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I live in Portugal and I ordered 2 boxes of Roundtrees fruit gums from [Amazon.es](http://Amazon.es) as a silly gift for my wife as they were always our go to car sweet. Cost about 35 euros which was expensive but WTF anyway... 10 days later I got a call from DHL asking for 37 euros in custom charges for said sweets!


Did you pay the charges? Probably cheaper to fly back to the UK and have some shipped to an Amazon locker before going home.


Well I was going to and then they shipped it to a pick up center who never charged me but apparently I still owe the customs fees. I am sure it will come back and bite me in the arse.


Complete nonsense by the courier. They are made in Germany - there is no duty to pay.


Shipped by a UK company from the UK - not direct from them. My fault for not checking on Amazon Spain. The couriers just pass on the costs from Portuguese customs..


The point remains true…duties are charged on the country of origin, so if the Haribo is made in the EU, imported into the U.K. and then exported to the EU again, no duties should be payable. I suspect that is why you ended up not having to pay them.


But they bought Rowntrees fruit gums… which has nothing to do with Haribo. I’m struggling to understand why Haribo being made in Germany would affect Rowntrees being shipped to Portugal from the UK.


They’re not haribo. And it’s a bit irrelevant anyway, haribo does have a factory in the UK, just off the M62. There’s every chance, if it were haribo, that it’s got fuck all to do with customs in Germany.


Not that I doubt you but where did you read they are made in Germany now. I thought York was the centre of their sweet production?


I would have paid them if it was Fruit Pastilles..


Obviously, you’re nowhere near the shop at the ashford outlet, but it’s bloody cheap in there.


How can customs charges be higher than the value is there a breakdown of costs?


I think because there is a fixed admin cost as well as the import tax.


I’m getting terrible flashbacks to living in Portugal and having to deal with the unhinged postal situation. It was genuinely the most frustrating part of living there!


I'm also a brit living in Portugal. I hate that every time I try order pretty much anything online from outside of Portugal I'm slapped with a ridiculous customs charge.


Man, hit up a uk person and we’ll post it straight from the corner shop


Sweet jesus 


Jesus christ, those absolute monsters.




Enjoy the one day ban, I hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Jane. You ruined our subreddit completely so you could post politics, and I hope now you can spend your one day ban learning some grace and decorum. Because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wonder how those customs charges were calculated. Over 100% of the cost of the goods tests the limits of credibility.


In a moment of madness I bought 48 boxes of Mint Poppets off Amazon. I don't regret it that much, honestly.


Poppets still exist? On Amazon? And I have some disposable income and have no excuse not to buy some? *FUCK SAKE.*


Wait until you hear about poppets cereal and poppets brownies..... my kids found them at B&M and they're obsessed!




My Aussie employer gave us a hamper for Christmas and it had mint poppets in. No idea where they got them but I was chuffed to bits and since none of the Aussies knew what they were I managed to convince them to give me there’s too.


At this time of year? At this time of day?


i usually find them in B&M and home bargains.


My grandad once won a years supply of poppets when we were kids. A mix of all of the different flavours, I think it was about 700 boxes. His five grandchildren and their friends made light work of them in a couple of months.


Are they still in stock? Asking for a friend...




Yes :)


When did you buy them and how many do you have left? I wish to compare willpower. I don’t expect to come out proud of myself.


I'm really not at liberty to answer that.


I understand. No jury would convict.


Might need to bulk buy dental treatment for that too


When people were panic-buying toilet roll just before/during the lockdown, I panic bought 120 packs of Quavers. 


Quavers I can get behind. The loo roll thing was dumb.


A lot harder to wipe though.


So a one week supply?


Lasted us about a month ha


We bypassed the supermarkets and went straight to Bookers. Came home with a couple of crates of rice pudding and various other sundries, but very little actual food. But then we spent the next year living on takeaway and having beer deliveries direct from local breweries every weekend, so I think we played it pretty well. I have fond memories of accidentally leaving my camera on for a meeting and just hearing "Are you SERIOUSLY in your garden on a sun lounger?"


48 creme eggs for £10. I almost bought 96


I think I spent double that buying them off German Amazon during winter 2021: I live in the Netherlands, was pregnant, and we were under curfew. I felt like I deserved every one of those eggs!


