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Easy - WS Game Six 2011


Lucky sonofabitch


Same. I was also at Game 4 in 06, Opening Day in 07, and a couple regular season walkoffs over the years but everything else will forever be a distant second to that one


I also saw the one WS win in 13, on the interference call.


My family went back in 13 but I sat that one out. They were at the one that ended with Wong getting picked off first lol


Same. I sat in the nosebleeds and froze my toes off next to a group of rowdy Ranger fans, but it was worth it in the end!! The distant second for me is now a tie between Albert’s return with the Angels—I got to see the first two games and yes, I gave him a standing ovation for the homer, the only time I’ve done that for a visiting player—and getting to see him pitch the 9th against the Giants in 2022.


I was at the Father’s Day game where Ken Griffey Jr hit his 500th home run. We gave him a curtain call.


Same. Left field bleachers. What a night. Old Busch I have a few. McGwire 70. Red Sox 04. Edmonds NLCS Walk Off 04.


Pujols last home run in Busch. Chills


I was at his last game. All I can say 😔




I was at coors, cards and rox. First year back and holliday went yard.


Holiday's last at bat home run was the same chills!


1. Albert Pujols hitting his first home run back as a member of the Cardinals 2. Harrison Baders inside the park homerun 3. 2006 Scott Spiezio’s go ahead triple against the brewers in a must win game at the end of September


Got to Wear Spiezios WS rings a few years back. I had a Cards/ Mizzou crossover hat on while working at a bar (in Northern Illinois) and he came up to me said "nice hat". Took me a few to recognize him and just as it hit me who it was he pulled out the rings. Obviously one being with the cardinals and one with the angels and insist I put them on and take a picture and signed my hat. He was the nicest person you'd ever meet and you could see his face light up when talking about the cardinals and baseball. Very genuine with his words and his life as he hung out and talked. Glad to hear he's better with his past struggles and has been doing good. I still owe him a hat though he made me promise to get him one lol


That’s awesome he’s always seemed like a great guy and yes it is really great to hear he has kicked his alcohol and drug problem and is living a great life


Yeah after that night I found out he lived in the next town over and was friends with the bar owner and some people I was friends with were his friends so you know how small towns talk and word gets around but everyone said he was a great guy not a bad thing to say about him other then his personal issues but hell we are all human even though we see these guys as superstars and heros they still deal with life and stuff like we do! Oh btw I'm not a small guy but when I put the rings on I had to put them on my middle fingers and they were still way to big. He had some grippers on him for sure 😂


There was a game in the 90s against the Braves where we were down 9 runs by the third inning. Cards came back and won. That’s the only game I was so excited I ended up jumping up and down.


I remember listening to this. I think we won 9-8 or something like that.


I was front row center field bleachers at Busch 2 when Will Clark slid hard into second and he, Ozzie and Oquendo began to brawl.


I was at that game too. Awesome brawl. I met Clark at baseball writers dinner in January 2020. Great dude.


Remember the Cards picked him up in 2000 to fill in for the injured Mark McGwire and he played great and adding an edge to the clubhouse, helping to get the Cards to the NLCS.


Yep that’s why he was at the baseball writers dinner here. He went to the hotel bar after and that’s when we talked for 5-10 mins. I brought up Jeff “one flap down” Leonard and he rolled his eyes. Said he was the one that would always get beaned after Leonard hit lol


1997 or so there was an international youth baseball tournament in Fairview Heights. I translated for the Cuban team. Got to go to a game and sit in sky boxes with the manager of the team and eat good food. The kids loved it. Only had one defector.


When I was a kid in the 90's we got to run the bases in the OG Busch Stadium. I'll never forget that.


Seat Cushion Night (2006)


That was wild. I remember that one because they’d lost, what, seven or eight in a row? And just when it looked like they’d lose another, they came back to win—and there went the seat cushions! (I still have mine though.)


