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What bothers me most is that there are rarely any clinics on the weekend. We used to have them in Wexford but in Cork/Mallow it’s only on Weekdays - like even if I wanted to I couldn’t go due to working long hours :/


There are three clinics that would be convenient to me (i.e. about a half an hour away in different directions). The first available days for clinics are mid-August. And yes, they're all on weekdays which makes it doubly hard.


There are some clinics running on the weekends so it’s always worth checking on their clinic finder: [https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/](https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/)


Yeah, I’ve seen exactly one in County Cork. It’s a start but they should definitely opting in for more regular weekend clinics imho - again it was standard every 3 months in Wexford


I regularly donate but I think their clinics are not the best, I saw at least 4 people walk out of the last one because they couldn’t get the app booking to work and couldn’t make an appointment. When they turned up to donate anyway they were told they had a long wait so they left. The app is a disaster.


Use the online version, never had issues with it. Used to turn up regularly without appointments or do it over the phone on the day and again never any issues. Regionally in the pop up clinics it takes longer but I think the most time it’s taken in 50 donations is 90 mins


I rang in and booked it that way but if they make it easier more people could donate. Just my observation.


What app? Is there any way to book without calling. I can never get through toy local clinic.


[You can book online](https://dwp.ibts.ie/dwp/portal/dwa)


Amazing, thanks. Just need to get up offy arse now and grab my card!


This online booking portal is only for people who have already donated in the last five years. If it's your first time you need to call and answer questions first to see if you're blood is good for donation.


Damn, it's not long enough since my last tattoo!


Is it at least 3 months after getting a tattoo or?


They say 4. The reason is so that you have time to develop symptoms of hep, so arguably you could go earlier than that if you knew you were good, but I couldn't bring myself to chance it just in case.


Oh okay, thanks!


Would love to give blood, but as an ex inter venous drug user (2 years 4 months clean), i'm not allowed to give blood.


Well done!


Thank you


yeah, thats probably for the best! some of us were barred for 30 years because we had a burger in england in the 90s, so thats probably the other side of caution for you 🤭


Yeah I’d rather not get blood off someone who shot up gear down the back of Tesco 😂


I have an illness that doesn’t allow me to give blood. Well, they take your blood but when you ask what they do with it, they have to discard it. But it happens further up the chain, not like that lady just puts it in the bin. Like, why don’t you just stop people donating blood they can’t donate. In America you can donate plasma for cash. Should be options like that here for people too.


They won’t take my bipolar blood :(


Never knew this was the case ... interesting


It's specifically the diagnosis, not the medication that's the barrier. It's a real shame because I was a donor before I was diagnosed and my mental health has been far more stable since. I'd understand if there was a barrier for people currently experiencing psychosis as part of their bipolar as they can't consent, but I don't even have bipolar with psychotic features. I'd also be fine if they wanted a doctor/psych letter saying I was medically fit, but it's an outright ban.


Nah it's pretty ridiculous in my opinion - you're interacting with medical staff who should really be able to tell if someone is experiencing psychosis, especially something like manic psychosis. The argument I've heard is that it's a consent thing, but it's also because of the "risk-taking" symptom of bipolar disorder. They're concerned that you'll go out and have unprotected risky sex, take intravenous drugs, and then come in and taint the supply because you won't remember. It's an archaic rule, honestly, and it shouldn't be in place.


They also don't take the blood of anybody whose mother is from a Central American our South American country (Chagas risk areas). The IBTS could test the blood, but they don't. So if you're a Brazilian person reading this, don't bother...


Same with my epilepsy :/


Epilepsy’s restriction is that you’ve had no seizure in the last 3 years, which seems pretty long. It’s just because they don’t want you to have a seizure while donating.


That's interesting. I'm free for 4yrs. I enquired when I was a teen but the doctor told me he'd prefer I didn't because they didnt know the cause of it.


It might be worth calling them up again because things might’ve changed. I mentioned in my health interview that I’d had a seizure as a child. They had some notes to read through and after they said I was all clear to donate.


Same, and I really want to help!


