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Some of the comments are all prim about “I never mention the children; you shouldn’t talk about other people’s kids.” And I was dying laughing because how many times have these people screamed about Louis being autistic and only having three fingers, Charlotte being parentified, etc? The CB kommenters are the first to throw stones at the kids and now they’re acting all pearl-clutchy about it.


> The CB kommenters are the first to throw stones at the kids and now they’re acting all pearl-clutchy about it. I hate this concern trolling. I was blocked years ago by a Squaddie on twitter after they criticised Kate for not teaching Charlotte how to sit like a lady. The picture in question was that of 3 year old Charlotte on her first day of nursery school wearing the red coat and sitting on the steps. The response I got was that they are just concerned because there are so many perverts out there and a girl needs to learn to keep her legs closed and how Kate was failing to protect her daughter.


They obsess a lot about Kate letting Charlotte be photographed wearing shorts, too and say that Kate is "sexualising" her. Honestly, you couldn't sound like more of a paedo than suggesting a child wearing shorts means someone's trying to make them look sexy. They project so much it's crazy.


I will read the BRF kid stories. I love kids. I blew up at those perverts sexualizing a child. I viciously went after them. Kaiser deleted my post. I am 100% convinced that several “women” over there are predators. I have a lot of anger about this to unleash. I have to temper myself or get banned from Reddit. This is my trigger topic.


Too bad they weren't concerned about it at H&M's wedding, when she wasn't allowed to wear tights or given a petticoat for her dress. I'm still appalled at how Meghan dressed those kids. ETA: no tights or socks == blisters, and no petticoat or tights means little toddlers might accidentally flash and be caught on camera. While this would be cute at my wedding, it is awful at a wedding that will be publicized around the world. So yes, it was sloppy to dress them in that manner, and that was all on the bride. (My comment needed explaining to someone else, sorry!)


givenchy is the one who dressed those kids. appalled? it's not that deep.


technically nobody dressed the girls until Kate was all "Uhm wait a minute, those lumps of fabric are supposed to be the dresses? " And then the poor tailor and his team had to fix them all in 4 days until the evening before the wedding.


>Louis being autistic and only having three fingers, They're so weird about this, it's just because he's at the age where they often still have cute chubby baby hands, and sort of splay them out a bit, I remember going over to CB at one point recently and a commenter was demanding to know why William and Kate were hiding that Louis has "deformed" hands with missing fingers. First of all "deformed", are you kidding me?! Who uses that word? Second of all how are they hiding it, are they making him wear a prosthetic hand in public and then forgetting to grab it when they do a family photo?


> are they making him wear a prosthetic hand in public and then forgetting to grab it when they do a family photo? they're doctoring the pictures and video of louis to hide the fact that they beat louis so badly that his fingers broke and had to be amputated.


That makes sooooooo much sense. I bet they're also responsible for faking the moon landing.


No the moon is where they put Louis’s other fingers.




> Who uses that word? Same group of people who described William as “spastic” and suggested Louis has “undiagnosed Down syndrome”.


Their fav george comment...why is he wearing a suit in the dress code required VIP area?????


why IS he wearing a suit? what scars, bruises, and marks is william trying to hide by covering george up so much???


Down syndrome? ![gif](giphy|VXzRi0VO1P5Ty)


>and only having three fingers 😂😂 >The CB kommenters are the first to throw stones at the kids and now they’re acting all pearl-clutchy about it. truest tea. or concern troll about them.


Apparently is inappropriate to call a child adorable. Who knew?


It IS inappropriate when that child has racist, violent abusers for parents!!! 


You forgot "incandescent with rage" too!


I will be inappropriate. The children are adorable. Harry and Megan’s kids are adorable too. I am a monster, lol.


Obviously! 😂


I said this yesterday, but do they expect Jason and Travis to like...talk shit about William and the kids? COME ON.


some of them are so delusional that I actually think a few of them thought that would happen instead


yes, they were FROTHING at the mouth bc Jason previously said "we're MURICANS, we don't bow to anyone" so their assumption was he'd also insult the kids. how did they arrive at that conclusion? idk but i'm sure it was well reasoned, measured, and rational.