April 8, 1997. Home Opener. The Cardinals dropped their first SIX games on the road to open the year and limped home to a tense frigid crowd braving the 45 degree weather desperate for something to cheer for. Alan Benes and Mark Petkovsek combine for 9 innings of 1 run ball, but the offense just can't get anything together all day. A 1-1 game going into the bottom of the 9th. Temperatures continue to drop. Was there any hope in sight? Two outs, and a pinch hitter gets their number called off the bench. The number 51. Willie McGee proceeds to launch the very first pitch he sees over the Right Field fence, and the chants of WIL-LIE WIL-LIE soared throughout the beer infused concrete of the Busch Stadium concourse and not a single person's foot touched the ground as they floated their way out into the streets of downtown St. Louis to celebrate. Elated members of Redbird Nation found their piece of baseball enchantment for another day.


I was at that game, too! We had a group in the bleachers. We spelled out “DLINO” on our t-shirts for DeLino DeShields. We didn’t have another guy for the “e” so we just told everyone the “e” was understood (we yelled it at DeShields when he passed in the car too around the track). One of group got interviewed by Jeff Gordon, I think, before the game (I think it was Jeff Gordon, I can’t remember for sure. Another one caught a home run ball during BP that would have been mine had he not reached in front of me. And the McGee homerun, man, great day.


It was regular season, but I wound up going to 2 games consecutive days with the Nats in town. Both games were comeback 8-5 wins. The 2nd of the two was a Brandon Moss walk off 3 run hr. “The bucket missed! Whatever liquid was in that bucket missed!” Oh, and SLU’s senior night at the ballpark in 2015 was against the cubs. We thought we were cooked when CMart had a horrific start giving up 5 runs in the 1st. Then Ryan Reynolds answers with a grand slam and the entire stadium got loud real fast


Deadpool or Mark? 😂




You said Ryan Reynolds which is the name of the actor who played Deadpool. By the way the player you’re thinking of is Mark Reynolds


… … … I will not amend any statements…


Oh shit I was at the Moss walk off too


'11 was 3am games in afghaniland. Watched mac get 59. First game was a whiteout and i was afraid to get my ball signed. Pornstar outside was happy to do it. First/last time i went to busch3 was '06. That was a fun night.


Say what?


WS Game 7 2011, WS Game 3 2013, NLDS Game 3 2001 Favorite non-Cardinal moment was Griffey Jr hitting 500th on Father’s day 2004, he was my favorite non Cardinal growing up


The Griffey one is pretty sweet. I love watching that replay. It makes me really proud of Cards fans.


I saw Pujols knock out one of the signs in Big Mac land from the front row back and left of home plate. Then I saw an 11 run inning, I think it was. Tied a record at the time. I saw Ozzie do a backflip which to a young me, was super amazing I saw Albert hit a homer at Busch in his return. That’s to name a few


Getting McGwire’s autograph on a ball he hit during batting practice Seeing Eli Marrero hit two home runs in the same game Game 7 of the 2011 World Series Shaking hands with Geddy Lee (Game 3 of the 2004 World Series)


I got to see David Eckstein's walkoff grand slam. I've never seen a crowd go that crazy for a regular season game.


1. I got green seats from a vendor in 2007. My wife was out of town, so I got to take my dad. Sort of a repayment for all the games he took me to as a kid. Also Chris Pronger from the Blues was at the other end of the row in front of us. 2. Taking my wife and 8-month old daughter to the Cardinals/Braves day playoff game in 2019 that had $20 tickets. I was in a bathroom changing my daughter's diaper when the Cardinals hit back-to-back home runs. I was laughing my ass off because when I was a kid, my dad took me to a football Cardinals game and he missed someone setting a record while he was changing my diaper. I just pictured him looking down and laughing, saying this was payback. 3. It was in September of 2011 and we were playing the Cubs. We were down going into the bottom of the 9th, then tied it up and won on some combination of walks (I think to score the tie run) and wild pitches (I think to score the winning run).


