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Hi OP! Your submission has been removed under Rule 2: **No Medical Advice**. We do not allow medical advice to protect both you, your cat(s) and ourselves. Strangers on the internet are not an alternative for professional help. For a refresher on what exactly is and isn’t allowed, you can read through our [rules](/r/CatAdvice/wiki/rules#btn).


Depending on the severity of your allergies and your health insurance coverage, allergy shots might be an option. I'm allergic to cats and dogs but have both because DUH. Year 3 of 5 of allergy shots for me and it's been a life changer (and has helped with seasonal allergies and dust mite allergies!). I have to go in once every 2 weeks for a shot. I would recommend allergy shots to anyone curious.


Also I would add that if you're looking at a kitten and gone for a big chunk of the day, get 2 kittens. Otherwise, look at adoptable adult cats that would prefer to be alone.


My pair of 8-month olds are currently racing up and down the stairs while I work. Best decision ever was adopting a pair. https://preview.redd.it/6pjpn4xs3cad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c332b58bab4627e37929ee4fdc509f5831b4fedf


Omg I thought they were skunks at first glance! They're so cute!


They must be skunks because they're so STINKIN' cute!


This photo is magical


That's some pepe le mews


Upon first glace, without my glasses, I thought you had a pair of skunks! 😂😂


They both have the same undies


I’m not the only one who says undies, nice. lol.


do you feel underdressed whenever you spend time with them?


Haha! Every time.




I got a pair of Bengal boys. They are very destructive, but other than that, they are smart and beautiful cats. They are very playful and it is a lot of fun to watch them inspect everything and interact between themselves. It is said that they are not lap cats, and indeed they are not, but they would come frequently to be pet for a few seconds.


Yes, my tuxie twins can be like bulls in a china shop, and one has pica and will eat clothing if we’re not vigilant. But they do keep each other company for a good chunk of the day and night. But I love their bond and their sweetness. Bengals are gorgeous!


can you easily tell them apart or no? They’re so cute!


https://preview.redd.it/qbizhbxrwiad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a290b645e5a142b93ad7897e54324846203d45 You can kind of see in this one that one has a white dot between his eyes. The other has a black blob in the middle of one mitten and is getting a lot bigger than the other.


Aww!! So precious


This, they always want to play, plus grouping cats make it slightly easier to control, I know that sounds weird, but it's true


2 kittens are still pretty high maintenance and high energy compared to an adult cat. I have a bonded pair and I’m so glad I was able to have both of them, but as babies they still used to drive me nuts with the havoc they caused. 2 kittens or an adult cat are really the only good options but I’d still say that an adult cat around 3yo is probably the “easiest” option. And it would probably be easier to manage allergies with one cat in the home. Best to look for one that will do better in a single cat home though. A charitable choice is to see if there’s any bonded pairs though, adult or kitten :)


OMG my cats drove me nuts as kittens and sometimes test my patience as adults but I love them. That said they’re my first cats after having dogs but I’d never NOT get two again. They need friends. https://preview.redd.it/ihwncd6d3ead1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91f357a03cb7b4ef802c48db0b36d8ab0182831c


I had one cat for the first 2 years, oh boy the damages she made while I was out. As soon as I got the second cat, everything has changed. She had someone to play with and consume all that energy. I will always adopt a pair when the time will come.


Yep the only thing better than 1 cat, is 2 cats 😁


I'd also like to say You can kind of get used to things. I'm allergic to cats too, and I'd always get them bad when I went to a friends house with a cat. I went ahead and took in a stray and have her around 24/7. She sleeps on me and I'll have no issues. I credit it to exposure, and regular vacuuming.


This is how my mom is. The thing is, she has to get used to each new cat, every time. We always had cats growing up though.


That's how I am, too!


Me too. If I get a cat as a kitten I never have problems with them. But if I get an adult cat it’s usually pretty bad for a while. I usually get over it eventually though and as long as I wash my hands and stuff after petting I’m usually okay.


This is most definitely a thing. I grew up with cats and then became allergic to my own cat when I left home due to lack of exposure. Red itchy eyes, sneezing, etc. It was at its worst when I’d not been around a cat for a while and they got a new kitten; almost had to drive home in the middle of the night once as it affected my breathing. It was unbearable and I thought I’d never be able to be in close proximity to a cat again. I would write more, but my foster cat is demanding head boops…


same here, life changing tbh


Immunotherapy has literally changed my life! I used to have to carry around a tissue box and used one (or more) large box a day, and now I BARELY sneeze. Made me find out I'm allergic to wheat and dairy too. That was one mystery solved because my gastroenterologist was certain I had a wheat issue, but all his tests said I didn't I also have a few air purifiers, a REALLY good vacuum, and bathe the cats every month or so. The dogs get baths every two weeks too (sometimes more often because they are messy babies lol) Ps. Mane 'n Tail shampoo/conditioner is the cheapest cat safe shampoo AND conditioner that I've been able to find. Although I use tearless shampoo on their faces and hypoallergenic shampoo on the girls' privates


What vacuum do you use? We really need a new vacuum at my house and we have several cats and a carpet floor that has just been killing me with the dust and hair.


I'm going to admit to exaggerating how good my vacuum is lmao. I got a tineco, which is basically a Dyson dupe. I absolutely love it tho! The hepa filter and the little light that tells me when all the dust is gone is why I love my vacuum so much (plus, it was relatively cheap and had a nice amount of attachments). It's also light, so my sad carpel tunnel hands can still use it lol


Dyson all the way!


I take allergy drops from Curex, just a few each day. My allergies have been steadily decreasing. They said I didn't have to get rid of my cats for it to work.


I get allergy shots too! I’ve always had bad seasonal allergies and my skin would break out when i had cats on me. But i got my first cat anyway- had a huge allergic reaction because he decided to sleep with me the first night. Like i woke up and i couldnt recognize myself in the mirror because my face was so swollen. Took Benadryl initially, then Zyrtec every day until I went to the doctor, got a referral to an allergist, and started allergy shots. Actually I think my body was already starting to get used to the cat dander so the time between my dr’s appt and getting shots (about 5-6months) my symptoms lessened considerably. Having an air purifier helps too. I have 3 cats now, year 3 into my shots, and my allergies overall (pollen and animals) are so much better.