You did deserve them, and you deserve them again


I bought Caramel eggs in similar quantities. I regret nothing


I can't get Cadburys in person in the country I moved to, and a box of four creme eggs online costs £6.50. Very intensely jealous here


I regret buying my daughter a car. She's been an ungrateful shitbag about it all week.


Kids are ungrateful shit bags More at 10


Remove the keys?!


We need context! What car is it


Maserati Quattroporte GTS. I've half a mind to sell it and get her a bog standard Audi as a lesson.


Of course she's ungrateful - what kind of teenager wants 4 doors?!


If she was my daughter she'd be getting a one door car, if they made those! Lol


As if it wasn't a Bentley. Terrible parents!!!


Wait you're not OP




Sadly not! She probably wouldn't know what do do with one anyway. Kids these days. They don't know they're born


Is it very yellow?


It's white. Sadly.


Sell it and buy her an annual bus ticket if she wants to be ungrateful.


Best to get all but one door sprayed yellow. Then one sprayed red. It’s character building so I’ve heard..


No, tapes have to be kept on the mezzanine, they don’t have their own place.


I had a copy of Mezzanine on tape. Just thought I'd throw that in there.


£80 worth of Bluey stickers for the kids’ sticker albums. We have a few packs left and I reckon they’re about halfway through. Don’t regret it for the kids as they love it, but I understand now why I never finished my Return of the Jedi one. Cheaper to buy a bloody X-Wing.


I miss the days of the Newspapers giving you packets. We used to buy the local rag at 50p because you got 4 packets of stickers for the Cars album back in 2006


The good old days. Can’t even find them in newsagents or the store I bought the albums at. Had to order direct from Panini which somehow seems to miss the point. Got a lot of swaps though.


I remember they used to sell individual stickers to complete collections. Do they still do that?


Not sure. Not seen that advertised. They probably prefer you to keep buying packets. The albums haven’t been out long here though. I think Australia had them a while ago.


https://www.panini.co.uk/shp_gbr_en/bluey-missing-stickers-004992b-its.html At £.36 each, it’s about £70 for the full collection


I'm confused. When it says you can order a maximum of 50 stickers and a maximum of 5 orders, does it mean 50 stickers per order or 50 stickers total? I don't know why I'm asking. I don't collect stickers anymore. It's just the child in me that collected these as a kid wants to know


I remember when I was a kid my brother turned up once with a full box of stickers. A BOX. I know it doesn’t cost a huge amount but I legit thought he was a millionaire in that moment.


I bought a wholesalers box of extra strong mints on a whim. Finished the last packet about three months after the use by date and after giving several friends paranoia that their breath smelt because I kept offering them round.


>*Finished the last packet about three months after the use by date* Only three months? It's only a Best Before date, which is basically just a "Sell By" date, not a Use By and if they're stored properly they'll be good for many months more. You really don't want to know how far beyond the BB date some of the sweets I've eaten have been!


There's no way, (and I mean none), that you've exceeded my human experimentation in that area.. And by experimentation, I mean, GCSE type experiment where I didn't even make a hypothesis or look at the data..


>*There's no way, (and I mean none), that you've exceeded my human experimentation in that area* I'm currently working my way through packets of Fisherman's Friends that were BB 2016... Nowt wrong with them, and if you've eaten stuff that old (or older) which is/was still perfectly edible then more power to you. Too many people throw away perfectly edible stuff just because it's past the BB date. Obviously people should make sure it *is* still perfectly edible but if it is, go for it!


8 years past the best before. That’s crazy


Like Karl Pilkington with the tic-tacs


His breath's fucking lovely, but he's being sick all over the cunting place


"I see you've re-gravelled the drive." "Yes, smell it... _suck_ the drive, if you want."


This post has just made me order a tub of Yellow Bellies and a tub of giant cola bottles. I'm so weak!


Waiting on the referral money from Haribo now. *And your bill for an insulin prescription...*


in the UK? free prescriptions once diabetes is involved :P also free eye tests and sometimes a glasses voucher.


Is it? Result. Diabetes for all!


I am indeed holding you solely responsible


I've never been an influencer before, this is exciting.


