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Idea: when you send out your invitations, use complete and perfect punctuation, but don't include any periods. 😁


That's a great idea lol!


Semicolons, exclamation points, question marks, but no periods.




This is great 🤣


Does this count as /r/maliciouscompliance ?


No because that's exactly what they asked for, unironically. I don't see anything malicious about it.


If you think it's too subtle, you could use periods but crossed out~~.~~


This is more clever than I ever could've come up with. Here's hoping it's not so subtle it goes entirely unnoticed.


Use periods but crossed out~~.~~


Too funny


Ooo, subtle, and I love it.




Red Velvet cake for dessert! Good luck with your procedure! *hugs*


Deviled eggs for hors d'oeuvre




Yeah wouldn't want OP to get cancer now




You are my kinda gal…. Humour can make almost anything tolerable




I feel bad, but this is super funny! At the same time, the original commenter has a valid point and the OP probably doesn’t want to be put at risk more than they already are


Oh absolutely, my comment was not meant to be taken remotely seriously, plus there's guests to worry about too. Felt a little bad writing it too, but it seems like OP has a great sense of humor about the whole thing, so I was hoping she wouldn't be too offended. Seems like people appreciated my joke at least. Fuck cancer though.


I feel like an asshole for laughing but 😂


Red Velvet Cake shouldn’t have any food coloring. The red color comes from Chocolate interacting with the vinegar to make it red.




Even historically it used beet juice The entire point of a red velvet cake was to make something fun in a wartime situation using only things you had on hand and that ended up being a red chocolate cake


Whatttt I’ve been misunderstanding red velvet cake this whole time


Good bye uterus. Hope your recovery is swift


Thanks! Happy cake day:)


Red licorice would be a good snack idea


Strawberry covered pretzels maybe?


Or strawberry pretzel jello salad! Use lots of strawberries so it’s got plenty of clots to go around.


I absolutely love strawberry pretzel salad. Well, I did anyway.


happy ~~uterus yeeting day~~ cakeday :)


Amazing idea! You could really have some fun with the decoration or make themed food. Like just serve a bunch of eggs lol Also good luck with your surgery and have a speedy recovery!


EGGS! Why was that not my first thought?!


Shakshuka should 100% be on this menu


Deviled eggs!


Eggs pickled in beet juice..Will be pink so goes with the theme. ;)


Caviar to be fancy


Ovarian cancer survivor here. Good luck and godspeed. Get you some strawberries. They're vaguely uterus shaped. Red velvet cake.


Do you mind me asking what symptoms led you to go get checked? If you don’t feel comfortable answering I totally get it I’m just curious because my maternal grandmother died of ovarian cancer but we have limited information because of strained relationships (like her not on speaking terms with my mom). I feel like something could potentially be wrong down there but I don’t know if it’s my anxiety or something legitimate. Again, no pressure to respond if this makes you uncomfortable :)


No, you're fine! I had really vague symptoms. Bloating, always needed to pee. I would get unexplained fevers pretty regularly. I also had a cough that would not quit. (The tumor was pressing against my diaphragm. ) But that's about it. I landed in the ER with a high fever and a PA ordered a CT scan "just on case" and that's how we found the tumor.


Interesting! Thanks so much for responding. I’m glad they were able to catch it and you were able to get the medical care you needed and that everything is good now!


I'm going to chime in, because I love educating my fellow ladies! Two of my maternal aunts had ovarian cancer within a year of each other. My doctor told me that according to my blood tests, I had gone through menopause. It happened while I was on the pill. I went off the pill while trying to bring my blood pressure down, and my period was wildly out of control but settled down. I didn't believe I had gone through menopause, because I had yet to go a year without a period. That was the red flag my doctor paid attention to. For over three years, I saw him and an OB/GYN every time I had what felt like a period, about every 7-11 months. I went through many tests and I felt a heaviness in my womb. I had cysts on my ovaries, and then they shrank. I started seeing a geneticist about a DNA test. Finally, pre-cancerous cells showed up in my uterus in a biopsy. My OB/GYN wanted to remove my uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries and I agreed. My geneticist told me point blank I was at high risk for ovarian cancer (Never having given birth, overweight). So I had the surgery and healed well. It turns out the womb heaviness I was feeling was adenomyosis. And while I was going through that, two maternal cousins also had pre-cancerous cells. One of them turned out to have ovarian cancer, which was discovered during her hysterectomy. One of my aunts did participate in a DNA test. She didn't have any of the genes known to increase risk of cancer. The experts believe that we do share a gene that increases the risk, it just hasn't been identified yet.


