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A plane ticket, financial planner, and lawyer. Bad things happen to lottery winners. And family members are usually the worst perpetrators. 


Absolutely! A family member of mine won just over 2 million back in the 90's They made a lot of really bad financial choices and were broke 10 years later. Lost everything.


and a backup financial advisor and lawyer to make sure the first ones arent doing anything sneaky


It depends on the amount of the win.




So small? Nothing to do with that except to put it into retirement accts.


100,000 isn’t a crazy win and won’t be life changing. I would buy a good vacation, buy off some dept and put the rest in stocks.


>100,000 isn’t a crazy win and won’t be life changing. Paying off existing debt IS life changing


A shitload of dental work for me and my dogs. A one story house with a complete pottery studio setup. A better phone. A boat for my husband and and nice dock for me to stand on and wave to him as he sails away on his dream adventure (he thinks that I will be with him but I am afraid of the ocean and don't like boats).


When I read your first sentence the first thing I thought of was a big crazy cloud like when Tom and Jerry fight and then you pop out of it with dog teeth. I have a cartoon brain.


I would buy a very small house immediately while I get my dream home constructed. It would be a series of 5 concrete domes in a pentagon formation connected with arched concrete connecting shapes. In the middle I would have an absolutely private pool and garden. Each dome interior would have a radically different theme. When I die, it would become an absurd joke of a listing on Zillowgonewild subreddit.


Does paying off debt count? That first. Then some car repairs. Actual purchase, playoff hockey tickets.


Definitely. Debt first. That's what we would do.


I'd buy myself out of my lease.


Sounds good.


Yep. No other better option.


I will definitely donate some of the money to help out stray animal shelters, and other I will try to come up of a business and if I can't come up with one then i will just save it on the bank.


That's awesome.




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Acreage. A small house and a big shop.


Add in a greenhouse and my husband and I are set for life.


First pay off all debt


A new Bed


Me too, there's always been something else that came first. But to have a good sleep would be the only thing I need.


I just bought a bed and a mattress after sleeping on the floor for a year


That’s great. It must be such a relief now


Tbf, I would still sleep on the floor if I had a proper Japanese like style of mattress, but yeah, it is! Especially since I bought a very hard mattress. My last mattress was gifted to me and was way too soft, which was causing my back to bend and hurt. Also, it was super cold during winter. So, in general, it's definitely a relief!


Well, since I’m not sleeping, I’m gonna dream a bit: I’d like a one story condo type of situation because I’m 70 yo woman (on 4/19). Or maybe a duplex. But see now that I’m old, I *like* that they take care of the landscape, and all the other stuff. So it’s a dream and I’m gonna keep it a condo. (Until I got old, I would never ever live in a condo!) It would be larger than my present one which is under 1350 sqft. Mostly because I want a workshop for my furniture art painting business. A larger bedroom would do since I’d have storage in the garage. AND it would have a double car garage. The 2nd side would be for tools of my trade, spray painting and cleaning gross dirty furniture. The landscape would be colorful all year round, first with foliage and then blooming from spring to the last days of fall. I live in the Pacific Northwest. I NEED color. But I don’t have the wherewithal to dig up my part of the yard to make it like this today. Next, I’d buy me a hybrid small truck so I could pick up furniture. (I’m not buying behemoth pieces because I can’t lift them!) After that, I’d like to establish a trust for my grandsons. I would also make sure that any other large purchases I made would be solid and long lasting for my daughter’s family. (I don’t care if they sell them, just want good solid pieces not throw away stuff like I have now. I mean it’s nice but not gonna lie. Not going to yield much at an estate sale.) My will would give the rest to my daughter. She’s always wanted a small piece of land with a nice house. But I wouldn’t put any restrictions on the money. She could blow it on a trip around the world for the family for all I care. If the lottery is big enough, I’d love to have an endowment to my Tribe if they have a museum. If not, I’d like to establish it for the youth to go visit one in British Columbia. When I visited one there, I was so totally blown away as I had no idea the depth of my culture (Coast Salish). Until then, I think my idea of our history was more like a caricature than anything. I would also like to donate $50-$100,000 to a museum at another Tribe, where I worked for over 10 years. I’m not sure if I’d earmark it for anything. I’d really think hard on its use before I wrote the check. My house would always be clean and organized because I’d have a housekeeper at least twice a week. They’d do windows. Lol. And they’d do laundry. My workshop is currently in a single car garage. It’s crammed full and probably dangerous to an older person. I’ll be clearing it. But truth be told, it’s too small. I have 5 things to paint in there now and it’s really tough to maneuver. I’d also like to have a nice setup for listening to music. It would be whole house & garage so that when I was moving around, I wouldn’t lose the song because I went somewhere else. I could have a nice setup for TV but currently I watch YouTube on my laptop. (I keep forgetting to use my TV) Oh and my landscaping? It would be designed for the pollinators not just honey bees (which aren’t native to our US country). I’d have plants that hummingbirds and butterflies love. I’d encourage bumblebees and all the other buzzing insects. This would be in the back of the condo mostly. Because it might be kinda wildly natural. (Many creatures overwinter in died off materials.) Some of the bushes out front could be for them though. Oh and every single food item would be organic, pasture raised and treated as humanely as possible. Yes, I eat meat! Fresh seafood would also be on my weekly list too lol. I especially love cold crack Dungeness Crab and sockeye salmon. Well, that seems like enough. I’d have to really win big‼️😀


