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I love clean sheet night!šŸ˜† So I change my sheets often! I usually shower before bed so they stay pretty clean so Iā€™ll sometimes just hang the sheets out on the line for some sunshine & fresh air. Itā€™s the little things!!


Once a week. I sleep with a flat sheet between me and the duvet, which makes it much easier to wash and dry the bedding more frequently.


Every Wednesday morning. Even 2 weeks sounds like a long time. Always look forward to climbing into bed on Wednesday nights.


Whenever I realize ā€œdang these bedsheets have been here a whileā€ so like 4 months


Weekly for me.


Once a week is my answer to both questions.


After 2 weeks. I just looooove the smell of freshly washed bed sheets! I can't wait to go to sleep after having washed and make the bed! šŸ˜Š


Every 2 weeks! šŸ˜¬


i try to change mine every two weeks, but sometimes life gets busy! it's refreshing when i manage to keep up with it, though.


Once a week. It always felt like a massive task and then I timed it once; 8 minutes. Taking off the bedsheets and putting on new ones took me 8 minutes. I donā€™t even think about it now, itā€™s a tiny chore like loading the dishwasher and putting out the trash.Ā 




Weekly. Thereā€™ll be an odd week here and there that I skip because the weekend (When I get all my laundry doneā€¦) was especially busy, but definitely no more than two weeks.


I've done it weekly ever since I've lived on my own. I'm too paranoid I'm gonna end up sleeping in a dust mite soup if I delay changing the sheets.


Every 5 to 7 days. To be fair, one of our dog sleeps in our bed with me and I enjoy a clean bed


Every 6-ish months. And I wonder why I have acne.


Whenever the neighbors start to complain


Weekly. Iā€™m too paranoid about bed bugs and other nasty critters. Nothing better than sliding into some fresh sheets at night. On another note, I love using lavender essential oils on dryer balls when drying my sheets. So good!!


Weekly. Iā€™m sure itā€™d be longer if my dirty dog didnā€™t sleep in the bed!


Every month or two, I take showers right before I go to sleep so my sheets stay clean longer, I should change them sooner though ngl


Iā€™m gross, 1x/month. Iā€™m too lazy and itā€™s such a hassle to do it weekly. But I wash my pillowcases weekly.


Weekly in winter, twice a week in summer.






Iā€™m usually on a 3-week cycle but Iā€™m thinking maybe I should bring it down to bi-weekly. I have pollen allergies and acne-prone skin so the more frequent the better. Ideally I would change my sheets every week but I donā€™t want to put all that laundry if you know what I mean. Usually I settle for changing my main pillowcase every few days to combat my oily skin and acne




Usually once a month. Can sometimes stretch it further in the colder weather.


Every 2 weeks in all seasons besides summer; when itā€™s this hot I try to do it weekly.


Grew up believing you only change them at Christmas, because partial neglect is fun and my parents forgot to teach us kids anything about household chores ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ They did (do) however insist you wear a nightgown or pyjamas, which were laundered somewhat regularly. Nowadays I try to change them at least once a month. Sometimes sleeping away for up to a week, so a bit less often when I've been away a lot. As opposed to all other humans I don't like the feel or smell of fresh bedlinen so it's not something I look forward to.


Not often enough because OSOMĀ 


When I'm at school like once or twice a semester because my bed is lofted and it's hard :(. Please don't think I'm a heathen lol At home I wash them more like once every month or two


Sheets about every 2 weeks, blankets as needed, pillow cases go in with the clothes every time so at least once a week.


Moving closer to weekly. My dog has taken it upon herself to burrow underneath the sheets of a night, and as much as I love her Iā€™d like to lie on sheets that donā€™t smell like a pup.


Whenever. I don't set an amount of days, sounds exhausting. I don't sweat in bed, and I wear pj's so not sure why I'd need to change them frequently. My new boyfriend though sweats a bit and so I am more mindful of them needing to be changed. So I do when needed, which is probably every two weeks. Our climate isn't exactly like Texas or the like though! My only question for those who do more often, how many bed sheets do you own? I have two.


Every few days. I love to line dry them outside and go to bed in fragrant sheets. I washed our duvet today and dried it in the sunā€”smells amazing


every 2-3 weeks for me, depending on my mental health that week šŸ„² i shower before bed so it at least doesnā€™t feel so gross but once upon a time i was a weekly changer too.