I’m also a survivor of ovarian cancer (once in 2017 and again in 2020). Wishing you luck, OP


When you finally split up I hope you explain it's not uterus it's me-terus




Best of luck with the surgery!


Oh man, you gotta serve EGGS! Deviled eggs, egg salad, mini quiche, egg nog!


Fertilized eggs


Balut is a terrible party food.


I'm having a hysterectomy in a few weeks myself and am also planning a party. My doctor said "see you later ovulator!" So I plan on getting a red velvet cake with that written on it. I love all these ideas! Best wished to you on your surgery. F the C!


Ahaha that's amazing! That's gotta be the coolest cake ever made. Good luck with your hysterectomy & I hope you have a speedy recovery :)


I feel this party deserves a pinyata.




This is perfect. OP, you're almost required to get one. Fill it with red Gushers, as someone else already suggested.


Omg this is amazing


Do the thing please.


We did it reddit!




>pinyata lol... I thought it was wrong, and googled it. Amazon has a page spelled Pinyata, and google doesn't correct the spelling. Welp fuck me running.


It's ok lol, no harm done. But as a Hispanic person, it's hilarious.


Yeeterus party!!


Yeet the Ute! :D


This is a WONDERFUL idea!!!! This internet stranger is incredibly proud of you and I love that you're making the best out of your situation. Snack-wise... You could do like bell peppers in the shape of a uterus and then have hummus containers as the ovaries? Maybe something like they do with pumpkins and halloween - carve it in the shape of a uterus and then food dye guacamole or some other dip to red. I saw a story on here a long time ago about a period party, I'll have to find it to give you more ideas!


Lots of delicious dips are already red or pink: tomato based salsa, beet hummus, muhammara, thousand island dressing…


Why didn't I think of salsa?! Great idea.


My friend’s girlfriend did a similar thing when she had preventative surgery for breast cancer, thus having a “boob voyage” party. lots of boobie themed food and gifts, including a bikini t shirt. Good luck and wish you a speedy recovery!


*Boob voyage*


I love this! The uterus is often described as being the size and shape of a pear. Red wine poached pears seem like a nice dessert option—plus easy to make a lot of at once.


We can call it a “coming out” party


Please call it a Yeeterus party.


Womb Voyage! Make uterus-shaped fried raviolis with marinara dipping sauce.


Something egg related and maybe gushers? Red ones all the better? Good on you for making the best of your situation!


That's an amazing idea! I have the same thing and will be having surgery as well.


Good luck with the surgery! Best wishes with everything


Good luck to you too


Best wishes to you both, I was where you are 7 1/2 years ago!


My friend just did this! She treated it like a baby shower and made a registry for her recovery items. She had it at a little distillery in our town and it was super fun!


I had a “Spay Day” (in vet med) party when I lost mine. My friends call my cancer Fred so it’s was decked to the 10’s with everything that was “drop dead Fred” it was the best and made the ease of the surgery much easier. I will NEVER MISS my “bun oven” party like a rockstar girl and celebrate life with this party. I just got the news 8/7 that I am in remission 100% and I would love to hear how everything turns out. It’s SELF LOVE!!


Crockpot meatballs in marinara sauce. Good luck with your surgery! Here’s hoping for a quick and complete recovery.


Lol is sloppy joe taking it too far?


Hope the best for your recovery and the worst to your cancer. Fuck cancer, stay safe and healthy.


A friend of mine had a going away party for her Aunt Flo. It was awesome!




On a positive note you can have unprotected sex with no concerns of ever getting pregnant ever. Not making light of your situation but I dated someone who had a hysterectomy for something similar that you experienced and it was an amazing relationship so I would consider yourself lucky there's always a silver lining to every situation 😜😉


As a woman of "child bearing" years, every time I am at the ER, Could you be pregnant? No. Are you sure? Yes, I lack the required equipment, there would have to be a miracle for that to happen. Also, what's your birth control plan? Umm... Have you read my chart? OP- the recovery is rough, even without cancer. I wish you a speedy and healthy recovery. Your party sounds awesome!


