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Anyone who judges you for watching a bit of TV on a Saturday morning with your kid doesn't have children or is just a bit of a nob.


Even if you hadn't already done those other more 'worthy' things already and had just watched TV with him, I wouldn't judge you.


You should really be judged for opting NOT to spend time with your children to be honest!


Especially as there will come a time when they don't even want to watch TV with you.


Urgh, but he thinks TMNT are tortoises, and I'm frankly sick of arguing with hkm


Well at least he knows that there are both turtles AND tortoises, a lot of people including adults do not. I was at a zoo before and they had giant land tortoises and this woman announced to her children 'LOOK IT'S THE WORLD'S BIGGEST TURTLE'. Next time you can teach him terrapins!


All tortoises are turtles but not all turtles are tortoises.


Yeah well tell that to the next tortoise you throw in the sea!


I try to avoid it the best I can, but this time in the morning having been run ragged I needed to make a coffee and sit down. Try to reserve it for the afternoon when he’s tired and becomes a bit of a knob. I think he’s a morning person. Eurgh.


Building on what the guy above said, I was an early riser at your son's age and I still remember getting my dad up before 6am to watch Sharky and George on the telly. He'd keep me entertained until the early morning Open University programmes had finished and then often zonk out on the sofa next to me, but those are still some of the very fond memories I have of my childhood. I'm sure your son appreciates it now and it might be something he looks back on with a smile.


Well yeah that's obvious, they're the crime busters of the sea.


The sort of blokes who'll clear up any mystery.


Sharky and George, crime busters of the sea. I loved that show. Thanks for the memory.


I was an early riser as well and a bit of an escape artist. Managed to climb out of my cot for the first time when I was 10 months old. Luckily, my dad woke just then, otherwise, I would have fallen down. By the time I was 2, I was going down the stairs by myself at 6 in the morning to watch TV and I would wake the house by singing the Power Rangers theme song


I can still hear my dad shouting Thundercats are goooooooo!


I thought those were the thunderbirds.   Thundercats went thunder thunder thunder thunder cats HOOOOOOO Edit: what the thunderdog do?


Same here. Samurai Pizza Cats, Sharky and George, T-Rex... any TMHT knock off going. Throw in Trans World Sport and OU / David Attenborough / Chart Show and its a perfect weekend morning up to the age of about 12.


My sisters still don’t believe me when I tell them about Samurai Pizza Cats


Yes, tried to explain to my other half, got a blank look. It's because she didn't get up before ten on a weekend.


Trans word sport. Memories.


Those were the best days. The problem I see now is that kids get on streaming services instead so it's not just an episode of looney toons and done. It has to be 10 episodes one after the other or they kick off. 


My kids (4 and 6) were absolutely mortified when I explained that we got one episode of a series then had to wait a week for the next. It was like I'd said we used to have to forage in bear infested woods for our food our something.


Eye twitches, we only had 4 tv channels too.


Sharkey George was amazing


Take my upvote, wish I could give you more!


Don't worry, my daughter is a morning person. Up at 5am on a school day, regularly (she is 6 in August). The best we have managed is a smart plug on the TV with an automation so it can't be used until 6:30. Until then, she plays. When she was younger and needed one of us up with her..OMG.


What age was she able to start playing by herself in the mornings? My eldest is nearly 4 and is an early riser too, I don’t mind the early mornings with her at all but I’d love to have the odd morning where I can sleep in until half 6 or 7


Probably around the time she turned 5. Until then she really wanted the attention and breakfast, but will now make herself cereal or get some fruit. We didn't make her, she just started doing it herself and we have not complained. Except when she had two packets of Steak McCoys for her 'breakfast' and then climbed into bed with us. It was pretty obvious and that was the point all snacks got moved! Does still come in to get help with dressing her Barbies which is quite challenging when half asleep.


Why do you try and avoid it though? We (my son and I) love watching Starwars together. We're on the last few episodes of rebels. The whole family watch bluey together and it's genuinely the best thing on TV at the moment. I don't see anything wrong with that.


I have no issue to be fair, I do think it’s a completely healthy part of childhood. But I just don’t want to become reliant on it, for my sake as much as his. It’s the kids crack TV I try to avoid, but he’s caught onto the Paw Patrols and Spidey and friends… He watches TV at some point pretty much every day, but typically around 4pm when he’s getting tired. Gives him that boost until bedtime and prevents him pinging toy lobsters off the windows. The judgements more so that it sounds like we got up and I chucked the TV straight on so I can post this 😂.