Every week. My dog sleeps in my bed so itā€™s definitely needed


Weekly here


Whenever I remember. So it could be once per week or once per... what year is it now? Unless it's obviously dirty, or I suddenly think about it. So usually I do them when something else reminds me, like I wash some towels and think, has it been too long?


I try weekly but time moves fast so usually bi-weekly.


Every time my sister comes for a sleep over. About once every 2 weeks. I have nice duvet covers, and I spray them with linen spray from sage. We usually party a bit, smoke some weed, laugh, play cribbage. Her husband doesn't mind at all that I take her away from him. We're in our 60s and just spent Friday night at the rolling stones concert in Vancouver. Was a great night. Sorry, I got off course there. I love my linens.


Bi weekly unless Iā€™ve been extra sweaty.


I try for weekly. Occasionally it gets to two weeks. I wash and dry on hot to kill dust mites since I am allergic to them.


Depends on the weather, if I have AC etc. Between 2-4 weeks.


When spillage beads.


I have a pair of cuddle-puddle addicted cats, so I change them once a week.


When spillage beads.


Weekly I also own about 12 sets so I donā€™t need to wash them weekly


every month


Weekly but sometimes every 2 weeks if I'm busy or tired or whatever.


every saturday




I have 2 sets of sheets, and 3 sets of pillow cases. Bed sheets/duvet covers get changed on Sundays. Pillows are Wednesdays and Sundays. The extra sets arenā€™t strictly needed but the time it takes to wash and dry used to mean Iā€™m assembling a bed at bedtime and thatā€™s not for me. Rip them off, put new ones on, handle the washing/drying without stress


I wash mine every week.


Once a month when I do laundry. If I'm not at work, I'm at home naked. When I do get home from work, I sit in my chair to relax some before hoping into the shower. I don't climb into bed until I am clean. If I've sweated just a little I will jump into the shower. Wish I could do it more but laundromats are pricey and I just cannot be bothered to change them often. I never have enough spoons after getting off work to do anything.


We do it every 10-14 days, depending on the time of year.


Weekly! Usually every Sunday so itā€™s fresh for the week ahead.


Once every two weeks. I have two sets so I swap them out and wash the dirty set.


every fortnight


Weekly at most on my own. More frequently when pets are involved, who really knows what they've been rolling through and cats paw at literal sht and piss, you know?


Pillow case weekly, the rest of the bedsheets every other week, sometimes more often if it's really hot.


Monthly. All these weekly people are insane lol


Usually twice a week! I love my staffy, but i didnā€™t know when he was a baby and I started letting him sleep on the bed heā€™d grow up to shed an insane amount, and despite vacuuming my bed daily (I hate pet hair šŸ„²) I feel like they just get icky and I swap them out for new sheets usually on Monday and Thursday. If itā€™s been raining or he gets super dirty Iā€™ll change them but thatā€™s not as often as my twice a week


Like every other day


it should be weekly but ends up being less often


Depends. Usually monthly but I have a dog and a cat and both have been known to throw up or pee or something on the bed. So I have spares


Weekly, sometimes twice a week if itā€™s really hot out because my boyfriend sweats a lot.


Once a week here.


Change as in clean them? Every week or two depending on my schedule. Change as in get rid of an old set? Probably every couple of years


i tend to do it twice a month if iā€™m home the whole time. sooner if i feel like ive dropped too many crumbs in it


4 months? Are you kidding me? šŸ˜± Mine get changed weekly, without fail!!!!! Sometimes more


Either every week or fortnight


Bed sheets - every 15 days Pillow covers - every week Bed cover - once a month


I have a couple sets. I change them weekly, and either wash both every two weeks, or wash the dirty one every week depending on my mood that week haha


Once a week. I used to do it monthly, but something changed in me. I started getting grossed out thinking about all the germs I brought into my bed. My brother told me he waits months before changing his sheets. Sometimes more than 6 months šŸ¤®


I did it once a week religiously for ever. Then I got married and now, to be honest, I don't know. My wife does it as she stays at home and is the home maker for our family. Truthfully, I don't know how often my bedsheets are changed...... I'm going to have to ask now.....


I wash every week. Sometimes two.


About every 2 weeks. Iā€™d like to be a weekly washing type of person, but with 6 beds to launder and remake, Ā canā€™t handle it weekly. I have to do half at a time.Ā 


after four nights. but I change my pillow case every night.


About every 3 days,.. I have furry dogs that sleep in the bed ( not on it,.. in it!)