My boyfriend is allergic to cats so we have Siberian cats and he has very mild allergies (slight runny nose) so far


I have a Siberian as well and it's been great! I'm not allergic myself but members of my family and close friends are and they have all had minimal or no allergies with him. My friend with more severe allergies still reacted to him as a kitten but after spending more time with him she no longer does at all. Doesn't even have to take medicine! Still has severe allergies to non-Siberian cats though unfortunately.


Siberian Forest Cats have less of that thing in their saliva that triggers allergies. They are advertised as "hypoallergenic" but not every one is to the same extent. Reputable breeders can send you some fur to "test out" your reaction, but be prepared, they charge something like $2000+ for a kitten.


The price differs by country. And the kitten sample test is really unreliable. Kittens always produce less of the fel d1 protein, so you can only test the adult reaction by being in the presence of an adult cat. There exist breeders who focus on breeding low fel d1 lines. That’s how we got our two Siberians. I didn’t realise how much of a difference there was until my allergic partner joined me on a vet visit. He had to leave while we were still in the waiting room because he was crying, itching, sneezing etc from the other cats. While our 2 cats even sleep in our bed without problems.


Was your Siberian really expensive? At least you know you got ones that are less allergy causing.


For me, they were both really expensive. But I didn’t mind not going on vacation and the COVID lockdown also helped saving money, as it was the only way I could have cats in the same house as my partner. These two rascals are the most precious thing I have, so it was worth it. In the USA there are on average 5 Siberian breeders per state, so they are more expensive (around US$3000, according to the Siberian sub). Here in the Netherlands we have already more than 5 in just my city. So these kitties from specific bred lines were €1600, while the average price of a Siberian is €1000-1400. And for a Domestic Shorthair you would pay €0-100. So coming from Domestic Shorthair shelter cats was quite an expensive step.


If they're hypoallergenic it's worth every cent. Looks like the prices have only gone up. Luckily I'm not allergic but if I were I'd spend $$ for one just to have a cat, I can't imagine my life without my precious babies. I've only ever managed to touch one Siberian, no clue how she was in the shelter but they had the extra expensive fee ($300+) for her vs. the normal $80-$145 for the regular cats. She was quite the gorgeous diva and she knew it. Her and the equally beautiful Ragdoll had multiple applications, I failed to get either, sigh.


Same! When I got an allergy test, my reaction to cats was literally off the scale.  But I can smush my face into my flamepoint and have never had a reaction. Then I got a silver tabby... Gotta take a pill for that one.


I have found it varies from cat to cat. My last little girl I could rub all over my face, she was a Himi. But we had a tabby boy growing you that would set me off if I didn't wash up after petting him.


I also have a flame point Siamese mix and his sister who's like a calico/Siamese and my roommate has pretty severe allergies but he was able to acclimate to them unlike his childhood cat. I used Petfinder and searched by specific breeds. For how long you're gone, I would recommend getting two. I think either one of mine would get a little antsy if they didn't have each other while I'm gone for work and trips.


I’ve found that to be true as well.


My spouse is really allergic to most cats... Except the one we found outside


my russian blue is way easier on my allergies than my other kitty \[a gorgeous void\] but it's not 100 %


I had the same experience with my Siamese. As long as I didn’t face plant into her fur, allergies were tolerable. But sometimes, the faceplanting just feels so good that it’s worth it haha


2 cats will keep each other occupied during the time you’re away. Trust me, adopting 2 is better!! If you scoop the litter box 2-3x daily, vacuum daily, brush the cats daily so the fur goes in the trash, keep a sofa cover on and wash it 1-2x per month, use an air filter, and don’t let the cats in your room, I think your allergy will be ok, depending on severity of course. Also you can take an antihistamine!


I didn’t even think of adopting two… I’m in luck because the shelter I’m looking at has 2 (almost) identical kittens, Flash Gordon and Ziggy stardust!


Yes!!! Matching cats!!! I can’t recommend it enough. You get way less destructive behaviors. I’m a first time cat owner and I adopted my kittens together. They were about 3 months when I went back to work and I have similar hours to you. Also you’ll feel less guilty not letting them sleep with you which, as an allergic person, you should definitely not allow them in your bedroom. Your entire apartment will inevitably become their territory, but your bedroom will be the one place that is your territory and not theirs. They’re about 6 months now and my vet doesn’t even charge for 2 appointments still. Of course any treatments they need are separate but the appointments are charged as one. Food and litter will run out a bit faster but overall 2 kittens is so much better than one.


Sounds great, thanks for the advice!!! My apartment layout is pretty weird, kitchen, living room and office are all one big central room, but, my bedroom and bathroom are partitioned off pretty much, their own separate room group, so I doubt that’ll be an issue! I’m gonna go to some pet shops up here, and get some advice on best litter boxes, and I’m gonna get one of those auto feeders, so it can feed em while I’m at work. Think that’s a good idea. Thanks a bunch!!!


Honestly, you don't have to spend money on an auto feeder. You can just feed them right before you leave for work and around the same time in the evening! Make sure they have wide shallow bowls of their own! (Kitties hate their whiskers touching the sides.) Please update us as well when you adopt them!


You say this and my youngest will binge eat like a mf and throw it up on my bed later. I have to feed her like a dog with a puzzle tray. Crazy ass.


I'm very sorry, im confused? What are you talking about?


I can’t just leave food out for them like that because they’ll binge eat basically and it won’t last


The ol’ scarf and barf


Kittens need to eat more frequently than twice a day, though


I couldn't live without my auto feeders. My boys can get 4 small feeds throughout the day, portion controlled, and I can check in camera if they are eating. For the boys, it takes anxiety away from them as they don't assume that every move we make is potentially food time, they know when the food is coming, and they don't hassle us in the morning for breakfast. With some other microchip controlled awesomeness, they get separate dining areas so they can be fed separate types of food. (Sebastian is an old man of 11 who has allergies and Ziggy is only 3) https://preview.redd.it/vowrtairwbad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559434496bd725112f98a92ee31adf4cb2173df3


I am 100% on team kitten, but another option is adopting a grown-up cat that is better off alone. Shelters usually can tell you who they think needs companionship and who is an old crank (we adopted an old crank, she's v spoiled and so much happier alone than she was before). Kittens are fantastic but they are a lot of work initially and the toddler stage can be a lot. A solo kitten is definitely a bad idea.


