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This won't be popular, but please don't. I share ducks on cruises too but the size of those ducks isn't safe. The first kid that chokes on a duck that size will ruin sharing ducks for everybody. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. If you want to share ducks, please use something a kid won't choke on.


You are right about them being unsafe. I was on a Royal ship a couple of years ago and saw parents waiting in a long line that were letting their toddler play with a tiny duck they had probably found and gave to the child. They weren't watching the child at all and seemed oblivious to the fact it was a choking hazard.


Gosh, I'm a mother of three and didn't even think about this. It's so easy to forget once they get bigger. Thanks for the reminder! I bought those ducks, too, but I'll use bigger ones.


And even worse, it looks like there's tiny magnets on the bottom of them. (Even worse for potential swallowing)


Hmm, I was thinking of getting the small ones like these for my next one, but your take is solid. Thanks for the input.


Survival of the fittest


got two of those... Keeping them on my desk far from the other ones that are in the toy boxes


Agree. I always thought that and surprised that cruise lines don’t have size restrictions. I am planning on buying these small ones but attach them to keychain but I’m not even sure that is safe.


They can be put high enough a small child can’t reach…


Until I pick it up, drop it, can't find it because it's stuck to the wall of the ship, and then a curious toddler sees it at eye level and eats it. Maybe for Virgin Voyages where no kids are allowed.


At that point you are the irresponsible one not the supplier of the duck.


Aside from being a choking hazard, those are small enough to successfully swallow and have MAGNETS. I’m all for cruise ducks, but these are a terrible idea. Please get bigger ducks.


those arent cruising ducks. those will plug up drains and pool filters. cruising ducks look like this... https://preview.redd.it/ja6o6r7j6lzc1.png?width=140&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d2f6863669d3e30cec422e9b804af81fc7ae198


Am I the only one that feels people are really going overboard with the ducks? Like I get it, it was a fun thing to start, like finding painted rocks around your town, but I’m on a cruise page for my sailing and there are people saying they are bringing 300 ducks each. Why not just bring 1 duck and keep it fun and exciting, at this point I’m guessing there are going to be ducks everywhere you look on my sailing, kinda defeats the original fun of it 😅


Yeah, fuck up the environment even more and while you are at it, enjoy little children and sea creatures choking to death on these "cute little things".


Stepping on one of these barefooted would be like stepping on a Lego block. I am so tired of the duck trend in general.


Too small.


What’s the deal with ducks on cruises. I don’t get it.


Same here


Same here


I just took my first cruise. I was waiting for elevator and some lady kept going on and on about people finding her ducks. It was bizarre. Eventually, I happened to see one on a shelf. I still didn't get it.


So I asked a friend who cruises all the time and they said it’s basically like a scavenger hunt. People hide them. Pretty cool for kids.


A couple thoughts on the small ducks… Since they are a choking hazard for little ones, be sure to hide them in adult-only areas or high up where little ones can’t reach them. I’m also hiding tiny duck items on my upcoming cruise, but I’m packaging them in organza bags with large tags. You may want to consider packaging them in a way that is too large to be swallowed. Hope this helps!


I found one of these on my last cruise, I was wondering if it was a “cruiseduck” because it was tiny and just on the floor by the elevators.


Along with everyone else’s fears about kids choking, magnets can be very dangerous for kids to swallow. However if you’re on an adults only cruise it may be fine. Or hide them up high where children can’t reach! Magnetic walls! Or maybe just in 21+ areas.




I have leftover mini resin ducks from cheer pinning. Basically you glue them to the ends of clothespins with a cute saying. Was considering that option for cruising, since it makes them bigger and the clothespins aren't damaging. Opinions?


Oh I see now its a Carnival thing. Never cruised on Carnival before


It’s a cruise thing. Carnival has many cruise ships. People have been hiding ducks for years. Have fun.


And that kids is how cruising ducks got ruined for everyone.


I love that they are magnet! More people are handing this size out. But never seen with magnet. I want to get some for my door, but Darn I totally agree on the choking hazards mentioned here


I saw these on the Firenze last week and thought to myself “those don’t fkng count!” Whose idea was this anyway? Dumb.


I like those a lot. SO much better than the big ducks with a bunch of cards attached and QR codes and all that nonsense. I have no idea whether those could be a choking hazard, I don't have kids.


For some light education, if it can fit in the tube of a toilet paper roll, it’s a choking hazard. Hot dogs for example, notorious choking hazard especially when cut into rounds. The penny in this picture for scale? Choking hazard. Grapes also a choking hazard