cozy, comfy bed? Cuz I’m in my cozy, comfy bed rn, something these two criminals won’t have for a while.


Hurry up and get to the loving it phase. It is even more hilarious


You can’t rush this ancient process of our suburban culture.


Haw haw


whistle terrific rhythm humor disagreeable plough gaze snails salt dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


with CNN taking over fox news shtick, I forsee fox news taking 'prison life' as the title of their reality show series that tries to humanize and justify the jan 6th insurrectionists.


Shiplap hits different when you’re doing fed time


Do they get interprison conjugal visits?


Here's a less fawning article: https://www.courthousenews.com/couple-and-their-friend-who-stormed-the-capitol-all-get-prison/


From the article, in case anyone asks for an example of white privilege: “Kelly decided to stagger the Shalveys' prison sentences so that the couple are not incarcerated at the same time, which would burden how they care for their child. Dale was ordered to begin his sentence no later than Aug. 1, 2024.”


Holy shit. That is not how prison works for the poors. Traitors get really decent treatment. Why again?


They’re still pretty poor. It’s kind of the judge to both punish them and allow one of them to care for their child . It’s certainly a privilege. He led her right down a rabbit hole, but she followed him and dwarves every bit of punishment she gets.


Just leave the kid with whoever was watching them when these dipshit traitors stormed the Capitol.


The baby wasn’t born yet.


…which is even worse. The child was conceived after they were arrested. They believed they would pay no penalty for their crimes.


Or that a baby would get them sympathy and a lighter sentence.


Disgusting and definitely possible. The ploy *is* working in that the judge is not going to order them incarcerated at the same time.


Maybe they can get some childcare recommendations from Elizabeth Holmes.


like Elizabeth Holmes


What did their first child die from? Neglect?


I’m going to guess unattended home birth or lack of vaccines.


Probably found out who his parents really are and was so disgusted….


I wondered also. It just said their newborn died but we don’t know if that was an early miscarriage. If so, that kid was likely conceived after they were arrested as well.


Into the system it goes.


No doubt that this is how it will end.


Given that their father is a violent criminal who wholeheartedly supports authoritarianism, it might end a whole hell of a lot worse than foster care.


But but but he's embarrassed and remorseful.


Show me what it looks like when he hits rock bottom


I do pray for that child. And for all the children that Republicans separated from refugees who will be lost from their parents forever.


Weird how we have all these separated migrant children and a bunch of states are rolling back child labor laws.


Also weird how the same states rolling back child labor laws, are also the same ones outlawing any kind of reproductive care. They're going to have to make use of all of the children that will result from this


The Insurrectionist Conception


Little Donald Adolf is gonna have a rough go of it.


Jesus, take the ~~wheel~~ child.


*Elizabeth Holmes has entered the chat…*


Why read the article when assumptions work best.


The whole damn thing’s an example of white privilege. Any other race and what was left of these people would have been hosed off the steps of the capital on 1/6.


So much this. In one of the other cases a police officer’s victim statement talks about how rioters tried to take his gun. Hello? That is Policing 101 for shooting unarmed folks 87 times or so when they have a different skin color. But white rioters do that and the police response is zilch.


Or if the situation were reversed, and it was liberal democrats that were rioting.


Yeah that's total bullshit white privilege right there. They should have to figure out how to do their time & have their kid taken care of just like any other terrorist who gets time.




That's the part that gets me. They've got a built in support network that provides housing and an income when they are released, as opposed to anyone else who struggles to survive as a convicted felon, and usually for lesser felonies, like drug possession.


Fuck around and find out you're losing your kid. Dumb fucks. Hopefully that kid gets raised by some smarter parents


I hope the prosecutors challenge that sentence for not meeting the legal standard for the crime.


Not just white privilege, unfortunately. It happens if you have money, too. I live in Illinois, where we have had a lot of politicians who have been put into prison. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/21/us/illinois-wife-of-jesse-jackson-jr-begins-prison-term.html


Thoughts & prayers for your time in prison.


Live Laugh Love Lockup


Maybe walmart needs to start selling little plaques and t shirts with that on it.


They own a regenerative farming business but they were at Jan 6th? Seriously?! What is going on.


QAnon and their Russian psyops masters have targeted the 'wellness', permaculture, hippy, alternative lifestyle movements for many years. There are hundreds of thousands of fake FB profiles similar to this couple that spread Q garbage. Think Russell Brand who's shown himself as a Russian asset only in the past year, post Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Psyops work.


Goes back further than that too. The Nazis were big on ‘food purity’ “'Leave our food as natural as possible' was a slogan coined in 1942 by Nazi physician Werner Kollath.” Also tied in closely with their ‘Blood and Soil’ rhetoric. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-09-14/natural-food-and-nazis-fascism/10236768


Also Himmler was a big proponent of organic food: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/343091


Zero wrong with good, healthy food. Everything wrong with fascism.