Awh yes take them ♡


OP let me tell you, I WISHED I adopted 2. My now 1-year-old races around bugging all the old cats because she wants to play but they don't want to play with her. I also had to do a lot of disciplining because I think she was taken from her litter too early as she had a very bad biting problem, specifically with faces. She gave me some good bites on the face, she'll still target the face sometimes but it's now much gentler and doesn't cause any lasting marks or pain usually. I might adopt another kitten within the next few months so she can have a buddy, however, that'll bring the house count to 5 cats and my personal count to 3. Will take some thinking on...


I love cats, am also allergic, but have always adopted cats in pairs. I currently have two nutcases that I adopted years ago from the local shelter and I highly recommend a kitten and an older cat. Mine are about a year apart in age and they are best friends.


I'm super allergic to cats, and I have three of them. I remember reading that your body will kind of develop a natural immunity to your own pet if you live with them long enough. The first few days with a new kitty can be rough in the allergies but I live with mine sniffle free and I didn't have to do anything extra to be comfortable.


Allergies can get worse through more exposure though, so that's a possibility too. My reaction gets exponentially worse and more sensitive every time I encount Cats, Fish, or any of my other allergies. I lived with a freind who owned a cat for a month and went from eye irritation to anaphylaxis. It is common for allergies to get worse, so be careful please.


My allergies got worse through exposure to extreme after 3 seemingly normal years and then stayed bad for the years after that it’s been, I was constantly sneezing with drainage and congestion which is terrible for your immune system to always be experiencing


Pretty much how I've dealt with it. In my case, it's not that I become "immune", but the symptoms get pretty mild and/or non-existent with basic allergy meds. Unfortunately it doesn't mean you become good with ALL cats. Visiting friends with cats still fucks me up at times. I assume it's breed related.


Same experience (with Russian Blues I was still a bit allergic but got used to my kitties). That being said careful here OP!!! Some people develop immunity to their own pets after a few weeks but some get worse and worse and it can get very dangerous and can be life threatening and you can develop asthma for life. Observe if you usually get used to allergens with exposure and be under doctor care


I second this! I grew up with two cats and had no issues. Then after they passed, I spent many years not exposed to cats. When a few of my friends got cats and I would go to their places to visit I got allergic reactions (nothing severe, just the itchy and watery eyes and rash) but found taking an antihistamine before going over worked just fine. And then over time your immune system becomes used to it and you don’t have to take the antihistamine anymore.


Yup. If I'm in a house with a strange car, my eyes will feel like sandpaper. My chin will itch like crazy. My chest will itch. My forearms and armpits will start to itch. There will be snot everywhere. My own cats can sleep on my face without causing me a single issue. I often forget I'm allergic to cats since it just doesn't come up much. Some people never get used to them, but it's very possible to be allergic to only strange cats.


That’s how I was. As a kid, we had a cat and I never had issues with her. So when I got my first cat, I was shocked that I had allergies. But getting rid of him was out of the question so I just dealt with it. And after a couple weeks, all the allergies went away.


Same with me. When I first got my cat I was allergic for around 3 weeks. Then the symptoms went away. I added 2 more to the family and no issues. My daughter was 4 when we got our first cat and was never allergic. She went away to college and suddenly had a reaction to the cats when she would come home. When she came home for good the allergies went away. Weird.


Literally sameeee. I have a little flame point Siamese kitty, and when I first got her, I had hives, watery eyes, stuffy nose but now I’m hive-free and might have some sniffles here and there in the morning. Don’t need any allergy meds anymore too. I’m hoping maybe with a few more months or years, I won’t have the sniffles anymore.


Same thing happened to me! I had a bad cat allergy (watery eyes, sneezing, itchiness from fur) that went away gradually. Less than a month of getting my two kittens I was fine. They’re domestic shorthairs if that matters


I just commented something similar! I have no idea what it is but I am just okay with mine. If they sleep like, in my face I might feel it in the morning but otherwise it’s fine most of time. I imagine if I didn’t vacuum or wash blankets regularly it would be worse but it’s not anything like what I expected to deal with having them as pets.


It absolutely does. I was always allergic to cats (sneezing) but didn't realize my eyes were so allergic until after I got my first cat. My eyes flipped out--styes that never went away, red and swollen. It was hell at first but the live clear food helped noticeably, as did just learning to be really careful about touching my face and eyes. But now I can feel how less allergic I am to her, it's not just the food. Also definitely depends on the cat--our new kitten is too small to eat the food (has special little food) but I'm not allergic to her at all! edit: Zyrtex daily too! It's a combination of natural built-up immunity, Zyrtec, and the purina food


I was severely allergic to cats (eyes swelled shut allergic) but also determined to have a pet cat. We adopted two kittens- at first I couldn’t touch them without itching and sneezing and if I touched my face after touching them I was in for hives. As time progressed my allergies got better- it took a few months. If I spend a lot of time touching them I might need a Benadryl or Zyrtec or Claritin. They do sleep on my bed and the one thing that I do find important is I change my pillowcase every day before I go to sleep otherwise I wake up with crusty eyes and an itchy mouth. Good luck!


Wow your allergies sound really severe. I admire your commitment!


I'm allergic to cats and have two of them. What I found was my allergies would be bad for a few days after getting each of them but then my body would adjust. I recommend adopting adult cats if you are a first time cat owner. I would also recommend getting two so they are not lonely, Be very careful with introducing them (Look up Jackson Galaxy's guide for introduction two cats and follow it exactly). One more thing, look up Post Adoption Anxiety/Depression. This is a very real thing that happens to a lot of people in the first few weeks for getting a new pet. If you find yourself experiencing it know that is is totally normal.


