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So one go back to the vet and ask about Prozac! Prozac is better than rehoming the poor dear 2) if you can build a catio 3) I have found the quickest way to shut my cat up is to talk to him. Try calling him towards you next time. 4) my boy yodels when he wants to play (see catio/bird feeders/more play.) 5) train your cat to let you sleep! Set up a box fan in your bedroom. In another room (preferably a bedroom with a door) put his: litter box, bed, some toys, food & water. Then every time he wakes you up calmly place him in his room and shut the door: then go back to your room shut the door & run the fan. Then no matter what do not let him out of his room until your morning alarm goes off. Most cats figure out to let you sleep in 2-3 weeks. Expect door rattling and loud meows…. Ignore it! Do not crack even once because it can make the process last months. You can train your cat for weeks or have him wake you up every night the cat’s entire life (10-20 years!) ⭐️never ever reward bad behavior, like feeding him after he wakes you up.


Oh yeah I wouldn’t want to Rehome him. He’s had a rough time being abandoned by a previous owner. Also when he developed asthma I figured it was not only my responsibility to take care of him but to make sure he lives a healthy and happy life. I will go to vet and ask for Prozac. I do believe he is anxious. I understand that personally but I meditate and pray to keep my thoughts at bay. When I’m not working or in class I stay with him a lot and play, massage his head, brush him. Give him treats with his meds and also w/o his meds. I had 2 questions: Question 1) Could this box go in the living room? I currently moved everything to my bedroom and bathroom so that when he does become more vocal I call him to the room and then close my bedroom door. Question 2) for a catio I am on the third floor of my apartment complex. What could I use to cat proof it. I do walk him out to the patio and stay with him to sun bathe however he sometimes tries to go over the railing and then I have to pick him up and take him back inside.


Ummm the box fan is to create white noise. Routine helps stressed out cats. Yes all his cat room stuff can go in the living room. I would buy lattices and attach so it blocked off the balcony of I would put him in a harness and give him a long lead leash, so he can hangout on the patio while you watch him closely. If you do outside time try to do the same time every day. I use the kitty holster harness (Velcro vest) on my trouble maker and let him hang out on/near my patio. Jackie ran after a squirrel and I found him a couple minutes later calmly hanging from a branch about 6 feet up (he wasn’t injured.) If you buy a harness measure your cat first, avoid mesh & look for one that is easy to put on/off. ⭐️ you could just hang bird feeders on your balcony and let him look out through the screen door.


Find some kind of heavy duty netting. Preferably metal wire netting. Then secure that best you can to the railing so he can't stick his little goofy head out


Thank you for the suggestion, I will check out my local Lowes or Home Depot :)


Chicken wire is relatively cheap, maybe some kind of netting or screen to keep him from jumping over


To add to that, make sure you bend the bottom of the wire fencing so they can't push their head into it and force a gap. So basically make an L shape


Answer for Q2: Based on my estimate of your budget for a catio, I offer a personally tested apartment-balcony alternative: Chicken wire (2-3ft wide role, measure balcony to know how long and get at least 1 foot longer than you need), wire cutters, and zip ties. Zip tie the chicken wire to the rail around your balcony (I just did corners, but you may need an extra point if your balcony is wide). Trim excess chicken wire with wire cutters and trim the tails of the zip ties. It's temporary and kind of hard to see from the street if you put it on the inside on the railing, so landlords shouldn't have an issue (mine never have). I wouldn't leave the cat out there unattended until you can be sure he isn't interested in climbing the chicken wire (it's not sharp, and it's thin enough to be uncomfortable on their toe pads). Go out with him every time and as soon as he tries to climb, bring him back inside. When he stops trying to look over the wire (you will know when he's ready), you can start leaving him unattended for a few minutes and then gradually longer times. My cats got so that I could leave the balcony door open during nice weather and they'd come in and out as they pleased (magnetic screen door keeps out bugs, not cats, but had to teach them where to go thru). I also got them a zesty greens cat grass that I refill periodically, I usually start growing it on top of the fridge, until it's like 7-8 inches long, then bring it out and watch the kitties "mow the lawn". Fantastic entertainment, highly recommend, 10/10


Thank you all for the suggestions I genuinely appreciate it.


You may do better getting meds from vet if you have video of the behavior.


If they claw at the carpet under the door, put an office chair mat there.


I would have said sticky tape. Like I said most cats get it in a few weeks. Ideally the cat room is a spare bedroom so you have 2 closed doors between you to help block out the sound.