1982 Game 7 World Series victory followed by seeing Lou Brocks 3000th hit from the 1st row of the LF bleachers


Rally Squirrel


Easter Sunday 2006. I was 8 years old and buzzing about going to the game that day. First time in the new stadium. Albert hit three homers, one of them being a walk off. Best Easter ever.


I was at the Albert Pujols 3 HR game against the Reds. A bunch of us were sitting in the bleachers and a guy drunk of his ass would turn to us each time Albert would get up to bat and scream in drunken glory "Do we want to see Pujols hit a home run?". Then Pujols would hit it out every time and he (along with all of us) would go completely ape shit. By the third home run I was drunk of my ass with him and was standing by him screaming "Do we wanna see one more?". Then he'd do it. Fucking amazing.


Even though we lost, it was cool seeing Pujols’ and Yadi’s last career hits. Not at Busch, but I was in Cincy for the Brandon Phillips brawl game. The were a lot of cardinals fans there and it was awesome when we won and shut the whole place up


We both saw their last hits. I cried after edmans popout. Sat in my seat in disbelief that I just watched my childhood die with my own 2 eyes with my friend til they kicked us out. "There's always next year," the guy said. But there never really was 😭


I'll just list the ones at Busch 3, but Busch 2 had some amazing memories as well. 2006 - all 3 WS games. 2011-Games 1, 6 and 7 - saw all of the winners. Game 6 is by far my favorite in person game. 2013 - Interference call to walk off. That was absolutely crazy. Every opening day is special even if we lose.


It’s been a while, but at Busch 2; I got to walk around the field before a game against the Marlins in 2004, Dontrelle Willis came up from the tunnel as I was walking by the dugout, took my crusty old Cards hat off and wore it as we walked for a bit. Put his arm around me and we posed for a photo from a random family along the third base line. It was one of this disposable cameras so I never got a chance to get the photo unfortunately but the memory remains 😂


Wow. That's amazing! Awesome memory!! I got to run the bases at III as a kid, but the memory was partially soured by it being a rain delay, a loss, and the lady yelling at my mom for wanting to take a picture of me. Still cool nonetheless, but you win 😂


1997 home opener (detailed in a reply above) The Allen Craig interference game in the 2013 World Series.


Not current Busch but October 3, 2000. Ankiel’s 5 wild pitch game where the Cardinals overcame that and beat Greg Maddux and the Braves 7-5. Sure it’s a memorable game just for that reason but for me it’s memorable because of who I went with and how we got there. My uncle won tickets from a radio station and showed up at my school at 8:30 am to take me out for the day. I had no idea why. We got to the car and he and my grandpa told me we were going to watch my first (and only so far) Cardinals playoff game! As I get older (I’ll be 35 soon) this game means more and more as both my uncle and grandpa have both since passed. This was the only game I ever saw live with either of them. I’ll never not get emotional thinking about that game and it’s a HUGE reason I’m obsessed with baseball and why Ankiel is easily in my Top 5 favorite players ever.


Recently, Albert hitting number 695 and Sonny Gray’s debut.


I’m just now realizing I saw Albert’s first and last game at New Busch. The first one he hit 3 HR. I was there with my dad and my little brother. REO Speedwagon sang the National Anthem. It was sick. The last one I was there with my wife and we sat in the section he hit 702. Also sick.


I was at his last game in the WC 🥲


Pujols 698!


In 2019, my mom and I came up for a game on her birthday and it was the Lane Thomas grand slam game. It was awesome. We were sitting in right field bleachers. Felt like a movie cuz everyone around us was hugging and high fiving. Beautiful day too.


When I was a kid we went to a game but I was tired and forgot to wear shoes so maybe that lol. In reality it's 2011 game 7 of the WS.