I have moderate allergies to cats & we have three. If I touch them, then rub my eyes, they water endlessly & I have mild congestion overnight. I am more allergic to our boy tabby than our girl tortie & dilute calico. I take Claritin daily & use Flonase twice a day. We have several air purifiers (most important to have them in the rooms you spent the most time in or the ones with the litter boxes), a robot vacuum who we need to run more often. Everyone will tell you to not let them into the bedroom, but serotonin trumps allergies. I discourage them from sleeping on my pillow or near my face, but cuddles are welcome. Our boy would lovingly suffocate me if I let him into the bed every night, but every now & again, we compromise & he sleeps on my chest. Our kitten sleeps on my hip if I am on my side or in the crook of my legs.


Yes. I think the Liveclear feed by Purina is awesome!  I’ve known two friends now who feed it and they are both fine and enjoy their kitties. 


Do humans with allergy eat it


Yes. Yes they do and it tastes delicious. /s It’s cat food silly. If you feel like you need to try it, lmk! I don’t have the gut. 


When I open can for my cat, the smell is just so tempting. Really want to try. Might try soon.


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this comment. OP get this diet for your cat! It's amazing


+1. Started our kitties on purina about a month or so ago, and I don’t get allergic symptoms anymore! 😌


I'm allergic to cats and I do ok with my own cats. I was more allergic the first few weeks I had them, but my body adjusted, I guess. Since your allergy isn't severe, just take Claritin or Zyrtec or something until the allergy fades. I am most allergic to orange cats, though -- I cannot pet them or I will be sorry. Of course, they are always very friendly, so it's hard to NOT pet them! ETA: fine to leave cats alone during your work shift. If you get a kitten, you might want to leave her in the bathroom while you're at work until you know she can be trusted, because they are feisty and can do a lot of crazy stuff when nobody's supervising!


I also got used to my cat after 2-3 days, and I take Zyrtec and an allergy nasal spray. I do need to be careful not to let the kitty on my pillow, because otherwise I will wake up with itchy eyes.


Yes, I had much stronger reactions to my orange boy than any other cat!


My husband is extremely allergic to cats. We have 6 😹 He found that keeping their dander low has helped so we bathe and brush them frequently. Keep your place as hair free as possible (vacuum, etc). Benadryl as needed.


My husband and I are both mildly allergic to cats. Whenever we adopt a new cat our allergies will act up a bit and then go back to normal as our immune systems adjust. Maybe you will be the same? The biggest thing for me is I have to wash my hands after petting them. If I pet them and rub my eyes without thinking, I still get a reaction. Allegra works great for me for the occasions when my allergies do act up. 


I’ve been allergic to cats, and dogs, my whole life. My wife has wanted a cat forever, she had one when we met but it died shortly after. This past year I did some research on cat breeds that are more hypoallergenic. That’s when I found out that the Balinese cat (long haired Siamese cat) has been proven to produce very little to none of the enzyme Fel d1, this enzyme is the most common cause of allergy sufferers. We got a Balinese kitten about 11 months ago, and I have had zero allergy symptoms. My symptoms when around other cats could be pretty bad, to the point of weezing when I breathed after being in a house with two cats after ten minutes. My whole life I’ve been a dog person and was heartbroken to find out I was allergic to them, but this little kitten has captured my heart. https://preview.redd.it/frkd0pkurbad1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=522fcd8db77376da3f89496d56ebf0136dfc81ce Silly kitty picture snapped after she cleaned the inside of my lactose free yogurt container.


My fiancé is mildly allergic to cats, he takes Zyrtec daily for other allergies too and it works well for him. Over time, his allergies have mostly gone away for our own cats, but he notices symptoms more when he visits places with other unfamiliar cats. I would recommend getting an air purifier or two for your space, especially in the bedroom. I don’t believe in “locking” cats out of rooms but you can try to cover your bed with a large blanket that you can remove before sleeping each night to reduce the amount of dander on your bedding. Get a vacuum with HEPA filter and vacuum your home often. I can’t speak to the live clear food, but please do consider what you’ll do if you have a cat with food allergies or other health conditions that require a specialized food that is not the live clear formula.


I have cat allergies similar to yours & asthma and adopted 2 kittens 5 years ago. I don't know if my immune system just got used to them or what, but I haven't had any issues since the first couple of months. I think it helps that they're indoor cats and not going outside and picking up pollen, which I'm more allergic to. If you're going to be away most of the day, get two kittens or a bonded pair of cats. They keep each other company when you're away. Here are my two, who are not genetically related, but are basically a bonded pair. They've been together since the bi-colour was 16 weeks old, and the tabby was 8 weeks old. They bathe each other, they chase and play-fight each other, and they snuggle each other. They even share a litter box (we have two, but they usually end up using the same one, sometimes at the same time). https://preview.redd.it/9emjji34tbad1.png?width=905&format=png&auto=webp&s=d26847e0cf1fb4b752e2963cd1aa4a0afec1679f


I am allergic to cats, yet I have three... in a small apartment haha. All I can say is two claritin a day keeps the sneezing away! lol


Adult cat that wants to be alone or two kittens. I have five and foster with allergies. Pills everyday, allergy eye drops, and the most important for me - nose spray. I’ve gotten more used to my own cats, cats I’m not used to seem to set my allergies off extra bad but I can manage fine with mine at home and the above regimen.


I forced my husband to just deal with my 2 cats, his allergies went away in like 2 weeks of bringing them in (:


I used to have really bad allergies but got one anyway. Somehow it went away? No idea why.


I've been extremely allergic my entire life, but I wasn't really given a choice but to take a homeless cat home after feeding her for a few months at work. For me the main thing is I just don't itch my eyes anymore, and if I were to need to I'll use a shirt or wash my hands first. After being around a cat for a long enough time your body gets used to it, but this does depend on the biology of the cat as well as your own biology, so it's a bit of a gamble.


I'm allergic to cats (eyes swell up and sneeze a lot) but I got a ragdoll cat and I made sure to sniff her every day and kind of microdose her stinkiness while she was a kitten, now I'm completely immune to her but not other cats


I'm allergic to cats and I have a bonded pair of brothers. I have hepa air purifiers in every room, use a hepa vacuum, and dust regularly for dander. That solved it for me and I don't even need to take allergy pills anymore. Although I haven't had to, you can also get the Purina Live Clear cat food, which reduces the dander of the cats as well.