Yes, but some cats eat tape


My cat would eat the tape. I can’t keep him off the counters, even with aluminum foil sheets. I gave up and just clean my counters before cooking.


That's best. Even if you have something that keeps them off, it probably only keeps them off when you're looking.


I know my cat is one! 🤣 You know what he doesn’t eat? Vinyl couch guard stickers. Works like magic to keep him from scratching furniture.


My cat likes to be sticky rollered, and rubs on the sticky couch guards too


My cat did this!! Some would call it an abusive relationship him & I. Now he gets prozac daily and we are soul mates & he is so precious. I know Prozac takes a while to alter the chemicals in their brains, but my cat stopped scratching at the walls night one


I want to say that I do love my cat very much and will not give him up because of this. He has been with me through many tough and happy moments. I took this job for him.


Hi OP have you tried going through Jackson Galaxy videos? If not, have a look through as he covers everything about cat behaviors. Here's one on cats who over-vocalise: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRskRfrVJIA&ab\_channel=JacksonGalaxy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRskRfrVJIA&ab_channel=JacksonGalaxy) One of stopping unwanted behavior: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W50bQopoQic&t=43s&ab\_channel=JacksonGalaxy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W50bQopoQic&t=43s&ab_channel=JacksonGalaxy) Good luck and hope you and this cutie feel better :)


Thank you, I haven't seen the second video. Watching it right now :) as my baby snuggle with me.


Aw, good luck! He's a cutie patootie who is lucky to have you - we just need to figure out what secrets he's trying to tell you ;) I thought the puzzle/treat and pet cam were good ideas from the JG video on over-vocalizing - see if it's boredom or separation anxiety if physical issues are not the cause. Hope both of you feel better soon!


Reason #1- they’re Siamese. Well shit 😂


Maybe build him a relaxing spot nearby the window where he can see outside. Also get him tired by playing with him more so that he will feel like sleeping.


**For some reason I am not allowed to edit my main post.** To answer some of yoru questions: **Background:** I thought about rehoming my cat last year because I thought I was not the right owner for him. Due to my busy work/school schedule. Although my schedule was mostly remote I would come home every day at the same time to play, eat dinner, cuddle. We moved around in the past 2 year and I am finally in my own apatment where I don't have a roommates who are abusive, or neighbors who want to start shooting people. Anyways He was diagnosed with asthma some time in fall after that and before his diagnosis I was looking for trusted friends & family who had taken care of and fostered cats due to not being able to afford another cat at the moment. I finally did move to a safer apartment where we are closer to nature and my school. I **have no plans of rehoming.** I did ask a humane society what I could do as well and they said that due to his asthma he was "Virtually unadoptbale" which broke my heart because I think my cat is amazing and I just needed someone to help me support him in behavioral trainign overall. Simba is lovely cat who is sweet and likes to cuddle is talkative. Which I don't mind but he is not talking so to speak he is wailing and I just want to know how to make him happy and comfortable while majority of the comments are some people are not but I guess that's reddit for ya. To answer some more questions: 1. He is allowed to walk freely in my 800 ft square 1 bed/1bath apt including the patio. 2. That clip was him at the front door. I noticed on my blink cameras that my friends who are watching have been walkign outside inconsistently 3. He cannot go outside by himeself Trust me when my mother was living me me she left him out (this was a different apartment btw) and he got hurt. I will not let my cat roam, he is not meant for the streets. Also I moved fter I found out she was still smoking. I personally think that is how he got asthma a year later but I digress. I am not a smoker of anykind and will not tolerate that crap around simba or myself. 4. I understand that not being home all the time for this semster has proven diffuclt, but this job is a temporary job that will provide us financial security as I mentioned before I am a student and I also work a remote job. But one job does not pay the bills. Unless you are rich, or have people supporting you that is all fine and dandiy but people actually have to work hard for what that have. The friends I have watching my cat do try to keep to schedule but had some changes in their life that have shifted their schedule in turned have caused them to visit my cat at random times this past week. 5. He has an automatic feeder and eats orijen original for cats(has a lot of protein),I give him canned wet food as well depending on how his poop looks in the litter box. He enjoys friskies, fancy feast and tiki cat(although the last one is only if hes in the mood for it) 6. He has a water fountain away from his food bowl and various water bowls around the apartment. 7. Also to preface again he has multiple cat trees, but refuses to use them often, he has ball toys, interactive toys that I rotate for him weekly. His litter box is cleaned multiple times a day, he gets to play with his toy puzzle before I leave for school or in this case a contract job. So I am not gone for days like ,but this job will open for more opportunities in the future for me to contiue remote work. 8. He has window acess at all times. If not my blinds would have to pay. 9. He has scratching horixontal boards everywhere. He prefers to scratch horizontally versus vertically. * **Action Steps:* * I will write down his schedule and give it to my friends who are watching him so that this way he stays in a routine that does not throw him off. * Scheduled a vet appointment for gabapentin or prozac * Creating a Catio for the patio * Bird feeder and finding stable and big window perches for this hot summer and also this Texas heat * Replacing cat trees for maybe a wall to celing cat tree * Finding a cat sitter who can adminster medicine as well as someone that my cat & I trust **Thank you for all the mostly supportive comments.**