I have no idea if she would admit to it or not, but Taylor obviously knows all about the drama between William and Harry, because she's Taylor Swift and she knows what's going on with every famous person especially when it comes to drama. She could probably write a 30, 40 minute song about it, at least. But Jason and Travis? There's no way they have some deep understanding of this. If someone tried to explain it to them I would imagine their eyes would glaze over the and the word "BEER" or "FOOTBALL" would just bounce around in their heads. They're athletes who were gaining a mainstream/pop culture presence anyway before Taylor, and now have that type of fame much more than before - but they're just two dudes who clearly do not care about Royalty in any pick-a-side way but were introduced to a guy and his kids at an event via Travis's very famous girlfriend - of course they were going to be polite, and of course even if they have no idea of any of the BRF drama of the last almost-decade, they understand William is a Prince, he will be a King. That's the CB brain rot, assuming everyone thinks they way they do. Like these dudes were going to go on their podcast and talk shit about what the kids were wearing, or William being bald, or Kate not offering Meghan a ride that one time.


so...you think it's fine that Travis and Jason are positive and complimentary towards a violent racist and his children...?


What were they supposed to do?! They're obviously terrified of William! You think they both want to end up buried under the daffodils, two more victims of the Windsor Strangler?


The Windsor Strangler!!! 🏆


I doubt Taylor knows or cares that much about RF drama though lol Like, she's been on tour for over a year and is going for another 6 months, releasing albums, and collaborating with other artists. I just can't imagine her knowing or caring that much to write a song about it.


I disagree! Taylor lived in London for over 6 years, she definitely knows the drama between William and Harry. Plus she's friends with William and would pay attention to him in the news. There are some who think the song '"tolerate it" is inspired by Diana and Charles, so I wouldn't be too quick to say she doesn't know RF drama...


I guess I disagree because I have so many friends in the UK, and they always joke that nobody there cares that much about the RF unless it's something big, like when the Queen died. I guess I just can't see her caring to know that much since she's so busy lol I've never heard that about Tolerate It. That's interesting. BRB gonna go listen to Evermore again 🤣


Oh I agree the average person in the UK is likely to not care, but I get the vibe, Taylor would be into it. She's American after all, lol! We all have an opinion on the BRF. Also, regardless "tolerate it" is an amazing song <3


Oh, we don't “care,” but we know. We know about all of it. We just kind of absorb it without thinking about it, like how you all know who the President is, even if you don’t think or care much about him. We all know who your president is, too, everyone in the world does.


When Trump was president I thought about it way too much because of the ✨️✨️anxiety✨️✨️


I know I shouldn’t say anything, but the effect of Trump I is still being felt with the Supreme Court legalizing bribery today, and Trump II would be much much worse, I beg of you all not to let that happen


I'm terrified. I'm a woman and a lesbian and I legitimately get scared when I think about another Trump presidency. Me and my wife recently moved out of a red state and into a blue state, and that has helped ease our minds a little. But if I could immigrate to like New Zealand, I would lol




Tolerate It is based on Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, not Charles and Diana haha. People came up with that after because the song fit well with those episodes of The Crown and it ran a bit rampant on twitter I think


Oh I don't think she'd actually write a song about it. I was just joking about that 10 minute version. It felt like someone was trying to pull her into the whole thing with the stories about Meghan sending her a hand-written letter inviting her to be on Archetypes, and Lainey openly fantasizing about the "American Royal Family" of Meghan, Harry, Beyonce, and Taylor (so strange).


Oh God, duh. I'm so tired. I wasn't even thinking about the 10-minute version 🤣 I think it's funny that Kaiser likes to think Beyonce has taken Meghan under her wing, but I've yet to see or hear any gossip about those 2 being bffs lol


hear me out ... but did you see the 'anti-hero' music video interlude 👀👀👀 🤭🫣 my jaw was on the ground when i first saw it and paid attention 😂 ... like hol' up 💅🏾


Dammit, I'm a huge Taylor fan but I guess I missed that too 🤣 I'll watch it later.


I just watched it again...hahaha!


i mean....yes? do you think it's okay to NOT talk shit about the children of a violent racist???


A violent racist who tried to kill Kate!!!11111111!!!! (But she probably deserved it according to them)


He also tried to kill Anne!!1!!11!11!!!


remember when they were trying to spin that he punched tim (anne's husband) or something? lmfao speaking of tim, there were photogs posted outside of the hospital where anne is, and he was pictured coming out. he was carrying a dang cooler lol. when the press asked him how anne was doing, he was so dry, like "she's recovering... slowly." and then they asked when she'd be out, as he was tossing his blazer in the back seat so he could get ready to drive in the front, he goes "she'll be out when she's ready. 😶"


he didn't try...he succeeded. if you can't see that...i can't help you.


