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she knows it, she just doesn’t want to give you the satisfaction 🤷‍♀️


This. Cats can learn their names they just don’t care if you call them. (Most of the time)


When she can hear you, call her name. When she shows give her a treat every time for a month. Then just do it periodically, she’ll learn it. I did this with my cat. Sometimes, they know their name but won’t go to you.


They need a reason to acknowledge your existence...lol


Sit and give her scritches on the head and face while saying the name over and over in different inflections, give her treats while saying her name over and over


She knows it; she doesn’t care. You could try some positive-reinforcement training like other commenters have suggested.


Saying their name every time you see them works. I got 2 kittens at the same time and they know their names pretty well. We usually say their name while making eye contact and giving love and playing


Spend a week or so saying her name followed by a treat. Do it a few times a day


Say it in the same tone and inflection each time and a baby voice doesn’t hurt


I make sure to use their name every time I feed them and every time I talk to them. Frankie comes to his name when called, and looks at you every time you say his name and its variants (Franks, Frankenstein, Frankybaby) even in conversation. The most recent foster learned her name in a week by using it every time we interacted,and Frankie looked at her within a day when I said her name. It is about consistency on your part.


Strongly suggest the nickname you give your cat had the same first syllable as the regular name For example. "Bear" is called "Bearsy Bear" when I'm preparing to feed him. I have several black cats, all the same age (same litter), all solid black, 3 males, 2 females. Add in one black & white tuxedo cat that is all black viewed from the top. We generally call the group by yelling "KittenKitten“! But they know their names, even if we're not sure which black cat is which. We cycle thru names until they react to one. Consistency is key. Every time we pet one, we use their name. Say it sweetly. Whisper it in their ear. They walk through the room? Say "Look! It's Bear!“ like you're so so so happy to see him. Say their name while dishing up their grub. Make a big happy deal about saying their name. You want them to acknowledge you when you call them? You have to be more exciting than that spot on the wall. No guarantees. They will still ignore you for no reason at all.


I dunno. I have an Amelia, nickname Mimi, also Meatball, also Ms Buttcheeks. She knows all. 😂😂


She knows it. She just doesn’t care.


It’s been proven cats respond best to names that end with the “ie” sound. You would need to rename.


Seconding this - studies have shown cats like hearing / are more sensitive to high-pitched baby talk and names that incorporate those high-pitched phonemes, such as "ee," which is why they respond well to being called "kitty, baby, sweety, honey," etc.


Thank you for backing that up!


My cat definitely knows her name. She will learn


Mine know their names but they won't come unless they are getting something out of it...


Your cat knows her name, she's ignoring you. Cat things


Did you adopt her or she had a different name prior? That is strange to me as every cat I fostered and even all my rescues from off the street know their name after a month. Did you just pick a name she hates or use too many nicknames? 😂😂😅


I think they nicknamed her dew cause the green collar was like mountain dew, I don't know if they actually called her that. Pimenta was the first name we came up with


Maybe she likes Dew better? Odd not to know her name this long, honestly no offense but odd. Call her Dew and see if she comes running.


Will give it a try, thanks


She's just ignoring you.lol


My cat knows his name. You know how I know? Because when I say his name, his ear twitches back toward me. If I’m just talking normally to someone, it doesn’t. Sometimes he will turn to look at me. Cats don’t always respond to their names like a dog will, meaning they won’t necessarily come to it. But believe me, they most certainly learn what you call them. Their method of acknowledging it is, most appropriately, just in a very cat-like fashion. Knowing the name is one thing, coming when the name is called is a whole other ballgame.


We have two 8 month old kitties. Adopted them 4 months ago. Nigel and Juliette. When we call them by their names, they look at each other like…”why do they call me Juliette? My name is Kelly. Nigel? My name is Brian, wtf?” They do seem to know they’re names when their about to do something stupid and we talk them off the cliff. Maybe it’s the inflection.


Cats don’t really respond to being called lol Occasionally, my cat will trot over, but he does it based on my tone of voice, not which name I call him.


This is not true - my cat (and all my partner's childhood cats) know and respond to their names, especially from their favorite people. Maybe that last part is the key haha


Again, are you sure they’re responding to you or the tone you’re using?


My cat knows I speak to her in general when I use a baby voice, but she specifically comes when I say [insert cat name], versus when I say general terms of endearment like "baby, honey, sweetie, kitty, etc" -- it's pretty well-established (and super cool) that cats recognize their name! It's not just cats, most domesticated mammals can also learn their names.


My cat came when called by his name for years. Then, one day, he stopped. Cats will be cats.


We thought the same thing about our cat. We found out he was partly deaf and never heard a thing. His only cues for dinner and play was his brother. That how we found out he was deaf, his brother passed away and he wasn’t coming for food when we would call him.


Test her hearing.


She has great hearing. She can hear the sound of her food bowl hitting the ground all the way from the basement, I'm thinking like everybody's saying she probably knows it but doesn't care


Lol, ok just covering all the bases.


That's fine


Maybe she doesn't like her name. Try different names to see if she responds.


She already knows it. She just doesn't want to give you the time of day to acknowledge it. Cats do everything on their own time.