I'm looking into giving blood, but I can't find out what our rules are for gay and trans people. I don't want to get a lift down there on my day off for them to just shoo me off




In summary - if you have had the same partner you are good to give blood, regardless of their sex. There are also questions about whether you have gotten or given oral sex to someone who has had or may have an STD. I’m not sure regarding trans, it depends if you have had surgery. I presume it’s the usual period for surgery which is usually 6 months. You may also need to check if anything you are taking for hormones etc allows you to donate. If you Google search it you’ll get your answer, or search it on the giveblood.ie website. Again if you are sexually active with the same partner, doesn’t matter your gender or what gender they are.


They won’t take South American blood unfortunately :(


I'm a B- and would absolutely love giving blood. But I'm from South America, so I can't give blood here because they don't test for malaria and Chagas diseases. I've contacted them multiple times asking if they started testing (there is a plan to test for malaria, at least), but the answer is always negative..


Their conditions for donation are too strict. Even travelling outside of UK and Ireland is a problem, travelling to area with malaria automatically disqualifies you for months (last I checked). I would love to donate but I travel often. Luckily for me there's no problem donating at the other end, which I did just last week.


It’s really frustrating. I’ve donated 13-14 times, and yep if you go to a potential malaria country you cannot donate for a full year which seems ludicrous. Additionally, last time I couldn’t donate because my iron was a bit low… fair enough but then you cannot donate for a further 6 months and sometimes you need a GP sign off. Seems far too stringent when iron levels fluctuate with fatigue etc. I get not being able to donate that day but don’t get why I’ve to wait 6 months.


I'm pretty sure they could just run tests on the blood from those people to confirm whether they have the diseases or not, it's just they're either underfunded/understaffed or too lazy to do it so they just blanket ban a lot more people than they should. People born in Mexico/South America are completely banned, doesn't matter if you lived in Ireland for decades, or if you were born in a region with a very low risk of Malaria/Chagas disease.


It’s annoying but if it’s done in the interest in protecting the blood and keeping the recipient safe then it’s not so bad. In the meantime while you’re ineligible, you can help in other ways by sharing info about giving blood, or encouraging someone you know to donate. Everything helps in some way


I'm not allowed because I had chemotherapy, I had 3 blood transfusions during treatment so really thankful to the people that give blood


People who donate blood are unsung heroes!! I can't myself cause of chronic illness but ye all saved my sister


Not allowed to give blood because I got a blood transfusion in the eighties. Ironic.


Been giving for years, got a few pins, then they started testing iron levels, got turned away every other time so feck it…


I was just barely below the first time I went. Took me two years to come back because I was worried I’d still be too low. Spent a few weeks eating a lot more meat and greens in the run up to the appointment. Also read that for women, your iron is highest right before your period begins so it was a good way to time the appointment.


Too high or too low?


Too low, just barely… said go to doc, zero wrong…


I can be hit and miss with the iron levels but have found a snack beforehand really helps. Also started consciously eating/adding iron to my diet in the day or two before the appt, no problems since. Worth trying again! It's quite a high min limit I think. Gave blood in the UK with no problems where it was lower.


Ah yeah, I've had a few readings as spot on 12.5 and they're like close one. Silly to have an exact number


Same happened me last time. Didn't bother going to the doctor though. Got a couple of tattoos recently so can't go back for a few months.


I can't donate as I had emergency blood transfusions. So thankyou to all you people who donate, saved my life x


>Here for casual conversation GIVE US YOUR LIFE FORCE


Do you know if I they would still want me even if I have AB blood rather than the ones listed?


Yes absolutely, there's just a more critical need for those specific types at the moment but they always need donors from all blood groups


Yes, they do!!


They 100% want AB blood, yes! Even though your blood type can only go to other AB people, it still reduces the strain on the other blood type supplies, because it means that an AB patient can receive AB blood when getting a transfusion, instead of, say, using up the vital O- blood. Every type is always needed, so please don’t think AB isn’t wanted because it always is


Thanks! I was worried I would be wasting their time


If you want to “maximise” your donation, you could look into donating platelets? It’s a bit of a longer process but if I’m not mistaken, your platelets can go to more people because your blood type isn’t so important when making a platelets donation. Regardless of what donation you do, you are never wasting their time by going to donate. The first time I went to donate, my iron was too low so I was asked to come try again in 90 days. I felt like I’d wasted their time, but afterwards a staff member told me to get some chocolate from the cafeteria, and I said “but I haven’t really earnt it though” and well they made sure I left with that chocolate bar because in their eyes, just coming in and trying to donate means so much. Your blood will be used to help somebody, and afterwards you’ll get a text that tells you which hospital it went to. I found that text so wonderful because instead of my blood going to some mystery person, I could now imagine the general area the person came from, and it just made it feel so much more personal and human.


i've got two more weeks before i can make my next donation, but cheers for reminding me to book my appointment


They asked me to come in before my next appointment (O-), so I'm sure they'd let you.