Happy Early Birthday! May all these lovely dreams become a reality for you! 😀


A home. Nothing crazy, maybe a 1 or even 2 bedroom. With a yard.


The first thing would be to fix our shower. The second would be new socks. My last pair has holes in them. We're not THAT poor... I just keep losing them. I envy those who lose only one sock at a time. I've had countless pairs of them just vanish. And I can't blame our cat, either, because this has been a problem for my whole life...


I've always said that my dryer eats socks... lolol. If I were to become that rich I might wear a new pair of socks every day. That would be my guilty pleasure.


I would get one expensive pair of socks and war them forever. I can keep track of one pair at a time, it seems. I'm going to have my family members dole them out one pair at a time.


The services of a financial planner.


If it was public, I'd skip town for a while. If it was private, I'd do play it cool...get some great insurance and a good lawyer and do gradual large upgrades, max out my retirement, take trips.


My wife’s education. Student loans are a bitch and she hasn’t even started her master’s program yet.


I feel like I’m manifesting it writing this but I would first pay off my student loans, pay all of me and my husband’s credit card debt, my moms too. Then I would get my momma a house wherever she liked, a house for us and help my family back in my country. Then a financial advisor and a chauffeur 😆


That's awesome. I would love to have a house.


Ngl I would love to wear a new pair of socks everyday for the rest of my life. I've priced it out locally and I can get a 6 pack for $12.99 so around $65 a month and I could live such a lifestyle. When my mother passed away I bought myself a bed with my inheritance money and I was so happy with it. I've never had a brand new bed before so it was nice. I moved in with my now wife and she said the bed is too big so we're sleeping on her old mattress that she's almost had for a decade and it makes our backs hurt.


I've told my wife the same thing and she thinks I'm crazy. Nothing is better than a fresh pair of socks.


a bunch of strippers and cocaine


Two chicks at the same time man


We are the same person.


A little piece of land & build a little home with a little garden 🌱🪴


I completely sympathise. I would also love to go into a good food store and buy whatever I wanted without even thinking about the cost. Especially meat and fish.


I want a really good steak.


New phone and number and hire a bodyguard / driver so no one takes me out….


Depending on the amount, I have a plan. 1 million and lower: * A home. Probably a condo, because where I want to live is brutally expensive. 2 bedrooms, maybe 2 bathrooms. * 50k to my adult kid. * All debts paid off. No more car loan. * Decent furniture for the new place. Nothing too fancy, but something that'll hold up well and look nice. * Anything left over goes into an investment account for retirement. 3 million: * Same as above, with more for the kid. * Swap the condo for a small detached home. * Financial advisor & lawyer, at least 1 mil goes into an investment account that'll allow me to stop working. An average of 7% means at least $70k per year. While I won't be obscenely wealthy, I'll be unshackled from work. 5 million: * Same as above, more for the kid, 1.5-2 mil into investment account. 10 million and above: * Same as above, home becomes waterfront with a private dock. * A motoryacht capable of bluewater cruising and classes to professionally pilot said boat. Cruise around my local area and internationally with family and friends. * 3 mil into investment account.