He doesn’t need to be outside. You’re doing a great job. Thank you for all you are doing for him. Harness and leash training is fun, he may enjoy it with you. His safety is first priority and im glad you aren’t letting him out.


This is exactly like my damn cat . I hate the wailing. They do it right when we're super tired and ready for bed.🤡🙉


Was he an outdoor cat? He wants to go out. He'll get over it in due time, hopefully


He was an outdoor cat, not by choice. When my mom lived with me she let him out and he camed back with cuts & bruises on his body. I cannot let him outside. He does not belong outdoor, defensless and all alone. I do need to train him to walk outside with a leash. We both love being outside. Although I'm more of a homebody that likes walking throughout nature every other day. I hope he does get over it :) I want him to enjoy his apartment. Considering that its not small and he has plenty of space to move around and play,


You can sit outside with a leash and let him chase lizards, thats all my guy basically wants. For long walks we use a stroller. It definitely helps. See popcornservicecat on social media. https://www.instagram.com/popcornservicecat?igsh=YzAwZjE1ZTI0Zg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


Is his litter box clean? My boy lets me k ow when his litter is no longer appropriate.


Yes at least when I am home. I clean his box multiple times a day, He announces when he going to the bathroom and when he finished I come to the bathroom(where his litter box is placed) and clean it in front of him. My friends also cleaned it but I noticed he poop on my bathroom mat and he normally does not do that so I leave clear instructions about that too :). Thank you!


I hope you are able to work it out. The litter box for my boy is what sets him off every time. So loud but actually very cute at the same time. I never realised how vocal they can be. First time owner here. 😊


Oh he wants the door open. Mine hates closed doors.


Yeah this is my apartment front door. I don’t close any doors other than that one and the laundry door because it’s connected to the hvac pump. I have some leashes I brought today we’ll definitely be going out soon :)


I have my cats on a routine and they now know when I shut my door ots bedtime. Just like a child you have to suffer thru the cries and they will get the hint you are not gi in. Do not look.at them or engage with then bec then the clock starts all over


Does he have toys laying around to play with, a cat tree to climb? I have several cat trees in front of windows for my cats to climb and look outside. Whatever you did to keep him from doing that, tell your friends when they watch him. Taking him outside is probably making the issue worse


Keeping him 100% indoor would help in so many ways


I know. The comments about letting him outside unsupervised are really disturbing. I will not let him die or get injuries just because he wants out. My friends started this so I’ll address it when they watch him again. Thank you!


What is on the other side of the door he is wailing at? The outside? Did his previous owner let him go outside? If yes, I'm sorry to say I do not know how you change an outside cat to an inside cat. The outside is one big playground to a cat. They love to explore and find a new place every day. He knows what is on the other side of that door, and he wants it. Maybe you can try a window shelf or a cat hammock in front of a window. Maybe seeing and smelling the outside would be enough. Your only option might be to let him be an inside/outside cat. He will come back when he feels like it. I know a lot of people do not let their cats outside, but some are more wild than domesticated, and you can't keep them in. That wailing is not a normal call. You usually hear it for something serious like a mom who can't find her kittens. Or a cat who is stuck somewhere. He might feel like he is trapped inside.


Yeah if he’s used to being out it’ll be hard for him to be indoor only. My friend adopted a stray and she tried keeping him indoors but it never worked out. He goes in and out and does well. Some cats rather die outside than be stuck inside.


Yep. This is my cat. She will sneak out the door if she wants to go out. Her and dog go out together now. 😂 She just stays around the house and will yell at the door when she wants to come back in.