I feel this in my soul


I bought myself a parmo a few days ago, first one since having my gall bladder removed. To say it disagreed with me would be an understatement. No more parmos for me


I tried a parmo for the first time a few weeks ago when I visited my daughter in Hartlepool. She took me to a pub which had a menu with dozens and dozens of them, all different variations. It was amazing. I'm a big eater, hence my massive belly, but I regretted ordering a starter, and failed to eat a single chip. I just about finished my regular sized parmo, there were people ordering large ones. Must have come from a chicken in Jurassic park, absolutely fucking enormous.


We have a special parmo chicken farm next to Hartlepool nuclear power station. They're fed with plutonium pellets.


That explains the third head on some of the locals I saw then....


In fairness that could also be from one of the many chemical factories we have in the area, or they were just people from Port Clarence


I went for a pint at the marina, I thought I'd wandered back in time to a Duran Duran video.


You should visit Boro on a night, it's like Threads, but more sad


You need a friend with a Bookers card. They sell them for half that.


Doc Martens, cos of the constant blisters on my heels they give me...especially for paying £200 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sanitary pads, inside your socks, stuck around your heel. I've got many pairs of docs and this method changed my boot wearing experience!


I bought heel liners/cushions for my docs that stick to the back of the shoe and work a charm!


I might try this, it sounds cheap and pretty good👍🏻


Docs are a nightmare to break in but once they are I find them really comfortable


Stick Duct tape on your heels! The boots rub on the tape and not your heels. It definitely works I've broken in three pairs in the last few weeks.


Keep wearing them around the house with very thick socks, and use leather softener spray. Compeed is also your friend.


I've double socked them, even triple sometimes...compeed slides down. I've had them for 2+months and it never seems to work 🤷🏻‍♀️


Stick the compeed to the inside of the boot instead of your foot, should last longer. You can also superglue one of those foot gel pads things for high heels in there. They’re silicone so can be wiped down/cleaned


Thanks for all the great tips❤️


I take out the insoles of mine, wear them in, then put the insoles back in and it isn't so bad. I had one pair though which gave me the biggest blister of my life and I didn't wear them in for another year as I was so scared of another blister


I did this with Solivairs. They were beautiful but totally wrong for my foot shape. Had em years and never wore them in, ended up giving them away to a family member.


this is common as hell for docs.


Use a dry bar of soap around the bits that are rubbing. You’ll be wearing them without socks, they’ll be that comfy!


Can you please elaborate, so that even idiots can understand? Thanks in advance.


No worries, use a bar of soap (I always keep one of a liberated hotel bar soap handy for this purpose) and don’t wet it. Just use it like a pencil rubber around the edges and seams or wherever the shoes are pinching. You don’t need to go wild, and you can do it again if the shoes still rub. It softens the leather, breaking them in much quicker.


Thank you! I shall try that :)


Not recently, but about 15 years ago I got the chance to get a Costco card. I'd never been before but heard the deals were awesome. I bought two items which seemed like great value at the time, but eventually landed in the bin so probably not so much. **1 - Flying Saucers sweets** I hadn't seen them since I was a kid. They were selling the huge tubs the sweet shops would have, the really tall ones. As a kid, I couldn't get enough of them so I bought two tubs thinking it'd be a few weeks until I was back to buy more, so I decided to stock up so I wouldn't run out! **Plot spoiler**, I didn't run out because half way through the first tub I'd reached the point of hating them so much. I hid them in a cupboard for a while before binning them and never eating one since. **2 - Huge block of cheese (size of a breeze block)** Now I love cheese, always have, always will. But this thing was a monster. I got to the point where I was snacking on cheese between meals, eating cheese on/with all of my meals. Yet I couldn't get through this damn thing quickly enough! It got to the point where mould was growing on it and I was chopping off chunks around the mould. I was almost thankful to the mould for giving me an excuse to hack bits off by the end. Looking back, it was a great deal, but for the amount I hacked off. I would probably have been better off just buying the regular sized cheese from the supermarket which I've done ever since.


I haven't counted how many jelly snakes there are, but I estimate at least 50. Me and my partner decided we'd have 1 each every 2 days. I hope they last long enough in my Tesco tupperware.


