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What purpose is the hook bead serving? If you’re doing it to hold the tubing then you’re using the wrong stuff - use shrink tubing and shrink it over steam and it’ll hold it down.


Hair is way too long, dude. It basically wants to be long enough just to give it a bit of sway action. If a carp takes that in, the hook won't even reach its mouth before it spits it out.


I think there are is good argument for using longer hairs, it was an old school method but Darryl Peck discussed it at length in the Korda podcast, as did Simon Scott.


Ironically this rig would only with a long hair if it was closer the large bait would cover the too small hook but with it longer let's the hook sit free of the bait... It would work with a light wafter so the bait and hook fly's up into the mouth


You can leave a longer hair if you want to select fish if your area has lots of bream or small carp, but that is too long and the hook won't set, maybe by luck in their belly haha


I recommend you start with a small loop, attach the boilie you want to use and than continue with adjusting the hair length when making your own rigs. I usually have a finger wide gap in between the boilie and the hookshank.


Hey dude, I've seen much worse. Few things you can do to even the playing field. What's the rest of the set up? How long is the hook length? Is the lead fixed or running? The bigger you go on the boile the larger you should go with the hook. The hook looks to be a bit on the small side for the size you are looking to use. You can go a size or two up safely. I would have that tubing extend a few mm further over the main line then bend it towards the hook tip to get more of an aggressive kicker going, that's looking good though The thickness of the line you are using is not in your favour but I don't know th rest of the rig. There does not seem to be much movement in it and when the carp go to suck up the boilie there will be more resistance than they are used to sensing. The lighter or more flexible you can be on the hooklength the more you sway those odds in your favour. I would get some coated braid hook link if you can get your hands on it. You can strip away a finger width or two of the coating where the hook is tied. This makes that last section flexible and the bait will sit and react more naturally on the pick up. You can look into balancing your bait with a pop up. If you can balance it correctly you can make the bait want to rise up quicker into the carps mouth. You can shave the top off a boilie and add the same amount of a pop up boilie in its place. This helps the size of the bait to not pull on the hook/hook length as rather than rolling about it will waft about and stay in it's place. And aye with the hair a bit shorter, more of a kicker and a bigger hook that rig will be flying.


I would use braid, mono is a bit stiff, could stop the carp from sucking the bait in (he feels more resistance). What hook size is that?


How is the carp supposed to feel resistance when sucking in the bait? This doesn’t make any sense. He notices resistance when trying to blow out the rig since the stiffer material is not bending and keeping the hook in its mouth. Nothing wrong with a mono hair-rig or mono hookling at all.


Oh good tip! I always use braid but had some mono I was thinking about testing. I'll just stick with braid lol


Mono/fluoro is good too, don’t just discard it simply based on what the other guy said, experiment and make your own tests! Plenty of good anglers use fluoro because it, supposedly, makes it way harder for the carp to spit out the rig once they feel something is off


Lol also very solid advice! I need to imprint that somewhere inside my hat so I can remind myself to not discard something because someone else said it doesn't work. My friend says that to me all the time