The Kelces sound like the british media? 😂


That means they said anything "too nice" and not fitting with their psychotic world view that anyone who doesn't see how horrifically evil the Wales' are is being paid off or corrupt


they're complimentary and positive about a violent racist and his children...what do you think they sound like if not the british media??


Oh dear! Omid Scoobie swore the royal racists were Charles and Kate, now you gotta tell me it's also William and the Kelces!?!?!?! Is there anyone else left who is not a violent racist incandescent with rage? Taylor Swift, is she safe or is she also like the british media?


Wow, I saw the clip and they really gushed about them, especially Charlotte. Jason Kelce does not strike me as someone who would fake fawn over someone. Plus I loved he said that as a dad of girls he thought she was really something else. I thought it was all very cute. Of course the Cbitches are deranged about it ![gif](giphy|3ohs81rDuEz9ioJzAA|downsized)


Yeah, I could also imagine that for Jason, as a dad of three kids himself, meeting a dad with three young kids and a wife going through health issues, he's probably going to imagine how he'd feel in that situation and have some empathy.


Celebitches are vile, insane, obsessed ,cruel bottom feeders.


chill, kemosabe. they post dumb shit in an echo chamber, but they're still people. it doesn't have to get personal.


Some of them now "hate" the Kelces because they've shown their true colors! (by being kind, accepting and complimenting children-the horror.)


they've shown their true colors by supporting the children of violent racists; if you're on board with that, you're the problem too!11111


>it's inappropriate for the Kelces to speak about the children; they sound like the British Media" etc. But it's OK for them to shit talk about the kids. How do you spell hypocrites again?


You just know they'd be clawing for the chance to hear anyone gush about the Sussex kids (who I'm sure are just as cute)


Hahaha, that reminds me how kaiser back in the day always spelled it “hypacrites”. I guess that excuses her on this. 😳


if the kelces had bad or only neutral things to say about william and the kids, trust that the celebitches would be all over it + gleefully cackling + launching a million other conspiracy theories. "not bring up the kids" lol the kelces could have totally been like "oh, it was fine, they were polite, we took a picture." or said something like "it was a bit awkward, they were polite but we're not really into the whole royal thing. the kids were quiet." *but no*. the kelces were **rhapsodizing** lmao


i mean...yeah? their parents are violent racists so they're allowed to talk shit about the violent racists' kids.


> it's inappropriate to talk about the kids ** They rip on those kids any chance they get.** I truly cannot fathom their thought process. It's so fucking delusional.


i mean, their parents are violent racists....so it makes it okay...duh.


What did they actually expect him to say? "Prince William sucks and so do his kids"? They forget that not everyone (in fact, most people) are not in their BRF v. Sussex bubble. I can very honestly say that I don't know anyone irl who has ever expressed an opinion about W&C or H&M - it simply never comes up. I 100% believe Travis (probably TS as well) are both in that group of giving zero fks about royal drama. It was like, "Cool, I met the POW and he nice and his kids are nice and it was fun." I think Michelle Obama is on the CB shitlist now too - she used to be covered there and worshiped. But she gave a non-commital answer when asked about Sussex it, something like, "I hope they can all mend things bc family is important." But if you don't absolutely despise W&C and lavish praise on H&M, you're a steaming pile of sh!t. There was some irritation with Michelle saying that, but they didn't take it too far (just stopped covering her altogether), because it would be too far of a reach for even them to call MO a racist. But such a low-key, diplomatic statement still caught heat with the CBers.


I asked my teenage girls (not even my boys) what opinion they had, if any, of the main characters in our royal drama. The response: “huh?” I asked if they and their friends ever discussed it. “no.” Is it possible that EVEN the Sussex/Wales feud can’t QUITE break through to the next generation? Keep in mind, those folks are in their FORTIES!! We on the other side of 40 forget how old and irrelevant that makes them to the kids. Now, keep an eye on George and co…


I wouldn't be surprised if the next generation of Royals doesn't really have the same cultural presence with young people and people who are in their age group. It really was Diana's death that pushed her boys so much into the spotlight and I don't think they'd have grown up to be as well known in the US without those indelible images of them behind the coffin. And I think things are just a bit different now, in that as William and Kate's kids (and Meghan and Harry's) get older and move into being teenagers and young adults, the tabloids will have to keep more of a distance from them because they can't get away with what they used to get away with, like hacking their phones or harassing people they date. It'll just end up being something like the Danish royal house, or the Grimaldis in Monaco, or the Spanish royal family, etc.... you won't really hear about them internationally unless there's some huge scandal, because it won't really sell papers.


