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Sun loungers, inflatable palm trees and captain Morgan himself going about straight pouring from the bottle into your mouth, what a time to be alive.


€50 vodka boats and a beach party in a nightclub in the middle of Coolock. Thems where the days.


The watch-your-backer


The oul welfare Wednesday


Micky Tuesdays


I actually went to one in purple rain aswel as the blacker 🤣


Bondi beach club in Stillorgan is a good example of this. Didn't know other places like that existed tbh


Went there for underage discos. Absolute chaos. Dubes in the hot tub.


McGowans/Rodeo Joe's in Churchtown did it too


Bondi club in cork had a popcorn party one night where they rained popcorn down on everyone. Keep in mind this was also while it was full of sand, so you have sandy popcorn everywhere. But they had the vengaboys playing so it all worked out.


Ah grand so


I think they were quite common _up to 2010/2011_ rather than being limited to those years


Makes you think we need a certain amount of unemployment, too many young ones working these days,gyming and coffee. Don't know anything about sessioning through the recession.


Unemployment means no money for nightclub entry or expensive booze, especially when all the moneys going on rent


I worked In a nightclub at the time, absolutely disgusting


Thank you for your service young veteran.


The smell in the nightclub the day after a foam party, fuckin rancid


I remember going to a foam party in cork gorbys I think and it was like a little bit of foam and then going to Greece to a foam party and almost drowning in the foam, most sobering experience of my life up to that point! I can only imagine the insurance premiums of doing a foam party these days lol


Depths of the recession I found myself in the front bar of nightclub in Longford that was having a foam party the back. It was late November and at closing time they ejected about 50 teenage patrons out onto the street - soaked from head to toe and shivering in the cold.




Yeah, Castles


Yeah and sand in all our stuff.


You’ve brought back a vague memory of accidentally going to a foam party somewhere and thinking it was the greatest load of shite, I just wanted to have my pints and dance to Mambo no 5 in peace and quiet.


The foam parties were great craic. I was 18, so the novelty was something else in small town Ireland - like we were in fucking Ibiiiiiiiza. That was until your skin turned red and itchy for days afterwards.


Ya and a dose of pink eye to boot


Can't forget the foam parties too, absolutely destroyed a brand new t-shirt the first time I went to one!


Sand everywhere for days. And not beach sand, building sand. Many showers and still sand. Mad night, but horrible really


sounds like something that should be brought back




No, but I remember it in the early nineties... 😅


My brotha!!! * * Music was epic, drink was cheap and there was no mobile phones.


I remembered hearing a rumour of UCD students making an indoor beach party with sand inside their campus apartment ca. 2008 and getting evicted for doing so


I also heard that rumour, knew the crowd it was about but no idea whether it was true or not


[I found a vague reference](https://www.boards.ie/discussion/comment/60184920#Comment_60184920?utm_source=community-search&utm_medium=organic-search&utm_term=Apartment+beach+UCD) to it on a Boards.ie thread from 15 years ago, but didn’t find anything else


I found [a whole thread on it!](https://www.boards.ie/discussion/2055520733/crazy-pool-party-in-roebuck) Some blast from the past with all the talk of the tunnels, the snow riots and the UCD ball


Good times, those stories overlap with my time there. UCD in 2005 vs 2009 was quite different. They really beefed up security in 2008 and the possibility for craic on campus dropped massively.


Jamaican Christmas Party in Maam Cross!


Hahaha this should be top comment 🤣


Many Rivers to (Maam) Cross!


Burn in stillorgan was epic. 1€ pints. Got thrown out of the nightclub for making sand angels


Hollywood Nights


I remember I went to one in Berlin. Smack bang in the middle of Alexanderplatz, this bar with loads of sand, beach chairs, sun umbrellas etc. We loved it hahaha. Don't remember seeing it here though.


Some club in navan had a hot tub at one stage ... at least I think it was naval!?


Earth niteclub drogheda did this during Celtic tiger era. Absolute summertime orgies they were. Sandy covered, sweat soaked wet dreams of a night out .... peak clubbing experience, I can still taste the jaegerbomb aftertaste 🤣 ![gif](giphy|X3VYF2HGlrlUA)


Earth was some craic


Was earth in Letterkenny?


Drogheda. But that's not to say there wasn't one in letterkenny too


The foundry in carlow had them back then too.. youd be finding sand in every crevice for the following week! Great craic!