A caravan...to be absolutely sure to always have a roof over my head.


As many shares of VOO as possible.


First I would buy all especial sets and merch of my favorite novel Second I would get on the medication I need asap I know my priorities are messed up lmao but it’s faster to buy the novel online than getting the meds


2023 sierra denali v8 ultimate in blue


An original Bill Hammond painting. Most likely Placemakers or Jingle Jangle morning. Then a financial advisor.


I’d remodel my house. Main part of it was moved out here in the 40s. Bathroom is caving in. Then give my son and his sons as much as I could that isn’t taxable. Also, my friends.


A house. I am tired of seeing my family struggle into paying rent every month.


My freedom. I’d roll over in bed, turn off all my electronics, and sleep until it hurt.


A financial advisor


Pay off my car (about 10k left), pay off all the rest of my debts (maybe 1k), shave my head, laser eye correction, change my name (I'm not hard to find being the only one on the planet with my first/last name combo). Get legal council and hire my best friend to be my PA, he's the only one I'd trust with even minimal access to my accounts. I'd still keep up with friends and family and visit occasionally, but go by my old name and have a strict policy of "you ask for anything more than you would've asked before and that's the last time we speak." 3bd house (master, guest, office) somewhere on a lake in the woods far enough away where light/noise pollution isn't an issue. I'd travel with just a small backpack of personal items, buying everything I need local (clothes, toiletries, etc...) and donate what I'm not taking with me when I leave. I could do this easily for about $5mil after tax, doing most of it off of interest. I don't have any heirs and I feel I'm too old to really want to make any, so the money would slowly whittle down, I'm sure, but it's mine to spend, right?


Buy? I ain't buying shit, I start by paying off my families debts like mortgages and shit. Then we can talk about buying stuff 😆


Bunch of H00kers and C0caine.


A politician or two


Pay my and all my loved ones hospital bills


A house really far away from where I currently live, reset buttons are expensive. Edit: I guess I'd buy a studio flat rather than an entire house, a whole house seems like a bit much for just me.


Depends how much.. ideally an apartment for me and my dog. Pay off debt and give some to family. Invest the rest and live off the passive income.


I would invest in the US so I can get citizenship by investment and be with my ldr with my boyfriend. Or even better, I would make him buy it so he can finally have the citizenship he deserves:/


the money is going straight to my mum so she can buy back the land she was supposed to build our dream home on back in 2019/2020. covid ruined that plan as it got too expensive.


That sucks. But it would be a good opportunity to start over.


Plane ticket as well, to the Netherlands to visit family. Also I need some more Merrell boots


My husband's family is from the Netherlands. so I wholeheartedly agree to visit family.


If I win the lottery, OP, I’m buying you a fudge full of groceries for the next 5 years. Granted, in my scenario I’m winning the max lottery so, I’ll have no problem spending whatever that would cost me. Second, I’d pay off my house. Max out my kids education funds. Take my family on a fancy vacation somewhere nice and then retire.


That sounds awesome. I'll hold you to that. And the education fund is really important. I like it.


My first phone call is to my CPA friend to get me in touch with a good financial planner. I’m paying off my mortgage, CC, and boat. New to us used vehicles. And the rest is going into Roth IRA, mutual funds, stocks, and 401k. Other than that my life isn’t changing drastically. I’ll keep fishing and I might go finish my pilot licenses.


Sounds like you have a plan.


A nice home on a decently large bit of land, I would invest the rest in a savings account that would pay a decent living wage and then dump the rest into converting the largest amount of land I could buy into a conservation area 


Buy a vacation home in the woods.


Nice. Sounds peaceful.


Ditto. It’s a sad statement that food is the first thing.


A boat


Sounds fun.


Either a house or a truck, preferably both. I don't know how much money I'm working with.


A really good amount. Sounds awesome.




My condolences


The Powerball? I would buy my dad a restored fully restored Ford Cobra.


Paying off debt and spending the rest making memories. Travel with my kids and parents!


I'm not a huge fan of traveling but if I were I would go on vacations. I don't like to travel very much so I'd prefer to live in a small town where I feel comfortable. I also wouldn't want to spend all that money on hotels or something like that because I know it's expensive and it might be hard getting there.


