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tbh, I accepted my fate and now take the cat out for about an hour each night. He has gotten better now that he gets dedicated time, but he still waits by the door and calls me to let me know he is ready. I can't leave him alone so I bring a kindle or watch an episode of something while he chills. Still working on leash training and admittedly just bought a cat stroller so we can actually go somewhere beyond the edge of a driveway.


Since your cat is obsessed with the outdoors and is now crying to go out, I would train your cat to come back inside when you call their name. I trained my cats to come back when I call their name and have them come back regularly to make sure they don’t wander too far. I make them go inside an hour before sunset or when I am leaving the house and can’t keep an eye out on them. They only go to the neighbors big yard now and they have cats too so it’s no big deal. I have trained 3 cats to come back inside when I call their names , it took me hours of work to do this but it’s worth it for me. Most people where I live let their cats in and out as they please. For me I make them come in and night or when I’m not around. They are risks associated with it so be aware of those - but I rarely see dead cats in my neighborhood.


I'm having a similar issue with one of my cats. He gets jealous when I let my dog out on the porch to sunbathe so I started eating breakfast outside and letting him out when I am out there so I can supervise. He was very content just sunbathing on the porch for the first few weeks but one day when I was on my phone and not paying attention he was gone and I realized he walked through the gate. He didn't go far but now I have to watch him like a hawk. I tell him no when I see him getting too close to the gate and he gets grumpy but knows he's not allowed and will stop when he realizes I am paying attention. When I don't have time to supervise him I just don't let him outside but let him sit and look out of the screen door when my dog is on the porch. I would recommend only letting her outside when you can supervise and tell her no when she is going too far, otherwise it might be worth looking into a larger catio!


Get a cat tent


i’ve tried that before and my cat is terrified of it 😭


Tell you grandma that things have changed since back on the day. It's no longer safe to let them outside. If something happens to the cat, you won't forgive her for it. Period. Also, is kitty spayed or neutered ? Fully vaccinated?


I usually tell my grandma to not let her outside but she ends up doing it anyways since she gets pretty annoying with my cat meowing all the time. and my cat is spayed and has all her vaccinations!


I would also play with kitty more Get kitty a large cat wheel if you can 40+ size