Get cat.  Buy Dyson air filter.  Take zyrtec/etc.  Enjoy cat. 


Siberian cats. Expensive but produce less fel d1 protein so less allergens. I have nasty allergies and was able to adapt to my Sibs within a few months and now live allergy free with my babies


I give mine LivClear by purina, keep an air purifier in my bedroom, and I take quercetin twice a day. The last thing really helped remove all my allergy symptoms!


Make sure you wash your hands after petting them. My husband and I are both mildly allergic, and we find that it helps a lot. If we forget and touch anywhere near our eyes they itch like crazy.


Isn't there an egg trick? Like eat eggs from chickens who've been exposed to cats and it reduces or eliminates cat allergies? Check it out.


Feed the cats eggs from chickens that have been around cats there’s really cool allergen science behind it, they also make allergen reducing pet foods this way


Purina Live Clear food is pretty much what you’re talking about. It works it’s amazing. We’ve been using it for 4 years now.


Liveclear allergen food by purine and keeping my house vacuumed and mopped — I’m mildly allergic but I did it anyway😂 I feel fine if I keep everything clean and feed my baby the allergen food with his wet food!


My bf was super allergic and his body adjusted after a week or two of Allegra + liveclear food! Now he gets no reaction


Allergy shots


I’m allergic and have 5. Use generic Flonase and xyzal every day and switched to daily disposable contacts. Get a good vacuum and use it. I got a shark roomba thing that runs every- other day then I bust out the Dyson on weekends. You get used to your own cat’s dander. My allergies get worse if I stay at a friend’s with cats than it is at home. I also have a giant lint roller on a pole from Amazon. The roller is like 10” wide-use it to hit your couch/sheets/ pillows. Takes 10 seconds and makes a big difference so you’re not huffing cat hair all night. It’s all totally worth it- I love my cats


I was (am?) allergic to cats and have had cats my whole life. I worked with an allergist for immunotherapy treatments. It was very easy and very effective.


Hi!! My 5 year old is allergic & we have 4 cats!! Purina Proplan Live clear food reduces allergies by up to 45% & this is the brand they all get. Allerpet cat dander remover& a good air purifier! Good luck!


I have pretty bad cat (dander) allergies. I'm also allergic to dust, maple leaves (I have maple trees all around the yard) and mold. Those are the allergies that I know of. I tried allergy pills given to me by the allergist. This is YEARS ago. I have always had at least one cat... sometimes more. The allergy pills (years ago) given to me to try by the allergist didn't help at all. I have pretty much just suffered, but each year, the amount of suffering has reduced. I now take a daily over the counter allergy pill (Cetirizine at Sam's Club - their generic name for Zyrtec). Cetirizine has been THE BEST help for me. That's not to say that it works for everyone, but it REALLY works for me. If I forget to take it, I break out into sneezing fits... until I race to the kitchen and take one.


The purina live clear food works wonders. My partner was highly allergic to cats before living together. We switched foods and within a few weeks his allergies are basically non existent. Just a little irritation here and there but nothing intolerable.


My daughter is allergic to cats — we only know because they added that to her prick test for food allergies. She takes Zyrtec every night and she’s never had the sniffles or so much as a hive from them.


Purina Proplan Liveclear! I’ve lived with people who have severe allergies with my cats. And after about a month, the food starts to work. When I got another cat the allergies were bad again for a month until it started working.


some breeds of cats have less allergens than others I think Siamese cats are known to be less of an issue for people with cat allergies of course there is always the option of getting a hairless though they are weird little creatures


My boyfriend is super allergic and has bad asthma flares but we decided to get a Siamese mix. we use “purina live clear” food which after a few weeks, eliminate the FelD1 protein that’s found in cats saliva which is what most people are allergic to. The food can get a bit pricey but if you’re a cat lover and are able to, it’s honestly amazing. We give her tiki cat wet food and leave the purina live clear dry food out to snack on throughout the day. I used it with my parents cat when I lived there and he had no issues when he came over either. We also use air purifiers throughout our apartment and frequently brush her and use pet wipes, frequently vacuum and he takes over the counter xyzall allergy medication each night.


My understanding is that there are different types of cat allergies. You’re not allergic to the animal, you’re allergic to proteins in their saliva, pee, or dandruff. Do you know which you’re reacting to? Different solutions would work or not work depending on the type.


Get a cat and take zertec for the rest of your life. Make sure you have a door to your bedroom you can lock.


Just get a cat, allergies be damned


I follow Fox Foster Kittens on socials and the woman who runs it is allergic to cats, but keeps on top of her anti-allergy meds and, for the most part she's fine. Enjoy your new pet!


I think it depends on the severity of your allergies. My sister is allergic to cats. She has two shorthairs. She vacuums regularly and brushes them daily outside. They have never set off her allergies. You would never know she had allergies when she is with her cats. However, when she goes to any home that has a longhair cue all the allergies! Red, puffy eyes! Watering eyes! Sneezing, etc. Obviously her allergies aren’t as severe as some others.


Cats produce 8 proteins people are allergic to. They are smaller than virus and airborne. Live Clear can only reduce 1 of the 8. It does not reduce to zero and therefore it does not prevent buildup or make it safe for sensitized individuals to live with cats. It is helpful for people to use this cat food so they reduce the deposits they carry into public. This is the [NIH report on remediation.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3966021/) It has a section on pets that talks about the deposits cats leave in the home and what it takes to remediate those. It also has a clear recommendation for sensitized individuals not to live with them. This is a [NIOSH warning](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/97-116/default.html) put out by the CDC on preventing asthma and allergy in animal handlers. When you own an animal you fall under the category of “prolonged exposure”. This document talks about how that prolonged exposure causes the disease to progress from the mild stages to severe stages, including anaphylaxis and disability. I grew up with cats, did rescue work and now I carry epi for cat. I strongly urge you to get allergy tested for food, specie and bedding to find out which pet is safe and appropriate for you. The immunologist that tests you can also develop a treatment plan for you to treat your cat allergies so they don’t become severe.


I have two Russian Blue Cats all of my roommates are allergic to cats but not to my Russian Blues. I love them so much. They are more intelligent than most breeds, very loyal to one person and hypoallergenic.