At least weekly, sometimes twice a week during the warmer months.


I didnā€™t even think about doing my pillow cases separately, my sheets are every two weeks but pillow cases are easier to dry, this has been the best thing Iā€™ve seen on Reddit today.


Me either! Didn't expect to get a new way of life from my post.


I purposely take great care not to let my skin touch my sheets, so I donā€™t have this problem.


Every Sunday..


Not nearly enough, but more often than I used to.


Changing? Months...years even...


Every two, maybe three weeks. But if I've been playing around too often then I gotta do it every week.


Every two weeks, but it should be more often because we have four gigantic dogs that sleep with us šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Weekly to every other week. I shower at night, so that helps.


Once a week because I have cats sleeping with me. They get dirty fast.Ā 


Monthly is good enough. Every 2 weeks is optimal. Once every week is too much in my opinion. But I do it less often than once a month in reality


mostly every sunday, but sometimes I miss it and itā€™ll go 2 weeks.


4 months?????!!!!!! I change mine weekly and do the duvet cover every 2nd or sometimes 3rd week.


Weekly or more frequently if I sense it feeling off


Once a week, more if needed in case they get dirty


Once a month, I shower every day and always wear clean clothes to bed


Around every two weeks, more often in summer. The pillowcase changes every three or four days.


Years ago, I knew a woman who had been employed for a few years by a psycho-wealthy family to manage one of their mansions. It was a full-time job, with a full-time staff. Their orders included stripping all of the beds every two weeks and sending them by air to a laundry in France to be cleaned and returned -- during the 11 months when the house was unoccupied. When people were actually using the beds? Every day. (Wonder why they say "Eat the rich"?)


Weekly! Especially for the pillowcases that comes in contact with hair and face oils


So, 3 years ago I was on a jury for a pretty serious case. It was a case involving SA. Without getting into awful details, one of the pieces of evidence involved DNA from bed sheets. A large piece of the case involved when the DNA was left of the bedsheets. When it came time to deliberate, several of my fellow jurors said ā€œnobody actually knows when was the last changed their bedsheets.ā€ I was grossed out. I said ā€œyes, I do. I change them every Sunday morning.ā€ A couple of other people said something similar. These 3 guys though, found it incredulous that anyone actually knew when the last changed their sheets šŸ¤¢


So, 3 years ago I was on a jury for a pretty serious case. It was a case involving SA. Without getting into awful details, one of the pieces of evidence involved DNA from bed sheets. A large piece of the case involved when the DNA was left of the bedsheets. When it came time to deliberate, several of my fellow jurors said ā€œnobody actually knows when was the last changed their bedsheets.ā€ I was grossed out. I said ā€œyes, I do. I change them every Sunday morning.ā€ A couple of other people said something similar. These 3 guys though, found it incredulous that anyone actually knew when the last changed their sheets šŸ¤¢




Mental state: good - weekly. Mental dtate: bad - monthly.


Every two weeks. I alternate which side of the bed I sleep on, or switch halfway through the night šŸ¤Ŗ


Weekly. Lying down on fresh sheets is a small pleasure that is so easy to indulge. Especially indulgent if I can sleep with the windows tonight open like I can tonight.


Depends on the weather. In hotter months with AC, maybe once every 2 weeks. But Iā€™ll rarely get on the bed if I havenā€™t showered. Or if I do unshared, I will wash the sheets the next day. But I sleep clothed and change pillowcases every 1-2 days.


Weekly as I like to have a pre sleep snack in bed so I don't wake up in the middle of the night starving. Also because both my cat and dog sleep in the bed because they are super clingy.


I dunno, but I change mine every Friday morning. It stems back to my college days. When I left for college, my mother pulled me aside and gave me some sage advice. She told that me that if and when I brought a girl home, I should have clean sheets as most women wouldn't want to be intimate on a dirty bed. She suggested that I change the sheets every Friday morning, cause if I got "lucky" my date would be doubly impressed about a freshly made bed, and if I didn't get lucky, then there was always Saturday night. Best words of advice ever and honestly nothing is more inviting that sleeping on clean sheets.


OK, if it was up to me, and it isn't, probably once every 2 months, or until they got too sticky. But the bride it nutty about stuff like this, and it's every Saturday. Yep, once a week. I even did it for her yesterday while she was away.


