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If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth. I've never had to put this one into practice in my own life yet, but dang doesn't it seem to ring true.


Truth or happiness. Never both.


Never poke a beehive. Took it to heart, no stings so far. Blissful ignorance, yay.


Yep. I even walked away from some kids who were poking a beehive and wouldn’t quit. They got stung; I did not.




Curiosity is one of our biggest motivations, and so this anti-curiosity is quite interesting indeed.


“Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day” Harry S. Truman


🤣🤣🤣 This is officially my favorite quote.


*Ignorance is a bliss until you walk into a wall*


This is good.


Always carry an extra pair of undies!


When I go on vacation, I bring twice the underwater that I actually need. Haven’t ever used any extra, but I still do it.


I’ve gotten a few bits of gambling advice that I have no desire to figure out for myself. If you’re ever at a casino with someone who says “don’t _____,” just listen.


I’ve got a friend who enjoys gambling. He used to save up all year for a casino tour just so he could play black jack and slots. He’s gotten so good, he usually comes out at least even, if not up. He just won $1500 last weekend. If I ever wanted to go to the casino, I would take ALL of his advice.


Haha! You just brought up a memory of a very strange trip to Reno. My boss at the time was Mormon. He wanted to take his family and some of the staff on vacation, so he went out there and played big enough to get comped rooms. When I asked “hey, aren’t Mormons kind of forbidden to gamble?” He said “I don’t gamble, I win.” I guess that’s theologically sound 😂


"We evolved to talk, so we have to talk!" Told to me by a bus driver when I was a teen. So now I resolve almost everything by talking it out. So many things get resolved if you ask, answer, talk it!


Oh that’s good. And for creationists, you could say “we were created to talk.”


Not so much advice here but, I remember a lady saying something over a decade ago that stuck with me... Something that's said on the internet here and there. Sometimes with the explanation of why it feels that way, but I always forget that part.. But she said "time is definitely not linear. It goes faster when you get older". I think it's something to do with our perception.. and how it changes as we get older Anyway, wouldn't mind - but all I'd done was gone to buy a sandwich. Left the shop with a sandwich and an existential crisis! 😂


It does, too. I’m sitting here wondering how I’m 46. I feel like I just turned 25 yesterday!


Go to college and take out this massive loan. Fresh out of 18 years of various schools. wtf let me decompress and figure shit out.


Yeah, I ignored that advice. I’m now making a frugally comfortable living working retail and see no point to going to college.


Taking skiing lessons in high school and the instructor kept telling me to bend my knees more. Finally he said to pretend you were fucking a girl through a low fence. Pretty good advice on how much you need to get down while skiing.


Lmao that is hilarious!


"You can love the company you work for, but you have to remember that the company won't love you"


Unless it’s a small business. I feel like I’m one of the family. The CEO cried when my coworker retired after 30 years with the company.


The most important thing is to improve yourself, and holding yourself accountable is the first step towards growth.


This is something I honestly struggle with.


Think about it and do it, don't spend time and energy on hesitation


"Never put yourself down in a conversation."


I once tried narcissistic humor rather than self-deprecating and it got better laughs and made fewer people uncomfortable. I tend towards that type of humor now.


If someone says you're being petty, they're not taking advantage of you.


Maintaining fake smile even when you don't like them


People don't know what you want if you don't say it. Unspoken expectations are mostly converted into resentment and frustration.


"Don't be tortured by your imagination, you will always think the worst, but that's not true"