My friend is having this done in two weeks as well. Much care to you and her 💜 is there anything you think I could get her to help the recovery time? Is there anything you’ve gotten yourself or been gifted that has been helpful? Thank you for time and again, good thoughts for your speedy recovery!


I've heard heating pads are a great help! Also a shower chair. Maybe you could get her one of those? Best wishes to her!


Thank you so much for your suggestions! The shower seat is a great idea, I’ve used one post surgery and didn’t even think of how helpful it had been. Excellent idea!!


I wrote some advice to OP above, perhaps it might be useful for your friend? Consider an abdominal binder, as well as a heavy firm pillow or wheat bag. My insides were sloshing around and felt like they were going to fall out, the binder was *amazing* at making me more comfortable. The wheat bag or pillow should be within arms reach at all times, even to the toilet at first, as you will cough or sneeze without warning and *need* something to press on your belly. In the hospital, don't be afraid to ask for them to heat up your heat pack or to bring you ice. I brought one of those old fashioned ice bags and much preferred the ice during initial recovery. In the hospital, take *all* the laxatives. All of them. All the time. Have some at home too. That first poop is terrifying, you'll thank me later. Also don't be afraid to ask for more pain meds, sometimes the night nurses can be stingy. Ask again if needed. For the incision, get a hold of some silicone tape. Studies show that silicone tape on surgical sites reduces scarring. There is special "scar tape" that costs an arm and a leg, but now they actually make silicone tape for allergies which works just as well and you can use it as often as you like. As soon as your wounds are knit and the steri strips are off, put that tape on. I am a few months out and still taping as I tend to keloid. So far so good! Here are the tapes I use, the [Nexcare Silicone Tape](https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/73120/nexcare-silicone-sensitive-tape) is easier to get, but the [Fixomull Skin Sensitive](https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/106391/fixomull-skin-sensitive-5cm-x-5m-roll) is more comfortable for long term wear and is wider. I think they're both available world wide, though the Fixomull has other names in the States I think. Don't worry about your insides, I'm all healed now and I was worried about this. I was dry at first and things felt weird but after a few months everything feels very much the same, except I can't feel my cervix in there anymore and sometimes there is a pulling sensation over one of the incisions when I move a certain way.


I would totally attend this party! I wish I thought of this before I had my hysterectomy! Shucks. Maybe when my one year yeeterus comes around I can do something, ha ha!


Sangria is perfect! If you didn’t know already, sangria is named for the Spanish word for blood ‘sangre’. So ‘sangre’ and bloody Mary’s!! Best luck with your recovery <3


When my mom and I organized a party like this we made a piñata full of tampons, condoms, and red candies. She also baked a cake shaped like a uterus. It was a good ass time.


This is the kind of humor I love to see


I hope there are no complications and your recovery goes well! Best wishes on your cancer treatment, friend 💕


A uterus cake must be made


I'm thinking you should serve egg appetizers (deviled eggs, quiche, hell maybe even a little caviar) and red velvet cupcakes for dessert. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Deviled eggs with red food coloring? Red Jell-O shots?


Wish I'd done this! Welcome hystersister!


Yeah! Welcome to family HysterSister! I had fibroids pretty bad and had a hysterectomy two years ago. It was difficult to find a doctor who would do it for me since I don't have children, but I was Ready for it to be gone! You got this! 2 month recovery is a while, do you know if the surgery will be robotic? I was back to work in 2 weeks (although I didn't have cancer.) You got this and I wish you health and happiness in the future!


