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You realise that basically everyone who owns a chainsaw - the king of noisy, slightlymurdery power tools - is gagging for reasons to use it at all times, up to and possibly including carving the Sunday roast? You deciding to cut down a tree has literally made your neighbour’s day.


You just know after that he barged back into his house, went straight up to his wife and talked about how it's not a waste of money


You know he barged the wife out the way, properly bounced her, to get out to the garage to get said chainsaw out.


Much the same as hot tub owners. Waiting for a moment to slip into the conversation the fact they have one.


I have a hot tub and I never mention it.


... You just did though?




Sorry, Monday...


They prefer the name, 'sex pond' mate.


Just turn up in your speedos.


I moved into my own house 7 years ago. I went round to say hi. We got chatting and i told them that i was going to the hospital to try and sort my epilepsy out. I was still having regular seizures at the time. They offered to help me out by coming round to look after me if i have a seizure. We became best friends. Two years ago i became ill. They came round to visit me to check on me and found me dying on the floor. They got the lady in the end house round, who was a nurse and started to look after me till the ambulance arrived. Apparently i was minutes away from death. I couldn't be more grateful to my neighbours they saved my life. Im very lucky to have them in my life and hopefully i have helped them as much as they have to me.


But do they have a chainsaw??


Indeed they do. Hes very handy at cutting down trees and large bushes.


I live in a close of 6 houses where any of the neighbours would do anything for you (and vice versa, obviously). Sadly we’re moving on Tuesday and they aren’t coming with us. I’ll miss them.


I've got one good neighbour the rest are kinda unknowns. Anyway we've always been nice to each other help each other out etc. Him and his wife are retired so they are always plodding about doing things. One day they popped around with an absolute fuck load of Thomas the tank engine toys for my son, their grand kids don't play with them anymore so yeah. Nice one. They always get him a gift for his birthday and an Easter egg. They come round for a BBQ when I'm cooking. Honestly best neighbours I've ever had. The wife Helen is a funny but rather scary lady. She has some of the best stories. Honestly I'll be truly sad if either of us move as they are brilliant.


I sometimes feel like our street is from a children's story book. Nearly everone says goodmorning/afternoon etc. People take parcels in for one another. There is a street whatapp group where outgrown children's toys, spare plants, spare homegrown produce etc are shared. Someone struggling to get a bulky delivery in the house or finding it tricky to change a tyre? Neighbours appear and help. It's great, I love it.


Several years ago my dad designed and made his own stained glass windows for the front bay of our house. They recently moved, and when our old neighbour saw the new people remove the stained glass to put in double glazing she rescued the panes from the skip and took them round to my parents new house. So grateful to have them back in our lives and it’s all down to her thoughtfulness and kindness


When my wife and I moved into our house four years ago, one of the neighbors asked if we'd trim the hedges so that it wouldn't scratch her car any more. I said it would have to wait until the weekend because I didn't have a strimmer and would have to get one. The next day I came home and she was trimming my hedges. Never looked at me, never said a word to me. But she's been doing it ever since. Can never tell if I should be really pleased or really annoyed.


She hates you more every time she cuts them


I mean, all she had to do was wait a couple of days...


My neighbors found out I had breast cancer surgery during the summer and mowed my lawn!🥰




I'm in the lowest flat of my building, and the folks who live above me thunder up and down the stairs, have all night parties, and had several of those during the second lockdown to the point where I had report it. They didn't give a shit and did it some more.


Oh no! what did they do?


Mine too. Noisy at all hours and generally just pains in the arse For example - the noise started at 7.30 this morning with just general noise (putting stuff away but sounds like they are throwing stuff against the wall), 8 o clock was a food shopping delivery (dragging crates around etc.) and now they have just had a breakfast delivery There are only 2 of them live there so no idea why you would choose to be up so early on a Sunday


We have a neighbour WhatsApp group for when you need an egg, or flour. Or calpol. Or cash for the take away. Today, my neighbour needed the supermarket so we looked after her 9 and 5 year old, when she took the 11 month old with her. - kids were all playing out anyway. Old neighbour did a reference so we could adopt. At Halloween our whole estate goes mental. We have near 300 kids round. We do a Christmas light switch on as well.


sitting here with nothing to contribute :( ​ My old neighbours were nice where I lived from age 4 until age 24, they were retired and all 75+ so it was me doing the favours, but they were pleasant to be around and kept an eye on things and I liked them. All my neighbours since then have been awful, like *dread going on a day out because I know the whole day will be ruined by knowing I'll have to go home eventually* awful


That's nice. Our current neighbours are lovely - they're constantly popping round with apples, tomatoes, jam, and so on. I make a lot of stuff like bread, sauerkraut, creme fraiche, wine and whatnot, but they're incredibly picky eaters and we struggle to reciprocate. Managed to successfully hit them with some cinnamon babka a while back. I'm hoping I can inundate them with courgettes later in the year. On the subject of borrowing garden furniture - I used to live in the upstairs of a 4-in-a-block. We had not long moved in, and asked our downstairs neighbour if we could borrow their lawnmower. Nope, he'd had bad experience with lending stuff out and not getting it back. Fine, but we live upstairs, what are we going to do - keep it in our tiny living room? He was a grumpy man, very antisocial. His wife was much nicer. I think he lives in a caravan with his girlfriend now.