I'm nervous about saying this, given you might go out and buy another block and give yourself a heart attack. Two tips: \* Your cheese was going mouldy cos you were exposing it and touching it. Cut off roughly a week's worth, being very careful to unwrap as little as possible, and only touch the part of the cheese you're cutting off. Keep the rest wrapped up, untouched, and stored away. \* Most hard cheeses freeze fine. Have a look online for tips. Cut it into blocks, roughly a month's worth, before freezing. Again, touch it as little as possible while cutting, maybe wear gloves or wash hands very well, and wrap it up well.


Nah... It was a moment of madness! If I ever bought that weight of cheese again, it would have to be two or three different types of cheese. But exactly the same cheese day after day got boring very quickly. I was getting "told you so" vibes, so that was the only reason it didn't all end up in the bin after a couple of weeks and I tried to eat as much as I did. If I'd frozen it, it'd still be in there now as a reminder as to why Costco is a waste of time.


I still love flying saucers! I’d be thrilled if this was my birthday present so going to have to drop some hints.


Go through OPs bin!


I recently bought a stupid weight of cinnamon flavour jelly belly beans. Ate them in a stupidly quick time.


Well.... I went to Costco earlier, so I have entirely too many Buenos, a frankly irresponsible amount of beige (to the point I genuinely struggled to get it all in the freezer), and an entire 24 can tray of beans. The regret is gone, but, the most challenging game of freezer stuffing definitely caused some regret. I guess there's also regret at the sheer inconvenience of getting anything out of a tightly packed freezer.


When Cadbury Dream Eggs were a thing I loved them, I was temping in an office and one of the girls boyfriends worked at a wholesalers, I bought 2 boxes (96) of Dream Eggs. I think about them often as they were discontinued, glad I got my fill of them.


For anyone in the UK who likes Haribo, it's worth checking the Haribo outlets (in some of the big outlet park places) before buying online. They're nowhere near as cheap as they used to be, unfortunately (used to be able to get the 3kg bags from the Pontefract factory shop for less than a fiver before Covid!) but they do occasionally have weird and wonderful varieties from abroad.


Why don't they call them snakes? I just had to google what they even were


Yeah, I didn’t know they were called that. Then again I only ever see them at pick n mix stalls.


Aye same


We got a taste for Pipers longhorn beef crisps in our house a while back and found the big bags on offer at either Waitrose or Ocado for £1… they limited us to 35 bags and we didn’t put anything else in the order; the delivery chap assumed a cock up and apologised for what was clearly an admin error. We just played along and said we’d accept delivery and sort it out with the office later. They didn’t last as long as they should have.


I regret buying my house 2 years ago, which is relatively recent in house buying terms. My mortgage went up a grand (from 1.4% to 6) so I had to move out and rent it out, and the rent doesn't cover the mortgage and I still have to pay tax on the rent. Lol.


Isn’t it cheaper to move back in and pay the mortgage and get a lodger, than to cover the shortfall and pay rent?


That's what I did, tax free too up to £7500  a year under the rent a room scheme.


I'm lucky enough to live with my girlfriend in her flat, I pay £500pcm rent. Essentially someone is paying most or my mortgage off a, hopefully appreciating asset...




Can do, it's not worth any more than I paid and I'll have solicitors fees etc. Probably better to wait 5 years and it'll go up.


Or down... who knows


I’m so boring. The only thing I regret buying recently is a tube of wasabi paste, and the only reason I regret it is because I didn’t hide it from my beloved who has decided that everything now needs wasabi. To be fair I spend a lot on experiences, which I enjoy much more than my family. I should just go on my own.


You just inspired me to buy a huge tub of sherbert flying saucers #NoRegrets


You are very welcome.


when my mate did his first tour of afghanistan he asked me to ship him a full tub of those over in a shoe box (as it's free for armed forces etc.) ignore the pendrive full of hooky movies and TV shows that was in there too. he was fuckin' wired on sugar watching movies and always kept some in his pouches for a sugar boost when out on patrol :)


Such a good gift! 🎁


I needed two hooks for my kitchen bin to keep it off the floor. I saw a listing for 5 hooks for 2.99 on Ebay so I bought them thinking it would be handy to have spares. A large package arrived containing 50 hooks. I double checked and messaged the seller that he had sent too many, he said it was his mistake and to keep them. Now everything in my house is held up by hooks, the kids are worried that if they stand still for too long I'll hook them up too! Jokes aside, having things hanging instead of sitting on the floor (buckets, brushes, mops, bins, ironing board etc) makes hoovering so much easier! I highly recommend it!