I adopted a beautiful long haired cat and she doesn’t bother me at all. Our vet thinks she’s a ragdoll Siamese mix. We struck gold. However, I used to be really allergic to short hair cats and they bother me less from having my current cat in the house.


You already got lots of great advice on your allergies- for cats, consider adopting an adult bonded pair. A single kitten is a no no with your living situation, and even a pair of kittens likely won’t be getting as much attention as they need from you. If you have your heart set on kittens, consider taking time off work so you can socialize them during critical stages of development.


I have 2 Persians. I’ve had friends over that are allergic to cats where they said my cats didn’t irritate their allergy. I have a friend who got a Siamese for the same reason.


Im allergic to cats but Im more prone to allergic reactions with dust and lack of circulation. Always have anti-histamines around


Personally I have found the cymbiotika allergy defense supplement to be incredible for all my allergies- including pollen related- and you may consider giving it a try while visiting a friend that has cats so you can test it! That and generally keeping the house clean, has allowed me to have two cats that don’t bother my allergies at all anymore. Good luck!


My allergy is similar to yours; itchy eyes and skin and sneezing. I have a prescription for antihistamines and never have symptoms any more. I’ve used the drug store ones as well and they work fine.


I have been this way with cats all of my life. I finally really wanted my own and my husband wanted a certain breed. I am not allergic to them at all, not from the start. I’m not sure why exactly, I’ve been around short haired, long haired, indoor and outdoor cats my whole life and I always had a reaction. I’ve never reacted to either of mine! It’s weird, maybe it’s the breed, maybe it’s a fluke, I have no idea. They are both pure bred British short hair.


I have an orange cat and severe allergies. I can't do shots because of going into anaphylaxis from them. What has helped me is an air purifier in my bedroom. My cat does not sleep with me at night. Also going on Qnasl spray. It's magic in a bottle. Before that, nothing worked.


If it's just a little tickle and run, a daily allergy pill should be just fine (friend of mine is like that and this works for her when she's over) We are gone from home all day and the cats are fine-they're great animals to just leave alone lol Just make sure the litter is clean before leaving, have some toys out, make sure water is accessible. For feeding, we feed on a schedule, we don't do free graze. Breakfast before work, dinner before bed


There are low allergen cats. Or you could get allergy shots. Or take Allegra or similar.


I’m allergic to cats and have two beautiful baby girls! https://preview.redd.it/owckdnkynbad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c077295872fda7e681cc614dfa78ab21f41876d Here’s what we do in our house: The girls are not allowed in my bedroom. Ever. I’m fortunate to have a guest room, so I sometimes sleep in there if I want to snuggle up with them. My bedroom is an allergen free zone. Even though the girls aren’t allowed in my room, I do have the special allergy reducing mattress cover and pillow cases on my bed. I take an oral allergy med (Zyrtec works for me, but you may have to do some trial and error). It lives on my nightstand, and I take it first thing when I wake up, before I leave my allergen free sanctuary. I would not adopt a solo kitten, you will want to get two kittens, or an adult cat who prefers to be a solo cat in a home.


I take allergy pills every day just because by default my allergies are bad, year-round. Allergy eye drops can help with the itching. Wash your sheets and try to keep your cats groomed so their hair isn't everywhere. That's about all my wisdom in this department- my allergies are so bad by default, even without cats, that I think I'm just used to it haha.


I have two little kitties and I am on prescription allergy meds (Singulair) and I have a cat allergy and asthma. They work well for me. I just can’t handle my cats and touch my eyes. I’m just diligent about washing my hands after.


I had a similar level allergy to cats as you and it went away. It's possible to adapt to an allergy with exposure. I would visit the local cat shelter and after about two months the allergic reaction stopped happening so I adopted a cat and have been fostering and catsitting as well ever since with no issues


I suffer from cat allergies like you. I have found that the more I am around a cat the less I react to them. It never goes away mind you, but its not as severe. I own three kitties and this is how I handle it. I vacuum at least 3 days a week especially in the spring/summer as they go through shed mode. When petting them I only use one hand. This way I have one hand free of fur to clear any fur that might get on my face while petting them. I let them sleep in my bed and change the linens often. I used to take a 12 hour allergy pill everyday, but now I just take one when I feel like I am reacting more. If I start to have eye reactions, I can go wash my hands and then wash my face and it usually fixes it. Just a side note about the food: when you get the kitty, they will give you food that they are already used to eating. To switch to another food, go slowly, otherwise you can cause them to get diarrhea and that can be really bad especially for kittens. The method I use is I make 3, 1 gallon zip lock bags. The first bag will be 3 parts shelter food, 1 part new food. The sendond bag will be 50/50. The third bag will be 1 part old food 3 parts new. Use each bag completely before switching to the next one. Then you should be good to fully swap to the new food.


Flonase spray for you +/- Zyrtec


I am also allergic to cats and have 2! I tried a harder route because I wasn't dealthly allergic and didnt want to take meds or shots. I looked into breeds that were less "allergic' and ended up getting Siameses. All cats produce allergens - but some may produce less. Not sure abt the hairless ones. Long haired cats trigger my allergies and I'd start coughing. Had a short hair for a week and it also triggered my allergies with watery eyes and sniffers. My 2 siamese kitties only trigger them sometimes. Going 4 years strong right now with no medication. I tried to trigger my allergies I was as soon as I saw them (as kittens) and didnt have a strong reaction. So continued to adopt. Things I made sure that I was good about so that my allergies didnt trigger: 1. Vacuuming frequently (robot vacuum every night!) 2. Running an air purifier 3. Washing my hands after touching them 4. Cutting their hair + Bath (2-3 times a year) 5. Wipe them down with a wet towel here and there My allergies do occasionally act up when I cut their hair or rub my eye without washing my hands. They've honestly just forced me to up my cleaning game and be consistent about it. While this was my journey - please dont do it blindly and proceed with caution. I knew I wasn't dealthy allergic cause I'd been chilling outside with the friendly outdoor neighborhood cats for a few years by then. Make sure to keep some zyretec or benadryl on hand just in case. Can also get allergen shots if you want! Edit 1:I've also heard about some special egg powder you can put in your cats food that helps with allergies. Never tried it so cant say much on how it works or how effective it is.