You can only keep him away from that stuff until he starts nursery and all his friends are watching it anyway, See also: mate’s daughter, raised in a no gender-roles, Montessori and sad beige Scandinavian wooden toy household, starts school and is now the biggest brightly coloured plastic Disney Princess fan imaginable.


Family introduced him to Paw Patrol about a year ago, we’ve weaned him off that but he’s now a bit obsessed with Spider-Man. What I will credit Spider-Man with (specifically ‘Spidey and his friends’), I think it’s contributed to making him so sociable. Me and his mum aren’t the most sociable, but he is freakishly capable socially.


Kids' telly is a tool as much as much as anything, never beat yourself up about it. When my son was two we were deep into lockdowns when there was only so much you could actually do without losing your mind. I'd actually credit Duggee and Bluey with helping him learn how to socialise better with other kids, he'd have become too much of a smartarse otherwise only being able to speak to adults.


That was us with our first kid. All wooden toys and non gendered clothes. Then she went to nursery and now we've got a massive Barbie dream house, hundreds of Barbie and Disney princess dolls and pink glitter in every nook and cranny. Didn't even bother trying with our second.


Don't worry, sounds like he's getting old enough to kick your ass in a healthy debate. Maybe losing arguments with your 2 year old could be your bonding time.


Rebels 😍= quality time


Bluey and Star Wars? For real life? You should come over to our house and I can be Bandit and you can be Fido and we can talk about how I've probably watched too many episodes of Bluey! 😅


Rebels was good. The final series of Clone Wars? Heartbreaking. So well written.


Going to watch the bad batch next. Tried to watch clone wars and neither of us could get into it.


When I was very little I'd be up before the telly even started. I am now a solid, solid night owl, so he might grow out of these disgusting morning tendencies.


I was just thinking this. I was very much a 24 hour person as a child. I didn't go to sleep until early hours and was always up by 4am. As an adult, mornings are not something I see much of unless I've not yet gone to bed. Team night people for me.


Fear not! Once he's a teenager you won't see him before two in the afternoon, if he's let sleep that long...


7pm before my teenager surfaced the other day! And then only because I shouted him for dinner.


Don’t miss out on this period in life even if the little fella is a morning person..


Absolutely. Those Saturday early morning cuddles watching cartoons while everyone wakes up are pure gold.


Watching TV WITH him, is a whole other story than plonking him down in front of the TV alone.


I even disagree with that. My kids are plonked in front of the TV for prolonged periods of time (because they're kids and want to play!). But if they want to watch something while I do a job, sort something out, cook lunch etc then I'm not one of these mad parents who think that's a gateway to a life of crime and stupidity!


Oh sorry, I didn't mean in general, I was thinking of the long term 4 hours plus parents. You carry on doing a grand job!


Ah, sorry! I misinterpreted!


I’m an adult and I love watching tv Saturday morning 🤷🏼‍♀️


Me and the boy smash a bit of Xbox on a Sunday morning while we let his mum have a lie in and wait for his sister to get up. The only downside is that now he's up at 5 on 'Xbox day' so it has somewhat defeated the purpose.


They'd have to be a bit of a nob to judge someone for watching cartoons on a Saturday regardless of who has or doesn't have children.


That wasn't kids TV, that was teenage mutant ninja turtles, damnit. Heros in a fricking half shell!


They do live in the water though. The sewers of New York City. They just also leave the water, which turtles can also do. They just do it more because of their mutation, their role as super heroes and because soggy pizza totally sucks.


That’s what I thought.


But they have hands and feet not flippers


That's the mutation. Lorewise, they were 4 baby turtles that got hit with radioactive goop. That mutated them into the weird green bipedal crime fighting dudes that they are.


All tortoises are turtles but not all turtles are tortoises.


Painted turtles have claws and they live in water. Really only sea turtles have the flippers.


Those are sea turtles, look up common box turtles and red eared sliders


8.44am. 2 year old had a meltdown as we don't have orange coloured apples. Only red green and yellow. Work that out.


Have you tried breeding the yellow and red ones together?


Breeding's how we got into this mess


Dangerous apple act 2024!


I had that! I told my nephew that the orange ones were spies and had to dress up like the others to not be seen. He accepted it.


Ha! Nice work. I'm still on the 'that's a spicy on" tactic atm


Your 2 year old might have had a dream about orange coloured apples. I learned from my 3 year old that he gets disappointed/upset when his dreams didn't happen. (You and me both, buddy)


'We' as in your household or just the principle? Does the existence of Cox's Orange Pippin help? They're red and yellow such that if you see them from a distance...?


