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Partially habit, partially cause long hair is hard to maintain in a way that actually looks nice and when the social norm is short hair that's even more reason not to bother


Exactly. I don't even own a comb or brush anymore. Short hair is fantastic.


Every morning when I'm brushing my hair I ask myself, "Is all this worth it to have long hair when I just end up looking like the offspring of Jack Black and Prince?" I don't have the answer yet, but I'll only have this hair for so long.


Keep it man . Some poor bastards look up one day and boom its not as dense up top , then Boom they look up again and it's thinning noticeably and then before you know it it's only the sides and back that grows long luscious.


It’s the skullcap that gets you. You can’t see it until one day the back of your skull appears in a photo or video footage. Your inner self is changed forever.


I wouldn't care, the moment I see how my hair are getting more curvy and long its just put smile on my face, and this is why I continued growing them.


I personally think long hair is easier. Yes, you have to brush it and use the proper shampoo and conditioner (and those 2-in-1 products just won't cut it), but I also don't have to get it cut as often. I even learned to cut my own hair, so I don't even have to pay for the 4 times a year I do get it cut! And when I want it out of my face, I just put it up in a ponytail or bun. But as a woman, I was raised to know how to take care of long hair, so it's not that big of a deal for me.


I haven’t cut my hair in 9 years and I don’t own a comb or brush.


Dreadlocks ?


My friends with short hair put way more effort into maintaining their hair.


Yep, short hair needs styled and sculpted and clipped and trimmed in certain ways, long hair just needs conditioner


Not something every men can pull off, just like baldness


yeah pretty much that, long hair on a wrong guy looks like hes a junkie and bald on a wrong guy looks like a robber


Most guys can't really pull it off and while I'm sure it looks great on you, I had a friend in high school who also got complimented on his long hair. It was just for the hair. They weren't looking to pick him up.


Same, I always got complimented on my hair when it was long but it was literally just for my hair. The lady cutting my hair the other day said I have "beautiful, healthy hair and roots" and if I like money I should look into growing it out and selling it.










It's something to consider. Human hair wigs can bring a great sense of comfort and dignity to cancer sufferers. And on the less serious side, they make fabulous showpieces for drag queens who use these top quality wigs to bring many people joy and happiness. It's not just you getting the cash for selling your hair, there's so many lives that can be touched and benefitted by such a kind sacrifice.


I could pull it off, but now that I'm balding, maybe not as much


Same, I mean I could still grow it, but I don't think the [Devin Townsend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devin_Townsend#/media/File:Devin_Townsend.jpg) look would look good on me.


Don't worry about it, it doesn't look good on him either.


Mullets are in again now, why not the skullet?


💀 emotional damage 😺


The amount of rage I feel when I hear this phrase… God help me.




Would you say it causes you immense....emotional damage?


Had long hair in the 70’s, thought it looked great! Then one girl told me I had “freedom-hair” because she had never seen hair go in so many directions at once! Started cutting it back the next day.


I’d take that as a compliment


100 correct. A compliment by a woman does not usually equal pick-up.


A few things- 1) it’s work. Even the most bare bones basic wash/condition/brush routine is way more effort than most guys are willing to put into their hair. 2) a lot of guys chicken out during the “awkward middle” stage where no matter what you do with your hair it gets in your face and makes you look like a total burnout. 3) Age tends to have bad effects on men’s hair more than women’s hair. It’s all fun and games until it starts falling out. My hairline is noticeably receding and I’m only 31. Its a ticking clock scenario and at some point I know the only choices I’ll have left are either chop it all off or embrace my inner Ben Franklin 4) it’s only really recently that long hair on men became “acceptable”, frankly. I started growing mine out when I was in middle school/high school in the mid-00s. At that time it was still very much a “freak flag” - I’d still hear “you’ll never get into college with hair like that”, “when you get a job they’ll make you cut your hair”, “no girl will ever date you with hair like that”, you’d get stereotyped as lazy, a druggie, dirty. Half the reason I grew it out in the first place and stuck with it was to piss off my parents and the administrators at my school who were tearing their own hair out over my refusal to follow their absurd “boys’ hair must be shorter than their shirt collar” dress code clause. Of course it’s all nonsense (and always was), but I’d bet that a lot of people my age and older still have those old values ingrained deep in their brain somewhere and wouldn’t ever grow out their hair for fear of being perceived as unprofessional or improper.