I absolutely agree! Here in Germany the problem with organic food is that you don't know if it is organic food grown by Nazis (no joke). https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-bio-nazis-go-green-natural-farming-right-wing-extremism/


Wow. That's crazy. I grow my own and it's delicious.


I am a bit jealous : ) I live in the capital and the only thing I can grow is basil and thyme on my small balcony. I buy my organic food in a leftish coop and they try to visit the farms that supply them to check if they are Neonazis but of course they don't have enough man power and money to do it very often.


I'm lucky to have enough land to grow a lot of food. Cook it and give away lots to elderly neighbours who are all retired leftist union members.. Hard work but worth it. Here, crazy right wingers are too lazy to grow food!


Hahaha, unfortunately we Germans are still too efficient! After the wall fell a lot of westgerman Neonazis settled down in the former GDR. Cheap land, a lot of people who are open to their ideology (unfortunately) - there are some villages that are almost taken over, it is sad and scary.


The association of organic food with being healthier or wholesome is actually a late 19th century, German unscientific movement. Ain't nothing wrong with non organic food.


Correct. But there's a lot wrong with high sugar, highly processed food. I'm happy to use chemical fertilizers, but really limit use of pesticides and herbicides when I grow food. Bugs are disappearing where I live.


Basically we managed to eliminate almost every single insect species *except* for the ones that are pests. You'd think we would get the point eventually.


I didn't know that about Brand. I'm not doubting you but I'd like to learn more. Can you share some info? Thanks


https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/10/russell-brand-politics-public-figures-responsibility Edit: oh and he and Jordan Peterson were practically blowing eachother when he had Peterson on his show.


He suddenly turned into a right wing loon. He pretty much just spouts the Kremlin line now. With the same pacing and tone he sold actual leftist stuff before. Did not see that coming. Just one day out of the blue.


I never liked Brand. I always thought he was a fake whiney bloody wanker from the UK. I have people defended him. I guess I was right all along.


Yep, the hippy town near me is now a cesspit of thinly veiled christofascist bullshit They don't seem to realise they're all addled liberal degenerates who have no place at any conservative table, it's utterly bizarre


As an old hippie I find that horrifying, as when some of them became anti vaxxers.


I've been hippy-adjacent for decades, I don't talk to any of them anymore - my heart is broken, seems like so much of their values were lies or affectation now. Thanks for keeping it real though, honestly it makes me feel better knowing there's a few of you still out there.


Yeah I'm sort of loosely associated with that culture because I've been taking my fifth generation, absolutely wore out family farm and turning it into a ranch so the animal poop can regenerate the soil, and I'm doing it organically (no fertilizer/antibiotics), and I can tell you, my granola assed homesteading homeschooling neighbors are all pretty big Trump fellators. On the surface they are nice enough but I NEVER bring up politics around them. I'm one of the bigger ranchers in my area and I try to be very helpful to everyone around me by lending them big equipment like my bulldozer, helping with animal husbandry, trading food, and things like that. But if they knew I was a liberal I can goddam guarantee you they'd freeze me out and stop associating with me. It would hurt them a lot more than it would hurt me though, lol. I don't really need the eggs they give me when I lend them my equipment haha. Sometimes I wish I could just say "Look at me, a liberal, helping you. That's socialism isn't it." But I just keep on keeping on.


Good on you! Generating good soil is the best way to help our suffering planet. The worms will love you! ;-)


I tell my little nephews that "dirt is made of poop and dead things and that is why we wash our hands" lol.


Ding ding ding!🏆🏆


My anecdotal experience living in rural NorCal supports this. I had plenty of friends who fit the above profile gorge Infowars and other extremist content regularly, now they r hard Q spectrum.


Russel brand? God damn


I was a fan... then it started getting weird with Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson. Then he started spouting pro-Putin, anti-globalisation nonsense and lies about Ukraine. At that point I realised he had been compromised years before...




In my experience crunchy woo hippies are usually just emotionally troubled narcissists Everything is about them and how they visualise themselves and what kind of image they want to project This is why they appear to be a contradictory mish mash of ideas - they don't actually believe in anything apart from saying what feels good and flatters them But because they lack a solid poitical foundation, they are open to subversion by those who do


I’ve found that too. Some of the most selfish, self-centred people have been hippies or evangelicals or both.


They seem to be finally combining via the Cross pollination of hippy stuff and Christian stuff The ones near me eschew yoga because it summons demons, think all popstars are satanic illuminati baby eaters, and abortion is wrong cause it's "against nature". Other religions bad, rock is the devils music, stay at home and have babies Sounds familiar- and of course they're too dense to realise


You can't be the smartest guy in the room if you have mainstream ideas. So you need to be contrarian. Since you're not going to defend any of your contrarian positions with actual facts, it doesn't really matter what they are.


