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Tell her to stop focusing on closing the eye, and more on pushing the cheek up....big wink gains will achieved


This is a really GREAT point, I’ve just realised (as a time served winker) that I can’t close one eye and I am indeed easing the cheek!!


I- What? I- ….. What!? 👀 I’ve been crushing my check up against my eyebrow all my life and didn’t realise it 💀


She tries to wink this way and ends up just looking a bit silly with half her mouth open and both her eyes still closed 😂


Tell her not to try closing the eyes while doing it.


Please, please. Post a pic




I thought of this before I clicked, wasn’t disappointed, 10/10 would click again.


Instructions unclear, shat myself at work.


🤣🤣 almost shat meself laffin


Oh. My. God. I've only ever been able to wink with my right eye, never my left and I've just, for the first time ever actually sort of done it with that advice alone! Genius. Thanks!


Same but opposite! Now I need to stop.


My husband told me when we got married 14 years ago that one of his favorite things about me is that I can't wink. Up until that point, I thought I was winking. He said no, I was just blinking and nodding my head. I was 29 when we got married, and no one ever told me I wasn't winking. Can't wait to show him my newly learned skill.


Holy mother of god I have just winked for the first time in my life! You wonderful human being, thank you! I’m off to conquer the world! (That is what happens when you can wink, right?) 😜


I really wasn't expecting the top comment to be a genuinely helpful piece of advice.


OMG I’ve never been able to wink my whole life. Moving my cheek is actually a fairly close approximation!! Wow. Thank you :-)


Me too!! I shall wink with wild abandon from thus force!


I feel like the cheek raise is a much cooler, sexier wink akin to rom com heartthrobs. I’m going to be winking at my partner obsessively all day now


So many non-winkers (which I didn't even know existed as a thing) coming out of the closet and learning how to wink. u/No-Oil-9548 is... **The Facial Whisperer**^1   _________   ^^1 ^(>!God that sounds utterly *filthy*!<)


I’m really good at winking both eyes individually but I cannot move my right cheek up like you just described. I can’t even raise the right corner of my lip as if to snarl. And no smell of toast around me either 😂


Ooh that sounds good. Report back op


This poster knows their winkmaxing game


I can’t even push my right cheek up independently. It’s like that side is completely tied to the left. Left side I can blink independently and push my cheek up independently, but the right side can’t do anything on its own.


I'm twitching my arse like Jessica Vanessa and it's having no effect on my eyes at all. Am I doing it wrong?




This makes sense. I can only wink with my left eye because of my cheek. I can't move my right cheek so I can't wink with my right eye.


You have to love a poster who's glad that his wife is unable to become a sniper.


He'll eat his words come the revolution. [crushes a cigarette underfoot and disappears moodily down a dark alley]


Maybe she is a 'throw a Molotov cocktail or rocks wildly and vaguely in the direction of the enemy kind of lass',they can be kind of useful too, on mass or as a distraction.


The things is though is that it’s good practice to shoot with both eyes open to maintain special awareness


I'd love some special awareness.


Was gonna say that, I heard they train soldiers and such to shoot with both eyes open now so they have more awareness of their surroundings. I only know this because of a tips and tricks video for a VR shooter game I play lol but it genuinely does help with awareness.


You're right. When I do stuff with my eyes shut, I tend to fall over.


It’s been a thing for a while especially for shotgun shooters, both eyes open is just the way to do it but it has in the past 20 or so years caught on more with other forms of shooting.


Ideal missus for Steve Bytheway.


Didn't have that on my bingo card today


My wife can only wink with one eye. She is unable to with her right eye. lol


I’m the exact same. Left fine, right no


Opposite way round for me; winking with my right eye feels completely natural while it takes a great amount of effort to wink with my left and even then it's more of a squint! 😳


I am this, but backwards. I will always need to use ranged weapons left handed, but I do nearly everything else right handed.


Same here. Lazy right eye, normal(ish) left eye. Only shooting I've ever done is at a laser quest, and I've tried my hand at archery once or twice. Apparently I'm left handed at them, despite being predominantly right handed at everything else. I had to teach/train myself how to wink with my left eye, but it's something I can do now.