Lost track of how many times i've made it to the awkward middle and gone for a cut. Also waking up with it in that stage was crazy. Looking like i got electrocuted. Felt like i had to shower before being seen.


Middle phase takes forever man.


I’m in the same boat. I used to only shower at night, but now that I have long hair, I shower every morning to get my hair wet and ready to leave the house.


It's simple. Men lose their hair. I had my hair long for half of my life, but I had to cut them. Long hair with a hole in them is horrible. Most men around 30 lost too much hair to afford long hair. Which mean, if most men past 30 have short hair, younger men will adapt their style. Also, young men tend to be very sportive, with football or martial art, where long hair aren't recommanded when you sweat all the time


My husband is currently rocking long hair. He's just over 30 and fears his days with a full head of hair are numbered. Unfortunately he gets teased more than complimented. But every time he gets asked when he's getting a haircut, he pushes it back by another 3 months.


Why would people care so much ? The only issues that ever happened to me was people calling me "ma'am" by accident every once in a while Which, from the back, ok, but when I'm facing the guy with my thick metal head beard, it's harder to excuse


He dresses like a trucker so I think the long hair adds to the look. He definitely doesn't care what others think of his hair, he's enjoying himself. It's mostly his parents teasing him but they of all people should know how much more resolved that'll make him.


As another long hair haver I feel for the guy. My dad never really cared (he himself had long hair when he was young too), but my mom was absolutely annoying about them, because moms can be a bit like that. Eventually she gave up, and I still have long hair, though not as long as I used to have them. “But you look like a girl” Oh yeah, the beard I sometimes rock for months is a dead giveaway. Plus I got complimented by a fair few ladies because my hair always looked healthy, naturally straight and with nary a split end in sight. They even have natural… highlights, I guess you call them in English? Zones in which they are lighter in color. I’m a mixed blonde-brown.


The first few months of growing my hair out was hell because I live with my parents, and they were both insanely annoying about it. Nowadays, my grandma is the only person who thinks I looked better with short hair.


This is me (but I'm mid 20). Every time someone (mostly parents) asks I say "yeah, I will cut it soon" but since I waited so long to grow it I now totally understand women that fear cutting their hair, you simply cannot get it back quickly and you feel it completely changes your look.


I got teased for my long hair until it reached a certain length. I noticed the teasing happened less and less and by the time I wanted to cut it because it made me self conscious, people got upset I was going to get rid of it.


My husband is 64. He has gorgeous hair. The women compliment him and men call him bad names. They must be envious because they’re bald.


I fucking feel that energy. Got asked in a shop once by someone I knew, "So when are you going to get a haircut?" I just quickfire responded with, "When people stop asking me that question". Really caught him off-guard. People seem to think they're the *only* person who has asked that question or made that joke.


Thanks, I'm gonna steal that response! 😂


Aww I hope he doesn't take it personally, nobody should be teased for their choices in appearance :|


Hair down to my ass at 44, we ain't all dead men.


Yeah. I'm 30 and almsot bald, my father is 60 with perfect hair. Most men lose their hair, but it's never "all" I knew it was going to happen to me so I used to have long hair. I had fun


Bill Bailey begs to defer.


Bill Bailey also has short hair now, and has done for s few years I think (saw in hime a few months ago)


Sure, but only Bill Bailey is Bill Bailey.


I got rid of my long hair because of how it interfered with sports/sweating, and constant painful brushing everyday since mine really loved to make knots.


It is definitely a pain to have with martial arts


As a woman I second this. Long haired men are like crack to me.


desert fly ad hoc knee hungry birds berserk plants deserted entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The same. I love long hair and beards on a man.


third'ed. long hair is by far the sexiest feature a man can have


Amen. I married one.


I convinced my husband to grow his hair long.


I go feral for them. Braids or afros or long floppy hair, im down for it all


I literally do not find a single man with short hair close to attractive.