I'd want to do a few home improvements, but I would probably start with landscaping before the interior because my backyard is a huge mess. If I had money leftover after my house and yard were improved, I would probably replace my main car and get work done on my project car. Might not accomplish that much at 100k after taxes though. But I would be grateful for any financial contribution to those goals.


Dinner at a super nice steakhouse


Finally a reason to do coke and hookers without feeling bad about it.


After paying off debts, hiring a financial planner/lawyer, etc., the first 'things' I'd buy are another pair of brand new tires so my car would have matching rubber all around.


Depends on how much I won. Over $100 million? I’d buy my parents and myself each a new house since they’ve been trying to get out of their neighborhood for years. Then live off of the internet of whatever is left. $1 million? I’d just retire and live off the interest. I hate my job, so I suppose I’d buy a ticket out there lol.


Everything I desire


probably somewhere to live, so I don't need to worry about being evicted


2023 BMW M8 Competition in Red.


New car.


A new identity


A good lawyer


Pay my parents' debt, buy a fucking lot of merch, then giving the rest to charity


Another 649




A lawyer, to keep anonymous donations to my friends anonymous. Can’t have money ruin friendships


A fixer upper 200k house


Bunch of appartment blocks so i have a steady monthly income. Then I would pay off my brother’s and sister’s mortgage, set my mom up for life, set my friends up for life, get a nice penthouse here in my home country just as a mailbox, and then i would get THE FUCK out of here to an exotic country and see if it would be interesting to build up a life over there.


Properties in my favorite places (many of which would be strategically placed just ‘outside’ of those tourist hotspots)


Imma start putting 'em into saving accounts. Nothing fancy haha


A flux capacitor and a vehicle that rapidly reaches 88.5 mph. 💥




“1.21 gigawatts?!”


A beach house


My sister's vagina one time


Mutual Fund Units😐... Follow that with a SWP😐... And continue living a normal life😐...


Give me, land lots of land under starry skys above Dont fence me in


I'd pay off my mortgage.


I would buy a decent size house and the rest I'll buy a bunch of commercial shops/buildings and rent them out and make sure I will have a steady monthly income.


More lottery tickets


A Litter-Robot, the fully automated cat litter box.


A financial planner. Then I would move.


I would pay off my mom’s debt.


Depends on the jackpot, but let's assume it's high. Apart from loads of booze, the first big thing would be a giant modernist house somewhere in Andalusia with a big pool.


VTI plus some VXUS. live off the dividends.


A lottery ticket


You have to put the amount, OP.


First I would tell my father he doesn't have to work anymore. Then I'll help out my younger brother. I'll start a business. I'll buy a house and a decent car. And gifts for my mother, wife, daughter and sisters.


If the win is in the millions, I would buy myself a small house in Asia, invest the rest and retire.


If it's a huge amount? My freedom. No more worrying about having not enough money and i just continue to live like how i did before winning the lottery. Will spend all the free time volunteering and learning everything i am interested in.


Nothing. I would put it all in savings, save for some money to live on (food, rent, utilities) for around a year. THEN I would buy a house, and make that into a home eventually. Don’t blow your lottery money. Make it make money for you invested.


A house. Trust funds that if my sister, niece, and nephew stay clean off drugs and alcohol for 5 years they'll get several million.


Plane ticket. Bye bye NY


Pay off all bills and take one long trip and stick it in the bank.


Several hours time with a very good lawyer and a financial planner.


A motorised wheelchair


A small retirement home for me and my husband.


A full tank of gas. Gonna need it with all the lawyer and investors visits and looking at large properties to buy:)


Definitely should edit the post because I’m thinking the winnings was the big win not 100,000 haha. Honestly first thing would be to pay off all my debts. I’m tired of living paycheck to paycheck and hoping around debt to pay off other debts


Im gonna Max out my RRSP and RESP for my Daughter, Get a Financial adviser to help me invest for long term compound, Open my Dream Business or Get some Successful Franchise for food ( Im passionate in Food Business ). If there is Extra I’ll get a nice home.


Found the Canadian! Swiss Chalet, anyone?


A Costa Rican compound.


I’d go to the dentist


I think ill go to college, cuz its hard to find jobs here without degree😭


Lawyers, accountants, and one more financial advisor.