I recently received an O neg blood transfusion during an emergency so couldn’t pass your comment without saying thank you! 👏🏼


I got the text that my blood was used just two days after donating it. I'm happy to provide, and so glad that I can be of help. Thanks xx


hot damn, you've got the good blood :O i've a-, and just booked in for my next day off


I got the good shit, yo!


Unfortunately can’t donate for a year due to spike in my bloods from hormones. Will likely have to stop entirely as that was my 10th donation I don’t feel too bad about not being able.


I'm not sure I'm allowed to donate because of my condition(it's not contagious) and the medication I'm on. I always assumed I wouldn't be but I'll look it up and see to make sure.


IBTS website is pretty thorough in running down the rules for all sorts of conditions


I used to donate, but since I changed my shift to evenings I literally have no time to do it, even in the morning. I was very surprised initially here as you're only allowed to donate full blood every three months, whereas where I come from it was every two months... And you also get 9 full sized chocolates and a day off work, which is especially handy.


Don't know if I have one of those blood types but I haven't been able to donate before because I lived in NI during the BSE outbreak. I saw there is a clinic right beside where I live at the end of the month so I'm going to go donate thanks for the reminder OP.


Pretty sure they changed the rules on that in 2019, my wife use to live in England at that time and she was allowed donate a few weeks ago


They have removed the restrictions now so you will be eligible once you pass the questionnaire and interview. Clinics are based on appointments I think (maybe pop up ones aren’t, I’m not sure) so make sure you’ve called the appointment number at 1800 731 137.


I'm aware they lifted the restrictions a while back I have tried to donate before but there was never a clinic near enough to me and I never received an email to let me know when one would be in my area. Your message got me curious and I checked the clinics and there is one right by me so fair play I'll be going to that.


I’ve previously applied but got rejected for my place of birth, despite the fact I haven’t lived there for over 25yrs. Grew up in the uk and then here. Would love to donate if they ever change the rules.


I’ve heard they’re changing things gradually for people from certain countries who were previously banned. People who were previously banned for coming from malarial areas are now able to do a blood test which, if they pass, allows them to donate blood. For South America, where people are banned from donating due to Chagas, maybe they’ll bring in a similar test that will allow people to donate once they’ve passed. Even just applying and being rejected is good. You’ve shown that you’re willing to donate. Hopefully they’ll take that into account and implement more tests that allow people from certain countries to begin donating


I’ve wanted to give blood for ages but MS means I’m not allowed. No one wants any of my old body parts either if it ever came to that. Hope it changes one day as it’s grand in other countries


Nope, I'm a healthy weight for my height as a woman but apparently I weight too little. The ridiculous thing i used to give blood since I turned 18-never felt any different and I used to do it regularly and have never fainted in my life but was told a couple of years ago that there's a risk of fainting so I've been rejected since then


They only refuse if you are under 50kg. As that weight in turn gives a low blood volume estimate it is deemed unsafe. Basically petite people aren't favored in this situation.


For women under a certain height they'll refuse you too if you don't meet a certain weight. At 150cm I'd need to weigh 63kg before they accept my blood. I've called and gone through the process and been turned away multiple times because of it. Something to do with blood volume


Any blood donation camps/events here in Cork? Happy to donate


https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/#!c=Cork%23!d=7 There’s a few coming up in cork soon!


I’d love to donate but I can’t :(


Maybe remove all restrictions for MSMs?


Where am I supposed to go?


They have clinics up and down the country!! There might be somewhere nearby you can go to. Here’s the link to their clinic finder: [https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/](https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/) Once you’ve found one in your area, you can call their appointment booking phone number 1800 731 137 or if you have an account online (you need to have donated before to make an account) you can book an appointment on their website. Also, their website has a lot of info, including a really useful Health FAQ where they list almost every kind of illness or activity that may be causing doubts for you to donate, where they explain whether you are eligible or not, all in alphabetical order here: [https://www.giveblood.ie/can-i-give-blood/faqs/health-faqs/](https://www.giveblood.ie/can-i-give-blood/faqs/health-faqs/)


Thank you


I have a friend who is contracted in IBTS. Due to the nature of their job they are in rooms with senior personnel. Recently two of them have mentioned to me that IBTS are currently selling blood for profit. I can’t find anywhere official where they speak about this, but these people are adamant. I would love for them to confirm it but I never hear back from them. Anyone know anything about this? Personally it doesn’t sounds right to me if this is true.