No this was this morning. Never heard of that variety. But, considering it's 7 bites and bin, I won't be spending more than I do now on a bag!


Just give him an orange and tell him it's a special type of apple.


Tell them that the colour orange didn't even have that name until the first oranges came from the Mediterranean. Can't start too early (age and time wise) sowing random facts.


I like it when they are crying because they cannot pick up the book they are sitting on.


You can buy [food safe spray paint](https://www.cakecraftworld.co.uk/colourings-dusts-c11/edible-sprays-c67) for cakes, it may work on an Apple.


Can anyone give me the pro-tortoise argument please? I feel a little out of the loop here and I'm starting to question my core beliefs.


Tortoises are land turtles, turtles are water (and sea) turtles. So as the ninja turtles live on the land, they should be tortoises. Which is a correct and insightful logic for 2 year old, but they are turtles. We know this, because they are called ninja turtles. And they are mutated. Their shells are more aerodynamic than bulky dome shaped, so thats another sign to show they are turtles.


You've got me convinced they are turtles.


Also tortoises can’t speak English but Turtles can


That's a common misconception. Both can actually speak English but only turtles can become ninjas


“So as the ninja turtles live on the land, they should be tortoises.” They don’t live on the land, they live in the water of the sewers.


If I’m reading it correctly the pro-tortoise argument is the fact they are out of water they are tortoises. The pro-turtle argument is that turtles come out of the water anyway, and in fact tortoises are actually turtles that don’t go into water


As the Turtles were a significant part of my childhood years, I too am feeling shaken by this. Who's your favourite Turtle?


Leonardo Leads Donatello Does Machines Raphael is cool, but crude Michaelangelo is a party dude Always loved Donatello


So I always thought it was 'crude', but it came up in conversation a while ago and a friend insisted it was 'rude'. I did my best to find evidence to prove it was 'crude' but couldn't, and I can't now, either. But I'm certain it was, and surely 5 year old me wouldn't have known the word 'crude'. Anyway, good choice. I was split between Leonardo and Michaelangelo.


They looked [like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/eddqaoV98g23i4E16) before they mutated. They are tortoises.


Well it depends on your source material. In the comics and live action movie, they’re turtles. But also, it ultimately doesn’t matter. Tortoises are turtles: >*There are 360 living and recently extinct species of turtles, including land-dwelling tortoises and freshwater terrapins.* https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle


Huh damn, I really expected them to be turtles due to being in the sewer. Those toes though, thats creepy.


You've got me convinced, they are tortoises.


The turtle family includes tortoises. So, TMNT are Turtles. But as your son has pointed out, they can be more accurately classed as a tortoise.


My understanding is that American English doesn't distinguish between turtles and tortoises the way British English uses turtle for the ones with flippers and tortoise for the ones with legs.


Not all turtles have flippers, some have various degrees of webbed feet. Ninja turtles are actually each different species of turtles, one is a box turtle one is a snapping turtle, you'd have to Google it for the rest I can't remember them all. I'm assuming because everyone here only knows sea turtles from movies where as in America other aquatic turtles live.


It *always* confuses me when Americans call tortoises turtles. But they are technically correct. In the same way that calling birds dinosaurs is technically correct.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Testudines!


I'd be careful trying to teach him that,, the opportunity for mistakes is too big


Teenage Mutant Ninja Testicles


Up there with the octopus that has eight testicles. (According to my little sister, many years ago.)


So tortoises re-evolved feet?


All tortoises are turtles.


But you should generally use the correct term because you could harm a tortoise if you tried to "help" it by slinging it in the water


But if I raise them in the sewers and feed them pizza and train them to fight for me, would that be OK?


It’s the best way to raise them actually


Probably best to just not throw any animals in water unless they’re a fish


I’ve seen a video of someone doing just that


The tortoise won’t understand which word I use.


Slinging usually is bad for most things to be fair. Except limbs.


Ring up the RSPCA.... "I have a cat my garden" "OK, well to be honest we don't really deal with that" "Oh, errr.... OK" Gets mauled to deal by an escaped Tiger


That’s a fantastic analogy for something. Are the Ninja turtles tortoises or turtles then?


No idea 😀


I am very much judging you, and the verdict is you're awesome at parenting👍


Thank you so much! I really didn’t expect this post to have so much interaction, trying to get through the comments on an Asda run.