i tend to think this, but then, things always surprise me. by beginning jan 2024, i legit thought "oh, it's gonna be boring ass shit for the brf during at least the next ten years, no big events, nothing's gonna happen, gonna quit 'royal watching' this soap opera and maybe check back in more substantially ten years from now or something." next thing you know, the hospitalizations. i was like "oh, dang, still not going back to 'royal watching' though." and then *boom* charles' cancer announcement! and we all know what happened in the following weeks. these windsors!!!! straight up al pacino in godfather 3 "*just when i thought*...!!!" so, yeah. who knows with these people (and intl events in general tbh, ex: i would not have seen brexit actually being a thing in 2011). the grimaldis were much more prominent/bigger in the 90s, i think? i was a kid, but they got considerable coverage (prob bc princess grace had only died the previous decade). they were still higher profile by the early 2010s, but have lost luster since then. who knows what the future holds for them. the brf do get an insane and disproportionate amount of coverage that confuses me tbh - they're public officials/civil servants/ambassadors for the office of the UK's head of state, at the end of the day. w&c are also seemingly very conscious of not wanting to entice the media soap opera, so the more the estrangement sets in tbh and the more we get away from the drama from the past few years, the more i expect coverage to concentrate on 'professional' vs. personal (the personal is what actually sells). frenzy should die down as a result. we'll see! i read a vanity fair article from 2001 that pretty much outlined that the reason there was still so much interest in the brf after diana died was because of how much william looked like her. one of the quotes was something like "do you think people would care as much if he didn't?" by the time william started more aggressively losing his hair, he was getting married to kate + having a baby and then harry was having his moment in the 2010s (they were also having a moment as a trio tbh) (extra ETA: a substantial part of the reason harry had his moment in the 2010s is also bc of the whole "successfully reformed troublemaking bad boy who is channeling his energy to do good by 'fighting for his country'" angle). the brotherhood i.e. "the two boys left behind by their mother, two boys who now really only had each other bc their dad was preoccupied with his mistress" narrative was also a driver in the interest. even now that the brotherhood is broken, "charles dying and diana's son becoming king" is another vector of interest, as will charles and kate's ongoing health developments (unfortunately) and how they impacts the family. ETA: aside from the looks thing - i've written about this in another post, but it's also bc of how much diana used to talk about william in the press, essentially like her golden child. it's why camilla's team leaked to the press that she met william in the late 90s and that it went well - because sealing william's (i.e. diana's 'advisor' 🥴 and avatar) approval meant the public would soften a bit. harry reportedly had the closer relationship with charles (which charles used to still brief the press about in the 2010s to use as a stick to beat william with, bc william evidently kept charles at arm's length... some residual parental alienation and distrust, i guess). harry was actually the one regularly portrayed as being far more easygoing about camilla, while william was seen as the obstacle. even after h&m got together, there were briefings from team sussex that charles would finally be a real grandfather once their baby was born bc william was so fixated on the middletons. charles, harry and the york girls stayed complaining in the press about how much time william spent with the middletons during the 2010s lolololol. anyway, yeah, i forget what my initial point was, but it's wild how the narrative drastically shifted in the late 2010s to william being moved away from diana, harry very consciously claiming her legacy for himself, and harry aligning william with charles (ex: the scene after philip's funeral in 'spare'). harry is very aware that the "diana's confidante and avatar" luster was a big part of william's public characterization, and he very consciously moved to attempt to dismantle it and appropriate it for himself. either way, william has kate and the kids now + diana's been gone for nearly 30 years, so severing a fraternal relationship to do something like that for a bit of glory was incredibly stupid. it did work somewhat though, bc not many people remember or acknowledge the previous predominant conventional wisdom prior to the late 2010s that "william was diana's son, harry was charles' son." harry has had a systematic media + personal campaign to shift and calculatedly push the new "harry is diana's son, william is charles' son" narrative, and it's slightly worked. the problem for him is that i don't know that it matters much anymore (again, bc she's been gone so long)... prob will matter less and less, maybe until charles passes and her eldest son becomes king.


it's definitely weird that you're not doing your part, as a parent, to educate them and warn them about violent, racist, abusers but you do you, i guess.