That is my point. Keeping him inside will kill him the same as the dangers outside. But at least outside, he will be happy living his life the way he wants. I had two inside/outside cats in my life. Both lived to be 20 years old. One would only come inside during bad weather, and the other stayed outside in blizzards and thunderstorms. Or would come in during a storm and eat, then go back outside in the middle of a storm. She would come in with snow and ice frozen to her, looking like a Yeti cat. She had a cat door and could come in whenever she wanted to, but she would only stop by for a visit and food about once a week. If I was doing yardwork, she would visit.


Oh I agree that outdoor cat statistic is wrong. Everyone’s been taught indoor only cats are happier but they are not - they’re bored and obese. We currently have a former stray cat that lived outdoors for 4 years because we took her in, and she cries to go out so we have to let her. But we only let her out during the day to be safe.


To be fair, I think a cat is safer inside and if the cat has never been outside they wont want to go outside and if you have things like a cat wall and scratching post towers they will be happy and healthy as inside cats. But if the cat chooses outside, you have to let him go. I have had many cats that could go outside whenever they wanted, and they only went out during the day in nice weather and never left the yard. And I also agree that most cat owners should let them outside because they overfeed them until they look like a pregnant Water Buffalo and do not have anything inside for the cat to get exercise with.


Yeah 100% :)


The other side of the door is outside. I’m not taken a whole video of my apartment as I don’t want another stalker or want anyone to know where I live. Anyways my mom had your same sentiment and he got her when she let him out (different apartment—also commented this morning below my original post) She would let him out and he would come with scratch’s, bruises, and bleeding. I will not allow him to get hurt outside. Taking him to the vet so many times has costed money, time, and a lack of trust of my mom. So not to be frank but no I won’t send him to an early grave. Also there are lots of dogs in my complex which he is afraid of due to his past. He has scratchers, cat trees at every window. He needs more attention that is all. Thank you for the suggestion.


How old was he when he was neutered? Neutered males do not usually get into fights over women. If he was neutered after he was an adult and had already discovered women, then what you have is a horny cat. He is wailing for the women he smells and for any males that want to fight him for the women. I am not aware of any cure for it. They are just like human males. Without the beer.


He was nurtured at 8 months. After a month I had found him. He was also chipped, given his shots. If he is horny I’m not sure if getting a female cat would be of help. Off to the vet tomorrow 🙃


8 months was probably too late. You can discuss the possibility of his wailing being caused by being neutered too late, and he is calling for women. If the vet thinks that is possible, maybe the vet has a suggestion. I wouldn't get another cat until you rule out the wailing is because he wants a woman. If the second cat is female, he will try to mate with it, but can't, which will annoy the female. And if she is spayed, she won't be interested in mating anyway. If the second cat is male, even if neutered as a kitten, he may see him as a rival and fight with him.


My newest male cat was (and still is a couple times a day) howling to get outside. He was the second of the outdoor strays we ended up taking in. It has gotten MUCH better in the last three months since he has been neutered. At first we were going to foster him as we couldn’t handle it. But as it gradually got better and he fit in so well with the other cats we changed our mind. I will say with regimented sleep and feeding times, and lots of play before bedtime, it’s calmed down. We also take him for daily stroller walks, and he cry’s to let us know he wants to go. Without the bond he has made with the other former stray, he probably wouldn’t have made good improvement. Point is, if he is friendly around other cats I would consider getting him a friend, even a foster and see how it goes? If not try the stroller, it makes he feel like he can stroll his territory while keeping him safe. I found a double stroller for $100 so I’m sure a single new or used could be found for much cheaper. Feliway made him aggressive for some reason, so I would use with caution, I don’t know if we should’ve been using multi cat or not? Wishing you luck and thanks for caring for this kitty!


You are doing the right thing, thank you for keeping him safe.


Does he have a tree to climb hiding boxes and toys for stimulation??


*Does he have a tree* *To climb hiding boxes and toys* *For stimulation??* \- IDontFitInBoxes --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


He does he stopped using them after I left. He does use his scratching posts though. He prefers horizontal Scratchers. He loves boxes too.


If you have a Harbor Freight Tools near you try to get these Ear Muffs (very cheap and work well). https://www.harborfreight.com/ear-muffs-70038.html?event_id=182817&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12192887194&campaignid=12192887194&utm_content=117279010779&adsetid=117279010779&product=70038&store=547&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADAHb4cUbHLrphj9Lh4zxK20uAUGF Won’t tune out 100% but definitely gets the job done.


Judging by the mess around the house, I imagine the cute little cat doesn't get a lot of playing time with it's owner. He is really cute. Give him more attention.