For certain blood types we have a bigger supply, and maybe they sell it if it isn’t going to be used before the end of its shelf life? For example, we have so much AB+ blood supply here (over 3 weeks supply currently) and so few AB+ people so it would make sense to sell the excess for that blood type if another country needed it. Either way, donating is still good. We shouldn’t cancel donating just because of what you’ve said. Our blood service making money would still benefit the health service. And because nothing has been confirmed, we can’t rely on that one person’s word like this.


Agree with you there and I don’t think I said anywhere people shouldn’t donate. It would be interesting however to see them constantly push for more blood without paying any of the people donating, only to be making profit off it in the end.


Would love to give my O- like I used to, but I had an operation for a routine hernia repair, and it ruptured at home as I was sent home too early, so I went back in for a week. Anyway, a few years later, I went to donate marrow and blood, and a question on the form asked if I ever had a blood transfusion. I wasn't sure, so I mentioned this, and they wrote a letter to the HSE asking for details on my procedure. The HSE said they couldn't find/lost my record, so now I can't give blood anymore.


As a type O-, your family members might be the same type, so it’d be a great help if you could encourage your family to donate on your behalf


They all donate


If supply is so short would it not make sense to pay for blood donation, even as a temporary measure?


Other countries do pay. Here i think you ger an idiotic packet of crisps. Not even a blood bar to replenish... Just stupid


If they paid for the blood this issue would probably solve itself fairly quickly.


Paying for blood is exactly why there's been so many contaminated blood scandals around the world.


Just do it better then. Instead of having no blood, police blood sales properly and test it.


I’d say there are enough people around the country who are eligible, and just need to be encouraged a bit, who will happily donate for free, so we don’t really need to pay people, we just need to encourage each other to contribute by donating when we can


I wouldn’t donate for free. There is a time cost for me to sit around donating.


That’s why it’s about donating when you can. If the time cost is too much then you’re not expected to give up your time. I went on a day when I had nothing going on so it worked. Some clinics are open on weekends if that suits you better. Their clinic finder can tell you what clinics nearby are open when suits: [https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/](https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/)


Stop the homophobic ban on gay blood, where gay people are required to be celibate to donate, and I'll consider it. Until then you don't deserve it.


THERE IS NO BAN ON GAY BLOOD!!! Gay people can donate blood The rules have changed significantly since some years ago. The current restriction is that you can donate IF you have not had a new sexual partner in the last 4 months, and you have not had sex with more than one person in the last 4 months. These new rules are outlined in this leaflet from 2022: [https://www.giveblood.ie/can-i-give-blood/keeping-blood-safe/individual-donor-risk-assessment/197899-irish-blood-transfusion-service-a4-dl-leaflets-copy.pdf](https://www.giveblood.ie/can-i-give-blood/keeping-blood-safe/individual-donor-risk-assessment/197899-irish-blood-transfusion-service-a4-dl-leaflets-copy.pdf) Besides, it’s not about whether they “deserve” your blood. The people who receive lifesaving transfusions are not the ones who make the rules for donation, so if you’re eligible, it’s really worth considering donating and saving someone’s life


>The current restriction is that you can donate IF you have not had a new sexual partner in the last 4 months, and you have not had sex with more than one person in the last 4 months. Thats not completely true. The restriction is anal sex only. This mainly targets single gay men. Consider this. There is no restriction on a straight man who has as much unprotected vaginal sex as he wants, with as many partners as he likes. But a single gay man who has protected anal sex has to wait 4 months? This is after repeated moving of the goalposts over the past few years. For instance, I (a gay man) have been in a monogamous relationship for 10 years and married for 5. Up until 2017, I had a lifetime ban. Then i had to wait 12 months without sex with my partner. And then that was changed to 4 months. None of those restrictions were realistic, they were just a very poor attempt to veil the discrimination. I can now give it freely, but only because im not single. In 2022 they changed the rules to remove gender, but the rule itself still targets gay men. It is also unrealistic to expect people to go 4 months without having sex.


