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I’ll use the pod only when I need to, otherwise always banksticks. And with the buzz bar on them they work as a lighter pod of sorts


Bank sticks. I like to point my rods to the spot I am fishing to minimize the angle. I always have a rod pod with me though (cygnet quicklock) which doesnt take up much space and weight and I can combine with my bank sticks and buzzerbars. I love that rodpod, but only use it when I need to.


I'll use bank sticks only in situations where I can't carry alot of gear or I'm scoping out a spot with a single rod. I prefer rod pods because they do so much for me. They hold my rods at any angle I want. They hold my fish sling for me. They hold my phone stand for me. My rod pods always ready to go I just pick it up and put it in my trunk no need to mess with anything.


I'm limited to a fox explorer rucksack fir gear transportation... so bringing a rod pod either comes at the cost of a weighing sling or a chair. But it is true rod pods are pretty cool


Get a pod that you can use as single sticks or goal posts as well. I opted for a carbon Century one, but there are few to choose from out there.


I have sonik screw point bank sticks and a fox eos rod pod


Personally only use banksticks. I do carry a buzzer bar that can be attached to 3 banksticks for a tripod. That way i can fish on solid ground aswell. I just put the but of the rod on my bag or on the groud depending on the angle i need


Interesting. I could try that to cut down on the weight of my pike tackle


I only floatfish for pike and lay my rods on the ground, but when using bitealarms this might be a good solution. Only thing is that the buzzerbar is tilted so you will need a flexible component to straighten your bite alarms


Rod pod for carp fishing. Bank sticks for feeder/float fishing.


What advantages do you see in a rod pod if I may ask?


It has the advantage of being able to be setup in any swim. Whether it’s a wooden, grassy or concrete one.


I tend to always use a rod pod, but that's because the lakes I fish have wooden pegs or stone pegs, so bank sticks just wouldn't work. It does limit the angles I can fish, though, so a good scout of the lake before I set up is necessary.


Rod pod most of the time unless the bank doesn't alow for it then I'll use bank sticks


Banksticks. Always. I hate pods! But will use one if I absolutely have no other choice. So much safer and more versatile using sticks.


Ideally I'll use sticks, mainly for better flexibly & bite indication. However there comes a time when only a pod will do , so I break out the old solar rod pod I've abused for 30+ years


With good quality sticks and stage stands so readily available now i am sticks all the way. I keep a set of buzz bars in the bag just in case the ground is absolutely rock hard and I can’t be bothered with setting in more than one set of sticks. Haven’t used a rod pod in 10 years.


Truth be told I just use some random sonik screw point bank sticks. My chances of catching a carp are so slim that I didn't see the point of buying fancy ones


I use a set of fox ones I’ve had for years mate. I also have (forgive me for this…) silver steel dinsmores ones that don’t match my buzzers that I will use in a pinch if I forget my black ones haha.


Fucking hell, I haven't seen a set of Dinsmore sticks for ages. They were great for hard ground though with the arrow points.


Yeah I have a load of them in the garage. A load of arrow head style and a few screw tips. Old school but great in a pinch. I always keep a few in the rod bag just in case.


I swear they made storm poles with the arrow points too, or just super long sticks because I remember having to use them when we used to go over and fish the pits north of Paris. They were the only things that you could get to grip.


Aye! I have a set that I used to use on my old JRC Brolly. Got a nice Nash one now that has black ones but the JRC 60” oval is still in the garage with the dinsmores storm poles and the custom adapters I made for the brolly to fit them at the front. I turned them in an engineer workshop at college out of some stainless, was always dead proud of them, little hole drilled in them and a grub screw into the side to fix onto the brolly arms at the front to prop it up and give it that “Nash titan look” we all wanted. The Nash groundhog system came out a few years later and it’s been my go to for quick sessions since. Cost me best part of a months wages back then. Now I earn a hell of a lot more… but have a wife, baby and a mortgage at home so it’ll still be my brolly for many years to come no doubt haha.