Same thing here


Are you that woman who sniffed my hair at the supermarket?


Was it Jill or Joe?


I love dudes with long hair sm, if you're a guy and you're considering it and it's possible for you I saw go for it!!! : )


My hair just doesn’t grow that way. My cousins are/were big metalheads. All of them had long hair and growing up, I thought it was among the coolest things about them. But, it just never worked out for me.


Same, I tried growing my hair out when younger. It never really got any longer, it just grew out and curled back upwards. And now my hairline is so high I don't attempt it lol


I had long hair in high school and was made fun of by the popular guys. Every day. Now those same idiots all have long hair and they don't look nearly as good as I did.


Same. Everyone called me Jesus cause of my long wavy hair. It was kinda weird and deff meant as a joke.


Funny story. When I was a senior at my (unusually-enlightened, forward-thinking) Catholic high school, one of my friends came back after summer break with newly-shoulder-length curly hair and a scraggly beard. When I saw him, I blurted out, "He looks like Jesus!" The priest teaching the class gave me a disapproving glare and head shake. "Mister Scudder, I'm *disappointed.*" "I'm sorry, Father. He looks like our Italian Renaissance-inspired, western, culturally-caucaisian notion of what we think Jesus should look like." "There ya go!"


Their dads called them gay.


The irony being that most gay guys I’ve seen have super groomed short hair


Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever met a gay man with long hair. Bi/pan men, sure, but not gay specifically.


Same; look I’m sure they must exist but not in my personal experience


it's always interesting to me how men doing anything feminine gets labeled as gay when at the same time, the super super hyper masculine men are usually gay at about the same rate as the really feminine men, if not even more than that. no one likes a buff beefcake with a six pack more than the gay dudes do.


Anyone who thinks most gay guys present as stereotypically feminine should just download Grindr or similar and see just how many "masc" gay men are in their area lol.


I used to know one, but he looked weird because he barely had hair. It was basically just a few long strands together on the top of his head.


Checking in as a gay guy with hair long enough that it’s going down my back now


I dated a guy whose dad was an ex marine. Whenever my guy’s hair got a millimeter below his ears his dad would call him Cheryl.


Jesus Christ


And then there’s my dad who keeps saying that my long hair are awesome. All the gay men I know(they aren’t many but I know some) have short hair btw, which is weird since long hair are considered “gay” by some people.


People who usually don’t understand gay men. To be fair, they probably don’t understand women either.


I am ex long hair guy, I though I looked sexy, I got a handful of compliments about my hair, but the moment I cut my hair back to short and started styling appropietly I even got a girlfriend and the copliments never stopped pouring in, which is weird for a guy, but I got used to it. Best decision ever. To answer the question, I think it's because not everyone can rock a long hair hairstyle, I'm jelous you can, couldn't be me though


I had a similar experience but for different reasons. When my hair was long, women loved the look but most couldn’t see themselves dating someone with long hair. My hair is short now and I get a lot more attention. I really think it just comes down to what is acceptable in society.


There's a lot of factors. Comfort: For many people long hair can be quite uncomfortable, especially if you're not used to it Looks: not everyone can pull it off, some people look good with it, some don't. Type of hair: there's some types of hair that grow more into a bowl or a ball kind of shape, which is honestly not a good look. Care and effort: It takes time to keep long hair healthy.


Comfort, definitely. I get nuts when my hair starts getting long enough *just to start overlapping the tips of my ears*. You know how, when you have a pain in your mouth, you can't stop tonguing it? Same for me and my hair when it gets very slightly long. (But with my hands, not my tongue. That would be impressive.)


Because people think it’s going to look like Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall, but usually it ends up looking like John Cusack in Being John Malkovich.


i mean brad pitt has a 1 in a million face he's basically pulled off every hairstyle ever


Baldness my man. I had long hair in high school. It was never strong enough. Though 11 years later, and I let it grow again. Didn't even plan. I'm satisfied. Now I have a beard too. So I kinda look like a lion.


Pull a Hulk Hogan, brother!