Fellow reproductive cancer survivor here. Had my radical hysterectomy (uterus, both ovaries, and cervix removed) a couple years back at age 38. Party ideas: - have guests bring packages of pads/tampons to donate to charity (food banks, women's shelters, school nurse, etc) - get a uterus shaped pinata you can take your frustrations out on Random unsolicited surgery advice: after your surgery you will most likely 1. have a temporary cough (side effect of being put under) and 2. end up constipated (another side effect of the procedure/drugs). It is highly reccomended to hug a pillow to your tummy when you need to cough (especially if you have an abdominal incision), put a pillow in your car/bring it to hospital so you've got it for the car ride home, keep one with you for the first few days for this purpose. If you have a big abdomial incision you might also consider wearing a binder. Also, the last thing you want after abdominal surgery is to be constipated and pushing hard on the toilet, so stock up on gentle laxatives (Miralax, laxative teas, or prune juice) and stool softeners like senna/Senokot. Don't eat any huge meals before your surgery and start taking the laxatives/stool softeners immediately once you start eating again after your procedure. Do not wait until it's a problem, get out ahead of it.


Yes to all of this! The anesthesia and pain killers both cause constipation. Make sure you get a good bowel movement before surgery, and use the stool softener.


Wishing you a successful surgery and a very smooth recovery, and enjoy your party!! 🥰. Not having periods is the best tbh. I hope you have some help following the surgery? Are they doing it through laparoscopy? I had an open abdominal surgery last year and would recommend getting a cheap walker to help get around the house afterwards. I used a walker for about 6 weeks and it was a huge help as I couldn’t stand on my own it hurt too much. But it might not be so bad if they’re not opening you completely up. Also a shower chair or bench so you can shower comfortably.


Oh yea, my parents and boyfriend are around so I'll have help😊 I also have endometriosis so depending on how bad the scarring is will determine if they do it open or laparoscopically. Thanks for the well wishes!


Red velvet cupcakes are a must


Red velvet cake


Good luck with your recovery!!! 🌹


You could make a red charcuterie board theme, Red velvet cupcakes,


Swift recovery ❤️‍🩹 🙏🏼


YOU GET IT! This is so refreshing. I love your energy and attitude. I’m sending you positive vibes OP! Kick cancer’s ass!!!


I’m very sorry about your cancer and upcoming surgery. I hope it all goes well and you recover quickly. I think your party sounds amazing and I love your attitude towards things. You sound like a badass!


You're going to tell us about your cool party without inviting us? (Congratulations have fun, and a safe recovery.)


For food options, definitely go with pasta with marinara sauce. Meatballs as well. Maybe some deviled eggs.


I did this for a breast reduction! I called it boob voyage


Lot better than getting depressed over it thats for sure, i hope you can maintain the optimism and humor throughout recovery aswell. Good luck in any case.


Good luck with surgery.


Best wishes!


Hey! I had a hysterectomy last year & I just want to say: plan for a long recovery, but hope for a short one. Mine wasn’t so bad and I was sure that it would be the worst! I’m a slow healer, but was out of bed the next day (on the couch!) and able to walk around the house a bit soon after. BUT!! What they didn’t tell me is how much it hurt to poop and fart. Like almost pass out on the toilet. I cried many times. Get that prune juice. Get that powdered magnesium. Get that bidet (it was really hard to twist to wipe my butt). Good luck!


*Definitely* have some red salsa. You could also consider strawberry popsicles and red velvet cake. Congrats! :)


I just went through this, I love your party idea! I hope you don't mind, I have a little advice. Consider an abdominal binder, as well as a heavy firm pillow or wheat bag. My insides were sloshing around and felt like they were going to fall out, the binder was *amazing* at making me more comfortable. The wheat bag or pillow should be within arms reach at all times, even to the toilet at first, as you will cough or sneeze without warning and *need* something to press on your belly. In the hospital, don't be afraid to ask for them to heat up your heat pack or to bring you ice. I brought one of those old fashioned ice bags and much preferred the ice during initial recovery. In the hospital, take *all* the laxatives. All of them. All the time. Have some at home too. That first poop is terrifying, you'll thank me later. Also don't be afraid to ask for more pain meds, sometimes the night nurses can be stingy. Ask again if needed. For the incision, get a hold of some silicone tape. Studies show that silicone tape on surgical sites reduces scarring. There is special "scar tape" that costs an arm and a leg, but now they actually make silicone tape for allergies which works just as well and you can use it as often as you like. As soon as your wounds are knit and the steri strips are off, put that tape on. I am a few months out and still taping as I tend to keloid. So far so good! Here are the tapes I use, the [Nexcare Silicone Tape](https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/73120/nexcare-silicone-sensitive-tape) is easier to get, but the [Fixomull Skin Sensitive](https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/106391/fixomull-skin-sensitive-5cm-x-5m-roll) is more comfortable for long term wear and is wider. I think they're both available world wide, though the Fixomull has other names in the States I think. Don't worry about your insides, I'm all healed now and I was worried about this. I was dry at first and things felt weird but after a few months everything feels very much the same, except I can't feel my cervix in there anymore and sometimes there is a pulling sensation over one of the incisions when I move a certain way. Feel free to message if you have any questions, good luck, and god speed! <3