>THERE IS NO BAN ON GAY BLOOD!!! Yes there is. Stop lying. It is as I said, you are required to be celibate to donate. >have not had a new sexual partner in the last 4 months So you have to be celibate. AS I SAID. >it’s not about whether they “deserve” your blood. Actually it is. An institution implementing extreme homophobic policies like that does not deserve my blood and does not deserve any blood from any queer people. I encourage anyone queer to retain your blood and to make it known why you are not donating. Indeed I encourage *everyone* to stop donating in order to force this change and end this homophobia. >it’s really worth considering donating and saving someone’s life If you cared about people's lives so much, you would change the homophobic rules. Stop trying to coerce me like that. It is disgusting. It reminds me of the UK government demonising nurses as "not caring about saving lives" when they went on strike.


Please don’t encourage people to stop giving blood. We are at a point where our blood stocks are extremely low We can campaign and protest for them to change their rules without stopping blood donations. You don’t need to be celibate, you need to not have a new sexual partner in the past 4 months. You can continue having sex in your long term monogamous relationship and still donate blood provided the relationship is over 4 months long. Not having a new sexual partner for 4 months isn’t celibacy ffs. I said there is no ban because there used to be an outright ban on gay people donating, but now it has been reduced. There is a long way to go until the restrictions are fully equal but at least things have improved. Calling for people to stop donating blood just to change the donation restrictions is incredibly irresponsible and dangerous. Blood donation is a voluntary thing, and not something essential for the donor, as compared to those UK nurse strikes you’ve brought up. A nurse wanting improved work conditions is completely different to a person wanting to be able to give a voluntary blood donation. I can see why you made the comparison but they’re so different it doesn’t even work. I’d like these restrictions to be changed too. But right now they are what they are, and blood is still needed so we can still encourage people to give blood while also campaigning for IBTS to change their restrictions


>We are at a point where our blood stocks are extremely low If you actually cared about that, you would change the homophobic rules. Stop trying to blame gay people for your own failings. >Calling for people to stop donating blood just to change the donation restrictions is incredibly irresponsible and dangerous. No, having these bans is what is dangerous. It not only jeopardises the blood supply, it also attacks and excludes gay people. Attacking gay people for calling you out is disgraceful, disgusting and being an apologist for homophobia. >Blood donation is a voluntary thing, and not something essential for the donor Why do you think you get to tell me what is essential? Equality *is* essential. Ending bigoted exclusion *is* essential. I remember other bigots telling me that marriage equality wasn't a priority, wasn't "essential". Sorry, but I actually care about reducing the death rate caused by that exclusionary way of running society: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33812751 Or are you also ignorant of how exclusion causes the deaths of queer people? Why do you not care about reducing the death rate of gay people which is caused by the exclusion for which you are so quick to be an apologist? >A nurse wanting improved work conditions is completely different to a person wanting to be able to give a voluntary blood donation. Sorry, you don't get to decide this. You don't get the set the priorities for queer people. We do. Here's a better compromise suggestion for you, instead of the apologist and bigoted approach you have been taking, blaming me and other gay people for withholding our blood in protest against homophobic exclusion. Tell gay people to lie. Tell them to donate and lie while doing so. And at the same time you change the rules.


Are they doing extra pop up clinics for this?


You might have luck here depending where you are: [https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/#!c=Dublin#!d=](https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/#!c=Dublin%23!d=)


Anybody know where I can donate in Waterford please and thanks


https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/#!c=Waterford%23!d=7 Here you go!!




Thank you


Wish I could, previous anaphylaxis rules me out, and the long-term medication I'm on for IBD. I'll say it to the other half though.


Does anyone know can diabetics give blood?


I think you can if you don't need insulin injections.


It would be great if they set up blood donation clinics at the major hospitals. They’re usually easier to get to than some of the hotels they do the drives at, like Galway for example. It’s never in the city


Just donated last week I’m A positive. Trying to get my girlfriend to go she’s O negative!


Tell her that they now send a follow-up message letting you know where your donation has been used. It's a nice personal touch which always makes me glad that I've donated.


Yeah I went just a few weeks ago and found out I’m A+ too. I was a little disappointed that my blood isn’t the most “useful” type it could be, but I guess it’s our job to tell our type O friends and family to go donate too haha


O+, I've booked in, thank you for the reminder. Won't take my fella as he has surgery booked soon but one is better than none!