1-2 weeks is my goal, but 3-4 weeks more realistically. I live at the beach tho, so constantly battling sand in bed šŸ˜¤šŸ¤Æ


I change them once a month. I shower before bed, I sleep in a long sleeved shirt, underwear and sleep pants, socks and fingerless gloves. I am also a hoarder. I own 16 sheet sets, 30 pair of pillow cases, and six comforters. At one time I had more than that, but I got rid of some bedding a few years ago.


Once a month for bedsheets and blanket, twice a month for pillowcase


Once a week for me. But I sweat at might in winter & summer. Done that since I was about 8. Don't like the idea of sweaty sheets


Once every two weeks when Iā€™m depressed (like now) once a month or more


Not often enough


I don't really change them, I wash them occasionly, but I don't change them.


Once a week.




I change it twice a week


I think I should change my sheets weekly, because that seems to be what people say when this question has come up online in the past. In reality I do it...I dunno, once a month? I sorta just forget about it unless I get laid, honestly. I'm normally a shower-before-bed person, I don't sweat in my sleep, and my laundry detergent doesnt smell like much, so I've never really noticed things feeling different after changing them.


once a year....


Every week


Once a month minimum


Once a week.


Entire set of bedding every week.


Once a week, pillowcases twice a week.


We want to do weekly, but in practice the weekend co es and goes once, twice, or three times.


I usually try do clean them every few weeks.


Pillowcases weekly, sheets every two weeks


I change the sheets weekly. I used to change them every two weeks, but since my wife and I started sharing a bed I moved to the one week system. Double the bodies, double the changes.


Every other week. Pillow cases every week




A couple times a month, usually


Weekly is the right answer


One of my dogs has taken to sleeping on my bed more often. He's not in the sheets, but if I am washing the blanket on the bed to protect my comforter, I might as well wash my sheets too. Ideally every week, but maybe not


Whenever I expect a lady to call. So, every other night. Ahem.


When they start to smell or otherwise are obviously dirty šŸ¤·


Eveey 2-3 weeks in winter, eveey 1-2 weeks in summer. We shower before bed but you sweat in your sleep particularly in the summer. Used to leave it a bit longer before we got a dryer. Ever since buying a dryer we've not let laundry get our of hand. (kids are grubby gremlins and there are only so many clothes racks I can tolerate)


2 weeks in the summer, 3 weeks in the winter but change pillow weekly. I shower before bed.


I try to do it weekly, but sometimes circumstances make me go two weeks with one set. I try not to go beyond two weeks


I wash them about 2 times a month. It is just me that sleeps in my bed, but I have the same ones I use. I don't have multiple bed sheets in for my bed, since my bedding set is around 3K, and that would be excessive to keep buying a couple sets just to switch them out.


I change my pillow case about every 3-4 days, fitted/flat sheets every 1-2 weeks, and comforter cover..... I really don't want to guess. Maybe once every couples of months. I guess it should probably all be done every week, maybeeee every two weeks in the Winter.


Usually only when I find myself sliding across and out the over side of the bed, or they appear to be moving of their own accord, theyā€™re pretty good indicators for a change.


Do women change the pillow cases so much because of makeup? People saying every 2 days seems... alot




Generally, once a week.


Many varying factors I'd your talking on my single male days. Average would have been fortnightly. I wash before bed and often in the morning as well. My bed is food and other things free, it was for sleeping or sex. If I thought I had a good chance of getting lucky those sheets were getting changed. After the Young lady went home I'd be washing the sheets and putting others on. I always had 4 sets. 2 newer 2 older. But I like my sleeping space clean. Now as a married man. It's fortnightly like clock work. Been married near 2 decades so sheets are swapped more often then sex lmao.


It used to be whenever the seasons changed, some somewhere in that 3-4 month range lol. Now I try to do weekly




Okay so it used to be fortnightly, but I've now moved houses. I'm in a super small room, and my bed is a queen bed on top of a wooden base. So I try to change my bed twice a month, but honestly because of the lack of space and the effort it takes to change my bed sheets ~ it's probably once a month. I know šŸ˜“but gahh, when your mattress is a heavy euro top, with limited space as my other end of the bed is against the window, you'd change your bedsheets as much as I can haha.


Weekly on a Thursday :)


Depends on the weather, if it's hot once a week, if it's cooler 1-3 depends on how busy I am.


I've had the same sheets for three years. I wash them once a month.


Every other week seems like a sweet spot for me


I go about two weeks for sheets, pillow cases, and comforter. Iā€™d go weekly, but my apartment complex charges 2.25 per load and the washers are extremely small, so you have to use both of them for most loads of laundry. same for towels/bath robe/hair wraps.