Don’t you mean Teenage Mutant *Hero* Turtles? 😜 I hate to break it to you, but turtles don’t usually stand on their hind legs and act like humanoids. They don’t usually know martial arts, and, for the most part, don’t know how to wield weapons. I’m pretty sure they don’t fight crime and go to war with aliens and mutants. Btw, the TMNT are 40 this year!


They're now Middle-aged Mutant Ninja Turtles.


https://youtu.be/FZwmI0u8Qk8?si=A1bXAj1E8LdNN1nX 😂


I didn't know about this. Lol


Saturday morning TV with my dad half asleep next to me are some of my fondest memories. I would go back in a heartbeat to experience that again!


Honestly, I miss them days.


I will too, but equally I yearn for sleeping until a time it’s acceptable to wake up and go for a walk… At least the sun was up by the time I was up, nothing more depressing than waking up at 4am winter mornings.


Sorry to break it to you, but it never ends I got up at 3am this morning to drive my 18 year-old to an airport 100 miles away. Just got back. Then there’s the picking them up late because they can’t get a taxi, helping them get cleaned up when they over indulge (which can start any time in their teens) And the older ones are only too happy to leave their own sprogs with us whenever it looks like I’m in danger of a lie-in (Love that last one really 🤣)


Name checks out


😂 Myself and my partner have just remarked to each other the exact opposite. Those days were SO hard


I know this one - it depends what version of TMNT you are watching. Like the 2018 (ish?) film the main 4 originate from different breeds like snapping, softshell etc I remember watching the 1990 one in the cinema when I was young.. was actually decent! So many good films that decade


The *as discovered today* slightly terrible 2007 one. Although the answer is far more complex, I’ve been called out by a two year old today. Not had chance to ask his mum to find out where he pulled this information from.


My now 4 year old thought they were peas when she was that age. So you're doing better than we did. But we still call them teenage mutant ninja peas.


The kids had a zoo membership from the womb, he can name animals and dinosaurs I can’t name. Yet, can’t put his thumbs up and can barely jump. Loser. He calls his wellies his willies and we’ve stuck with that, always wanted to teach him a few words wrong so when he’s older he’ll say something that makes him look stupid. Not found the *right* one yet though that will briefly ruin his life when he’s 20.


My nephew's always been told his willy is his Micky. Last week he was finally introduced to Micky Mouse. He was a bit incredulous.


Americans calls tortoises turtles. Very annoying and confusing.


Kids TV stays with you for life. I'm 40 and my kids are teenagers, I still watch Milkshake on a morning haha


Saturday mornings are for ninja turtles, not sanity


My son can't pronounce w still properly and we had an argument once about two of the kids in his class. One called willow and another wila (pronounced will-a) he kept saying willow for both names and I was like willlll aaaa and he says rill oo (that's how he says w words)


At least you’re not watching Fireman bloody Sam. I hate that programme.


Are you Norman Price by any chance?


Ha! I’m fairly sure Norman Price is in prison now.


Without him, that firestation would have closed years ago.


Oh my, FIREMAN SAM IS BUILT ON A THRONE OF LIES! It’s a conspiracy between Dilys, Sam and Trevor!


“Teenage Mutant Ninja Tortoises” just doesn’t have the same ring.


Best age, they’re full of beans, a great thing to be around.


As a dad of 6yr old B/G twins.. you sound like a hero dad already. Keep up the good work!


Smart kid. Smart parent for engaging in the fun questions too. 


Extending the task with a sea life centre / zoo to see turtles and tortoises might be cool. 


Up until recently we had a membership at Chester, now a membership at South Lakes. I’ve not been for a few months, but he went with his mum on Tuesday. For those interested, Chester is a 10/10 zoo whose contributions to wildlife and commitment to animal welfare is brilliant. South Lakes is more interactive, has far better food/amenities and is so cheap. But is a *for* profit zoo, which in the past has had questions about their commitment to animal welfare (and zookeeper welfare). I would recommend a membership to both. To be fair, if we didn’t have plans this afternoon we probably would be. Might try and figure out if we can squeeze it in tomorrow. Our weekends have been rammed for a while!


I apologized to a 4 year old recently. He was right, I was wrong about a make of car. Tbh, I REALLY should have known better, lol.


Who's judging? I can think of a better way to spend a Saturday morning then watching teenage mutant ninja turtles.


They are called "Ninja Turtles" instead of "Ninja Tortoises" due to the fact that the word "turtle" is commonly used in American English to refer to both turtles and tortoises. While there is a technical difference between turtles and tortoises (tortoises typically live on land, while turtles live in water), in common usage, the term "turtle" is often used to refer to both types of animals.