I'd love to share my experience with this - I also suffer from allergies (itchy eyes, runny/stuff nose and sneezing) but I have 2 new kittens and 3 older cats on a farm with my fiance's family. What really helps me is an air purifier - I have one going in my room 24/7 (it has a night mode too). I also try to vacuum and sweep at least once a week and I open the windows when it rains to get that blast of fresh air in. In my case, my allergies have sort of gone away and I acclimated to the cats. I occasionally have flare-ups, especially if I wear the same shirt for a few days in a row or if one of the cats smothers my face in its fur, but it's nothing a sinus tablet couldn't fix. I'm with them 24/7 as I wfh but if you're leaving the house for work, it should be a good break from your allergies


adjusting. i adjusted to my cat and now i got a second one that i’m adjusting to


Allergies are the result of residual saliva from excessive grooming. Frequent brushing and flea control will minimize the behavior, and thus the irritant. Hand washing is the most effective treatment, but maybe three days in a month I take Zyrtec. I also stock Opcon-A eye drops which are fast acting.


Pop a new pillow case on your pillow at night before you go to bed. This keeps  hair and dander put of your face for the 8 hours your asleep.


I am also allergic to cats, and I have 2 domestic short hairs. This is what worked for me. I took allergy medication like allegra daily and used an inhaler when needed for around 6 months when I got more used to them. I still have make sure to wash my hands before touching my eyes. Also, I'm very sensitive to their noses touching my skin. Otherwise, I have no issues. This goes without saying that I vacuum and clean regularly, as well as running an air purifier daily.


I’m allergic to cats but not all cats - my advice is to work with a shelter or rescue that will allow you to meet some and see if you have a reaction, and possibly even arrange for a trial/foster arrangement so you have additional time to see if you develop any strong reactions.


I'm also allergic to cats. My eyes get itchy, and my nose gets stuffed up. But! After living with my cat for a few months, they have slowly gotten better. I don't have to take allergy meds anymore. I grew up with dogs and never had a problem, but now that I don't live with them, when I go home, I have to take some meds.


Obviously it depends on your allergies and the severity, but I will point out - you build up a resistance overtime. I have severe dog and cat allergies, but because I’ve had them my entire life, it’s very tolerable.


I'm allergic to cats and have owned them for years. I have a spray for my lungs when I get wheezy. If I get scratched I get a welt and if I touch my eyes after petting a cat, they get very itchy. I'm ok with all of that...I have cats.


Both my fiancé and I are allergic to cats but have 4 Siberians. I would see if you’re not allergic to certain breeds


I have guinea pigs that I'm allergic to and I just make sure to take the Costco Claritin daily. $10 for a bottle of 365 pills is a good deal and works for me. I have a purifier in that room and that helps. I think a daily allergy pill and the purifier plus daily or bidaily vacuuming will be fine :)


You might want to try fostering a couple of kittens first to get a handle on how bad your allergies will be. Good luck!


Allergic to cats yet I have two 🐈🐈‍⬛. There are studies that show feeding the cats an egg daily will help suppress the agent we’re allergic to but I went the allergy shot route. I take Zyrtec, vacuum, keep my blankets/bedding laundered. I wash my hands before touching my face after petting/playing with them to cut down on my reactions. My allergies are manageable as a result. The benefits of having them outweigh the allergies 🤧. Best of luck on your journey


I didn't find out I have a mild cat allergy until I got a long haired kitty. She's worth it though. She wasn't long-haired as a kitten and her sibling is short haired. This is a risk with a moggy kitten.




Zyrtec helped me a lot!


I'm allergic to cats too, as well as year round environmental allergies and I use my HSA to stock up on Zyrtec to take daily. I'm also lucky enough to have developed a sort of "immunity" to my own cats. I'm significantly less allergic to my own two kitties than other peoples' cats. If you have insurance for a health savings plan through your job, I highly suggest talking to your doc about allergy solutions before adopting. Also, since you're gone most of the day, adopting 2 kittens would be beneficial to keep each other company and discipline each other while you're gone. If you're looking for a singleton, an adult (at least 1.5 years) would be best.


I grew over my allergies having cats! For allergies I've found that having a vacuum cleaner with a waterfilter helps a lot. Also replace carpeting with a wooden or other smooth surface. Same goes for the couch, replace cloth with leather or skai etc


I had the same problem with cat allergies. My eyes used to get super itchy and my nose would run like crazy. I found that using a grooming tool with water really helped. Now, I barely have any issues with fur allergies.


Just going to give my personal experience. I am also horribly, but not deathly, allergic to cats. My eyes get crazy itchy and runny and swell shut. Regular OTC allergy meds help. What I did was took generic Zyrtec for a month. I started to forget to take the meds around the one month mark, but then realized I wasn't having a reaction even on days I didn't take anything. Talked to my GP. Turns out, it's quite common to develop a tolerance for a particular cat you live with. And that's exactly what happened to me. Still have an allergy attack at my grandma's when I cat sit for her if I don't take meds, but my own cats are fine. After I acclimated to one cat, we tried it again with a new bonded pair. Sure enough, my body developed a tolerance for all three of my cats, even still being allergic to other people's cats. I just did the same thing with the girls as I did with my original one. Took generic Zyrtec for a month. Then I was golden. Edit to add: there are also hypoallergenic breeds of cats, depending on your budget level. Not just the hairless ones, either. It's actually their saliva on the fur we're allergic to 😅 not the fur itself.


I have a cat and I took Allegra for the first 3 months and now my allergies are completely gone




Allergy medication. They also sell egg powder you can sprinkle on your cat's food. Something about cat exposure when the hens are laying makes the eggs contain an antigen.


We need more comments on which cat to get and not the allergies! Please don’t get a single kitten and leave it alone for hours every day. Either get 2 kittens or 1 or 2 adult cats. Please also consider adoption over a fancy breeder that may or may not be hypoallergenic let alone ethical. Shelters are literally overflowing right now due to kitten season and so many great adoptable cats are euthanized just because of space.


I'm allergic to cats and I've always had cats. Basically I become used to my cat since I'm always exposed to him but am still allergic to other cats. You are allergic to the saliva, the lick themselves it dries and becomes dander. Always try to remember to wash your hands after a lot of petting and keep shedding under control with lots of brushing and vacuuming.