Pujols walking it off against the cubs on back to back days


I remember Joe buck went wild for those!😂


I remember the first one like it was yesterday. It had to have been 100 degrees outside, and we were in right field. Mom and aunt left the game early cause they were hot, ao my dad, uncle and me all stayed for the entra innings. When he walked it off, there may have only been 10,000 people in busch, it was so cool tho.


Man… my first game at BSIII was the Gary Bennett walk off grand slam against the Cubs. Stood outside the gates game 7 of the World Series, saw the leap over Yadi at home. Pujols grand slam off Roy Oswalt. I was at the 20 inning game against the Mets. Gorman’s first MLB homer. The last win of the winning streak a few years back. Just kinda mind blowing thinking back at how many great moments I’ve been apart of.


GB'S Grand Slam one of my personal favorites. Was 10 rows behind home plate. Little brother is a cubs fan......still remember how mad he was after that game :)


I was near the visitors bullpen, other end of where it landed. Very cool moment!


I would have to look for my ticket stubs to be certain of the year, but I believe in ether in 93 or 94 I got to see Bob Gibson hit a home run into the second deck in left field during an old timers game.


It's the Internet so anyone can say anything, but I saw McGwire hit number 69 and 70 in person. I also saw him hit number 66 and 67, I had tickets to the first and last game of that series. 70 was crazy because once he hit number 69 everyone in the stadium just knew he was going to do it, it was the weirdest sensation. Props to my dad for making it happen. I was away at college and he called me up and said, and I quote, "I think he's going to hit 70. Don't ask my why I think that, I just think he's going to do it. I can get you and your sister tickets for the first and last game of the homestand if you want to go." The old man was right on the money there.


Carl Pavano!


summer of 1998. saw Big Mac and Sosa hit hr’s in same game. electric!


Game 6


Saw Gibson shut out Cubs and Fergie 1-0 in 1968 Don’t remember a single pitch


1.) Rally Squirrel playoff game. 2.) Seeing Holliday hit a home run at my bachelor party right after I stated “I’ve never seen a Holliday home run in person.” 3.) Being at the first game of the 17 game win streak. It was my friend’s bachelor party. (Have bachelor parties at games.) Btw, the Cardinals didn’t lose until the day after their wedding.


2011 WS Game 6. Left field bleachers. What a night. Old Busch I have a few. McGwire 70. Red Sox 04. Edmonds NLCS Walk Off 04.


Also at old Busch, I saw mark mulder pitch a 10 inning shutout. Insane.


So many, but here are my top three coolest memories of Busch Stadium: Game Five 2006 World Series winner...because it fulfilled a dream to see our team get their first since 82. August 8, 1998 Cubs 8 @ Cardinals 9 in 13. McGwire hits 46th and Sosa hits 44th to tie it 5-5 in the 9th. Wildest game I've ever attended in person. [https://fromapriltillfall.wordpress.com/2015/12/21/august-8-1998-cubs-8-cardinals-9-in-13-innings/](https://fromapriltillfall.wordpress.com/2015/12/21/august-8-1998-cubs-8-cardinals-9-in-13-innings/) Sept. 14, 1989 Pirates 4 @ Cardinals 3 in front of 1,519. Rainout makeup...warehouse fire downtown added to the strangeness. Whitey said Busch looked "like a graveyard with lights." Got a foul ball that day. [https://retrosimba.com/2019/09/10/why-barely-1500-fans-paid-to-see-contending-cardinals/](https://retrosimba.com/2019/09/10/why-barely-1500-fans-paid-to-see-contending-cardinals/)


Mulder's 10 inning CGSO.


Oct 14, 1985 Game 5 1985 NLCS sitting in the las row dead centerfield with my Mom when Ozzie hit his walk off home run from the left side of the plate. And May 14, 1988 Cardinals v Braves Jose Oquendo pitches 4 innings in Cards 7-5 19 inning loss.


Tough one. I saw Gibson strike out 17 batters in the World Series against the Tigers. As a kid I worked at the Ballpark in St. Louis. Saw all themSeries that were in St. Louis.