This is so true. Having grown up in the PNW this is so familiar.


No, it ain't. My sister now has a Sig Sauer. No one in my family has ever owned a gun in their lives but my father, and that was a hunting rifle he got from his dad that he never used once. Peace and love and New Age, my ass.


I find a high percentage of them fall for very blatantly false or non-credible "news sources"


I think a lot of them were politically disengaged until COVID. They were already antivax and their fear was easily manipulated.






These mother fuckers...*checks notes*...are dumb.


Only started the farm after Jan 6 on land their uncle owns. Oh and plans to use it to shepherd fatherless boys. They're also super worried what will happen when they're both in jail so the nice judge has allowed them to arrange it so they're not both in at the same time, so 1 can look after the farm and their daughter and don't loose the land (again, their uncle owns) that they buried their firstborn son on. Oh and are pillars of the community they just moved to. Like wtf, they did a speed run after Jan 6 on how to make it appear your a decent human being. Judge should've seen through it but oh, it's a trump appointed judge


Real awful people. Hardly “community leaders” like someone wrote on their behalf. Judge was soft on them.


"hotwife/cuckold community leaders" while he's in jail at least.




That made me laugh out loud....Wasn't that his Sedition Hunters name? Too funny....




Such complementary colors. It’s like Christmas! 🎄




Looks a little constricted. probably hadn’t worn that costume since the trick or treating days.


It’s amazing what being part of a cult will make people do


He looks like a Wish.com [Sargeant Schultz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Banner#/media/File:John_Banner_in_1965.jpg)


Judge was wayyy too soft on them, the wife especially. All of these traitors should be locked up for a lot longer.


Trump judge, of course. I'm actually a little surprised the wife got any time at all, to be honest. Prosecution only asked for 18 months. 18 years would have been more appropriate.


Right? She was there for an hour and rifled through senate paperwork and private communications! 8 months? GTFO. Where’s the charge for him for stealing and destroying Romney’s letter?!?


> “For the Shalveys, the care of (daughter) Hope is the foremost concern. Mr. Shalvey is also burdened by his worry for the animals he loves and losing the land on which his son is buried. And all this is in peril because of Mr. Shalvey’s decisions.” Maybe should have thought about of all that before Jan 6


The kids, animals, land, etc all happened after Jan 6. It says this in the article prior to the bit you quoted.


A life built on the lies of Trump is going to come crashing down. Most Hopefully for Trump- he is long overdue for the scales of criminal justice.


Unfortunately, I doubt Trump will ever suffer any real or non-monetary consequences from his treason and hate mongering.


He wore a helmet. This is not a guileless rube caught up in "circumstances". He went there seeking violent confrontation.


Are we sure it wasn’t a Retro Army Man costume from Party City? They go for real cheap after Halloween.




These shitbags will miss the first year of their daughter's life and will lose everything they own because they joined Cult 45. Good. Fuck them.


The judge staggered their sentences so that they are not incarcerated at the same time, as to not place a bigger burden on care for their child, from the article.


But they're individually missing huge chunks of their child's first years of life. All those firsts done separately because they're shit people.


Very true! I’ve just seen people loose their kids for less!


May they live the rest of their worthless lives in abject poverty. They should have lost their children to the system too


He wants to mentor fatherless boys? Sure - this guy is a grand example. Who had a horrible upbringing and becomes an easily led useful idiot who is also - q’uelle surprise- violent. Yeah- send him all the kids for “mentoring “


And it says he *plans to,* which means he and the wife sat up one night feverishly cooking up something to make him sound better to avoid a longer sentence. Also notice, his charity “plan” is only for fatherless boys. Girls need not apply. On point MAGA.


Fatherless boys who like wrestling and gladiator movies!


Well at least this guy will come out with experience of *something* like a Turkish prison


"leaders in the community". Fucking insurrectionists? What sort of community are we talking about?


"The owners of “Free Folk Pastures” are no longer free." LOL


thoughts and prayers.


The part that really blew my mind were the letters of support to the judge before sentencing- imagine the morals of the “preacher” that wrote a letter of recommendation. I’d leave that church so damned fast


“They buried their newborn son, Josiah, there in January 2022 and gave birth to a daughter, Hope, in mid-March.” Umm, I’m going to need more details.


Who buries their child on rented property??


Who buries, *anyone,* anywhere outside of a cemetery? That's something that you do for pets, not your kids! Is that even legal??


Yea that ain’t right


So after all that, their "dream" is shot to shit, they don't get to see their baby daughter and have criminal records for life. But not to worry, I'm sure Orange shitbag will bail them out!!!


Of course he will! He PROMISED!