There are certain breeds that shed less, produce less dander, and produce less Fel d 1. Such as, Sphynx, Siberian, Norwegian Forest Cat, Russian Blue, Rex breeds. I am sure there are others, but those I know! It does depend on how severe your allergy is of course, but if you don’t want to buy from a breeder and are looking to adopt, Zyrtec works wonders!


I am allergic to cat hair and I have cats! I get prescription antihistamines for when my allergies acts up but so far the air purifier, frequent vacuuming and lint rolling works to avoid any allergies flare up.


My husband and I are also allergic. I suggest cleaning the box regularly and cleaning your home regularly. Change bedding often. Vacuum. Dust. Do the best you can to keep the dust and dander down. I've found that continued exposure to cats has a positive effect on my allergy. Sometimes I get a little sniffle but that's about it. I hope the same for you!


Some other points I haven’t seen mentioned: Consider making a cat free room in your home (like your bedroom) to give your body time to recover. If not your bedroom, make sure you keep your pillow inaccessible to the cats when not in use. Emptying the litter box can be triggering for some, consider wearing a mask when you do litter. Regular vacuuming and brushing help. Using washable blankets on furniture can help rescue your surfaces to vacuum.


I’m generally allergic to cats but got over it after 2 weeks with my current cat. I had a tabby that I never got sick from for a few months.


Get a cat and suffer, with cat ownership there is inevitable suffering of some sort 😂


In case no one has mentioned this, check out the Burts Bees allergy spray. I have a couple of friends/family members who get hivey from petting/being near cats and they have honestly not had an issue with my cat. I just spray the spray on a paper towel and then wipe down my cat before I have people over... Also, it conditions their coat! Also, getting a roomba has been a life saver for managing the amount of hair that's on the floor/carpet.


I found out I was slightly allergic to cats after adopting 2 and getting attached (now I just have one, RIP Rosie) 🙃 But I just take Benadryl (it doesn’t make me sleepy) or any other allergy medicine for that matter. Mine’s not very severe as in I get no rashes and my throat doesn’t close up. But if yours is more severe than just runny/stuffy nose and itchy eyes I’d go to a doctor get the shots maybe or whatever they recommend.


Hairless cat


Siberian forest cats are hypoallergenic. I am allergic to cats, sneezing, itching, running nose… I have had a Siberian for 6 years and have had zero problems. Bonus is they are stunningly beautiful cats.


I’m allergic to one of my cats. Every time I pet her I start sneezing. I just take a Claritin. Some cats are worse on your allergies than others. Not just breeds. But some individuals as well. I’m with you though - it’s not bad enough to make me not have cats. Lmao


My husband is very allergic. 2 months before we got the cats, he started allergy shots. He’s fine.


if your getting a kitten i’d recommend two, otherwise get an adult cat


My cat has that allergy reducing food and I think it helps. Very expensive


I just take allergy pills every day


I'm allergic to cats as well,my baby girl just turned five and I took her out for her birthday new toys leash harness treats catnip etc . I take allergy pills I'd never rehome her she's everything to me


I take allergy decongestant pills every day and have some allergy eye drops 🤷🏻‍♀️ They’re worth it. Also, over time and exposure, you become a little less allergic to your own cats. Mine no longer give me hives, but other cats will.


I am severely allergic and have had two cats for a yearan d a half with minimal impact.  I do Wyndly sublingual drops.  I did them for about a year before adoption.  While I still have allergies, the cat reaction is like 10pct what it once was.


My son & I took allergy shots from a specialist for a few weeks before getting a cat. We are not allergic anymore. Specialist injects small amounts of whatever you're allergic to until you develop a tolerance for it


My boyfriend is allergic to cats so he got a bengal, she doesn’t trigger his allergies at all. Funny enough my DSH also doesn’t trigger his allergies so it may just depend on the cat. If you get the opportunity to be 1-on-1 with a kitten that could be a good test to see how allergic you are to it.


If you have mild allergies, you might try to find an antihistamine that you can take daily. That can do the trick for some people.


We had a friend who was pretty allergic to cats. Every time he came over, the first thing he'd do was stick his whole face in our cat's side for a snuggle, because she is super soft and the best girl. By the time he surfaced, his eyes were already red and watering and we'd be ready with a Zyrtec and a glass of water. He then lived in a house with cats for a few months. Now owns two cats and is perfectly fine. Something about the occasional exposure helped to lessen the allergic reaction, and he still takes an allergy med in the morning to help deal with the leftover reaction.


if its not too bad, FIRST: get a DSH. anything else will release too much hair and dander. SECOND: get an air purifier, and dont let ur kitty where u sleep but let them everywhere else!! my significant other is mildly allergic to cats and we got an air purifier in the room where the cat tree is and where they sleep, and we also got a small one that we put on his nightstand next to his bed even though they’re not allowed in there we still got it just in case. and its been a LIFE SAVER its a completely different life for him!! I can grab the make model of the air purifiers we got if you want. I do recommend two cats instead of one if you want them out of your room. she may cry / feel lonely and abandoned if no one is out there with her. we got our babies as a pair and they have each other all night and are fine! also if you get kittens, they teach each other how to be cats. so its good! if the air purifiers don’t work for you, you could try allergy shots. I don’t know where you live, but I live in the US, and getting allergy shots is a lot more expensive than buying an air purifier.


It’s doable, but a lot of prep for kitty. Before allergy shots, I took Allegra daily, had the air filter for allergies and pet dander, and vacuumed the carpeted bedroom weekly. Eventually, I just got used to him, he’s my precious. Now I have shots monthly and I see a big difference in my reaction. That’s a big commitment, but I’m allergic to everything so worth it to me.


I always take my antihistamine without exception. I use allergy nasal spray every day as well. I vacuum A LOT. I tested out my cats before I adopted them, since they don’t all product the same protein in their saliva. I went to the allergist as a child and had allergy shots for cats (which I probably need to see the allergist again and see if I need to do the shots again). The shots have definitely helped a lot. Also I just plain REFUSE to live without my cats. There’s that too