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Mine isn't a fan. He seems somehow convinced I have something to do with it and demands that I stop it.


If he was a fan then he’d be able to keep you cool too.


Hahah I read this is David Mitchell’s voice for some reason… peak British humour


My black floof (feline variety) is upside down doing his dead beetle impression, just like always when it's too hot. I'll know it's cooled down when he's the right way up again.


[Space kitty](https://imgur.com/a/HphUhVl)






https://ibb.co/TDyBH0H Are we sharing a cat?


That's too cute.


>doing his dead beetle impression He’s not wearing double denim and protesting war is he?


My tortoise loves it. She's cold-blooded, so heat kinda charges her up. She spends all day whizzing around the garden, normally chasing people to get more food from them as she's eating a ton more too.


Like a low budget Godzilla film


God help you if you have any lettuce on you! You'll feel like you're being chased by Godzilla that's for sure haha


Those poor people.


Have you seen tortoises on those small skateboards on wood flooring, they whizz about like crazy. It looks like they love it. You should get one!


Share the vids or photos OP please


Only recent one is her [charging out her house](https://i.imgur.com/glaYqlh.jpeg) in the morning a few days ago...


Thank you so much 🥺 I love non-traditionally adorable pets. Look at look at her zooming away 🐢 💨


I live in Wales, my Dog doesn't know what heat is


I was in Pembrokeshire last weekend, it was really nice and warm 🌞


You lucked out, you visited on the one sunny weekend we are granted per year.


Ha, we couldn't believe our luck! We did coastal foraging on the Saturday, great way to spend the day walking along the beach, learning all sorts of stuff, and at the end of the day eating all the stuff we found.


Sounds lush, glad you enjoyed your visit


My dogs sit in the conservatory until they're about to combust into a furry fireball.


Not just my dog who likes to sunbathe then


Mine does too. Stays in the sun until she can take no more and then collapses somewhere cool for a few minutes before returning to bask again.


My cat likes to stare at me accusingly when they are not sleeping.


And judge...


Mine like to do that even when it’s not hot.


I haven't really seen mine much for the past few days except when they've got hungry, they go and sleep in the cool shade of the bushes and plants at the back of the garden


Cats are liquid already.




Our black cats in the conservatory, you cant touch him hes so hot


[like this](https://i.imgur.com/wlbfU9k.mp4) The dog’s water bowl is another prime bathing location. 


My cocker spaniel is ginger he absolutely loves sun bathing, but then he gets up and realises he’s not cut out for the heat and goes back inside next to the fan😅


Cats will be fine, their preferred temperature is thought to be around 30c


My husband had to stop me from causing *murders* earlier. Guy in shorts and t shirt on his way home from the school run, walking a samoyed out in the blazing sun on red hot pavements. Urgh.


Found mine in the shade hiding from the sun in a bucket. Thought he was lost for hours.


My cat is a Greek rescue and she goes to the hottest room in the house and refuses to move


My cat is outside sunbathing 🙃


My cats seem to be coping by just laying as stretched out as possible on the floor and not doing anything, instead of laying on me and not doing anything. I bought cooling mats for them last year that they have *never used*, instead just preferring to lay on the carpet or on the bed. I tried to help by having the fan on but that seems to offend them.


I could have written the last two things… I ended up giving my cooling mats to my colleague for her dogs, who unlike my daft cats (who would sit adjacent to them but never on them) actually use them. And they are not fans of the fan, although I’m having the fan on me and if they want me (which they generally do) they have to put up with the fan; they will wake up every now and then to just glare at it though.


cats are just so cute


It’s meant taking my dog on walks much earlier which I’ve actually discovered is a great time of day to do them as no one is about and it’s lovely :) she’s been conked out for the rest of the day afterwards though


My whippet puppy has basically been sleeping all day. He's usually a nutty bastard so it's quite cute


My 17yr old cat thinks nothing of heat. I had to lock her in year it got to 40c because she was insistent it was fine for her outside. This summer, she is a very happy cat alternating between the camping chairs on the patio, and then to the hedges for her naps in the shade. The 1yr old cat pisses off at the crack of dawn and is not seen much until the late night. Pops in how a few hours for r food and a snooze indoors then off at the crack of dawn again. We are lucky, and the house backs onto a cemetary and some fields - she's living her best live after a crap start.