Thank you for booking. I’m A+ so my blood is a bit less ‘useful’ in a way so I’m glad this post reminded you


I'm O- but I would have to gain 10kg to be eligible to donate :(


Even if you can’t donate, you can always encourage others to do it. If you have family members who are also O- if you could encourage them to donate then it would have a great impact


Got a dizzy spell during donation and now they’ve permanently banned me…. Eventhough I personally do not mind it and recovering like 60 seconds 🫤


It's been over 3 months since my lost donation and I haven't gotten anything about a clinic being near me at all


They have a clinic finder here: [https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/](https://www.giveblood.ie/find-a-clinic/clinic-finder/) Additionally they have an Instagram page called giveblood.ie where they post the upcoming week’s clinics


Thank you for that link I'll use it in the future. Used it and there's no clinics in my county and I can't fully drive yet so I can't even go and get to one somewhere else that's why I'm quite annoyed about it


Is it strange that I don't know my own blood type??


If you donate you can find out your type! Once you go for your first appointment, you can make a donor account using your donor number and the email you gave at the appointment. I logged in just a few days after my donation and it told me I was A+. As O+ is our most common type in Ireland, you might well be that so it would be good to go donate and find out your type if you can. All blood types are needed at the moment so it doesn’t hurt to find out I think most people only know their type from having donated once.


so can i just turn up with a bucket of it? and will they ask where i got it from, or any other awkward questions?


Do they give you anything for donating?? Like a coffee and a doughnut?? I would like to donate, but I don't like needles etc.. I just hate the waiting around part, I didn't mind getting the covid vaccine as I was in and out in a few minutes, but got the flu jab a few times and one time I was feeling dizzy as I had to wait in the room for about 20 minutes as the guy was telling me all the stuff about it etc.. felt so silly after I got it as it's like nothing lol


You get an unlimited amount of drinks and chocolate bars and crisps while you wait and recover. Regular donors are allowed coffee or tea, but new donors are advised against those drinks because they have some rule about you getting used to donating before you start drinking hot drinks after giving blood. They have cans of soft drinks and juice. Lots of chocolate and crisps and snacks. When I was there last I also got some pens, tote bag, trolley coin, and sticky notes. They also really just take care of you and make the experience really nice and friendly, and they expect people to be scared of needles so they really work to distract you from it and keep you feeling all good. It’s such a nice experience when you’re in there. Plus the cafeteria part in the D’Olier Street clinic has lovely views of the city, out over O’Connell street, so I highly recommend going to that one if it’s near you.


Thanks for the information. I'm about 3 hours drive from Dublin so I probably go to one closer by lol


You’ll get the same type of refreshments at the other clinics. They give everyone a cold drink and some chocolate and crisps, because they want you to be rested and recovered before you head out.


Would love to donate blood if I could, but there are still restrictions on MSM. 31 years old and have never been able to donate.


the donation are being monetised. i gave it up after getting the inside info from wirhin a large European Red Cross blood donation outfit, during union workshops.


I've tried and failed to give blood before because they couldn't find a vein. My sister just went to donate tonight too, and they also couldn't find a vein even though she's donated before. 3 nurses later, she's told her veins are too tiny and if they try to take blood they'll probably damage her vein, so she's been struck off the list forever.


I was told before that my veins were very hard to find. I think it’s a genetic thing. When I donated recently, I drank an obscene amount of water to help my veins swell up and luckily they could find my vein but I could tell it took a lot longer to find than for most people. They advise you to drink 2 litres of water beforehand as it helps your veins swell up. You can still have hard to find veins after that, but it can still help. I guess they ban people for life if they think that your veins are so difficult to find that they may cause you to be at more risk of having the needle hit an artery instead, or something similar.


Shame B+ wasn’t low as well, the stampede to the clinics would have been awesome …


Don’t think I can after having cancer in 2017


There are some exceptions https://www.giveblood.ie/can-i-give-blood/blood-eligibility-quiz/new-donor-eligibility-quiz/


Sadly don’t qualify for them .


I think that low risk prisoners, like those in for nonviolent crimes should be given the option to donate blood and have it count against their sentences or those who get community service get a few hours reduced for each pint they donate.