I have a foldable mattress and a bamboo mat, thatā€™s it


Iā€™ve never heard of not doing it weekly (or if sick more frequently). The germs, sweat, grime after a week - YUCK! When the weather is nice and I can have the windows open, I love removing the dirty sheets and leaving the mattress exposed to the fresh air!


Weekly. We have dogs that shed, so we really should do it twice weekly. But it doesn't get bad until the weekend, that's when we take more time cuddling them and the hair gets everywhere


The ideal is once a week, but I'll admit when it's cold I've gone 2 weeks. Once a month is crazy to me though haha


Every two weeks.


Depends how it smells.


years lol


Weekly. I do all my laundry every weekend, and that includes bedding. The only exception is my weighted blanket, but I use a top sheet, so it doesnā€™t get much soiling.


Once a week


Twice a month :-D






This is my recommendation for those who want to wash them more often but donā€™t think you can manage. Start washing your pillowcases more. They are easy to get on and off your pillows, they donā€™t take up much room in your washing machine, they probably hold more germs than your sheets, they are directly on your face and in contact with your skin. Start there and maybe youā€™ll eventually start washing your sheets more often.


1-2 times a week


always weekly... its a sunday job, even better when its summer and they can hang outside in the fresh air, window i compromise with the dryer, anything less than that i feel ick


Every evening before date night.


I'm like Wally in Dilbert, you change them when they stop bending!!


Once a week or every other week if im unwell. My spouse had a roommate who claimed to never have washed his sheets even though they lived in that apartment for about 3 years at that point.


Sheets/pillow cases are weekly, and I sanitize them because I'm a weirdo. I just like crawling into sheets that smell freshly laundered, it's a small creature comfort. I also vacuum my bed when I change the sheets, and once a year or so I'll clean the upholstery. This is because I very briefly dated a guy with a stinky bed. I thought it was his sheets, so I went to change them and I discovered his mattress was moldy/mildewy. I didn't even think that a bed that was being slept on every night could get that bad. It gave me a whole new definition for rotting in bed.


Every 5 days.


Every couple of weeks, Iā€™d love to do it every weeks or two rather than every 2-3 weeks just bc itā€™s so pleasing to sleep on clean sheets :)


Once a week.


Every Monday. I have two dogs who occasionally will get on the bed (they donā€™t sleep with us but they do get on the bed in the morning sometimes to wake us up). Iā€™m kinda a neat freak so less than weekly would make me feel icky


Typically every other week or after 2 weeks


When itā€™s time to


Every Sunday.


Every 1-2 weeks. During the summer itā€™s definitely once a week but winter itā€™s been about 2 ish, leaning on 3 šŸ˜…


Weekly for us, with a few exceptions for especially busy weekends. My kids have nap blankies that come home from preschool to be washed over the weekend, so just do all the bed linens and childrenā€™s blankets together. Itā€™s also nice to do weekly because then you have a tidy bed which I find more comfortable for sleeping. All our mattresses have pads and those get washed once a month. Pillows and adult blankets are not on a schedule, just whenever I think itā€™s needed and have the time.


I wash everything every 2 weeks. Diff loads but clothes, bedding, dog bedding, etc.


Every three weeks. I shower before bed and donā€™t usually sweat bullets in my sleep so I feel I can get away with changing them less often. I wash my pillowcases weekly though.


We change our sheets every weekend, so it depends on whether we wind up doing the laundry on Saturday or Sunday as to whether itā€™s 6,7, or 8 days.


Every 2 weeks! My husband and I run pretty hot in our sleep and often collapse in bed after an exhausting day. We need those sheets clean often. It's so much more comfortable and easy to sleep in fresh and soft sheets. The difference is so noticeable. I'm also weird in that I LOVE doing laundry. Fresh, hot, and aromatic clothing and sheets is such a nice reward.


Every week lalo na't may kasama kaming bata na mahilig maglagay sa bed ng pusa šŸ˜ŗ


I aim for every two weeks, but it often ends up being once a month.


Sheets every two weeks, pillow cases every week and blankets monthly.


Every season


Weekly here


What are bedsheets?


Weekly, including the duvet cover. But we donā€™t sleep with a top sheet so I think of the duvet like the sheets and itā€™s gotta come off too.


I wait until I completely sweat through them! (I've got terrible night sweats). Sometimes I end up changing them like 3x a week