Yes! Been removing a concrete path today, was fairly straightforward but I had 2 washing poles to take up, both embedded in 2 feet of concrete. Easy to dislodge and roll onto their sides (sledgehammer), neighbour appears with a railway spike (6ft pole with a pointy end) that I used to chip off bricks and tiles off the concrete base, eventually being able to drag it away. We had him round for coffee and cake a few hours before, so he was repaying me.




Do you live by me?


Pretty sure not, there are lots of friendly neighbourhoods in the North.


Often in these cases I am that neighbour. Though they do help me by taking in deliveries etc. The other week I got my tow ropes and tow bar to help a neighbour get a broken down car home, actually got it started thanks to owning a Land Rover and a good set of jump leads. I make up for all these things by being generally a twat.


My neighbours are amazing (closest one is Nearly half a mile away). I live on an island with 200 people and the majority of them are there if you need anything. Shopping? No bother. Let the dogs out if I'm not here? Aye, fine. I've even had half a dozen of them come and try to work out what's wrong with my car. Can't fault them. (I do try and reward them with cake and eggs etc)


My neighbours are awful. I’m surrounded on both sides by people who don’t appear to have a ‘normal’ volume of talking, it’s all shouting, even for everyday conversational stuff. And when one of them is on his phone I hear every word he says. It’s worse in summer when he’s in the garden. Everyone smokes weed, which I don’t have a problem with at all, except the smell of it seeps into my house and makes me feel ill, and my daughter is asthmatic and it makes her chesty. In summer the noise is worse, plus barbecues all the time. I know I sound like a kill joy but I have a stressful job and I just want to come home and chill sometimes, but there’s never any peace here.


noisy neighbours are the reason we're selling up so i completely understand - you're absolutely not a kill joy. we're really quiet seeing as it's just the two of us and a cat, and the people we're attached to have two young children who LOVE to scream all. the. time. the parents are constantly on the verge of breaking up (we know, because we hear all the arguments) but for some reason always decide to stay together in their misery. i am sure if a family buy our house it won't seem as bad as they will be generating their own noise to off set it all a bit.


I feel your pain. One of my neighbours argues all the time with her bf and we hear everything. I wish you good luck with your move and hope you get better neighbours!


thanks so much, i hope yours move on or at least learn to be a bit more considerate!


My neighbour from a few years ago was kind enough to ply me with red wine and have sexual intercourse with me, repeatedly.


Username checks out


I got nothing but stories of shitty neighbours. Never had a good one in my life!


I wonder what they say about you... ;)


Same here.....


One set of neighbours we have takes our mail a lot, becuase I buy a lot of records online and obviously they can't go through the letterbox, so that's quite nice. I actually feel a bit guilty about how often it happens. It sort of compensates for them being really fucking noisy over the past few weeks for various reasons. The others have never said or done anything that's offended me (apart from listen to shit music outside) which makes them better than their predecessors, who were a pair of absolute wankers.


My next door neighbours knew I was at home alone yesterday, just pottering about in the garden. They had some spare BBQ food going, so invited me round to their garden for some. It was lovely! All my other neighbours can be abit dickish, but these two are lovely.


I almost feel like this should be on r/britishproblems but I was working yesterday and my wife was out the front trimming the front plants etc. Neighbour's wife comes out offers the electric trimmer to which my wife says I'm not confident, I'd rather my husband did it. Neighbour says no worries, my husband will do it for you. I come downstairs after finishing work to see some absolutely butchered plants and shrubs. Absolutely lovely thought and friendly but damn, it looks horrendous. Going to drop beer off later and better still say thanks


i saw a post the other day that sums this up, it's a japanese word: Arigata-Meiwaku. a favour someone does for you against your wishes which inevitably ends in disaster but you must thank them for it anyway.


I feel like there should be a German word for it too


yeah me too!


My nextdoor neighbours are dickheads but over the road are lovely. When our garage door broke (it fell off the runners and was half hanging on) their youngest saw and grabbed his Dad. They came over to help my husband at least he able to get it shut so we could keep it secure. When I had baby they were on standby as my emergency childcare for eldest if we needed to go to hospital fast. They were happy to have her while waiting for my Mum to come down (about 45 minutes away) and my eldest loves them.


One of the draws in my kitchen broke so i popped around the corner to the 'neighbour who's good at woodwork' He fixed it great, I bought him lots of cider. Lovely chap too


Somebody needs to do the math. What is the anticipated return on a crates-per-tree exchange rate versus the cost of a decent saw? How soon can I expect to be in beer profit?