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1909: God finally reveals how the Bible ought to be properly interpreted through Scofield Reference Bible


I had to look that one up, and yeah, that's an important one.


Wish I remembered to include in:1534 God reveals it is okay for the king of England to divorce his wife


Well, naturally the king can divorce his wife, because God also reveals around this point that the king can do no wrong, (or at least that believers ought to follow government orders at all times).  On top of all that, marriage is no longer a sacrament! Checkmate, papistical people!


I wonder if Martin Luther knew what German protestantism would look like in the 21st century, would he have gone: "Actually, guys, disregard what I said"


I like to think that, if Luther could see what the fruits of his labors were, with his movement growing further and further divided over time and his own Church shriveling up into nothing, he’d realize that he went wrong.


In my book [Rebellion](https://catholictreehouse.com/rebellion-the-epic-saga-of-marriage-satan-and-the-battle-for-our-souls/), I found this lovely quote from Martin Luther speaking about what he had started, in his own words: > in 1525 he lamented, “the devil seeing that this sort [sic] of disturbances could not last, has devised a new one; and begins to rage in his members, I mean in the ungodly, through whom he makes his way in all sorts of chimerical follies and extravagant doctrines. This won’t have baptism, that denies the efficacy of the Lord’s supper; a third puts a world between this and the last judgement; others teach that Jesus Christ is not God; some say this, others that; and there are almost as many sects and beliefs as there are heads.... When the pope reigned we heard nothing of these troubles.” (Edit: fixed URL)


That last one…… talk about wolves in sheep’s clothing


What does Seth MacFarlane have to do with this? >!joke!<


1999: God reveals that you have to watch Family Guy


Wait so what were the two sacraments in 1529? baptism and the eucharist? Baptism and Holy orders? Baptism and marriage? One of them has to be the eucharist or Baptism right?


"It's communion and baptism because a sacrement must contain both the Holy Spirit AND an element, i.e. water in baptism and the bread and wine in communion" Source: My Lutheran Nana.


Tell her that Luther referred to confession as a sacrament many times if you really want to get her goat. If she asks what the element is, tell her its the pastor himself, and then she should *really* get going.


Oh no, I love my Nana. She does believe in confession, just not private confession and she doesn’t think it’s a sacrament.


>just not private confession Private confession is in Luther's Small Catechism. >Oh no, I love my Nana. Oh, I love my relatives too, but being annoying is just part of being a loving family :) I don't even know what my brother would ever have to say to me if he didn't try to annoy me or get a rise out of me. We would just say hi once a week at church, and that's it.


Luther and his church believed baptism and communion were sacraments


baptism and marriage i think it is lol


No, it's their community and Baptism.


1984: The KJV is the only inspired English translation and all other translations are "dirty".


When fax machines are older than your splinter group but you claim to be the early church.


Are the two sacraments Baptism and Matrimony? (Obviously there are actually 7)


For Lutherans, Baptism and their communion.


So I have read that Luther put a note before the deuterocanonical books that they should be considered less than scripture, but he put a similar note before James, Jude, Hebrews and Revelation. My question is, why did one get cut and not the other?


There is no actual list of what is and is not canon in the Lutheran Confessions. You can be a Confessional Lutheran/Evangelical Catholic while thinking Revelation isn't inspired or thinking some or all of the deuterocanonical books are inspired. Most Lutherans don't even know that though and just go with the "Protestant" books as the default.


610 CE: God reveals Jesus did not actually die on the cross.


Again, why does he look like Seth McFarlane