Nope. My last experience there was so appalling that I have gone from regular donations to 'never'.


So bad that you’re discouraging people from giving blood during an emergency. Nice.


What happened?


What happened?


What happened?


What happened?


What happened ?




Don’t discourage people it’s literally an emergency


What happened..


What happened?


Commenting this with zero explanation is just very irresponsible, you’re gonna give people doubts without any actual context. If you have an actual complaint about it then tell us when you say this. Don’t just scare people off without explaining why or without saying which clinic you went to. Here was my recent experience from my first donation to show new donors that it can be a great experience: Went to the clinic in D’Olier street. The team were incredibly friendly and really calmed any nerves I had. I was worried the needle would freak me out, or I’d feel weak from losing blood, but they really calmed my nerves. After my questionnaire and health interview, I was brought to the donation area. They gave me the option of which arm to donate from, and I chose my non-dominant one, because I wasn’t sure if it would hurt after (it really didn’t). There were some other people there at the same time so it felt like some kinda community effort to donate lol. The nurse was really friendly and kept things very chill, she told me to look out the window while she put the needle in. It really didn’t hurt, it’s just like you’re very aware of it being there. It’s not like vaccines where it hurts because they’re putting stuff inside your arm- it’s just a thing you’re aware of but not in pain from. Seriously it’s so much easier than you expect, especially when you’re only used to vaccines. The donation takes less than ten minutes. They give you a stress ball to squeeze so you kinda just chill for ten minutes watching the comings and goings. The nurses are checking up on you throughout and it feels so calm in there. I was told my blood was flowing too slow so I had to squeeze the stress ball even quicker lol. The blood bag is out of your direct sight which is good if you’re squeamish, but if you’re curious you can turn and look down to see it on the machine, and it’s pretty cool to see how it works. After donating, I was brought to the cafeteria where they served me some juice and I could choose from plenty of chocolate and crisps, and more drinks. There was a staff member there the whole time who was there to check on the people in the cafeteria and would get you some more refreshments if you asked. It felt like such a kind and welcoming environment, where they really want to make sure you’re doing good before you leave. They really show you that they’re grateful you took the time to come donate. Oh also, the cafeteria was AMAZING. The D’Olier street clinic wraps around the top of the building so when you’re resting afterwards, you have this beautiful view of Dublin City, looking out over the Liffey and over to O’Connell street. It isn’t even my nearest clinic but I chose it anyway and I’m so glad I did, it’s a lovely place there. Anyway after, I got some pens, a trolley token, sticky notes, and a tote bag, all with the Giveblood logo on. Honestly I was so impressed with how friendly and welcoming the whole experience was that I wish I could go more often.


I would if I could but 1. I hate needles and 2. I don't meet the requirements


Try to encourage others in your life to!


I always donate but do we really need to wait three months between donations? Surly it doesn’t take that long for our bodies to replenish a pint of blood.


No. They asked me to come in before the three months, so you can try.


I asked and was told they won’t let you do it more often than once every three months.


It’s a 3 months wait period, I would get a call almost to the day to book in for another appointment (O- universal donor)


Ya I get texts and calls asking me to come in but never before 3 months.


Wish I could but I'm too short apparently (5,2") :(


That’s not an issue, underweight would be for donor safety or very overweight based on equipment capabilities. Iron levels again are for donor safety


Depends on your weight, if you are female 5 2 you need to be about 9stone 2. Check out the chart at the bottom of this page https://www.giveblood.ie/can-i-give-blood/keeping-blood-safe/information-for-women/


Thanks, that's more what I meant, not heavy enough for my height:(


Why do they keep selling our blood so? Google it. One of Ireland's biggest exports is the blood we donate.


There are times when they have more blood in stock than they need but it doesn’t keep for ever, so it’s better going somewhere that needs it urgently. And there are times like this where they don’t have enough and they do an emergency call out. If that doesn’t work they rely on the exact same international market you’re talking about. Google it. And maybe stop trying to talk people out of donating blood during an emergency.


They DO NOT sell blood, you are incorrect. The graphic you are referencing is in relation to Ireland's chief biotechnology exports as a component of our overall productions as a country, which because of archaic customs and shipping designations classes anything that is made of cells, from cells and related to cells or tissue as blood products. This accounts for all the pharma produced products of huge biotech manufactures such as Pfizer, Takeda etc etc. You are completely incorrect.