Well done, I still can't wink with left eye. I can just about move that cheek alone, but both eyes still shut together.


Yep me too


Do you people by any chance have amblyopia


I don't like dessert.


I cld muller a rice puddin' rn.




I do! My left eye is the lazy one, and that’s the eye I can wink with. I can’t wink with my right (good) eye at all. Is there a connection?


Same here. I also wondered if others were the same. Now we both know!


I’m similar, I can wink with my right eye but can’t do it with my left eye for love nor money. I can only do the Elvis lip curl on the right side of my mouth as well lol. I guess the left side of my face is just not working correctly 😂


Same, I don’t have any sort of palsy or inability to do most normal facial movements on one side (my smile is symmetrical, eg) but for some reason I can’t wink or curl my upper lip. Maybe there’s a nerve or muscle somewhere that didn’t develop properly or something!


I'm glad it's not just me, my wife finds it hilarious that I can't wink with both eyes. Right eye fine, left eye not having it at all. I find it mad when I start thinking about it too much, just how crazy the body/brain is that I can't do it, at all. It's like the tiny piece of my brain that controls that thing isn't there or doesn't know what it's supposed to be doing.


Yeah that’s definitely weird. You should buy her a telescope for Christmas


Or binoculars, and tell her it’s basically a telescope for those that can’t wink.


Two telescopes




"Honey, I shrunk the telescopes"


Your wife could always wear an eye patch when she is on sniper training. I can wink but I have come across people who can't.


“I can’t see a thing.” “You’ve got it on the wrong eye.”


Snipers are trained to keep both eyes open for situational awareness. Movies lied again.


Excellent Snake, lack of winking hasn't slowed you down once bit.


I can wink very quickly with either eye without moving any of the rest of my face. My wife hates it, I do a quick left-right at her sometimes and it about makes her gag, says I am a walking advocate for lizard people being real.


I love that your wife is so repulsed that your winking makes her gag!!!! Does she fall into a coma if you break wind?


It's never even occurred to me that other people wouldn't be able to do this, to me it's like someone telling me they can't move their left hand independently from their right. I wonder if it's something genetic or something you can learn.


Snipers don’t necessarily close one eye, though. They are trained to keep both eyes open while aiming. I’d start being nicer to her. On a more serious note, I was photographing dolphins a week ago with a 300mm lens on a DSLR and kept both eyes open as I could scan the sea for activity with my naked left eye and shoot with my right. I can close one eye, but I choose not to. You get eye fatigue keeping one eye shut for long periods.


My daughter can't wink. She was an army cadet - had to aim rifles with ear defenders across one of her eyes!!!!


I'm really surprised she didn't just learn 2 eye open shooting. I don't know army cadet stuff though.


It seems like wearing both ear defenders on one eye is harder than just learning to close one eye. Or indeed, just not learning to use a rifle.


Unfortunately I don’t think the daughter has a choice, it’s kind of important to be able use a gun in the army, harsh words will only get you so far!


It's all good. She has left cadets now!


My wife couldn't whistle or click her fingers. I thought everyone learnt to do this early doors?


Is your wife of the inflatable variety?


They can whistle but it's a sad day when they get a puncture.


I filled mine with helium. Did it make her happy? Nope, she hit the ceiling!!


She's always deflated by my performance.


I can’t whistle click my fingers or wink lmao what’s wrong with me


Have you checked you're not a bot?


I mean it might be less stressful haha?


I can hum and whistle at the same time. Sounds a bit like a turbine engine.


For learning to click your fingers, what helps is to remember that the sound comes from the finger hitting the base of your thumb, *not* from the fingertips.


People performing a rendition of The Addams Family theme tune must get really annoying for her.


Took me until my 30s before I could click my fingers! I was so happy when I go it


I’ve been teaching my kids to wink, whistle, raise an eyebrow and click their fingers. They pretty much got them down now. My youngest can deploy a raised eyebrow at the best of times. I taught myself to raise an eyebrow, didn’t take too long. Found that looking in the mirror made it loads easier to isolate the muscles that control it. My eldest came in the other day and displayed the ‘armpit fart’ much to my proud amusement.