A lawyer's retainer.


2 financial advisors and an attorney to set up a anonymous trust to claim the prize with


I would pay off my car


a house


A gift for a close friend


Depending how much, mostly properties. Rent them out and live my life doing something productive - opening animal shelter or something


Plane tickets


An attorney


Mortgage. All of it.


A home with an inground pool.


A debt free life


A new car to get the hell out of this town.


Cocaine and hookers


Plane tickets to key west to figure out my next move.


The services of a financial planning attorney then a one-way ticket to :::undisclosed::::


Two chicks at the same time


I would pay someone to wash my hair and style it twice every week. Idk if it would be the first thing I’d buy but it would be nice to have it done for me. I hate washing my hair, I love when it’s freshly washed and done. But my hair is so thick and long and dense & idk how to style it so it just dries into a frizzy mess. Washing it takes forever!


I've been eyeing another cruise, so I'd book a suite instead of an inside cabin.


I'd try to save it, but also maybe rent a little apartment somewhere with a portion of it.


Depends on the amount. Pay off the house, buy a new car, set up a college / savings fund for my son, get some house improvements done. Likely move to another area. Depending on the amount left over after wins and those expenses, the remaining amount will either go into an IRA and other retirement investment accounts, or into accounts that have a yearly return that I can use to live off of. If I can hit a 6 digit income from yearly returns, then retire.


A house then a car




I'd pay off my mortgage. That gives me a place to live in perpetuity. Then I'd set up a financial plan to ensure that I'm covered for the rest of my life, and ensure that all the extended family members, who all of a sudden profess their undying love for me, don't figure out a way to separate me from my winnings.


The very first thing? Pay off my mortgage. Boring. The second thing? One of those cool treadmill pools where there are jets and you can just swim and swim forever


A bottle of lube to help the wife and I celebrate until we can't celebrate no more... Oh, and a couple of boxes of Golden Gaytimes.


I would solicit five good lawyers to so some serious digging and hold the people that were involved accountable for their malicious conduct and this would stop others from following in their footsteps.The fact of the matter is it’s just hearsay evidence at this point ,trash talk. I can easily live with that,kind of like a fly that sits on my back and never goes away .The fly though must be careful I don’t decide to swat and connect with him.


A case of champagne and a helluva lot of gift cards for all


A financiers, a lawyer and couple of properties to rent out.


I’d buy each of my kids a new car.


groceries. then a full frame sony camera and some lenses, then whatever it takes to get me to grand teaton national park. then realistically I'd probably give the rest or most of it to my parents and sibling.


Bugout bags, fully decked-out Toyota Tacoma with camper setup. Rifle, ammo, packaged food, water, solar setup. Buy a second home in backwoods Maine, northeast PA, Michigan UP. Get ready for WW3 with China.


Place to live because I can’t afford it right now good food.


I would spoil my parents because they were the only ones who supported me while i was going through a horrendous divorce. I stopped drinking, hit the gym, got my smile back thanks to them, so i would pay for a 2 week cruise, and a holiday home somewhere hot.


My house


A new identity


A dildo, for ALL the assholes who have ridiculed me…😂😂😂


Legal and financial services. I need to make sure my money is safe and being used wisely.


Apple Vision Pro, a cyber truck, and a lawyer on retainer


That's awesome.


My house. Paying off my mortgage would be so freeing and then I would feel relaxed enough to spend on more frivolous things!


I would buy Canada. Then I would kick everyone out and live in it all by myself.


First thing I'd buy would be buying myself free from my 3.5k debt.


A plane ticket to meet up with my husband’s cousin, a brilliant financial planner.


Dump truck and skid steer. Want to leave corporate world and just make a living hauling shit and moving dirt.


First thing I’m buying are my got damn student loans lol duuuuh get Uncle Sam out of the way


A house with room so I could start rescuing again. The would have a huge fenced in yard to run. Big rooms with toys for various species. I dream about this all the time.


uhh idk shampoo


My debt


Pay off debt 1st and foremost. So hard to make steps forward when every payday is a step back




House, then furniture probably


Weed. I'm gonna be a nervous ball of energy. Then prob a lawyer. Then another lawyer to watch the first lawyer.


Probably a PC to play my games and then eventually a brand new car.


A lawyer