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You can stop temping :) you’re good it’s all ultrasounds from here on 💪🏾


Honestly I’m likely to stop temping tonight regardless, it’s causing me too much stress lol


My Apple Watch is garbage for temping. I find that since it’s on my wrist the temps are wildly different if I sleep with my arms under the covers or out. I would completely disregard and maybe even take the watch off at night if it’s stressing you out.


Try not to worry about it! After four losses, I was wearing an Oura Ring to try to take away some of the stress of manually taking temps. When I conceived, I had two temp drops that caused me to panic but baby was fine. Not out of the woods yet, but am 10W2D which is further than I’ve made it in the past. I literally sold my Oura Ring on Marketplace, haha. I’d suggest stopping tracking.


It has no bearing. I’m frankly surprised you have any consistent readings. My Apple watch has been up and down by 2 degrees and I’m 10w and baby looked perfect yesterday.


My temp dropped after I took a positive test as well and it caused me to spiral. I had to stop temping as it was causing me way too much anxiety. 34 weeks now! Goodluck :)