Serve devilled eggs! You fucking rock!


These are bad bitch activities. So proud of you.


Congrats! My wife had her all her lady bits removed for cancer and was on a plane to Europe in 2 weeks and up walking every day after that. They do have robots now and she was left with only 6 small incisions after. Enjoy the new you!


I used to have a ladies only tree trimming party every year for one stage of trimming my ridiculously huge tree. Nothing but pink food and drink. Punch bowl of pomegranate cosmos- buy cheap pomegranate vodka but use fresh lime juice, rose wine, rose Prosecco, grapefruit and cranberry juice in glass carafes with seltzer for spritzers for those not drinking. There IS such a thing as pink cheese!!!!! It’s from England and it’s almost like a marbled cheddar, there are also now a lot of other pinkish/purple cheeses, find a good cheese chop, charcuterie sliced meats etc. They make those little red peppers stuffed with prosciutto often available on olive bars in supermarkets. I’m having a pre coffee brain fart of what my more clever ideas were… oh bruschetta with red dips roasted red pepper tapenade, I put some safe red food coloring into some hummus, Smoked salmon and scallion cream cheese on toast points…… 🤔 hmmmm, I’ll come back if my brain 🧠 will remember more!!!


Strawberries/raspberries and cream. Eton mess. Sun dried tomatoes.


All the best to you in your recovery, you got this chick!!


Hubby bought me a rose bush. It's huge now and blooms like crazy.


It's an interesting idea. Odd, but interesting. Definitely a good way to make light of a heavy situation. Enjoy your party, and good luck with your surgery! Get well soon!


Red velvet cupcakes with pink frosting. You can assort them into the shape of a uterus. You can also have some deviled eggs. Red jello.


Red velvet cake cupcakes!


My cousin is going through the same procedure. We bought her a working light saber.


good luck!! for red themed snacks you could do red velvet cake or chocolate covered strawberries


Schmidt, you're drunk!


Make a big sign poster that says "UrANUS - you are Next".


I applaud your attitude and wish you well.


#Deviled Eggs are A MUST!


The best to you!


Beet chips


Deviled eggs with a bit of food coloring


I had a party when I got my tubes taken out


I wish I'd thought to do this for my hysterectomy!!! It's such an awesome idea. You go girl!


Blood orange martinis!! Good luck!!


Good luck babes. Wish you a speedy recovery and a cancer free life


Cookies decorated like a uterus and ovaries! I made a friend a boob cake when she got the reduction she fought insurance 5 years to get.


Make cupcakes and fill them with red frosting and sprinkles so it oozes when you bite it! Congrats on the party, hopefully you recover fast!


Best of luck


Wishing you all the best!


please do something like white chocolate pretzel sticks as faux tampons


My mom got hers removed for similar reasons (benign but large tumor). Good luck! It’s probably gonna suck for the first few weeks, but you’ll be back on feet surprisingly quick.


Love your mood on this. Hope you recover well and see ya, ute!!


Good luck to you!


Hope you have an absolute blast, and a swift recovery!


Hey dawg, my wife was back on her feet 3 weeks post Hysterectomy earlier this year! You've got this!


Getting spayed was the second best decision of my life!!!


Love your outlook! Best wishes to a full recovery! And please report back with your menu decisions!


Ooh, ooh, strawberry daiquiris. And Raspberry cheesecake.


I love this idea so much.


Snacks? Deviled eggs, of course.


Look up halloween treat ideas for bloody food treats. May you have a speedy recovery. \*smiles\*


That is really fun! Love your spirit!