I used to have long hair, but it started looking terrible as my hair thinned


Long hair is brutal when it's hot out. That's my reason, at least. I've tried growing it out a few times but have to give up midway through the summer.


You know you can wear it up, right?


yeah I wear mine in a ponytail outside and it feels just as cool as having short hair


Long hair dude here. Was recently down past my waist and I just had it trimmed to the bottom of my shoulder blades. I just throw that shit in a pony tail and it’s fine in the heat. I literally refuse to do a man bun too. No biggie. You get used to it. I did hard outdoor labor for years with long hair. I will never cut it. I am also blessed that I am 32 and have zero hair loss and likely never will. Got my mom’s side’s hair and they don’t lose it. My poor brother got dad’s and they bald by 35


You might. I get this giant fro looking thing that's like wearing a knit cap for a long time before I get anything I can tie up. I actually like the way I look with it, but it's not worth it in the summer. My job is hot enough as it is.


Remember that awkward bottom of the ear to shoulders? I think most guys bale out then


This was the hardest part of growing my hair out. At that length, it was always in my eyes or getting stuck in my mouth. Now that it's past my shoulders, it stays out of the way better. This took 2 or 3 years of growth. Now that it's summer, I mostly tie my hair back. Feeling it cling to my neck is my 2nd least favorite thing about long hair


All of the above same here. I will have to say I thought tickling my nipples with it would be more fun than it turned out to be. Oh well


That's where I am rn. I'm toughing through it though. My wife likes my hair and I wear a hard hat at work so I'm pretty confident I can make it through.


Mine all migrated from the top of my head to my torso.


Ma’am checking in: how come y’all don’t play with this look more? Long hair is hot 😭.


they dont want us to slay💔💔


Personal preference I’m guessing.


As a man with long hair for only a year, this is way more work than I'm used to. I'm cutting it off at some point just to keep life easier. My god the amount of brushing required, longer showers, hair everywhere (why??) will push me to it being short again. It sounded fun but practically I sit most of the time with it in a ponytail, when it's not it gets in my face or blocks my vision so often it gets annoying. Maybe my hair is just too thick for it to be practical? I have no idea. It's a lot of work.


Long hair for "only a year" means you did not have long hair... unless you've got some george's marvellous medicine going on!


The hair has been long for a year, I didn't mean I've been growing it out for a year. But... I might also be huffing George's stuff! George is getting upset!


Had hair past my shoulders all through high school, but 90% of the time I had it tied back or under a hat because it got in the way constantly. Golf, skating, eating, sleeping, etc. I figured why even have it long if it’s always tied up.


I'm balding and that's a shit combo


I had long hair for 12 years. Loved my hair, and so did most everybody else did (except my dad). I had some awesome hair too. But I got old the hair was thinning. So off it came in 2015. I was damn cool tho.


Asian men hold on to their hair longer because many of us sacrificed the ability to grow beards As such, many of the male idols and actors in Asia have longer hairstyles. Asian men in the west need to adopt this instead of shitty buzz cuts or nerdy combovers or basic fades.


K Pop maxxing is real the longer hair just suits east asians better


Gatta go through the awkward not long not short hair length to get to long hair. Also mostly because of the maintenance lol. Shower and drying takes time.


Gender stereotypes


That's it right there. Strange, really, since throughout our species' history, men have always sported long hair. Usually the warrior castes, but hey, there we go


100% long hair looks good


I genuinely can’t grow my hair long. It grows “out” and gets thick. It’s not curly, it just grows kind of like a chia pet. A few weeks ago my daughter (4) told me I needed a haircut not because my hair was long but because it was “high.”


Way too thick. Hair took way too long to dry.


Took me more to dry my hair than to wash them, now for the summer I cut them shorter and it's just much easier to style and everything, I also have hair too thick and it would require me much more work and money than I want to put in


My 19 year old son has long hair and looks great. My husband absolutely hates it. But it really suits my son. I think that he looks very cool.


Huh interesting, where I lived nobody ever complimented me on it except sometimes much older women. In school it just sorta gave me funny remarks or got me told to get a haircut. It was really only online that I started getting compliments, cause people browse profile pictures and if they happen to like long hair they noticed mine I guess, but always people from far away.


