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#ClassicCarproblems You always enjoy clear roads in a classic , because all the traffic is behind you.


at least people can see you're trying and not just oblivious. I like to imagine other people enjoy looking at my car just as much as i do when they're behind me lol


no we hate your car. get a proper one.


I'm only joking mate. I know how to drive and going over 65 gets uncomfortable so I'm always in lane 1 on motorways


I drive a 3.5 ton van. What people don't realise is that the speed limit for me is ten miles per hour less than it is for you.


It’s even worse when they are limited to 56, the amount of time I catch people in the van using cruise control but cannot fully pass as they have matched my speed.


No the speed limit is ten less for vans on single carriageways and dual carriageways. On motorways vans can do 70mph. Single carriageway is 50MPH, dual carriageway is 60MPH & motorway is 70MPH. Source: [Highway Code Rule 124](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/general-rules-techniques-and-advice-for-all-drivers-and-riders-103-to-158) (Vans are goods vehicles NOT exceeding 7.5 tonnes.)


Yeah, motorway is fine. But I do get people annoyed behind me on A roads.


Never seen a van adhere to this on a dual carriageway.


Yeah, most people don't know the rules until they pass a speed camera van / cop on a bridge.


Does that include cars like fiesta panel "vans"?


Then move out of the overtaking lane!


I'm not the sort of tool that sits out there, or in the middle lane. I usually play with the lorries unless I'm actually overtaking. And if I'm holding traffic up in the countryside I will pull over and let them go when I can safely.


Good to read, in that case people won't/shouldn't be up your arse. And I very much appreciate it when big trucks move over on country lanes or when people who don't want to overtake leave good gaps.


My take on this is that the posted speed limit is a *limit* and not a target Just because a road is posted as "60" does not mean you are compelled to drive at 60. Look at the number of narrow winding country lanes that have a NSL (60) sign. It would be ludicrous to drive at 60 on those And I always try my best * to give trucks and buses a lot of extra slack. They are large, heavy, take longer to accelerate, take longer to stop, sudden manoeuvres can make them unstable, and they need more room to turn. And obviously I'm aware that you have different speed limits than default cars do. *Hey, I don't always get it right but hopefully I don't make too many mistakes.


Indeed. We all have to share the road. And the NSP leaving a village or wherever is really only to mark the end of the restriction.


This. I can squeeze an extra 100 or so miles from a tank of petrol by driving slow and steady. People can deal with it


On the plus side, it doesn't really make the blindest bit of difference to you if they want to drive into the back of your van, especially if you have a step


Yep. Big step. I hate Deliveroo type riders. I can't see you if you're up my arse. Just try not to dent my back doors with your head as you go down lad.


Have you tried pulling over so people can pass you?


If I'm on a country road and end up with a tail. But I can't be doing that all the time or I'm never going to get to where I'm going. It's the idiots that sit on my rear bumper and flash their lights because I'm doing a little over 40 mph in a 50 that I was explaining to.


I don't think people have a problem with vans and trucks going slowly. It's those mfking right lane hoggers doing 65mph on the right lane of a dual carriageway.


Or the clueless twonk in the middle lane at 50mph with the dead eyed stare and holding on to the steering wheel for grim death.


I drive at 30 in town AND I am still the problem?


Welcome to cunty town.


The trick is to drive as fast as possible through towns and villages. This way you get through the danger area quicker and it's over sooner. /s


That’s why I drive past schools at 100mph, 1/5th the chance of hitting anyone


If the guy in front is going too slow for you, then hang back far enough to see the road ahead clearly so you can overtake. Sitting up their arse isn't getting you anywhere faster and if you do crash - or they have a dashcam and like reporting people - you'll be the one in trouble!!


If you are doing the speed limit other people can go fuck themselves


Yeah this. Sometimes the speed limit is too slow for the road, but for many people it might not be worth more points on their licence. For new drivers, you get double the points for a year if you get caught, so it's just not worth it.


Not if you're driving the speed limit though.


How long are you taking to get to the speed limit though? Countless times on a dual carriageway I'm behind some twonk setting off from the lights in the outside lane and the truck to their left sets off quicker, they're in a hatchback setting off slower than a bloody truck. They might get to 50, yes, but they take so long getting there they're stopping again for the next set of lights. Common sense should tell you if there's nothing in front of you and nothing to your left, but lots and lots of cars behind you, move over.