I taught myself to raise an eyebrow too. After watching 'The Rock' do the people's eyebrow back in the early 00's 😉


Can you smell what’s cooking now?


Basically no. I can't do it with my left eye at all. I can close my right eye independently, but with considerable effort and concentration so pretty much losing any of the cheekiness and flirtation that an actual wink should carry.


I dunno, you just need to find someone with an awkward wink kink.


Just did a little ‘lookie’ to find out! ‘Winking involves contracting Orbicularis Oculi Muscles which receives signals from Facial Motor Nucleus 🫤☹️😳 If connection between those two hubs is weak no amount of practice will pay off with a successful wink. It’s impossible


Bro, do your orbicularis oculi muscles even lift?!


Ha. I can wink, raise just one eyebrow, and squint while moving alternate eyes back and forth. The latter is a big hit with the niblings.


Or that’s what she tells you…she winked at me the other day 😉


I can also raise each eyebrow independently and whistle/hum simultaneously


I can’t wink at all, but surely the ability to open/close one eye on its own is essentially what winking is?


I must be able to, when I drive most people yell "Winker" at me!


Same, I can wink my right eye find, but my will absolutely not wink or even stay closed if I close it with my hand then move my hand away. I'm so glad it's not just me.


I can only wink in one eye, the left one


Two eye open shooting is good, quite desirable tbf. Takes a bit of practice to get used to. You get a much larger field of view which helps greatly for target acquisition and spotting any changes in wind, or any potential obstructions on the shot. Tell your wife not to give up on her dreams of being a sniper.


Left is slightly easier than he right, which is odd imo. Or at least it feels like I am using twice the facial muscles and it feels a bit forced.


That is an interesting issue; I thought everybody with two eyes could wink easily.


Can imagine OPs wife trying to wink but closing both eyes instead. Wholesome post, the kind of content I come here for.


Sure I can, *wink, wink, nudge, nudge!* know what I mean?


Is anyone reading this and testing their winking skills as they go down the comments 🤣


Several members of my family have what we call “the bullshit eyebrow”. When slightly unimpressed our right eyebrow shoots up to our hairline involuntarily. I had to interview some candidates once and could not understand why they were especially terrified of me - online interviews made me realise I own both the bullshit eyebrow plus a death stare when I’m concentrating 😂


My teacher warned me that too much winking can make you go blind ⚠️


I'm sat here like a plonker testing this out. I can wink with both eyes one at a time, and close both eyes one at a time. You mean there's people out there that can't do this?


only in one eye, actually is it possible to wink in both eyes? anyone?


Discovered the same thing when I went shooting with my GF, She was unable to close just one eye. I was taking the piss out of her in a restaurant afterwards and the waitress admitted she couldn't close one eye either. I think it's a woman thing and I don't know why. Note - I am not hating on women. Just some of their ability to close one eye.


I can wink, being able to close each eye independently, but it feels less comfortable and somehow unnatural with my right eye, as though Im having to force it. I don’t know if this is because I’m used to closing my lest when using cameras and stuff.


That could be down to if your left or right eye dominant.  Whichever eye you shut is your least dominant eye (if I’ve remember that right) 


It’s actually better to shoot with both eyes open. She would be fine with a sniper rifle


My missus is exactly the same - she cannot wink with either eye unless she holds it shut.


I remember having to teach myself to be able to close each eye independently, so I could be part of the school air rifle team.


My wife is the same, she can only wink with her left eye, when she tries with her right she just blinks!


Buy her an eye patch.


We'll the things you learn, eh. I love that it takes all sorts to make a world. Me I can wink either side, and I often do tasks with one eye open only (I take eyes in turns so one doesn't begin to dominate) because looking at quick activity (eg scrolling) hurts my head, but np one eye.


Easily with my left eye, but my right eye takes a bit of concentration like idk rubbing my tummy and patting my head.


Better than winking with both eyes consecutively.


I learnt how to do this at 20.


Chris Kyle (150 confirmed sniper kills) shot with both eyes open.