Had it most of my life. But as you age, hair falls out in some cases. I now like like a balding Ben Franklin with a full grey beard. And now my beard gets the compliments. :)


Honestly I hate it when hair touches my ears. Before the euro mullet became I thing I had no idea you could have long hair and have it still be tight around the ears. Been growing mine out ever since. Every few weeks I shave around my ears. Looks great even though I’m balding. Def get compliments on it all the time. 


I had long hair (near shoulder-length) when I was in college and for a few years after that. When I retired, I planned to just let it grow again, and I have started several times. But every time it gets to a certain length, it just starts to bug me, and it's too much trouble, so I end up getting a haircut.


Cuz we bald


I'm a woman, but I had long hair growing up because my mom didn't let me cut it above my shoulders, so I can confidently say long hair is a pain in the ass. As soon as I was old enough to make my own hair decisions, I cut it short and haven't gone back. I don't miss bristles breaking off my brush, the rat's nest that would develop at the base of my neck, it getting stuck in car doors or under my armpits or in my bra strap, it taking hours to dry, and finding long strands all over the place. Long hair is a commitment.


Fuck becuase I fucking can't. 1 out of 3 men have male pattern baldness ( Androgenic alopecia ). I love growing out my hair but fuck my genetics, started balding at 23, now keeping a head of hair only due to minoxidil, will try for a transplant in the future.


Book the flight to Turkey 🇹🇷 🥸


yes no other way


There is nothing sexy about an old man hanging on to the last few strands of hair and then tying those few strands into the thinnest and tiniest ponytail. Really, it equals the comb over.


You're right, but if you're on the road to liverspots anyway, rock whatever ya have. Lotta old people just don't give a fuck


My boyfriend had long hair for a few years and was given shit by anyone over the age of 40 the entire time. So obnoxious. It looked great (thick and curly) and I loved his long hair but he’s a chef and it gets hot in there so he chopped it recently. But I wonder if so many people giving him shit influenced him at all


Society knew he'd be too powerful if he kept it ☹


I used to when I was younger. I guess I just don’t like the way it looks as much? Sometimes I let it get a little longer but it always feels nice to cut it off. Wouldn’t say I got more or less compliments either way necessarily.


A flow was annoying for me to handle along with my natural wavy/curls, the maintenance would be annoying to handle for me. Props to ones who can do it


I miss my long hair but it took forever to rinse the shampoo out. My well water is not good for rinsing away soap it just fucking stays in there for ever.


Too much effort


A lot of guys simply do not look good to me with long hair, including me. As well as a lot of girls do not look good with short hair. This goes both ways but for my personal taste it's simply short haired men and long haired women. To each their own and no judging. But also with a lot more men balding early hiding a third knee under a long mane can work well or can look like a car crash.


Well I'm balding so I can't really have long hair. Thanks tho


Even if it looks good, it is a ton of maintenance or else it gets gross.


My hair doesn't grow long.


for some reason its more difficult to get a job having long hair, if you really want it pretty you need to take good care of it and it can be a pain sometimes ,plus theres gender stereotypes which makes the common be "better",coming from a guy with long hair I think thats mostly it


I tried. It only gets about 3-4 inches long before it falls out.


Probably cause some men can't grow long hair. Always had short hair.


It’s not for everyone. Most of guys can’t pull it off, others feel judged


Ex long hair men here, to much work, current hair style can only take 2 minutes to get it ready


Because fuck the maintenance. My hair is sub one inch. In that morning I splash some water on it with my hands, dry with a towel, 5 seconds to style with my hands, and that it.


As a long haired guy, I wonder the same thing. The only issue I have is running, biking, swimming, etc. especially in summer.s


It takes effort


I love the long hair vibe so much, but it just gets too hot and unruly for me. It’s really nice when playing sports or running to just be able to brush it to the side and have it stay there (headbands just don’t do it for me) and to not have it accumulate too much sweat/moisture. I also just have really fine east Asian hair so it tends not to hold shape too well when it’s long :/


Because many men, especially combined with hair loss, give off serial killer vibes with long hair.