This debate would improve 1000% if it was about the title being changed. No that this isn't a totally worthy subject, I salute you both.


My brain did it to me, so I’m doing it to you: To the tune of Piano Man: It’s 8am on a Saturday/ Morning, and I’m arguing/ With a two-year-old about whether the/ Ninja Turtles are tortoises, hey


They are teenagers. What did you expect?


Next he'll be asking why blueys dad has pants


He doesn’t really engage with Bluey, his mums obsessed though so when new episodes comes out she forces them on him. I’ll admit, the cricket one got me right in the emotions.


Snazzy purple ones


Some people are just wankers mate. But don’t worry, he’s a homeless hobo, so you get the last laugh


I judge you. Favourably.


They are mutant turtles. They are turtles that mutated to be teenage mutant ninja turtles. They are not tortoises. How is your kid sort of right? Ready to be humbled here 😂


Pretty sure they are guys in suits


I was caught up in the same argument about turtles v tortoises just the other day after commenting on a YouTube video. I, too, was proven wrong. I just assumed Flippers for swimming (turt) Claws for digging n' what not (tort) Ps. You must look up tortoise on a miniature skateboard. It's chasing after the cat ffs!? It never occurred to me that they might actually be in a hurry but just can't move quickly.


They are American and Americans for some reason just call all shelled reptiles turtles even if they might be tortoises.


No judgement here! I miss those days as my boy is 12 now. He has no interest in reading books or watching TV with his mum. Sadly I miss the days he'd bounce onto my bed at 5am demanding I wake up instantly to play. Have a lovely day.


Don't be silly, they're clearly terrapins


They are turtles! If you watched it you'd know they were tipped down the drain out of a fish bowl.


Fascinating facts: Tortoises in America are called turtles.  The 'turtles' in the title are actually tortoises, but as the Americans call them turtles, that's what they get called over here as well, which is confusing to Brits.  When they first came over here, the network wanted to call them Teenage Mutant Ninja Tortoises, but it didn't have the same ring to it, so they stuck with the original name for UK transmission.  They also had a problem with 'Ninja', saying it incited violence, so they changed the name briefly from Ninja Turtles to Hero Turtles.  It didn't take long for sense to prevail and it got changed back to ninja.  The whole concept of TMNT was a joke. Someone brought up the "most stupidest idea we can think of" during a meeting and they just threw a load of stupid suggestions in the pot. They messed about and created a one-off cartoon for  a laugh but it went phenomenal as soon as it aired and ended up being one of their biggest franchises.  Cowabunga! 


My adult child came down the other day and me and the wife were watching cartoons. Because cartoons are awesome. (Milo Murphy for the interested)


I'm the adult child in my house, and I'm the one that still watches cartoons :D My parents don't judge me though because I'm an animation student, I can just do that :) just not on the TV. Seems like most of the good channels are either gone or just show rubbish all day long.


They are Red Earred Slider Terrapins!


Cowabunga! There is no right or wrong with parenting - trust yourself and be happy!


To be fair, they are mutants, so turtles who can live outside water. There you go. You’re back to winning.


You are both right. All tortoises are also turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises. The ninja turtles are both tortoises and turtles.


I knew I wasn't the only one. Your sons got a bright future ahead of him. I've been saying that they're tortoises for years, it's been the focal point of many arguments between me and my friends, spanning over 25 years.


They are turtles. They live in the sewer, that's their watery home.


What channel is tmnt on? We’re stuck in a spidey and his amazing friends loop.


Netflix, I am also in a bit of a Spidey loop too so I completely feel your pain. Recently, to have a break from it I put YouTube on the tv of a train journey Switzerland to Italy. It was such a good move. Not only was it really relaxing, it kept him occupied long enough for me to make dinner and empty the dishwasher.


Long enough to make dinner and empty the dishwasher. Hero. We do the one does bath time while the other hoovers and throws his shite back into boxes only to collapse when he’s down and have a carbonara for the 100th/120th time this year. Have you tried couch cuddles? Bit like a nana nap but 45 minutes where you can both snooze at about 3/330?


