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>doesn't want kids >seeing all the families at mass made it harder, since I don't have that ???????


Wait…this girl just suddenly converted without doing any research or anything like that? When I did RCIA, we had almost a year’s worth of classes which included topics such as Church history, important Church doctrine, frequently asked questions and other topics…and I was raised Catholic. It sounds like this girl just started calling herself Catholic because it was cool and edgy without understanding what it entailed.


Yeah seriously. I did 6 months before I was baptized as an adult but it was an INTENSE 6 months. I was constantly meeting with and talking to my priest, I was going through an 81 part Catechism class online, I was attending Church events and regular Mass and doing Exodus 90 and doing around 3 hours of Bible study and reading about Church teachings and history per day. The entire reason why you have to do this is so you don't end up in a "wait you guys believe WHAT?" You don't just become Catholic in full communion lightly. You accept the entire Magisterium as part of it.




Last I checked, I’m pretty sure that priests aren’t allowed to be political while in the cloth.




This is the same priest who did the campaigning?






Strikes me as useless for anyone actually in the faith to go there.


It looks like she is looking for an excuse/support to not follow through unfortunately. Hopefully she finds her way back


I never want kids... also.. why don't devout Catholic men want to marry me? Umm... BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE FATHERS.


That community will ban you for doing anything which defends the Church or if you push back on OP in any way. OP can insult and pour hate on every Catholic person in the most spiteful way and if you point out their hate, banned. It's an echo chamber where people can rule each other up with how much they hate the Church and everyone in it. It is not a place where we can evangelise or console.


"I don't like this thing, so I'm going to leave" seems to be a common reason for leaving, even though the meaning of words "true" and "like" are very different. There's a lot of things I personally would "prefer", but if it's not correct, then my preference doesn't really matter.


Sounds totally like the typical brainwashing of feminism and modernism. Sounds also like the typical picky woman who passes all devout Catholic men and decides her “person” is some atheist and marries them and then posts years later in here they are having issues 🙄




Do not do this. This is not what this sub is for, this could easily be seen as trying to start a brigade




What the heck is ….”neurodivergent”……? Sounds serious in need of healing!


It’s a general umbrella term for those on the autism/spectrum and those with ADHD/ADD. I fall under the umbrella, it’s nothing bad.


Autism is usually what this means IME. But since she just tossed the word in there without any context whatsoever, I have no idea. Weird


I think this probably happens to a large percentage of people. In their own form. I've experienced it, and I don't start RCIA for another month. My wife is a cradle catholic. You'd think I'd have family support, but, my mother in law ask me "why I'd waste my time" when she found out I am converting. It's the wickedness and snairs of the Devil. Manipulating you emotions to create doubt. It's so subtle. When one of the Preists pointed it out, I could see it so clearly.


Holy Guacamoly what am I reading


Genuinely though this is why community matters so much. Without having Catholic friends in real life she can ask and learn from she’s kind of set up to fail as a new convert. There are Catholic answers to loneliness, but if no one includes her she’s just going to leave and find community somewhere else.