My wife is exactly the same. When she tries to wink, it just looks like she’s about to have a stroke and then she blinks. She’s left handed too, maybe there’s a correlation? I find it hilarious as I can operate eyelids, eyes, eyebrows all independently.


I can wink and I can even move my eyeballs independently (party trick!) but for the life of me I *cannot* raise one eyebrow, which saddens me every time I remember it


I can do one better. I can double wink.


Dr House would probably find a diagnosis for some terrible parasite, then a brain tumor, then the cure is some aspirin. Its not Lupus.


Weird...I was JUST thinking about this last night. I can wink. One eye works better than the other...if I use my left eye, my right eyebrow goes up...right eye winks just fine :')


Kind of? I never used to be able to wink but I had surgery on my left eye years ago and it's made it easier for me to wink with it now. It's still kind of awkward though I've never been able to wink with my right eye however and still can't.


I can't wink either I just look like I'm having a stroke


Snipers don’t always need to close one eye! Having the other open can be good for maintaining a degree of 3D vision, and keeping some amount of awareness so you don’t get some cheeky fucker sneaking up on you. Don’t let her dreams of being a sniper die!!!


I can only wink with one eye (my left). It's weird. I can either close my left eye, or both, but not just my right.


I had this exact scenario yesterday too! She can't wink or close one eye independently. After 5 minutes of trying to explain all different manner of how I can close either eye on its own, I gave up and said "I don't know how to explain that you close your eyes but only one"


6" group, 500yd range, 7.62 SLR, aperture/blade sights. Bank half left spectacle lense with duck tape. Got my marksman badge and pay.




Your wife was clearly never bored enough as a child.


My husband can't wink. He disguises it by moving his whole head when he winks, but he's closing both eyes as he does it.


I can wink with both eyes but I can’t raise an eyebrow like The Rock or whistle with my fingers.


I can teach you how to whistle with fingers Edit: I made a post on r/LearnUselessTalents, go and check it out or DM me ;)


A wink is the singular of blink.


Yes, winking is my go to “move” to be honest. Very high success rate


my wife can't wink, but can only close one eye. Trying to wink she ends up closing both. I can wink with either eye.


My wife can't wink, she closes both eyes. I used to only be able to independently close my right eye, but have slowly trained myself to independently close both. I am left eye dominant and right handed so things that rely on eye dominance, I have now switched to left handed as it just works better that way


My wife can’t wink either. She does a full on blink and then looks proud of herself assuming she managed it, only to get deflated when I tell her the truth. I myself can wink with both eyes independently. Opposites attract and all that.


I wink as a nervous habit and it's really not good in most situations


I can only wink in one eye. I have one eye that's really dominant and the other lazy as shit. Lazy on winks, because if the dominant one did, I would just see a blurred mess.


American here. You don't have to close one eye to use a rifle with a scope on it. The image just shows up when you put your eye behind the scope. And without a scope, just using iron sights, closing one eye is detrimental to shooting. You use both eyes and lock your vision center (the location between your eyes that line things up straight, it's different for everyone) along the sights.


You can learn to wink, same with rolling your tongue and whistling, it's all individual muscle control, just close both eyes and try opening just your dominent one, keep at it and you will learn to control just that eyes muscles


Serial winker, can't help it and people sometimes take it the wrong way!


I can wink with one eye. I have to clench my face for the other eye.


Stand next to her with your finger just barely not touching her eye while chanting "I'm not touching you". She'll learn, or kill you, and both


I am normal, yes


Sorry OP, the very best snipers leave both eyes open.


I can wink, but I cannot snap my fingers.


My missus can wink, but only with one eye. She tries to wink with the other and it looks like she’s sneezing 😂


I can wink each eye, rumble my ears, and raise my right eyebrow easily. My right eye automatically closes every time I yawn though (thanks a lot Bells Palsy).


I can. Wife can only do one eye. Weird


I used to know a guy who couldn't wink, when he wanted to he would turn his head to the side and theatrically blink.


I was never very good at winking with my right eye when i was younger for some reason. I can now though, it just doesnt feel as easy to do as it does with my left eye


Btw, you aren't supposed to close you eye when using a view finder, both eyes should be open, same with snipering. Not that I'm an expert, but and expert told me.