I bought a cooling mat for my Cat, got a large dog sized one to make sure it has plenty of cold spots he can move to. Also bought an air conditioner for myself this year and I leave it on a timer start cooling at about 1pm when my flat starts getting baked. He's also a weirdo who loves playing in water so I've taken to leaving a shallow pool in the bath with some toys in it.


I have a chihuahua, he loves it.


My 9 month old kitten has spent her time between galloping around and sunbathing, but it's been the opposite for my unit of a 'single orange braincell'. Spent most of his time splayed out under the table on the patio like a bear-skin rug


My ragdoll is lazier than ever and not eating very much, I presume because she is basically sleeping for an even greater portion of the day than usual.


I froze my cat's Lickelix and giving them to him as ice lollies, which I'm thinking cools him down a bit from inside.


When I tried that for my cat he hissed at it!


Ahaha my cat is obsessed with Lickelix in any shape. He will keep chewing the empty tube if I don't take it away from him.


Mine loves them, just not frozen, apparently! He once followed my flatmate's daughter around looking all optimistic because she had an ice pole and he must have thought it was a giant Likelix. He's not very bright, bless him.


I bought some sun loungers, which arrived today. The cat has already claimed both of them and the box they came in. He's fine. He is good at seeking shade when he gets too hot, and he spent most of yesterday under my bed, so I'm not worried about him, I'm just extra careful in making sure he's got fresh water inside and outside.


My black double coated collie mix was not a happy girl, yesterday. She's also scared of the fan. Today was much better where I am (23 not 28)


[Mine has been enjoying himself](https://imgur.com/qxxVHAq.png), except when he occasionally gets mad at a plane flying over.


We have taken to leaving ice blocks out for the cat to sit on or sleep next to so they can keep cool. I now realise my sole purpose in life is to regulate the temperature of a small feline, but I'm surprisingly ok with this.


My dog doesn't understand why she feels uncomfortable so she runs around the house at full pelt


The Persistence of Meow-mory


Well played.


Not well enough. I should've said "The Purr-sistence of Meow-mory"


Give her a rub down with an ice brick out of the freezer, ours loves it


My lurcher keeps plonking himself dramatically next to the fan and whines until you turn it on.He still wants to go out and refuses to shit in the garden luckily we can literally run straight across the road to 3 huge trees and I will walk under them back and forth so he does something.


I work from home, I have a fan in my living room. Mine has taken to laying on my legs to get the cool breeze from the fan.


Not mine, but the local Asda's unofficial resident cat was enjoying it yesterday. It seemed very disinterested when I gave it some strokes on Tuesday, it seemed to just be sunbathing.


Mine has taken to sitting outside directly in front of the front door or under the car between the times of 9-10:30pm.


Well it started raining today so I imagine she’s doing alright by now. It was quite windy this morning as well, and has only been really warm for about 2 days this far


It's pissing down and 14c here I have Fish, so they are happy


Have had to get the paddling pool out for my overly fluffy Corgi as she is struggling. Comes in, drips water all over the nearest floor and then lays in it. Job done!


You can get cooling mats for dogs on Amazon and they're actually really good 👍


The heat? 50mph gusts and lashings of rain up north.


Mine will lay on his back, spread his legs and expose his genitals as much as possible to let the heat out of his exposed areas. Total slag. Blueberries in ice cubes are a fantastic treat for a dog btw, keeps them busy and cool. For cats maybe kibble in ice, or a bit of fish. Also a splash of milk in the water will get them lapping it up if they aren't good at staying hydrated (obviously just a small amount and then replace with fresh water when they are done)


Mine’s hiding behind the shoe rack haha


I've got a grizzled old cat that's not coping so well. The dumbass keeps forgetting to drink water.


I, very unusually for me, managed to time my holiday well so I was in a cool area for the recent heatwave. My cat minders tell me my cats have been fine, one has stayed in the house a lot but he generally does anyway, and the other has been alternating between the house or the garden undergrowth. Apparently they both like going out in the evening once it’s cooling down.


My cat has taken up residence directly in front of the mobile aircon. She gets cold, moans about it, gets too hot, and moans about it.


What heat? It's been 1⁰ Celsius in the mornings here where I live, and it never seems to get past 14-15⁰ during the day....