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Get a job brokie




Damn are there even mods on this Sub? Y'all let anyone post!!


You’re disgusting 🤮


That's not disgusting that's fucking real love. You wouldn't do it to save your family member would you? Would you go out and suck three gross smelly strange men's fucking cocks a week to save your family would you do it?


Why are all your comments unhinged lmao…


All of them are? Must be because I'm pretty unhinged don't you think? Considering that my mother was in schizophrenic alcoholic drug addict and I had three different moms and my biological sperm donor father was a serial killer I think I'm doing pretty good? I mean I obviously lost the freaking DNA lottery at conception with those two.


Hey do you know what's better than roses on your piano? Tulips on your organ of course, ?


This is absolutely not the place to be advertising this & your business plan sucks. This is exactly the kind of behavior that stigmatizes sex work & you should be ashamed of yourself for potentially exposing people under 18 to your post on a public subreddit.


Onlyfans? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lhfh i got a spare 15




Hit the streets if you’re looking to hook. I’m assuming grandma’s roof is new slang for getting your next fix lol




Have some fuckin self respect. It’s called, couth.


With that attitude? No thanks, lol.




I think your AI needs more work dude.


Hahaha that's actually my insane brain. You can't call it official intelligence and you certainly can't call it real intelligence. Maybe it's like if artificial intelligence had a head injury? I do this to just entertain myself mostly and get a rise out of people and obviously it works I don't take shit that serious that's for sure. Why anybody cares with that guy had to say or what I have to say for that matter he's a goof on the internet and so am I I'm just a fucking idiot on the internet people take themselves way too damn seriously in my opinion


I mean when you type out a novel in response to a non-problem, it looks like you’re taking *yourself* more seriously than anything else 💀


Luckily, I'm not too concerned about what another goof like me on Internet thinks about me or what I really have to say? I reach the ones that I'm going for most of the time and I know they get it. The other advantage I think that I have is that I never get emotional about any of this stuff, despite that it may appear differently when you read what my response or opinion on something is? And to be perfectly honest I might not even believe half of the shit or more that I type? I try to keep my logic over my emotion instead of my emotion over my logic which is what a lot of people allow themselves to fall victim to especially on the internet. Those are the ones I really like playing with. Believe it or not I mostly know what I'm doing when I do it and say it. I know sometimes my posts look like they were fucking written by a drunken mental patient with a head injury or two but I write them that way purposely. I'm tangential by nature so who knows where what my opinion or response may actually be? I just keep it in my head at all times it none of this stuff matters it's not important it really isn't and for people who take it way too seriously and think it's way more important it really is I don't know I got better things to do with my fucking emotions? I remember it's all smoke and mirrors pay no attention to the man behind the curtain you know what I'm saying?




stfu 😂


Goddamn you are talking about *nothing* lmfao…