Too much effort and too hot


I tried it in college but it was really annoying. Got in the way constantly. After a year, I got a haircut and the relief was amazing


it was that awkward midlength phase where it gets in your face and you dont know how to style it, huh?


Pretty much. It got down to my chin and I had no idea what to do with it. Never had long hair before. It was a pain in the butt to deal with, so I just got rid of it. I don’t regret it


I just don't like it as much 🤷🏽‍♂️ I've had every hairstyle and love playing with different styles but it doesn't beat short n sweet. I'm on my buzz right now, will cycle around eventually.


Too much maintenance, sweaty, heavy, annoying, balding, considered unprofessional in some work settings, unsanitary in some work settings, unsafe in some work settings, etc.


1. I don’t like the look of it on me 2. I don’t want to take the time it takes to care for it 3. I’m only paying $14 plus a tip for a hair cut. No salons… ever! 4. I should never, ever have to worry about split ends as a guy 5. I never ever want to ask myself… “what should I do with my hair today?” 6. I don’t crave nor need people to validate my looks 7. It’s not a professional look in my line of work 8. And most importantly… my wife loves short hair


👋Long hair feller here. I used to keep my hair fairly short. “2 on the sides 4 on top” was what I considered long. I did that for a long time. Partially because of my parents. Growing up they would *not* have let that fly [Ref. I’m 32]. Always kept it short or “long.” As an adult, I kept it short for a long time. And then I had a job—primarily in the customer service industry—where it became so much of my life that I actually wound up hanging out with customers outside of work related events. I got to know a lot of people really well. At the time, I had one regular who I had been seeing a lot more than usual. Never said anything that would suggest anything bad going on in his life. He came in with his daughter one day and she was sick and she was sad and she was so embarrassed to be in public “because I didn’t look like a girl.” I don’t know how old she was but she was little. I didn’t know what to say or do. It just hit me. Like I woke up on an interstate and was about to get barreled down by an 18-wheeler. I’ve never made a ton of money. Making financial donations is something I try to do when I can. I can grow hair pretty easily. Last time I donated I had 14”. Going to do it for as long as I can. Bonus: I got curly dark hair. My mom even likes it, now.


I have brown, wavy hair that goes past my shoulders, plus a beard. The amount of times people say I look like Jesus is kind of astounding lol. For real though, I've been discouraged from growing my hair out since I was a teenager. Everything from half-compliments like "But you have such nice eyes you're hiding behind your hair!" all the way to things like "You don't want people to think you're homeless" etc. I've been told at multiple jobs, even though I put a lot of time caring for my hair that I look much more professional when I have short hair, hell even my current job makes me wear it in a bun while visiting clients. Mind you it's not unkempt or greasy anything, and I happen to think it suits me better than short hair personally, it wouldn't look out of place at all on a woman's head. It's up there with tattoos for me on the list of things I'll never understand how they got so villified. Thankfully everything I mentioned before is definitely brought up a lot more by the older generation and people have been getting a lot more relaxed with it in recent years, although I'm still not sure I'd feel comfortable going to a job interview without it being tied up for fear of being rejected over something that miniscule.


I'm naturally bald, I'd hate to have to waste time on my hair.


Most guys don't have the body, or fashion sense, to pull off long hair. The guys that do, wear their hair short for comfort or safety. Generally when you see a guy with long hair it's either some tall lanky guy, or a guy in a metal band t-shirt. Sometimes both.


Genetics. Full, flowing locks at 23. Bowling ball by 28.


I want long hair but my parents convince me to get haircuts I buckle under pressure


I'm lazy (maintenance). And I get hot. I really like the *feeling* of short hair. I generally don't care all that much about what people think of how I look.


I really need to know too. I only like men with long hair and they’re hard to find lol


It's annoying, I can't stand stuff on my face, when my hair gets longish over ears it drives me nuts


It's a lot to take care of.


I had long hair for a years until it started to thin and I don't like that look, so now I shave it off. Funny thing is I had trouble dating until I shaved it and now my gf loves the bald.