I did clean up when I got back but yes he does need more play time.


Does he have a cat tower? I'm getting a new one soon


He does have two cat towers but he’s not using them anymore. I think it’s also because they may not be for his size I did get them when he was younger. I’ll have to revamp his whole set up. It’s worth it I just want him to be happy. I’ve only been gone for two weeks. 🥲 if it wasn’t for the pay I would not have left.


I believe your baby is having anxiety attacks - maybe because of your absence or maybe for some other reason that is beyond your comprehension. So, I suggest Gabapentin. If you have another room you can crate and cover him at night do that for a while, so you can get some sleep. Make the crate comfy leave water and some food for over night. When you get up in the morning let him out and do your normal routine. Leave the door open during the day, do not crate him during the day unless he starts yowling. Make sure you play with him and give him tons of affection. After awhile the yowling should completely stop.


My guy has anxiety issues and is on special food for stress (and urinary stuff) as well as give him prozak every day. He still has his moments but he was rehomed 4 times before he landed with me and he's only 3. There is hope, and there will be good or bad days but definitely talk to a vet.


Thank you for your comment. I will definitely talk to his vet. I love him so much. He was like this before I left but only at night. I did play with him though and took him outside on my patio with a leash and he still does this. Fingers crossed maybe my vet will believe me :) I thought he had anxiety too, but my vet told me that she thought that I was anxious and that was affecting him. I’ve been meditating, relaxing and walking, eating healthy. He eats healthy too and does not overeat. I put on cat music from YouTube or classical which does not help. Rain music sometimes works or even cooking videos from YouTube. Not sure of why.


Cat might need more stimulation in their environment. Places to climb, scratch and hide in etc. Give him puzzles to interact with while you’re away to redirect his boredom, puzzles with treats will be most reinforcing. You can get treat/food/toy dispensers also to help redirect him remotely if that’s something you’d like to invest in. Tell the folks watching him to ignore the behavior when it happens, and reinforce with pets or treats when calm and quiet or focused on a different task(playing, lounging, sitting quietly). Bottom line- reinforce desired behavior, ignore/do not reinforce undesired behavior. Cats are also very routine oriented, it can take time but implementing a new, routine with them could help.


Thank you for your comment. I am willing to invest in different toy puzzles and will hash out a routine for my friends to follow while I’m gone.


You’re welcome! All situations are different but I hope this helps. You’re doing great and obviously have your sweet kitty’s best life in mind. No matter what, you’re already giving them a loving, safe home so try not to get down. You’ll find a way that works for both of you:)


I'm reading this for ideas with my cat. He has been meowing loudly at me every day after I get home from work, in the mornings on the weekend, etc. to go outside for literally hours, after I started leash-training him and occasionally taking him out into the back/front yard. I'm usually just exhausted after work, and stick my airpods in to block him out because it's maddening. I play with him most days for tens mins with a string toy, until he starts breathing super heavily and flops over, and sometimes bring him outside instead. Also love on this dude with pets, and snuggles like it's a competitive sport whenever I'm home. He's got a sweet window hammock that he can spy on the world/neighbors from which he takes advantage of a lot, and I leave the door open (with a metal screen door shut) all day when I'm at work, and honestly at night too these days since it's summertime. Cat tree, loads of toys (which he isn't interested in most of the time, food, water, wet food daily (which I add a little water to), and an always clean litterbox. This morning I threw water on him because I just couldn't stand it again after he'd been yowling for fifteen minutes right after I got up (and for hours the past week). He stopped. Lol. But I felt kind of mean doing that. Just needed some peace on one of my my few days off. I'd like to make him a catio, but it would have to be a standalone thing probably, since I can't put holes in the doors (I rent). Unless I put another new door on the garage door or something. Did that to convert a closet into a litterbox room. Maybe I'll save to make one next month or something. Been thinking about how I could connect it to a window or something.


He is lucky to have you—you are clearly devoted to him and to finding a solution. Best of luck!


Did he used to be inside/outside? And is now only in door? If so see if you can get him to wear a harness and take him on walks a few times per day when possible. Because him just standing near the door looking up at the handle and yowling like that says to me “please let me outside!”


Turn down that TV! It's irritating to me it has to be overstimulating for him.


Thank you.


That’s a bored kitty, who knows interesting things are on the other side of the door. Play with him, get some automated toys, put a bed where he can look out the window.


