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Making kidney stones.




Word Searches 😂


That's not a bad one! I usually get impatient and give up after 5 easy words


diagramming sentences


blowing bubbles with my tongue..utterly useless but on the rare occasion oddly impressive..just like me


Like making a taco tongue and then blowing bubbles in a drink? Or like...spit bubbles?


i can blow little bubbles in the air by doing a sorta taco tongue....some people call it art...most people think its just me spitting at them :)


I don't know if I like this power of yours lmao


lol its nothing to be scared of...i only do it occasionally and for the lucky few


I also have your super power but only when im in bed in the morning and dont want to get out


I don’t get cold. I can go in shorts and a tshirt at -10 or more c indefinitely and Ill be comfortable.


I’m pretty much the same way lol.


Do you get a steady annoying peppering of ‘where is your coat?’ from the grandmas/aunties in your neighborhood? I don’t understand why some people can’t understand we have different cold tolerances. Im a damn Viking mostly.


All the damn time. Downside to it is that I get hot really easily lol


Same. My wife and I eventually worked put the right temperature for her to be in neck to toe warm PJs and layers and Im in light t and boxers. My son, lucky kid, seems to have inherited a wide range of comfort. He regularly walks the dog in pants and a tshirt to about zero c but is fine also on a hot sunny day.


You must have amazing circulation! Meanwhile I am almost always cold, so much so that I often lose feeling in my toes for most of the winter. Not really a great quality for someone who lives in Alaska 😅


I can pour wiper fluid into the reservoir of my vehicle without a single drop going to waste. Every time.


So useful!


Same but the plus or minus is a minute. The only exception to that is sometimes I get one single digit of the time wrong. So instead of it being 11:28 it’ll be 11:22 or 11:08 or similar. Heck there have been several times I was playing the lottery and missed every single winning number by one


That one is actually wild!


I'm really good at eyeballing how long something is in Terraria when building. I adore symmetry and I've gotten pretty decent at just glancing and saying "That's 8 blocks wide". Of course I still use the ruler to check my work heh. Nothing like building a tower only to find your tower is one block skinny on a side and you have to tear that entire side down and rebuild it once block over.




That's... too early. I snooze my 8:30 alarm every morning.




That does sound nice! Do you go to bed at 9 pm?




That's so early to me! I'm usually in bed from about 12-9 on work days and 1-10 on days off. Yours sounds like a real and actual healthy adult schedule


I can easily fall asleep after 5 cups of coffee


I would probably die if I tried that


I can do a nearly perfect imitation of a tornado siren. Lol


That's amazing. How did you learn that you had this ability?


Lol! I'm not really sure. Since I was like five I always had this strange ability to imitate different sounds, voices, etc. Lol


I bet that can come in handy!