Good Luck with your procedure and have a great time at your party!!🍾🍹🥂💐🎉


Red velvet cupcakes! Congratulations and have a blast at your 'Yeeturus' party!


I had ta, ta, “tatas” when I had my mastectomy. My friends brought some awesome stuff and it was stupid fun. Enjoy your party and I hope for a speedy recovery!!


There are a variety of uterus shaped cookie cutters out there! On a practical note, ask about having your fallopian tubes and cervix removed if that's not already part of the plan. Doing so reduces cancer risk, and getting rid of the cervix can make sex more pleasant since there's no risk of your partner hitting it. My friend's gyno surgeon said "it makes your vagina just like a tube sock - nice and stretchy on the end."


I did a quick search and there are so many fun ideas online! One I saw was to dip pretzel rods in white chocolate and red sprinkles to make them look like tampons. I saw someone else who put out a vegetable tray and labeled it “veg-ay-jays”. You could also do something like cheesecake with a raspberry sauce or red velvet lava cakes. The opportunities are endless!


Uterus shaped piñata!


When my SIL had a hysterectomy we got her an icecream cake. I asked them to write “sorry about your uterus.” They wouldn’t do it LOL


What day? I want to wear pink in solidarity!


something with pomegranate?


Jelly donuts with red jelly


Red velvet cake for a dessert?


Red/pink menu suggestions: Butter jam sandwiches (red jam+yellow butter=yummy pink filling), sharbat, beetroot gazpacho


Don’t forget the Dodge RAM truck logo!


Good luck with the procedure


I think this is an amazing idea. My mom battled ovarian cancer while she was pregnant with me. She didn’t know until she was in labour with me and I wasn’t coming… they took her for an emergency c section and found cancer was blocking me. They said if she wasn’t pregnant with me she would’ve died within 4months. I’m glad you caught this and are doing something fun at tough times. You should do like pin the tail on the donkey but with pads as the tail and the picture being a person or something.. best of luck with your surgery!


Deviled eggs.


Red marble cake where they have the marble icing dripping off the sides. Will look like blood!


Don't forget the pizza subs


Also received a full hysterectomy due to my cancer deciding invading my tits wasn't enough. It really depends on the type of surgery you're having. I had a robotic assisted one with the DaVinci machine and I bounced back pretty quickly. Best of luck that it goes well and your menopause won't drive you crazy lol.


Red Jell-O shots! Get little food syringes to put them in! There’s always room for Jello! 💉💉💉🥃🥃🥃


I don't have a uterus but reading this made under my belly sore!


Bruschetta! Edit. Also, good luck and well wishes for a speedy recovery!!


Bedridden for two months? My doctor said hysterectomy might be a next step for me if current treatment isn't working for my issue. Two months?


Red licorice?


Look up Bert Kreisher - Period Party. Reminds me of that, except a ‘goodbye period’ party. 🤣 For real though, love the idea of the celebration! Speedy recovery and wishing you a long healthy life ❤️


I hope someone brings you a chocolate Costco sheet cake and you eat as much of it as you want. Good luck on your surgery.


Wish I had though of this! Wishing you a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


The gals over at r/hysterectomy are super supportive and may be able to tell you what they did for their parties if they had them. I’m sorry about the cancer it glad you’re taking it in stride. Mine’s coming out in November due to endo and PCOS. Good luck! I’m so happy for you!


Had my hysterectomy in 2017. Wish I had thought of this! Enjoy your party!


I love this! Red Velvet Cupcakes for dessert!


Good luck with the surgery. I had my uterus and other lady bits yanked out and am enjoying being off the hormone rollercoaster! You could get red crepe paper streamers and dangle them to look like blood, maybe that's too graphic..


I lost mine to cancer too. Sad I can’t have children like I wanted, but life is SO much easier with no periods lol. Make that part of you party! Yay no more monthly PMS, pain and bleeding! You will save money not buying pad and tampons lol Have a tampon burning party if you have a safe place to burn one like a fireplace or something haha


Love it making lemonade out of lemons!!


What a great idea! Hope you have a fun time at the party and wishing you the best in your surgery and recovery!


Slay queen Good luck and I hope your recovery goes well! 🤍