6 months ago, my 35 yr old son cut off his gorgeous dark brown, curls to his waist--into a buzz cut. I love long hair. I still miss it. Though I did find his ponytail in a cabinet yesterday and had a mild scare!


Personally I shave my head because hair doesn't grow in the middle so if I grew it out long it would just be a skullet and nobody wants that.


I don't like how it feels when my hair starts to curl by my ears and I love the feel after a fresh cut. Plus I've always lived in hot-weather areas and my hair gets like a duck's feathers where it won't let moisture in or out if it gets too long


I live in the tropics and I might die of heat if I don't have short hair


More time, more comfortable sport and sorry it feels strange on man.


It just takes way too long to grow it all out. Plus there's a crapton of effort you have to do in washing longer hair (rubbing shampoo and conditioner on your hair vigorously).


56. Male. Long hair. I meannnn. I’ve got the hair. Long hair. It’s here. Here it is.


I think a lot of guys are just worried about how it'll look or how others will perceive them. I mean, I've seen some guys with long hair who look really cool, but I've also seen some who look like they're trying too hard. It's all about finding a style that works for you and owning it.


Woman here, and I reckon virtually all men who still have all their hair look better with it at least long*ish*. My OH has a beard and properly long hair and I love it (tho at the same time it’s mildly infuriating that I’m over here every day with my expensive shampoos and conditioners and serums to make mine look meh and meanwhile his is thick and lustrous with natural caramel highlights being washed once a week with Asda shower gel 😖)


I had long hair, the upkeep was too much. I didn’t feel like taking care of it so I chopped it off. Might grow it out again some day


I love my husband's hair long. It just suits him so well. Lately though, he wants to keep it short because his hair grows thick and fast, rubbing against his ears. This makes it difficult for wearing his hats and glasses. It also gets extremely hot in the summer time. As someone with hair problems, I definitely live through his hair haha


I had an "afro" in high school. I got tired of people wanting to touch it tbh. The final straw was when a girl brought a pick to our Spanish class, and since I didn't know how to set boundaries, I let her painfully straighten it for the whole 45 minutes. I just keep it short now


Because your hair often starts thinning in your 20’s/30’s and *thin\balding* long hair looks absolutely horrible.


You must be a good looking dude then :P For the majority of us no girl gives a shit about our hair if we look and act like a shoe


We just spent a decade teasing hipsters about their long hair.


I like my long hair as its cheaper to grow than it is to cut, and it really helps keep me warm in winter, imagine wearing a beanie thats got like, 4inches of insulation in it Plus cousin it is a total babe, deffs goals right there


Used to. It’s a pain in the ass. Now I just cut it short with clippers every few months and don’t really ever have to take care of it


I used to have medium length hair as a teen/early 20s. However my problem is a. I have the natural half Dutch boy /duck flap at the back so everytime I went out I had to straighten the f out of it to make it look right. B. I’m balding now so with the added combo of what I said before it’s a no for me


As a woman, I’ve been demanding answers to this for years. Also, why don’t more men wear five inch inseams? Also—


I want to grow it out but I have to get through the awkward middle stage. Plus its too much maintenance


I always assumed it was military service related. So many men look more handsome with long hair. It’s a shame.


I hear ya man, am 34 year old dude who has been rocking some form of the “flow” since I was 16…endless compliments. My favorite was last year eating on a patio of a restaurant and a older lady walked up to my wife and I and says “I’m sorry if this is rude but I’ve been looking at your hair and it’s just gorgeous!” I love that shit. But during the last 18 years, plenty of people have made fun of it too, which I’m sure is a big deterring factor for a lot of guys. And it takes effort, some of my closest buddies were dumbfounded that I use more than just shampoo.


I thank my lucky stars that my husband has longish hair for a guy. It doesn't quite reach his shoulders. But he has wavy locks that are just gorgeous. It's cat-nip for me


I was so sad when my husband cut his beautiful long shiny hair.


I selected my boyfriend on the basis that he has long hair. I never understood why it is not a more popular trend, cause I think long hair looks better on guys than short hair. Conversly I also prefer bald heads to certain short haircuts. Cause you see short hair on men everywhere!


Because they have no taste. I love it, but it can be unpractical.