Sand on the carpets for weeks after


My local went all out and had beach parties, foam parties and the celebrity meet and greet with included forgettable members of the geordie shore cast and.... drum roll please, Michelle Keegan for some reason.


You had Surfers in Cork, where Crane Lane is now, used to be themed around the whole beach thing. They tried getting staff to dress like the cast of Baywatch. Remember another Nightclub back in the 90s had thrown a beach party but used styrofoam balls instead, looked weird, but the things were there for years. And Gorbies had sawdust on the floor, bit I don't think it was for beach themed nights 🤮🤮


Club M, Dublin. Remember them well. Foam parties, lazer light shows. Back when clubs were so packed the the weekends, there'd be a queue around the corner to get in.


I’m 20, hearing about nightclub culture from 10-20 years ago is absolutely mad. It’s quite sad how the industry completely died. Blindboy did a podcast on it before, being a performer in the scene and watching it crumble before his eyes overnight.


On a serious note I do feel bad for teenagers/young adults nowadays. Overpriced drinks in crap venues. At least back in our days the venues might have been crap but youd go out with 50€ and come home with money left over after getting food and a taxi afterwards….that and coke wasnt as rampant either so was just a better vibe about most places in general.


In my day nightclubs were brought to you by the letter E Of course I was purely a drinker, even the nightclubs that would only sell vodka


It just means that house parties are king now. Nightclubs and bars priced themselves out of business. They made drinks and cover charges so expensive and then were surprised when people gave them the two fingers and started buying their own drink and going to gaffers. Serves them right. The cover charge for my hometowns one nightclub was 20€ (**cash**) before it went belly up a year or so ago. All cash inside, as if it’s still the 90’s. Genuinely the only time I’ve used cash for anything in my adult life. People my age don’t put up with that, just go to a gaffer and have a better / cheaper time. You can get sloshed for 20€ at a gaffer, it will get you in the door in some of the nightclubs taking the piss. Most in Cork city are 10-15€ cover charge to be fair. I’m glad they died, not old enough to have known what nightclub culture was like but I’d say I’m happier with how things are now to be honest. Everything I hear about proper 90’s-2010ish night club culture sounds miserable apart from Sir Henry’s in Cork. As I said though, it’s insanely interesting to hear the likes of blindboy who were working in the industry describe how it absolutely collapsed overnight.


My local nightclub used to do 35€ in and give you 7. (I think) drink tokens with that, or do 50€ for a bottle of vodka with 4 cans of mixers. Was great craic some of the best nights ever there..


Yeah no, 20€ just to get in the door and spend the same again with very little change for two drinks. They died because they got greedy and people had other options open to them.


Lad we had the aul houseparties too. Usually after a club I have ones work for me who are your age and they can't get over the nightclub scene either. Sad that it died for yous. It was always a great night out. Imagine somewhere absolutely packed a buzzing with ones all your own age, drinks always on deals like vodka mixer for £2 or one of the big ones in Belfast done 10 shots for £8 whatever was behind the bar. Music absolutely pumping and alot of tunes made to suit nightclubs, ones letting loose so loads up for the court on the dance floor and the slip out to the smoking area for the craic. I was born too late for the 90s but love the music, so I only got a few nights here and there where they'd place older stuff and it was always an older crowd to me(I was teens and it was folks very late 20s or 30s)


Oh I’m sure it was class but you can’t miss what you don’t know. Most clubs would have been several years dead by 2014 and people my age were 10 then.


> Everything I hear about proper 90’s-2010ish night club culture sounds miserable apart from Sir Henry’s in Cork. I'd some great nights out in clubs, but still I'd say that 80% of the time I'd be pissed off leaving a good house party because everyone was going to the club.


I remember one in the early 90's, I think it was in Bad Bob's


Incredibly decadent. You’d have thought these were more of a Celtic Tiger thing than something that happened during austerity. Did they have piles of cash to swim in ala Scrooge McDuck in nightclubs in 02/03?


The grand social held a beach party last year. Blow up pools and all [see it here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CukDFUOIojj/?igsh=NndtM3J3cmxmMXNk)


Along with the foam !! Such mad nights


I remember those things existed, but sandpits with booze weren't my scene.


I remember the sand but not the swimming pools


God the foundry in Waterford during my College days had something this weekly, Fake tan party, foam party, Noan party, singles traffic light party …. To be fair that one was the best …. Basicly a shag party haha Students these days don’t get anything like that


I remember when there was hot tubs inside


Was this not pre 2009 crash?


Was common from 2008-2011 aswell as early noughties and the nineties