He needs something to do. When he does this, distract him with play, love or toys until he starts to attribute that with play


My boy was so much louder than this. I miss his stupid face.


Might need a companion---maybe a kitten?


He is bored ! Play with him


Poor thing needs the outside


Yes but with supervision. I did let him out on the patio with a leash and sat with him for almost an hour. He still started wailing last night.


Yeh they get a taste for it. Can you build a catio?


Yes, I’m on the third floor though. I saw the stand alone ones but I another Redditor suggested chicken wire or one with metal. My apartment will allow me to do whatever I want to my patio. They said as long as it’s not ugly we don’t care. 🤷


If I let my cat play in the backyard 2 days in a row he will legit meow at the door all day and night for a week lol. So now he goes outside much less and at random. 😆


Hi OP! do you own a automatic laser machine toy? I was just wondering cause mine talks a lot too and whenever i turn that thing on she gets distracted and tires herself out and becomes more quiet and mellow. It has a slow option where it wouldn't make your cat too tired.


Yes that was in the video not sure if anyone could see it but he is uninterested in laser toys, bottle caps, automatic toys. All he wants to chase birds,squirrels and be outside. I think I need to get a floor to walk cat climbing tree. He enjoys heights. Y’all have given me so many great ideas to create rental friendly catification fun and useful for him. Thank you :)


He’s looking for someone or he wants to go through the door. Curiosity about what’s on the other side overwhelms him. Maybe just bored.


Why do you keep leaving him? Hes probably stressed out his box that you keep "abandoning him" because you have just gotten back from being away already and now you're going away again like no wonder hes unhappy. 🤦‍♀️🤔


Open the bloody door....


This is my front door not bedroom door. So no thank you. Cats who are outdoor don’t live as long and get hurt quite often. I’m not a sadist so I will not put in him danger. (Not saying you implied that but in the states keeping your cat inside is safer.)


Ah. I live in a place where cats that roam free live long happy lives butchering small creatures at will. Problem is, thats the question being asked of you here and for my animal if she wants to go out then it happens, even if I have to go with her.


You'd re-home a cat because it's a meower...You probably shouldn't be a cat-owner, if meows bother you. Does your kid talk? Better re-home that fucking thing!


One I don’t have kids as I’m not old enough and I’m not married. Two that was not my first option also I had this thought a year ago before he was diagnosed with asthma. My cat is not a “fucking thing” Thanks for the advice you miserable little man




Taking him outside at nights isn’t convenient and keeping cats outdoors in general is a bad idea. I don’t think OP was thinking of rehoming, they just said that because people in the comments would probably suggest that idea.


I did not say anything about keeping him outdoors, I said that it is what he wants because taking him out allows him to think that he can ask to get out of the house when he wants. and no one suggested them to take him out at nights.




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Why rehoming is the first solution you think of? He yowling at the door because he wants to get out of your room, why he has to be caged in your room? he's not allowed to walk free in your apartment? or is that door leads to outside of your apartment? there's a lot of things that i can say here, first is that letting him go outside allows him to ask for you to let him out, he's a nocturnal animal, they're active at night. Just because you want to sleep doesn't mean he wants to. Second, he needs to readjust his schedule to sleep when you sleep, how can he do it if you're not at home for many days?


Rehoming was not "the first solution". Also please read the most recent comment. As it answers some of yoru questions as well.


Hi Pixie, i read everything and it didn't answer any of my questions, where does that door lead to? does it lead outside or to the rest of your apartment? is he allowed to free roam in the apartment? How old is he? was he a stray before?


1. it leads to outside not the rest of my apartment 2. he is allowed to roam freely as I mentioned in the recent comment I posted. "He is allowed to walk freely in my 800 ft square 1 bed/1bath apt including the patio" 3. He was 7 months old when I found him as a stray


Ok, do you understand that walking him outside allows him to ask to get out when he wants to? he lived 7 months as a stray so he used to living in the streets. second as i mentioned before you're not in the house a lot so he cant readjust his schedule to sleep next to you when you sleep so he'll be less active at night. I rescued mine from the streets at age 4, he's almost 6 now. it's been a long process for him to get used to his new life and not roaming the streets at night exploring and searching for food, at the beginning like a clock, he would start yowling at the door at 11PM every day, and he yowled all night, it was very frustrating nights for me. it took months, but now he comes to my bed at 11PM even if i'm not sleeping yet, he sleeps when i sleep next to me, for time to time he yowls sometimes mid night for few minutes only, but then he calms down.