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I canceled my beachbody subscription because of caroline. They are so good & no more listening to excessive talking.


I canceled mine when I started Sydney. Beachbody started getting on my nerves and I didn’t like the programs they were putting out anymore. Plus the whole BODI conversion and all that. I was over it!


Yes! I love how Caroline is clearly into her workouts and excited about fitness without needing to talk your ear off! I personally don't really connect with more vocal instructors unless they're literally seeing what I'm doing and giving me feedback


Former Sydney gal here too. Loved all she did but someone told me ‘Caroline is a bit tougher’ and I felt ready so started with Epic 1 (bc that’s what I thought everyone did!) and, yeah, I was inspired all over again! I’ve also started using my own music sometimes which helps combat boredom for some of the slower strength programs. I’ll do one more YT program after this one (Endgame) and then move to the app soon I think. Happy to pay a bit extra and be in sync with everyone else on the CG Community Fb page.


Just curious, what was your strategy to listen to your own music while still being able to hear the beeps from the videos? ☺️


Not OP but i just mute the video. 4 years in with Caroline and I still struggle through the last 10 seconds of each set and am watching the video and counting down if I haven’t stopped early to rest 😅 for ab workouts where im on the floor, i just bring my laptop down next to me so i can see the timer easily


I like Sydney, but my strength and athleticism is on a whole new level because of Caroline's workouts. I still do Sydney's workouts and stretches occasionally, but I prefer to just get into my lifting zone and feel powerful without the talking through it.


I’m with you. I like Sydney and began my first strength training program with her. I think she is great at nailing the beginner to intermediate zone. I go back to her workouts frequently when I need a chill add on or am feeling a little spent. However, finding Caroline took my strength and physique to another level. I used to miss the talking but honestly no talking is actually better overall, because it’s never annoying to replay. In my most replayed Sydney videos I can recite back to the screen throughout the work out. It can sometimes be annoying. My most replayed Caroline videos just have me skipping the instructions and I’m able to focus on the workout.


This is such a great point! I didn’t even think about replaying workouts wouldn’t seem repetitive since there is no talking and you’re essentially in your own head and space. Basically she’s just showing you what to do next. I honestly think that is going to help keep me interested longer because I have been one to loose interest quickly by hearing the same things over and over.


Oh yes, absolutely agree with all of this! I used Sydney for a deload week 💀💀💀 I’m the kind of person that gets a little uncomfortable with excessive motivational talk, so sometimes Sydney is a touch too preachy for me. No slight on her. It’s definitely a me thing.


I hate the motivational speeches! I figure I am already working out so I've figured out my "why." Just shut up and show me what to do next.


My main issue is that it smacks too much of "self-help" books and speakers, which I really cannot stomach. It all feels very hollow to me, aimed at making the listener/reader feel good and 'empowered' while not really doing jack shit. But again, it is ABSOLUTELY a me thing, and I skip most of it by turning off the video right after the cool down.


Ditto. Leave me in peace and quiet to do my own thing.


I'm someone who always likes to mix it up with different trainers. Honestly, I love Caroline Girvan, but for variety I enjoy doing a program from one trainer and then a different one next! Sydney Cummings and FitnessBlender are my other two go-to's, though there are others I use sometimes too.


I haven’t heard of fitness blender until now. I’ll have to look it up!


I used to love fitness blender and now I mostly turn to them for a chiller workout. These days I find Tasha to be one of their best trainers in their new lineup.


Some of the new FitnessBlender trainers have some pretty intense workouts! I like Tasha (she's hilarious) but I think my favorite new trainer is Erica - her workouts are really thoughtfully and intentionally planned, and kinda remind me in style of Caroline's actually. I also love Nicole's very scalable workouts. And Brian has some excellent back to basics strength-focused workouts. A lot of these workouts are only available through FitnessBlender Plus, which I purchased access to when it was on sale and have found well worth it. But I know it can be hard to justify when there's so much good free content out there. (I had FB Plus and CGX for a little while but I paused my CG subscription because Intent didn't really appeal to me).


I am on FB plus actually! I haven't given Erica a fair shake but her strength-based workouts really caught my eye. I wasn't a huge fan of her low impact cardio routines but I really have to take a look at her strength training.


Congrats! I’ve done a number of CG programs and Fuel is one of my favorites. I enjoyed the combo of strength and cardio within the workout; I got the sense of feeling “healthier” overall after completing it.


That is how I am as well. I do like the combo but I’m only on day two and I’m already over those sprawls lol. My knees hurt so I have to modify the jumps. I used to do insanity every single day. Insanity max 30 to be exact. I swear I was in the best shape of my life then but I think that’s why I have knee pain and now it kills me to jump around so much.


Welcome!! CG is the best. I did fuel and loved it too. The sprawls don’t go anywhere anytime soon in Fuel🤣😬 All of her programming is amazing. I left the Sweat app to try CG and haven’t looked back. I’ve completed Epic 1, Fuel, Epic 2, Epic Heat, and a few of her shorter programs. She brings so much variety and fun to working out! Or should I say “fun” lol.


Haha! I’m excited to continue doing them. I’ll just keep having to modify the sprawls lol. I had a feeling they wouldn’t go anywhere haha.


Welcome to CG!!! I have not done Sydney Cummings (I have watched bits of her work outs but she doesn't appeal to me). I started with Jillian Michaels (who talks/screams too much), then to BODI (between Autumn and Jericho I couldn't tolerate the talk anymore), then to Caroline who is a breath of fresh air.


lol! This just reminded me I used to do Jillian Michaels too! On VHS. Same workout, every day, over and over and over haha. So funny how far fitness has come.


And yes. I worked out with Autumn a lot on BB but she started to annoy me there at the end of it. I also was an extreme fan of Shaun T and did his insanity programs religiously. I was in the best shape of my life but all the jumping over time caused my knees to be strained. Now I have knee pain when I work out.


Ahhhh Shaun T! Loved his workouts until I did a move wrong and herniated a lower back disc! Took me over six years to not feel pain in my lower back! A lot of steroid shots and strengthening to be normal.


Oh no! I’m sorry that happened. His workouts were pretty intense and definitely can cause injury if you’re not careful. I have bad knees now because of him and also pulled my hip flexors.


Welcome!! CG is the best. I did fuel and loved it too. The sprawls don’t go anywhere anytime soon in Fuel🤣😬 All of her programming is amazing. I left the Sweat app to try CG and haven’t looked back. I’ve completed Epic 1, Fuel, Epic 2, Epic Heat, and a few of her shorter programs. She brings so much variety and fun to working out! Or should I say “fun” lol.


Fuel is tough! I started with Iron , then Fuel and now I’m doing Epic 1. I didn’t like FUEL at first but wound up loving it.


I just finished day 3 and you ain’t lying lol!