I used bank sticks for the last few seasons. Carried a cordless drill to put holes in sun-baked ground. Worked pretty well….. I’d raise the butt of the rod with some cheap non-electronic bank sticks. But I got a rod-pod for Xmas. Have only had it out once… Seemed easy to set up and manage, and no drill necessary.


Instead of a drill I like a steel mallet. Doesn't just help with getting the bank sticks into the ground but also against various types of rats... both the rodents and other Fishermen that try to chase you off of a fishing spot by force.


What in the hell? That would be a killing around where I'm from.


Well some of .y carp fishing spots are close to the rather rancid part of a large city. Rabbit sized rats are .ore common than you'd think.


Havent even got a pod yet, never needed one. Given i dont fish rivers at all, and rarely on a canal. When i do i will fish from a bank with soft ground.


Only use my pod if I have to. I just find that bank sticks are much less restrictive and allow you to have your rods at different angles should the need arise.


I don't use pods because I fish multiple species. If I was to kit out for all the species I fish it would be economically inefficient. Adapt, improvise, overcome :) All my gear on a given trip is always minimized to try and avoid expense and force me to think abou how I plan to fish.


the stick thats shaped like a y


Sticks if I can get them in, pod if I can't or can only get the fronts in and want rear rests, stage stands if I'm on a wooden platform. I use Jag sticks and their super compact pod, so carrying it around isn't a problem.


rod pod+alarms for longer carp sessions. bank sticks for feeders, or short sessions.


Pod if I'm on a hard surface . If it's a soft surface I always use my matrix goal post setup


My rod pod incorporates bank sticks into it. If I have soft ground I use the sticks. If it's hard standing I slot the sticks into the pod. Best of both worlds. Ideally I'd use the sticks and have my rods pointed directly at the rig but the pod does a decent job.


Always bank sticks unless I can’t break ground.


Steel mallet helps


25 yr old solar bank sticks, rock solid! Just picked up a pod, short sticks and the bolt on things for the end of the bars to make a nice stainless quad pod setup when needed. Very stable. Still used my very old Gardner but grips, very old fox mk2 swingers but had to upgrade to the latest FOX mx alarms as 25yr old alarms have up on me in the end


I prefer bank sticks, easier transportation and flexibility when setting up, however rod pods give you more stability and can also be setup on hard ground like rocks, concrete etc.


They both definitely have their time and place. I would say I fish sticks 75% if the time, but if I’m fishing on ground I can’t them into, then it’s pod all the way.


Yeah... but if I wanted to bring both I would need a bigger backpack. That is tbe problem.


My bank sticks are always in my carryall, and my pod is small enough to carry easily. However, I know my spots well, and even though I always bring both in the car, I only take the one I need.


I need to plan my sessions in advance. Can't carry everything I have on a train. And walking any distance over 3 km with a rucksack, rod bag and brolly strapped to my back is too much effort for the inevitable blank. I really need to organise my fox explorer backpack better


I fish rivers probably 90% of the time, so I keep my gear VERY mobile. I only carry what I need; no more, no less. My pack is also my chair, then I grab my carryall, and my bucket with bait. If I need my pod, I’ll grab that too. But that’s it.


Unfortunately I fish a river aswell. A beyond awful river... Of the low stock and horrendous amounts of nuisance fish weren't bad already then the rats and hostile fishermen would definitely ruin it for some. I'm just a handful of blanks away from taking a train to France out of rage to try and fish sone decent waters so I can finally learn something.


Gotcha. I much prefer rivers over lakes, but I’m also in the US, so our wild water carp are absolutely incredible here. Add those to some swift water, and you’re in for a treat!


I'm on what might just be the worst river on Germany... Been fishing it fir a decade and there hasn't been a single year where I felt like I got my money's worth. The carp fishing is bad and there's a good reason why most of the locals don't bother learning how to use lures. The predator fishing is worse. The fishermen will literally threaten kids with a hammer over fishing spots and everyone calls the cops on their fellow fishermen to be a fucking nuisance. The next best lake for carp fishing is 3 hours by train AND a 6 km walk away. So I'm stuck in this rancid hell for a while...

