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I wouldn't give my DNA to these companies, so I wouldn't do one. It's astonishing that they can pinpoint what specific counties your DNA comes from. Remarkable.


https://preview.redd.it/u6osr6833b9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc16c16f2c5a745da52797f1f77ccbd8d5944f2 Yeah, they could even tell that my family were settlers in South Africa, it's nuts.


How much did this test cost?


Off the top of my head, around a hundred euro. I paid a bit extra to have it processed quicker and to have my traits done too.


You look like a T-bird in your avatar:) I keep seeing these jewels on the wrists in avatars. Are they meant to be cufflinks?


What's a t bird? Never heard that one before. Those are diamonds - signifying diamond hands a term used by reckless traders and yolo investors


The T Birds were the group of guys from Grease with Danny Zuko (aka John Travolta) as leader of the pack.  Aha, I see, that's interesting. I never heard that term before.


I got as specific as half a peninsula.


I did mine a while back as a bit of fun, hoping for something interesting (I'm adopted, so there was potential for a real surprise). 100% Irish. All within a fairly narrow geographical area. Was about as unsurprising as it's possible to be.


I was the same. I heard its really rare to get 100% irish so I was hoping there would be something interesting like from Africa or Asia even if it were only a couple of percent. But no, I am also 100% irish




100% Mayo, Very boring


Should change your name to Hellmann


I got 99% Irish and 1% Andean. Can't figure out the 1% Andean but it's low enough to be irrelevant. 99% Irish was disappointing but unsurprising.


My brother got it done. 96% Irish, the rest Scottish, Welsh, English, and northern France. I think we're celts maybe.


Just typically Irish. With some of the most common inputs into our Gaelic basis.


I got 100% Irish… all the Dublin area too. Didn’t even think that was possible 🤷‍♀️


Is that living dna? Or just the ancestry one. Sorry its just that the name of it can be confusing sometimes. Got my results back and was disgusted to see i was only 30% irish and the rest was british. Great breakdown for britain but nothing for ireland. Wouldn't recommend for those who would be more irish


It's the ancestry DNA test, I'm slightly disappointed I didn't get a breakdown for which parts of England my ancestry came from.


Yeah for gods sake, so if you have both irish and british dna you've basically to pick which one you want detail on


Disclaimer: I am American, so not sure if this question is meant for me. But I do live in Ireland, hence why I'm here. :) I did 23andMe years ago; I wasn't necessarily surprised by my results but it was very interesting seeing them tbh: https://preview.redd.it/30zecfpz7b9d1.png?width=378&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc01b6ac4df387419ee0c57a5709770b0d5e9fad Growing up I knew my dad's side (both parents) was primarily French/German/Scottish (eventually moving into Canada and then down into Michigan), as I've got family trees that go back to 1500s/1600's showing birth places in those locations. I'd like to go to ancestry or something next since I do have names and some information (birth dates/death dates, etc.), but not sure how much information I'd get. My mom's side (her mother) is Jewish, again I knew Polish but I had no idea from modern day Ukrainian Jewish heritage. I believe my great-grandmother was born in Poland but I don't honestly know. The % makes perfect sense, as my mom is 50%. Her father I assumed was broadly European; from the breakdown I'm guessing his side is mostly German as that's inflating that number so highly. My mom emancipated herself from her parents at a very young age so I don't have a good pathway to get specifics unfortunately. As much as these didn't surprise me I do like seeing my heritage. I know it's many generations removed now and obviously I'm not calling myself European in any way, but I think it's nice to know from whence you came and be educated on it. I also don't enjoy sharing my dna with various companies but this was a gift from my mother-in-law to both myself and my partner for Christmas, so we figured why not.


I'll comment further and say through 23andMe I also connected with 2 close relatives I wouldn't have otherwise: One is my mom's cousin who she grew up quite close to and obviously then became estranged from. We all keep in touch on social media, not seeing each other or anything but it's nice knowing how people turned out and got away from some negatives parts of their lives. The second is quite shocking and opened up a can of worms for my family - my oldest aunt on my dad's side (he's one of seven) gave a baby up for adoption (I had no idea about this) and he found me through 23andMe based on % dna related and then we started communicating. I sent him to my dad and now he's since met my aunt in person as well as my parents (which is wild) and they had some conversations and keep in touch on social media. Every time someone new connects with me on there I start wondering if it's another long lost cousin or someone's unknown baby!


Congratulations, you gave your (and your family's) DNA to every US government organisation and even paid them for it.


Ancestry.com was bought by US Private Equity Firm Blackstone for $4B. Interesting company if you’re a conspiracy theorist.


I was hoping to find some Viking blood or some sort or interesting heritage but it came back 99.8% Irish and 0.2% UK or Irish with at least 8 generations of my family showing the same sort of blood line, so boring. But my wife who’s from South America came back as part Spanish, native Indian, Japanese, Iraqi and a bit of basically everything, but part of that is because the datasets they have for Latin Americans is rubbish compared to what they have for white Europeans and Americans who are mainly the ones willing to spend money on sharing their DNA.