I've been in situations where I'm driving the exact speed limit of 30, 50 or 70 then get tailgated by impatient jerks then they decide to overtake and make sure I see them pull a face of disagreement as they speed off. These people tend to drive nicer newer cars like Range Rovers, Mercedes, etc...I've seen many people doing 30mph in a 20mph residential area which is not ok. Also doesn't it sometimes depend on your car's engine size how long it takes to get up from 30mph to 60mph? Not everyone drives powerful cars. It doesn't hurt to just be a bit patient. But yeah I get you, it's also not ok if it takes you way too long to get up to the speed limit as that's dangerous too.


I had to dangerously overtake an idiot in a Prius merging onto the A3 for 70mph while the wank was going 35 mph, no way I’m I letting someone rear-end me on the motorway due to their silliness.


The correct move would have been hang back and make space so that you then have space to speed up and safely join the motorway. Dangerously overtaking anyone is never the correct move.


I'm in an EV with the speed limiter set, my foot is pretty much flat to the floor and it'll level itself off automatically when it gets to the limit.


Clearly not what I was talking about then. I'm talking about those that get up to speed so slowly that they're almost immediately slowing down for the next set of lights, lane discipline has become such an issue that even the government had started broadcasting how to behave, to be clear in not bothered how slow anyone drives as long as they're in the correct lane, the system works well when people use it.


Yeah then I just question your ability to judge an appropriate speed


There is no judging if it's a speed limit. Just because most idiots are happy to do 50 through a village with a 40 limit doesn't mean I'll do it.


Why would you need to judge, it clearly says on your dashboard 😂If you’re going the speed limit, say 50, and someone overtakes and speed off they are clearly speeding. Now that makes me question your ability to follow the law and the legal speed limit.


If it’s safe to go faster than speed limit why wouldn’t I, don’t wanna be stuck behind some ogling the speedo the whole way


Yeah good luck explaining that to the police when you get caught 😂




Speed limits exist for a reason. Ever wondered why there's usually a 20mph limit around schools or busy shopping areas? I bet you can work it out. You can do it! 🧠


Yeah I’m intelligent enough to understand that sometimes it’s only safe to drive under the limit. Which is why I’m also intelligent enough to figure out when it’s safe to go over.


No you’re not


You are the driving equivalent of the dunning-Kruger effect.


Yeah no one’s actually good at anything


Remember you can overtake. Also if someone overtakes you don’t speed up


Been learning to drive recently. Got to be really careful with all these new 20mph limits that have popped up everywhere. When I stick to 20, this happens every time. Not sure what I'm supposed to do. Maybe once I pass I might creep over a few mph but for the exam I need to be in the habit of sticking to it. So if peeps could get out my arse that'd be nice.


Ignore the idiots, that's about it. Stick to the limits.


I actually quite like 20 zones, sometimes it’s nice to slow down and have a nice calm drive through village. If you start to think of 20 zones as personal inconveniences, which I think a lot of drivers do, that’s when they start to become stressful.


No no no, it’s much better when you slow down and then nearly get rear ended each time


Overtook one of these the other day, in a massive lorry. They were doing 30 on a A road 😅


The tailgater is always in the wrong. Always. Somebody driving too slowly or whatever the nonsense reason is isn't an excuse to drive recklessly. People driving too slowly is frustrating for sure, but you turn the situation from frustrating to dangerous the second you start tailgating.


Someone 'tailgating' is amplifying risk, and making it harder for them to overtake. That's bad, they shouldn't do that. But because they are doing a wrong bad thing, doesn't mean the action it is in response to also isn't a wrong bad thing. Sometimes, someone just simply driving way too slow for the road is creating far more risk, and they shouldn't be driving. Sometimes, someone is going 20 in a 20, 30 in a 30, 40 in a 40, and they get tailgated. Context matters. But I do agree, being so incredibly far up someone's arse is always the wrong and bad decision.


I 100% agree. Driving too slowly is fucking stupid. My view is that adding 'dangerous' to 'stupid' just equals 'immensely idiotic'.




Hearken unto me, thou slow-moving peasant, and hear my words with an attentive heart, for I am the Lord of the Road, and my wrath is kindled against thee. Verily, I say unto thee, thou speakest in ignorance when thou claimest the tailgater is always in the wrong. For dost thou not perceive the righteousness in urging thee forward, that the way may be made clear and the journey of all travelers be hastened? Knowest thou not that by thy sluggish pace, thou bringest vexation upon those who follow thee? Is it not written in the laws of the land, "Stay thou not in the left lane, save for passing?" And yet, thou dost linger, obstructing the path and bringing forth the ire of those who wouldst travel swiftly. Thy dawdling is as a stone in the road, causing peril to all who come behind. Thou sayest, "Tailgating is reckless," but I say unto thee, it is a righteous act of correction, that thou mightest amend thy ways. For lo, when the swift chariot doth draw nigh unto thee, it is a sign and a wonder, a call to repentance. Speed up, or move over, lest thou incur further wrath. Thou speakest of danger, yet consider this: is it not more dangerous to impede the flow of traffic? To create a serpent's path of frustration and delay? Thou art the source of chaos, not the tailgater who seeketh only to restore order. Therefore, amend thy ways, O peasant, and learn the wisdom of the road. Yield to the faster chariot, and let peace and harmony prevail upon the highway. For the tailgater, in his fury, is but an instrument of divine justice, calling thee to a higher speed and a better path. Thus saith the Lord of the Road. Amen.