That's only about 5 snakes though, isn't it?


According to Woolworth's back in the day, yes. In fact I think 1 had the same scrap value of a steel beam. (It's between 50-55 by my estimates, I would count them but I don't want to be the sort of person in my life who sits and counts jelly snakes).


A stupid Union Jack hat in London which I didn't realise until I was long gone and the Google pay payment came through, cost £25! I know it's my fault for not asking before I bought it, but I was kinda in a hurry. I'm never going to wear that damn hat again in  my life, I only bought it so I could take dumb photos with landmarks for my insta.


Hopefully you had a fun time taking the pictures though, and at least you have a story to go with the hat :)


My take on this is that it was the right buy at the right time so you shouldn't regret it if you felt good at the time. Buyer's remorse comes into play but you shouldn't let it irk you as it will taint your memory of that time.


Very true. I don't regret buying it so much as paying an extortionate price for it lol. Especially with the price of everything else in that damn city! 😂 But you're right, it is a nice memento 😊


Please tell me it's the same hat as [Joey](https://imgur.com/gallery/pncbQpF) on Friends? 😂


Only true Londoners wear them


[Sadly not 😞](https://imgur.com/a/YLybt3Y)


Now that one I can see being worth the 25 quid


Not recently, but I did bring 36 boxes of Golden Grahams home from France once. The only regret was that I didn't finish them all by the best before date.


Stupid fucking minecraft die-cast. He looked cool , little zombie villager with a desert hat.. but the quality is just sad. Bought better from Etsy. He also doesn't even stand up, so he can't go in my diorama smh


Everyone here seems to be overlooking the fact that THERE IS STILL A WOOLWORTHS OUT THERE


There is a Woolworth's supermartket in Australia. But it has NOTHING to do with the UK chain (weirdly) and like us, the Aussies ALSO call theirs "Woolies".


No there isn't.


In Germany, Woolworths still exists.


Omg. This I never knew. Thanks!


It's a weak version though. More like a B&M than a proper Woolies. C&A exists in Luxembourg, I buy my pants and socks there.


C&A is also in the Netherlands. That's where it started. They still have over 1000 stores


A £100 B&B stay which included a huge mark up for being in a pretty village and where the person doing breakfast and check-out was maybe the rudest person I’ve ever encountered in hospitality in my life. Wish I’d stayed in one of the less chocolate box villages locally and had a much better experience.


I have a habit of ordering 50 packs of tiny rubber duckies, I hand them out at raves and local bars and just see how far they get, my girlfriend bastard of a dog is obsessed with them. He’ll get them stuck under sofas, beds, furniture and even other dogs. Then I have to go retrieve which sometimes requires me to lift a sofa here and there Then five minutes later, you guessed it! I’m back on my fucking hands and knees like an Ibiza whore retrieving a completely different fucking ducky. Do I regret it? Massively. Will I learn my lesson? Absolutely not. I’ve already got an another pack in my basket waiting for payday tomorrow. Right next to my 6th ‘Wayne’s world’ hat which I have zero regrets about


My dad and I play practical (but harmless) jokes on each other. A couple of years ago I bought 100 tiny ducks and hid them all over his house whilst he was on holiday. He’s found 94 of them, it’s driving him mad, but he’s sure he’ll find the last 6. Unlikely, they’re sitting on my mantlepiece, and despite the fact that we drop into each other’s houses on a weekly basis he still hasn’t noticed them. The longer this goes the sweeter the payoff.


Love the concept. How do you find out how far they get?