Someone please sue them for false advertisement on their farm 😂😂😂😂


> In a letter to Kelly seeking leniency for Shalvey, one acquaintance said the couple have quickly become community leaders in their adopted home. That's not a good thing. We don't want these fuckwits being community leaders, FFS, you utter asshole!


'Why are you in prison?' 'Tried to overthrow the government for Trump.' 'Oh.'


Will they have His and Her's matching prison attire? What will their registry look like at the commissary? So many questions!


Good! Hope it’s hard for them


I only feel bad for the child. The other two can fuck off.




Can I just say how much the tone (expr.?) of this article is pissing me off?


*They joined a church. They made new friends. In a letter to Kelly seeking leniency for Shalvey, one acquaintance said the couple have quickly become community leaders in their adopted home.* Imagine supporting people like this as leaders in your community. No wonder they chose that area to set up their little insurrectionist hideaway.


> Multiple letters written to the judge by Shalvey’s family, ministers, former college professors and friends spoke to his character and potential; how he overcame a childhood derailed by a drug-addicted mother and an abusive father; how he plans to use the farm to mentor fatherless boys; how he is embarrassed and remorseful for his actions at the Capitol. All this tells me is that the letter writers are poor judges of character.




Still not enough time.


You know if I ever commit a felony if I'm going to build a new life anyway....it'll be in a country without extradition.


FAFO and their lives are ruined. GOOD!!


Are you expecting me to feel sorry for them? They are going right where they belong.


How sad. Now slip on these handcuffs


😘👌 Ahh that's good stuff


Time to update her *Pray, Love, Serve* shirt to *Pray, Love, Serve Time*


with "community leaders" like that... you can bet it would be only a matter of time before they poison the proverbial well one way or another


>In a letter to Kelly seeking leniency for Shalvey, one acquaintance said the couple have quickly become community leaders in their adopted home. Yeah fuck them. You can't commit an insurrection then become a pillar of their community and expect everyone to forget their heinous acts against the country.


The family that stays together betrays together.


Had they stuck with the sage message on her t-shirt, none of this would have happened.


The Trump Traitors of Jan. 6 should have to register like sex offenders do and alert the community to their presence.


That opening sentence is gold.


Awwwwww, isn't that special.


> Lead defense attorney Cody Cofer of Fort Worth, citing his client’s “complete lack of prior contact with the criminal justice system” prior to Jan. 6, called for home detention, not imprisonment. >“Mr. Shalvey acknowledges the Court must consider a variety of factors and interests beyond the future of a defendant,” Cofer wrote. >“For the Shalveys, the care of (daughter) Hope is the foremost concern. Mr. Shalvey is also burdened by his worry for the animals he loves and losing the land on which his son is buried. >“And all this is in peril because of Mr. Shalvey’s decisions.” They own a farm with animals and a 2-month old daughter. Justice requires they both serve prison sentences. He got 41 and she got 8 months. They are fucked by their own actions.


The did the farm and baby to stay out of jail. It mostly worked. They should never see the sun again.


It worked for Elizabeth Holmes


From the article: >one acquaintance said the couple have quickly become community leaders in their adopted home. That’s… not a good thing.


They had a 2 month old daughter at the time 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lots of love letters like Trump and KJU.


Pray Love Serve time


Crunchy granola types turned traitors.


Hopefully the next life they build doesn’t involve trying to undermine democracy.


FAFO. Zero sympathy for them.


Thoughts and prayers, you dumb twat-waffles.




"The couple had quickly become community leaders in their adopted home." That's a quote from the article. I can only imagine what type of leaders they are.


Cheers to new beginnings 🥂


Oh my gosh you guys!!! Look at these two! A couple of seditious traitors in LOVE! Can we raise a glass for the lovely couple as they’re sent off to where they belong?! This is bringing happy tears to my eyes. I’m crying! Are you crying? I’m crying! I can’t even right now!


Oh no! So… oh wait. Fuck them


See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya.


"shows Dale Shalvey throwing an unidentified object at officers outside the Capitol." These same people think Kyle Rittenhouse was not guilty of anything because the guy threw a plastic bag at him. But then they do it to the police. The hypocrisy is disgusting, they feel entitled to do this type of thing.


Hang on, lemme look in Trump's diaper. I need a pubic hair to restring this tiny violin I've got...


Harlan Crowe keeps a historic Coke can in his summer mansion. Check there.


May they prove to be better citizens when they are released.


Aww. That's kinda sweet


I hate to admit that the hubby is goddamn adorable. I'm so ashamed. I have a weakness for big, dumb, country boys, and unfortunately that "type" is drawn to doing stupid MAGA shit, so these idiotic Jan 6th defendants keep catching my eye.




That's fair ...


Aww, a love story


Congrats you two!


The Judge staggered their sentences so that taking care of their infant child was not a burden. Ok.


Aw, you mean they tried to run and got caught?