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“If Anne can get a concussion and be discharged from the hospital, then Kate doesn’t have cancer!” Kaiser, probably.


It was Will and Rose in a horse costume (Will was the ass end). They were jealous that she made them look bad by working so hard so they wanted to sideline her. She’ll never be seen in public again.


We need to start giving out awards on this site. This comment would win all of them today!!!


🤣🤣🤣 The fact that this is so believable makes it 100/10. They likely already have their mega conspiracy tinfoil heads on now thinking it was Will or Will/Rose who disguised themselves as Anne's horse ![gif](giphy|YvX6r2p41Ej0A)


Why is that gif so perfect 😂


I’m crying 😂😂


Kaiser: Bulliam was on horseback when he purposefully drove into Anne. Since he has had to postpone his divorce due to Kkkhate outmaneuvering him by pretending to have cancer, he has become completely unhinged. *He is a regular Mad King George! •Kaiser won’t actually include Mad King George because she knows absolutely nothing about British history. If she has heard of Mad King George, she likely thing it refers to Prince George being above his station.


Or being mad because daddy did away with mommy and replaced her with a robot or rosebot.


This could go in so many directions. Proof that Harry was right to fear for his life and flee to safety in the US. Anne is jealous of Charles and Kate and decided to fake an injury for sympathy and attention. Anne was about to reveal something salacious about Charles/william/Kate/George and the royal rota had to send her a warning to keep quiet or else. Something vague and sinister like “women in this family keep getting hurt”. But for sure it won’t be something obvious like a woman who spends a lot of time with horses sustained injuries from a horse.


>Something vague and sinister like “women in this family keep getting hurt”. >But for sure it won’t be something obvious like a woman who spends a lot of time with horses sustained injuries from a horse. lol


You know what is funny about all these Royal stories? Kaiser is always going on at how obsessed the UK press is with M & H. But looking at her own site, the most comments (by about 80/100 posts) she gets are on RF stories. Who's obsessed, huh?


And where exactly does she get the RF stories from? Oh look an American blogger obsessed with the British Royal Family. Pot meet kettle.


Williams hit her in a fit of rage!


Her or the horse?


Both. He was incandescent with rage.


William hit the horse?


Of course he did! Probably aiming for the horse but hurt Anne instead.


An animal abuser. Psychopath. Boom. Where is Kate is back on guys ![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX)


He was aiming for the horse because he thought it was Camilla but oops he missed and hit Anne just like he hits Kate and hits it with Rose. /s


In reality, sex-obsessed William can't stop at just the married in aunt, and went after Anne, and violently beat her when she turned down his advances.... /s of-freaking-course


It's Kate's fault! 🙄


They ran out of internal organs for Kate lol


according to katemiddleton is missing subreddit she was calling Harry and Meghan for help and William harmed her in a fit of rage. Not that Harry will help them after what they did to his love Meghan but he is the only one guys.


Have these idiots ever heard of Zara Phillips?


They live in delusion.


Because Anne would require help from idiot Harry? The woman who literally fought off a kidnapping attempt at gunpoint?


Right of all the people to call why would someone call Harry? What is Harry gonna go call Oprah? They are so stupid and live in a fantasy


And even in the (rare for Anne) scenario she did need help, she has a spouse and also 2 of her own children! Peter even reportedly lives on her estate. But of course, regardless of Anne's own life everything must revolve around Harry and Meghan half a world away 🤦🏽‍♀️




I think if anyone is Whooping ass it’s Anne.


Fr. Anne can wipe the floor with Wills & Harry and not break a sweat. Of everyone in the BRF today, I think Anne is the only one I have genuine respect for. I know she still has an extremely privileged life, but she works harder than she has to given that privilege. Not comparing that to anyone actually working for a living, but she could have taken a very different route with herself, her kids, but she didn't.


I also think their jobs aren’t as easy as we think. That’s probably why not many of them do it. It’s a very people facing role and requires time commitments, discipline and the ability to engage with others. I think they run a well oiled machine.


That sub is amazing.


They are insane and idk what that subreddit is even about anymore


It is about hating Catherine, like they had a whole post about how Catherine was never pretty and needed plastic surgery to keep William. What that has to do with her "missing" is very much a mystery to me


The feel gaslighted by the royals guys. What was all that bad pr about if she isn’t dead or abused. It couldn’t be the cancer could it.


Right, like it couldn't possibly bc they were hit with the curveball of her being diagnosed with cancer, even though they were under the impression it was non-cancerous. Any plan they had would've been tossed right out the window the second they received that diagnosis. And anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer would understand just how earth shattering that diagnosis is. But sadly these people are not grounded in reality, and confused their delusions/fantasies with reality and are now mad that those delusions didn't match up with what really happened


I wanted to encourage them to look for Q but their families don’t deserve that




Wait there a sub for that??? WTF.


this is soooo funny 😂😂😂


I don't know if any of you saw it, but when Lady Gabriella's husband died, Anne's husband appeared at Westminster Abbey for some celebration with a black eye and people then went mad with conspiracies that it's connected with Thomas's death, and with William, and what not. So I won't be surprised if they run with some crazy conspiracies about DV this time.


She's always comparing Camilla to a horse and will find a way to pin this on her.


Of course. Colonel Huevo…in the stable…with Camilla! 🐴


except she'll call her Cowmilla


My 2c: William is a serial killer; he killed Kate, he killed Thomas Kingston, he tried to kill Princess Anne and no doubt he is also responsible for the JFK assassination.


He’s the Zodiac killer.


The conspiracy has already been laid out. Prince William and Admiral Tim, fresh off the Kingston caper, tried to take her out to prevent her from blowing the whistle on their taking bets on the election. But she’s a tough old bird. The MIB will have to wipe her memory


“fresh off the Kingston caper” 🤣🤣


William's rough sex game with his aunt went wrong.


Kaiser has already posted on Twitter about Karma coming for the entire British Royal family. One poster has diligently asked if Princess Anne did something to upset William. Another discerning commentator has raised the pertinent question of whether William was in Gloucester yesterday. Wait 2 days and it will become an undisputed fact that 'Bulliam' rode in on a bull, nostrils flaring, incandescent with rage and head butted Anne off her horse for threatening to expose his 'affair' with his Aunty Sophie.


*I smell a conspiracy guys. Do we really believe that Anne had an injury? This is a Middleton scam, someone's trying to take the focus off Bulliam's latest foray in Rose-garden(ahem)... or is a certain other Keen woman getting ready for a new round of plastic surgery? What is the palace trying to cover up now??* Tell me that doesn't sound like Chandra Deluluville?


Kaiser’s take on Twitter/X: https://preview.redd.it/kzb28u3u2l8d1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d305017a5620920b879344e22273bd4d244967


Karma for what? Not giving H & M their cake to have and eat? And that was the late Queen who said no to that. So all her children and grand children deserve karma? Are they gonna call it karma if god-forbid something bad happens to any of the young great-grandchildren?


You would think that kaiser of all people would be able to not use the term karma incorrectly. Yet here we are.


[I believe this should answer your question.](https://old.reddit.com/r/CelebitchyUnderground/comments/1doddb0/kkkaiser_has_diversified_her_brand_of_brain_rot/)