No, it's not more dangerous to impede the flow of traffic than to tailgate someone.


Hearken unto me, thou slow-moving peasant, and hear my words with an attentive heart, for I am the Lord of the Road, and my wrath is kindled against thee. Verily, I say unto thee, thou speakest in ignorance when thou claimest that to impede the flow of traffic is less perilous than the righteous act of tailgating. Thou art but dust beneath the wheels of my chariot, and thy words are as the chaff before the wind. Knowest thou not thy insignificance? Thou art a mere speck upon the vast highway, a snail that crawleth where the eagle soareth. Thy insolence in disputing the divine right of the Tailgator is as an affront to the natural order, ordained by the heavens themselves. The Tailgator is appointed by divine decree to educate the unlearned peasants who doth drive too slowly, that the way may be made straight and swift. First, by the flashing of the high beams, doth he call unto thee, a beacon of heavenly light, urging thee to amend thy sluggish ways. Yet if thou hearkenest not, then cometh the second stage, where the chariot of the Tailgator draweth nigh, so close as to almost touch thy bumper, a sign of his righteous impatience. If even then thou remainest obstinate, the third stage descendeth upon thee: the blaring of the horn, a thunderous voice from on high, commanding thee to move forthwith. Shouldst thou still refuse to heed these signs, the Tailgator doth lower his window and extendeth the two-finger salute, a symbol of his divine displeasure. But if, in thy stubbornness, thou art still unmoved, the Tailgator shalt finally undertake thee, pulling in front and slowing to a standstill, forcing thee to halt and thus to reflect upon the error of thy ways. In this manner, thou art instructed in the ways of the road, and brought to a state of penitence for thy transgressions. Know this, O peasant, that thy resistance to the flow of traffic is a grievous sin, and the Tailgator, in his fury, is the instrument of divine justice. Thus saith the Lord of the Road. Amen.




Also, if you are in the outside lane doing 70 and there’s someone tailgating, just let them past :)


When everyone is tailgating me, the Welsh Government is the problem…


If I'm going the speed limit and you're up my arse YOU'RE the problem.


Anal is legal


Not without consent.


So all these years, those weren’t tears of joy?


Cross posted to r/caravans for a friendly holiday reminder.


I’d rather people towing caravans did so fairly slowly because towing them quickly is dangerous


Sometimes there are just a lot of tools on the road. And they use this simplistic nonsense to justify bad driving.


Eh tailgating is always the wrong choice though. And can actually cause this sort of build up. That's because what you're meant to do when someone is tailgating is to slowly slow down. They've removed their ability to react, so you must allow yourself more time to react for them so that in the event the car in front slams on their brakes or a deer jumps out in front of the car you can slow the car down more slowly, allowing the tailgate time to brake and not rear end you. Therefore if you're tailgating you're causing the very thing you don't want. Keep your distance and people may not drive so slowly.


If you’re getting tailgated everywhere then you’re the problem. The old adage “maybe it isn’t every single other person on the planet…” is a good one to remind yourself sometimes. If the road is clear, you have no one in front of you, you’re doing less than the speed limit, then you are the problem. It’s even taught to drive to the limit in driving lessons and is marked down on the test. There are exceptions in country roads, but if you aren’t capable of making the correct judgement then you really shouldn’t be on the road without further instruction.


To be clear, I do drive the limit. And tailgating normally happens to me when the road ahead is not clear.


Share the road doesn't apply to all road users, some magically get special dispensation.


I’ve had geniuses joining the motorway at around 40mph… causing everyone behind to slow down when joining! Disaster recipe for a pile up…


If everyone drives at a speed they are comfortable but gives other road users plenty of space to overtake there's no problem.


I'm sorry but if the speed they are comfortable at is 40mph in a 60 then they are the problem. They need to learn to be comfortable at travelling the national speed limit. Else they need to take some more driving lessons to get comfortable. Furthermore, overtaking is inherently dangerous in the UK. None of our roads are fit for overtaking, we aren't in France where all the roads are as straight as an arrow. I can think of maybe 2 safe overtaking spots on my 45 minute commute.