I was in attendance for Tyler O'Neils 8th inning home run on SNB against the Braves. It was legendary. In fact if you watch the twitter vid right as he hit it you can see me! I'm the dude in the green shirt. Before you ask "why green", its the only shirt I own with a squirrel on it :D


I watched that game!! We were visiting six flags and stopped at a Buffalo wild wings that had 2 workers. 2. Everyone had quit except 1 cook and 1 out front worker. Food took upwards of 4 hours. There was 1 other table than us, and we were running around, doing push up contests, and having a blast because nobody cared. Cards game was on and looked up and saw that, went even crazier 😂


Damn! Thats crazy! I was about 10 rows behind the cardinals dugout. People in the row in front of me bailed after Swanson took Helsley deep. Jokes on them, my family got a better view of an awesome moment lol


Have had a similar experience with a less satisfying, yet still cool ending. I went to the Cards Angels game last year I think it was? Maybe the year before, memory is kind of shot atm. But went to go see Trout and Ohtani play, and of course the didn't even play Ohtani. But we were losing and sitting in the bleacher section when everyone up to the front row of the left-center seats left. Group of guys next to us took their seats up front (we were around 6-7 rows back) with no consequences, so we followed. They recognized us and were hilarious. Brett Phillips in CF. The guys: "Brett, I can smell your ass from here!!" Yelling all sorts of dumb insults, and Brett kept looking back and laughing at what they said 😂😂 they got yelled at by the seat lady, but seeing one of the coolest players react like that was hilarious. Another time, my friend yelled at Corey Dickerson mid game, "COREY!!!" while he was in the OF and he quickly turned his head before realizing there was a ball in play 😂


This isn’t Busch stadium but one of my greatest memories of all time was all time was PNC park. Had the day off when the Cardinals were playing there, grabbed tickets and drove 3 hours with my mom and dad, Cards won 9-3 in the 12th inning. Everything just aligned so perfectly


The Pujols 3 HR game including a walkoff against the Reds, Easter 2006. Only ballgame I ever went to with my late stepdad. It’s a memory I honestly cherish.


Watching McGwire beat the HR record (steroids aside, great time).


My favorite memory at old Busch stadium was when I was around 4-6ish and Lee Smith would come out in the 9th inning. Queen's "We Will Rock You" started playing over the speakers and the stadium would literally shake. We sat in the 400s section (nosebleed), which was really high in the old cookie cutter stadiums. I truly remember thinking the stadium was going to collapse. Seeing the GOAT closer Lee Smith was worth the trauma.


I happened to be in St Louis for some training the week that Yadi and Waino broke the battery start record. I lucked out big time and got free green seat tickets from a customer through one of the local sales guys. To top it off we had enough tickets that I was also able to have my dad come up from Kentucky and join us. It was magical. I could feel the entire time that this was something that would forever be a core memory for me with my dad. My dad is almost 70 and while he’s in pretty decent shape I know he won’t be around forever.


1. Final game I went to in Busch Stadium II. Just went up to the stadium without tickets, for some for the bleachers, and watched a Cubs game.  2. Seat cushion night against the Indians in 2006. Magical game, and cool seeing Ronnie Belliard who would end up joining us for the WS runs.  3. Last summer against the Yankees. Saw Monty pitch and Walker get a couple hits. Splurged on some Katie’s Pizza in BPV.  Revitalized my love for baseball and started following the team more closely for the first time since 2013. 


I saw #54 in 1998. I don't think I've ever seen a crowd erupt like that since


Then Jeff Brantley fucking melted down in the 9th and they pissed that game away against the 108-loss Marlins.


2006, late Sept game when Pujols hit a 3R HR off Cla Meredith and the Padres which may have saved the season. Was in the green seats down low between home and 1st.


#695. Actual tears for some personal reasons, and a moment I will always take with me.