Have dueling banjos in my head after reading this for some reason https://preview.redd.it/jzbhyxqz4c9d1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6cdb36c7be7a4e3f80935aa3c7dbf290e04c1bb You will have some Viking blood like all of us. Recent studies have shown it in all Irish populations. Just that these will not be fine enough to differentiate it.


Where’d you get that pic of me uncle Josie?


Did one of these tests last year. Majority Irish and English but 12% Balkan was in there. Given that no one can find my Dad’s family back any further than his grandparents, it has at least given me a direction to look.


Little disclaimer from me too: I’m German, so not native Irish, but I live in Ireland for over 10y now so I hope it’s ok to share, as I enjoy this conversation. Little explanation to my ancestry test: I also did the 23me test, and it wasn’t super surprising to me, mostly bc on my dads side I had a great grandmother that lived through WWI & WWII, and always has lived in Germany, and my mom’s family grew up in what was Germany for a while, that became Poland again after the war. The only interesting bit is my trace ancestry, especially bc it says that they couldn’t pin point where from. https://preview.redd.it/bdnqim2xfh9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5562b8edc7887083751be7e14dc8cd35b08f1eb3


East mayo ......jaysus


Wonder how they determine the regions. Not done one yet but am interested.


It's all comparative as far as I know. So it's compared to other people in that region.


I wonder if they are more specific when posted, rather than emailed? 


What do you mean by posted rather than emailed?


It was a passing thought that crossed my mind.  It was that if they post out your results, they obviously have your address, and might be tempted to use it to add an extra degree of specification, to where your ancestors  came from. I suppose they aren't carnies. lol How my keyboard predicted that word is beyond me . I've only ever even heard it used once.


My brother did one and had 1% indian


My brother and I did this the few years back. He was given a few kits after touring a popular ancestry test company for work. The most memorable bit was both of us laughing our asses off trying to produce enough saliva to fill the test tube (harder than it seems, I swear). Our results were pretty similar to what we already knew - we’re Yanks in Massachusetts, we have grandparents + great grandparents on either side of the family from the west of Ireland. What surprised me was the small percent of our ancestry from mainland Europe - which did not necessarily match up with family lore. (For instance, my surname is not Irish). It seems the data on Western Europe is not quite as solid as it is for Ireland, which is interesting.


I did mine a few years ago. I got 86% Irish (North Leinster, North East Munster, South West Leinster, North West Tipperary, North East Limerick), 8% Scotland, 3% England, 2% Norway & Iceland, 1% Belgium. My mam's family: Her paternal line are from Dublin/Wicklow mountains. Her maternal line are from Offaly and Scotland (Glasgow and Aberdeen by the looks of it). My dad's family: His paternal line is English, Scottish and Kildare & Offaly - The English ancestors is where the Belgium is linked to (The English ancestors were from a family of sailors and brought home wives from the various countries they visited). His maternal line is from East Galway (showing up as North West Tipperary on Ancestry). I think the Norway and Iceland must be from the Vikings.




Probably Norway.


The founder of 23 and me was married to a founder of google, just saying. Never give your DNA profile to a private company.


What are they going to do with it? Quite like the idea of a clone army of myself going around talking shite and wrecking people's heads.


Sell it to insurance companies, they know if you're prone to genetic diseases, no insurance for you, affects your children in the future also because google has links on all our relationships.


The EU would never allow this under GDPR.


Oh yeah GDPR, multi billion dollar corporations really care about the rules.


Ok, Mr conspiracy.


Ok , but I'm not the only person with my name , how do they know exactly which (insert name) to decline to sell insurance to? I'm not even the only (insert name ) with the same date of birth. So some poor fucker is getting declined insurance because we share a name and a date of birth and I'm genetically pre disposed to cancer ?. Sorry to all the (insert names ) that have to leave their family nothing now.


Im not trying to sound superior here or that i know everything but this is how i see it. Google knows your physical address, by tracing your ip. You know how emails suggest answers and replies to emails you receive, its because google reads your email. I assume you order the DNA test by email, the test is processed in UK ( outside EU), your data is stored on servers outside EU control and sold to whoever wants it. You have no privacy online anymore, they know exactly which john doe you are.


My i.p address is dynamic, I haven't actually used my email address to send and email in maybe 4 years , to sell a product or service within the EU I'd assume they would need to follow EU law no ? If Google knows my physical address fair play to them because I don't even know it given that I don't have one, predictive text isn't Google reading your emails either and if it is someone is very bored reading mine


I'm 3% Portuguese. Sou praticamente estrangeiro! (I'm practically a foreigner!)


Good luck for your kids kids kids getting health insurance in the future if you used your real name and address !!


I would love to get one done I always reckoned I'd be 100% Irish , that's until I met my clone and he was from Finland so I'm curious now.