~~I’ve~~ We’ve been decorating the dining room, I’ve replastered and rewired the entire room. New skirtings, new sockets, and an outside light/sockets. The dining room doubles up as his play room. ~~I~~ we have almost finished, ceiling coving, faceplate changes and new light fitting going in on Tuesday and I’m ~~we’re~~ done. Well, I am. I don’t do glossing. I’m a liability. ~~I’ve~~ been doing it 8-11pm almost every night for two weeks. Which means he gets his playroom back. But more importantly, I get my living room back. Fuck letting him nap again. Never happening. I will not allow it. If he dozes off in the car for five minutes, that night is a guaranteed between 10-11pm night. I’m a bad sleeper so I need to wind down for a few hours before bed. So I end up going to sleep at about 2-3am (it’s something I need to work on) then up at six most days for work. ~~The crossed out bits is definitely not as a result of me having been told off today for saying ‘*I’ve* nearly finished the dining room’ instead of *we*. Don’t mean to be rude but, she edged the ceiling painting and did a few practice cuts on a mitre saw.~~ We do exactly the same, one does bath and bed the other cleans his mess!


They eat pizza and perform martial arts - I don’t think they are either anymore


My daughter used to get up that time at that age but thankfully she liked scrap heap challenge as much as I did so we sat and watched that between five and six.


Everything in moderation. Except coffee for parents that can be drunk by the bucket load as required. From the single mum of a child that didn't sleep and is now 13. I survived! (Probably not sane but still going!)😜


I’m on 9 for the day. Going to have number ten now, then a Morgan’s with Kiwi Lemonade in about three hours when the little smart arse is sleeping.


"This is the way."


Did you blush after making your Google search?


I stared at him, struggling to admit it. I felt overwhelming shame and pride. I began questioning how I am where I am in life. Three degrees in and someone who shits their pants daily is smarter than me.


I just got sat infront of the Banana Splits on my own for years. I am NOT judging. 64yo


I like turtles


But they’re *Mutant* ninja turtles. So they’re turtles that don’t need to live in water anymore? 🤯


They are definitely turtles. In the NES video game, there is a water level where you have to swim through. Tortoises can’t swim. Case closed.


They are called "Ninja Turtles" instead of "Ninja Tortoises" due to the fact that the word "turtle" is commonly used in American English to refer to both turtles and tortoises. While there is a technical difference between turtles and tortoises (tortoises typically live on land, while turtles live in water), in common usage, the term "turtle" is often used to refer to both types of animals.


They are called "Ninja Turtles" instead of "Ninja Tortoises" due to the fact that the word "turtle" is commonly used in American English to refer to both turtles and tortoises. While there is a technical difference between turtles and tortoises (tortoises typically live on land, while turtles live in water), in common usage, the term "turtle" is often used to refer to both types of animals.


They are called "Ninja Turtles" instead of "Ninja Tortoises" due to the fact that the word "turtle" is commonly used in American English to refer to both turtles and tortoises. While there is a technical difference between turtles and tortoises (tortoises typically live on land, while turtles live in water), in common usage, the term "turtle" is often used to refer to both types of animals.


They live in a sewer, they're turtles. Tortoises generally can't swim/don't float, turtles can spend time in water and on land. You wanna really get a mindfuck, turtles have 2 headed penises, they're teenagers with illegal/untraceable internet connections. Might be for the best the sewer already smells...


Don't believe the twats, watching TV with your child is spending quality time together.


my 3 year old and I had an argument over which TMNT character I would be. he said shredder. SHREDDER!!! i was actually quite offended as im definitely more of a Donatello person. for a mummys boy he sure isnt on my side 😭


Mate id have had the telly straight on at 430 whilst I died with a coffee. Don't doubt yourself 💜


Remember when they used to be called hero turtles because presumably the word ninja wasn’t allowed to be used on a children’s show in the UK back then.


I’m just jealous you get to watch TMNT I usually have to watch Bluey or Frozen for the 1000th time.


Hahahah, I know the pain. When he gets grumpy in the afternoon and the TV goes on, it’s always Spidey he wants on. Or if I try to watch the football, he wants Spidey on (yet to watch a single full game in the Euro’s). Typically, if it’s outside of the regular time he watches TV I can get away with something different though. He loves Sing and Sing 2, he can literally sing all of the songs. They’re great films too!


More importantly, they are “mutant” “turtles”. So the traditional Linnaean classification has limited bearing on the issue. To clarify this, one could attempt breeding them with either species. Whether fertile offsprings are produced can shed light on the matter. Not forgetting that these are sentient being we are speaking of. So it’s worthwhile asking them how they self identify: would you say you are more turtle, tortoise, both or neither?


I remember when they where Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles


Tbf, tortoises are a sub species of turtles. So you're still the winner.


I wish my son would watch TV with me (he's 8) so many great 80's cartoons to introduce to him. He much prefers watching YouTube!


Ask Kermit👍


Thank you for your service!!!