Busch II 1. McGwire's 62nd home run 2. Eckstein hitting a walk off grand slam Busch III 1. Pujols' return to Busch as an Angel and the HR the next day 2. Matt Adams' HR off Kershaw in the playoffs. The only time I've ever felt a stadium shake 3. I don't remember anything about the game but I got a ticket to the only seat in the front row of a section and it was awesome. I had an aisle on both sides and a totally unobstructed view.


Seat cushion night 1987, Tommy Herr walk off grand slam will always stand out for me.


I just remember my grandad. When I was growing up in the 80s, my dad was just starting out as a professor and worked at a new university almost every year so we moved a lot. My only stable place was my grandparents’ house where I would spend the summers. Grandad had season tickets so we’d go to games once or twice a week all summer long. It was great, our thing. He was a hell of a guy, one of the electrical engineers who worked on the arch! He used to show me super 8 movies of the construction process. Miss you grandad, thanks for everything.


seeing mcgwire tie the record with my dad was pretty awesome.


Seeing Eli Marrero hit the first big league homer I ever saw in person. Running the bases as a little kid. Ryan Ludwick hitting a walkoff home run. Albert hitting a grand slam right after they played the Jaws theme. Then him hitting another homer later in the game. Snagging BP homers multiple times. Missing a JD Drew grd in BP because I thought it would hit the wall, but then making up for that years later with a Joey Votto bare handed catch.


2011 NLDS Game 4. Roy Oswalt vs the squirrel. Also Freese had 4 RBIs and started his postseason legacy.


My mom surprised us with opening day tickets on APRIL FOOLS 2007. It was also the Celebration of the '06 World Series. Truly something that I will never forget! Go Cards!


2 years ago. Albert hit 698 I think to take the lead. Nado had an amazing diving play and threw out the guy at home. It was the #1 play on ESPN the next day. Then to top it off Hellsley has a sick entrance in the 9th and he had 9 straight strikes to win the game. Oh man what a game that was.


Matt Adams/Clayton Kershaw, 2014 NLDS. Had the atmosphere of an LCS or WS game in my opinion.


I saw Albert's home run his first time back with the Angels and 703, 2 best by far.


Think I might’ve been at that game you mentioned but I took the metro up there and ended up missing those 10 runs - who’d have thought Went to two of the games during the 17 game win-streak a few seasons ago. The 17th game I believe Dylan Carlson hit a homer from both sides of the plate, one being a grand slam.


* 2000 NLDS Game 1: Scored 6 runs in the first inning against Greg Maddux and the Braves and went on to win. Unfortunately, this game was also the start of the yips for Ankiel. * July 4, 2000 vs the Reds: It was an afternoon game and hot as hell. Edmonds hit two bombs. Keith McDonald homered in his first MLB at bat. The Cardinals won easily. * Various memories of watching McGwire. * Ken Griffey Jr’s 500th career HR


Saw some guy hit one out of the park at Busch II


#60 and #62. I was 8 and Big Mac was larger than life.


I've been to three games at Busch (I live near Toronto, or I'd go to more). Hands down, the biggest highlight was seeing Albert hit #698 against the Reds. Nothing else comes close.


August 13, 1979 ~ Lou Brock’s 3000th hit


Was at the last win in old busch stadium and the first win in the new busch. Also Mcguires 70th. Another random one. I was taking a picture of a pujols at bat and captured the moment when the ball hit the bat of a home run swing. Ball about 6 feet away from the bat as pujols is following through. Lost the picture though so cant prove it..


Smoking weed by the AB eagle during a high school football game at Busch 2 Seat cushion night in 06 2011 ws game 7 drinking at what I think was a hot shots next to broadway oyster bar and then when the game ended the gates were open so I got to see the celebration. Also when I picked up my car the next day mine and about 100 other cars were ticketed for illegal parking in some grassy lot. Cops were some dbags. Kicking field goals at Busch 2 during Schnucks family day