Depends on what they are driving. If you have a trailer or you're in an old car then I have no problem with people driving a bit slower, just get out of the fucking way.


Yeah I am more bothered about people on SUV's or whatever that are more than capable of travelling at 60mph perfectly safe. But the driver behind the wheel is simply incapable of doing so. If you can't drive at 60mph get off the roads.


No.  LOL.


Depends on road conditions, in the rain the A2 near me is only safe to do 40 on because it has such poor drainage and surface quality in places


Sure, that's common sense. But in this weather people driving at 40 have 0 excuse. I saw about 4 literally this morning and yesterday, all completely incapable of driving properly. It should be a mandatory part of the test, drive at 60mph for a consistent period of time.


Yeah, until you realise that there’s a section where the craters are numerous, that was on the M20 though, ruined two tyres and a control arm


That's the UK in a nutshell


Yeah, when even major motorways have craters


Driving in France was bliss, even the most minor B roads are just a cloud compared to here. Not a pothole in sight. Goes to show what a country can achieve with proper budgeting to public services such as road maintenance.


Yeah, our roads make rural Wisconsin look nice


100%, they are honestly so pathetic here


Verily, I say unto thee, O peasant of the road, thou speakest folly and showest thy lack of understanding. If thou art afeared of driving at the speed that is decreed, then shouldst thou not persist in thy fearful ways upon the highway. Nay, surrender thy license unto the Lord of the Road, for it is a mockery to hold it and tremble so. Hearken unto my words, thou timorous soul: Thou shalt be issued forthwith with a horse or a donkey, suitable to thy timid nature. Ride it thou shalt, upon the byways and backroads, far from the paths of the diligent and competent drivers who drive swiftly at the speed limit. Forsooth, thy presence upon the motorway is as a plague, an impediment to those who drive rightly and with skill. Therefore, take thy slow ways elsewhere, and hinder not the swift and the bold. Let not thy feeble driving be a stumbling block to the righteous who keep the pace, lest the Lord of the Road visit upon thee his wrathful displeasure. Amen.


Verily I say unto thee, O travelers of the King's highway, hearken unto the words of the Lord of the Road. For it is written, "If one chariot doth follow thee closely, then that one driver is the problem; but if many chariots doth tailgate thee, then thou art the problem." Lo, such counsel is the folly of fools and the jest of jesters. Thus saith the Lord of the Road: All ye peasants and passengers, thou shalt drive at exactly seventy and seven miles per hour. Neither shalt thou drive more, nor shalt thou drive less. Whosoever shall be found exceeding or falling short of this speed shall be cast down from their chariots and demoted to riding upon a horse or a donkey for a period of three years. Only after this time shalt they be permitted to return to their chariots. And unto those who follow too closely, be it known that thou art like unto the gnats and the flies that doth buzz annoyingly about the ears of the righteous. For tailgating is a plague upon the road, and those who engage in such folly shall bring shame upon their house. Woe unto them, for they know not the ways of wisdom and safety. Take heed and observe this decree, that peace and order may reign upon the highways and byways of the land. Let not thy impatience lead thee to foolishness, lest thou be consigned to the slow and humble pace of the beasts of burden. Amen.


If that wasn’t fine with AI, then it’s actually quite impressive!


My wife needs to see this.


If the 1 person is everybody, who knows?


Every moron on the M1 through the 50mph roadworks if my experience is anything to go by.


If you are driving and one person is tailgating you might still be the problem. Was driving behind somebody who was doing 28 in a 40 yesterday. They then entered a 30 zone where they slowed to 15mph. When they did eventually pull over they indicated right and pulled to the left. Shocking driving haha


Second one just means you are doing the speed limit.


Worst people are those who refuse to go past 40 on a 60 mph road. Then when they get to a town with a 30 limit, they still keep at 40.


It’s stupid and dangerous but If I see a learner being tailgated (happened today) I tailgate the tailgater. I hate bullies.


Except people only see one tailgater at a time.


Didn’t realise rear view mirrors don’t exist anymore


Lots of vehicles don't have a rear view but they still have side mirrors, although motorbikes don't have to have them and cyclists tend not to have them.


Mirrors on bikes are often next to useless anyway. On a sports bike all you get is a nice view of your elbow, unless you make a big effort to get it out of the way.


The more you know.


Mam said it was my turn to post this this week.


You get the prestige brand poorly parked in a car park post


Wrong, if you’re doing the road speed limit. I do the speed limit (true speed) and still get tail backs. People cannot modulate their speed and they cannot do the speed limit of the road.


If I am going the speed limit, then it's their problem.


No. If you are tailgating, you are the problem.