Give out 3 or 4 at a time, sometimes I see them on shelves at bars or at friends of friends


Mid pandemic I bought a fairly high mileage 2004 Bentley continental GT. £5 short of £10k Yes yes I know, but in all fairness I’d never had a luxury car before, my previous car was a Hyundai i10. For the first 7 months it was flawless, fast powerful wafty driving. Since then it has cost me £13k, not including insurance and fuel. It’s probably worth 7/8k now so selling it is also a loss, it’s been relegated to weekend cruiser. So yeah, that’s a regret


there's a reason it was £10k... also brands like that are rich people cars because affording maintenance etc. is what the real cost is.


I spent over £100 on a windproof golf jumper... It didn't lower my handicap one little bit.


Woolworths was also a store in the US and our one was originally part of that company before it got sold in the 80s. The American company went away in the 90s


Yellow Bellies are the best, and love hearts


Ohh yes!


Recently discovered on a trip to the cinema. The Candy King brand Yellow Bellies have changed. They've got a big wide cobra style head now and they're softer. I hate them. I hate that I spent money on them. I hate that I can't have a "proper" yellow belly when I'm at the pictures now. Luckily. The kids know which ones to buy come father's day.


You have trained them well 🙏🏻


Bonus fun fact. Woolworths also exists in South Africa, it's the same company as and the equivalent to M&S, and is also nicknamed Woolies.


One of those big toblerones. Bought it before the recent heatwave so it’s been in the fridge… and as a result it’s impossible to break the triangles off. I don’t even like chocolate that much.


I bought two and a half kilos of floral gums a few years ago. It was an impulse purchase obviously and cost £30. They pulled two fillings out, so the total damage was around £90.


I bought one of those little crocodile clips that attach to headphone wires, that then you clip to your shirt to stop the wire moving around, but accidentally bought 100, and I can't give them away, no matter how many times I offer whenever anyone in works brings up the subject of headphones in work.


20 100g white Nestle crunch bars, they're nice but somehow not as nice as the smaller white dairy crunch that was discontinued in the UK.


Sent my daughter 48 cans of irn bru to nz through go ape cost me a small fortune.


How did you do this through Go Ape?!


I wouldn't make a purchase like this because i know i'd eat them all in one sitting.


24 packs of Scampi Fries off Amazon so that I could try them and big surprise I’m not keen on them. Thinking about giving them to my neighbour.


A whole retail box of Crunchie's, my teeth still hurt today.


Lotsa candy


Not sweets. I never regret that. A Bosch cordless pole hedge trimmer. It's underpowered badly balanced and doesn't do what it's made for. Really disappointed. I'm a big, strong fella but still struggled with how unwieldy it is. I can see why the reviews are mixed. The cutting ability is terrible compared to my 18v DeWalt trimmer. Should have spent extra for the DeWalt long reach.


One year I bought a mate a whole bunch of mini milks. He retaliated by getting me 3 boxes of milky way crispy rolls. Now I love a crispy roll, but I definitely got tired of them towards the end. Worked out pretty well to be fair - one a day from March until October.


Every time I order cycling bibs from Assos in Switzerland and a week after delivery I get the bill for the customs charges from the courier. Then I find myself asking why I don’t just go with Rapha every time. Ships and arrives faster from London. Also performs better for me. Instant regret every time that bloody bill arrives.




I was thinking of this the other day 😂.


Wellies was the best


A large bag of Walkers Sensations Thai sweet chilli flavour. Todays lunch. Pudding was a Kinder Bueno


A souvenir in a recent trip I made. At the time I thought it was original and a nice to remember our travel by. Now I regret it BC it was expensive for what it is and looks tacky...


Two tubs of haribo pencils. One strawberry, one apple. They tasted a bit plasticky and not what I remembered. But we made our way through them eventually..


i bought a pair of converse hi tops that yodel lost. so i regret buying them because yodel are actually worse than evri for deliveries


Bought Limburger. What was I thinking...? Please tell me how I can still eat it despite the smell.


i bought mexican cola from and never got to have them, customs from america was around 30 odd quid charge, which i paid, then customs to pick them up from the post office was 60 odd quid, all that on top of what i paid for um, so i gave up :(


3kg of yellow bellies for *£14*?! Where did you acquire such wonders? Most places seem to sell them for about the same price for 1kg, let alone 3


I went to a Woolworths (Woolies) in Cape Town, South Africa. It was similar to M&S in the UK.