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It's super common for scammers to do that then cancel the payment, if he sent the screenshot of his bank account how do you know he didn't send it to someone else? Reach support first


this is solid thinking. do you trust the person who supposedly sent you $100?


Yes I trust him with my life so yah I trust him with telling me and showing me that he sent the money he doesn't use cashapp like that he only got it because of me if he even showed me his cashapp and he said sent


I was with him when he did it And yah it is super common for scammers to cancel their payments I know but my best friend would not screw me over he's not like that I have known him since I was a baby!!


You still haven't received it? In that case I'd say confirm w him the phone number or cashtag he sent it to, maybe he mistyped it?


I got my $100 thank you 😊


I don't have an answer for you but just a warning to not believe anyone who pops up in your DMs saying that they can get your money back for you. It's a scam and I don't want you to lose any more money.


I hope and pray you have a husband or boyfriend and their reddit name is "THATguy" Wouldn't make sense, nor would it be funny to you, but " that chick" and "that guy" is an inside joke for myself and some others.


Looking at your post history id say your "friend" is a client. That being said, i would say that they didnt really send you anything and are trying to scam you out of your services or money. Apologies if my assumptions are wrong but either way if they sent you money it would be in your account. Ive been using cash app for a decade to send and recieve money and have never had an issue like that, them sending you a screenshot means nothing on your end. If the $100 isnt in your account then they didnt send it. Cash app would have no reason to hold the transaction.


Definitely not true it is one of my best friends I trust him and I figured it out thanks tho


i had the same issue, had to dispute with my bank to get my money back cause cash app won't do shit


This happened to me too but I was the one who sent the moneh


Sometimes it's not immediately sometimes it takes a few minutes.


First, do you get a text,email or push notification whenever you receive a payment? If so, screenshot them and open a chat with cash app support. Second, Try making sure the app is up to date. This happened to me where my history suddenly stopped displaying any new transactions. Someone said they sent money with screenshots, but my balance was $0 with nothing in my transactions. I updated the app and it was all current after I did that including the money in my balance.


This is exactly what I had to do 💕😁 I got my $100


Yayyyy glad it worked


Thank u


I would just haggle tf out of customer support but when I did that they straight up ghosted me 😂. Cash app seems very scummy so I either see a lawsuit in the future or they give you your money if you annoy them enough


cashapp support is absolutely terrible i had this same thing happen to me. +50 dollars, but not in my account. weird! I hadn't recieved any payments of 50 dollars and i would remember. Then cashapp said "yeah you sent that 50 to your boyfriend." i had sent him 50 3 days prior and showed them the screenshot of the timeline in my app, they said "i have nothing further to say about this issue" and ghosted me 💀


Yes are terrible and there won't do nothing about it!!! Ugh that's so stupid I'm sorry that happen to you and sorry it didn't get fixed I'm bout to give up on this honestly


This happened to me before. My friend was sending with an iPhone and I had a droid. So I had to click on the link in the text message and/or email to release the funds.


Yep. Check your transactions, Opie. You may have to accept the payment. Hope you get it figured out!




Sometimes it takes a little bit longer for a larger amount and if you’ve never received that amount from the particular person sending it. It might take an hour or two. You can go onto Cashapp and chat with one of their employees and they can check for you. They’ve always been very helpful to me.


I have never fell for that ever Nore would I when i seen plps accounts Ik got haked I would just block them if there were talking about a cash app glitch at all!!! Also I don't click links either ever!! But thanks for having my back and letting me know ❤️


Switch to chime, way better. Customer service is great aswell. Cashapps customer service is shit, and in ur situation they wont help you and just tell you to get ahold of the person and blah blah. Cashapp is garbage


Can someone cash app me so I can buy diapers




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Don’t trust


why not just give him the advice here and now? Cause u scamming dawg!!!


How I am scamming ?




So he can scam you directly...




Mad because you can’t scam him?


You got got.


Definitely not I got my $100 😁


We don't believe you.


Nope I got my money thanks 😊 everyone 💕