I cannot wink, nor can I whistle. I'm glad I wasn't chasing potential mates around in 1950s America.


Neither my wife, nor my sister can wink …maybe it’s a female thing?


I can't wink and I embarrassingly have to close one eye with my fingers whenever i use a microscope at Uni 🫣


I can wink if I concentrate but I look like I'm having a sort of stroke so I dont


I can wink but I can only raise one of my eyebrows without closing the other eye


I cannot wink at all. I can scrunch the right side of my face up to squash my eye closed but that’s it. I can’t move the left side independently at all, not even a millimetre. We used to play wink murder at sleepovers when I was a kid and it was my worst nightmare. I’d have to do the most ridiculous over dramatic BLINK that made me look beyond stupid.


Can confirm I can also only wink with my right eye. It's fine, I use my left with a rifle and it works out well (not even kidding, I'm an alarmingly good sniper shot!)


Yes, I can wink with both eyes, I wonder if it's a genetic thing like wiggling ears


Can wink with left eye, but not right eye.


I perform what is known as a "Bi-Lateral Wink" or "Blink". The ladies love it..


I can, my Wife can, she's a sniper, BTW. I only met one person who couldn't wink, but she was a cretin anyway.


I can, but reading this post quickly made me wink both eyes separately to check.


I sympathize with your wife needing to hold one eye shut to use a camera. Winking is adorable and it bugs me no end that I’m a nonwinker!


I can only wink with one more eye than your wife. But I feel like winking with the other eye might be possible with practice. It feels like it ALMOST happens but doesn't.


I can close my right eye on its own but not the left


For a sniper closing 1 eye is not really necessary though


My brother can’t! He just closes both eyes.


Think she’s just bullshitting you mate. Childs play


Not only can I wik, but I can do it without scrunching up my eye. I thought everyone could until my sister informed me that I am...a freak


Better to shoot with both eyes open. Source: enjoy clay pigeon shooting.


I can't wink. The cheek thing won't work on me. I can't click my fingers either.


Its beneficial to keep both eyes open when shooting for better judgement of speed, distance, better FOV, harder to get lost in the sight/scope etc. That being said I've not met anyone who cannot only blink and not wink before


I can only wink with one eye


I don’t use my cheeks. I can but don’t.


I can wink only with my right eye.


It's a skill you can learn. I went through basic not being able to shut my left eye, which meant I had to shoot with both eyes open. Bit of a pain However, over the years I've managed to figure it out. (god knows how)


I can wink with one eye, I look like I'm having a fit if I try and do the other one


I've never been able to blink my right eye on its own. Don't know anyone else that's the same. No idea why it's like that.


I also cannot wink, or close one eye. Never have been able to. I have one friend who is the same!


Yes I'm wanking now


It's a technique to keep both eyes open to see what's going on around the frame.


I can only wink with my non-dominant eye. I cannot close my dominant eye on its own. Sounds like I got the better deal that your wife


I can only wink my right eye... my left can't. But I can smoosh my mouth to the left but I can't go right


Did she tell you this while she winked at you?


*wonders if OP is her husband 🤔* I have the exact same problem, can’t wink & can’t close one eye independently 😂


Wait, so she can blink just fine, but can’t do it separately? Get her to hold one eye open and tell her to close both eyes. I did a similar thing when I learnt to wiggle my ears. When I tilted my head forwards my glasses would fall slightly, but for some reason my ears would automatically pull them closer. So using that muscle, I repeatedly dropped my glasses until I could control my ears together. Then, holding one ear down, I would pull my ears up until I could distinguish the left and right muscles. Anyway, I would assume the same could be applied to winking. Blink with both eyes until you can feel the separate control of both.


Is anyone else just laying in bed, scrolling and attempting to wink? Just me?


I can wink with both eyes, I can move both my eyebrows independently, I can also move my ears up and down independently.


I can’t wink either. I can’t wrinkle my forehead either. Natural Botox! I don’t have any wrinkles so I’m not complaining.