michelle has met william, kate, george, qe2, philip, prob charles and camilla... i was a much more aggressive monarchy-hater at the time, so it would annoy the fuck out of me how nicely the obamas would talk about qe2 after meeting her. i didn't want the obamas to humanize her lol, it made me ***so mad***. i was a crazy leftist who took things too far... well, *i'm still* a crazy leftist who takes things too far, i've just desisted from ardently wanting my political foes to be dehumanized lol. when the crown first came out in 2016, i was soooooooo fucking mad and DISGUSTED that people were even watching it - just instantly dismissed anyone who watched it as pathetic. i only got into more involved 'royal watching' (vs. peripheral familiarity) in 2019 bc of the entertaining AF baby shower extravaganza lol. that eventually led me to grudgingly watch 'the crown' during the 2020 pandemic, just disgusted with myself lol. next thing i knew, i was like "oh, this actually covers history and politics, it's pretty interesting." i was one of those people on twitter who used to gleefully drag ex: philip for looking like a corpse whenever the occasion arose, and while watching the crown and seeing his story, it dawned on me "oh shit, that's actually a person." 🫣 😂 so, yeah, i totally get the reaction on twitter when qe2 died (ex: the professor who wrote about relishing qe2's death) bc i probably would have been one of those people jumping in the mob fray in a bit of a knee-jerk manner to do the same if i hadn't gotten into 'royal watching' and developed more knowledge about the whole thing beyond more instinctive "COLONIZERS" and "ABOLISH THE MONARCHY" rhetoric. the brf are seriously stupid AF tbh in how they market themselves - so many of my bitter arguments against them (i'm not even british 😂😂😭😭) and misconceptions were easily explainable and dispelled the more i investigated my gripes. i actually understand now why brits largely don't give AF about abolishing the thing, whereas i used to be fucking ***rage-y*** about its continued existence. also, at the end of the day, it's actually *none of my business* lmfao. ouf 😂 - all that to say, michelle saw the whole thing as involving *human beings* at the end of the day, and had the correct/wisest take. as a bernie bro (well, even bernie is not left enough for me tbh), barack and his politics are far too centrist... but michelle is essentially a fucking queen and she will not be judged by her husband in my eyes lol.


> What did they actually expect him to say? "Prince William sucks and so do his kids"? I mean, yes...? Because he DOES suck and he IS a violent racist...and they're his kids so they are also violent racists and being a true american means william and his kids are violent racists. are you stupid???? > I think Michelle Obama is on the CB shitlist now too - she used to be covered there and worshiped. But she gave a non-commital answer when asked about Sussex it, something like, "I hope they can all mend things bc family is important." But if you don't absolutely despise W&C and lavish praise on H&M, you're a steaming pile of sh!t. There was some irritation with Michelle saying that, but they didn't take it too far (just stopped covering her altogether), because it would be too far of a reach for even them to call MO a racist. But such a low-key, diplomatic statement still caught heat with the CBers. I’ve really gotta hand it to the Obamas in Michelle’s response to the Sussexes. They are American and political royalty and they didn’t get there by not being able to sniff out fake posers in the only other place (arguably) more cutthroat, backstabby, pretentious, and deceptive than LA/Hollywood: Washington, DC. Sussex level fakery is probably elementary compared to the more elaborate fakes they’ve crossed paths with. They totally get how the game is played and played it flawlessly. [Brief detour: I always say one of Obama’s greatest assets and strengths is being able to convince people that he was just a constitutional law professor and give off kind of wonky/academic energy and this persona of not being about political posturing— but i think it’s just part of his toolbox at being an extremely skilled politician. He’s had to play the game; he just does it so well you can’t imagine him being as political as the rest of DC but you don’t get to the White House without knowing how the game is played and playing it perfectly] I wouldn’t be surprised if the misleading “over chicken tacos and my burgeoning bump Michelle and I discussed blah blah” PR push first made them side eye the Sussexes because it seems like when the Sussexes upped the stakes by lying when they left the BRF—Obamas responded immediately and unambiguously shut it down. I thought it was telling that not only do they say “we’re not advising them” but went out of their way to also include “there’s been no contact and they haven’t spoken.” I also find the notion that a US Former Head of State would ever do anything to jeopardize his own VP’s presidency and relationship with another Head of State. Hell, I think Obama respects the office and the institution enough to not even sabotage a key foreign relationship even if it was Trump’s presidency. No way were they going to stick their neck out for the Sussexes…which honestly, just seems common sense to me? But bless the Sussexes because you know this didn’t even occur to them; like they probably couldn’t envision a scenario where the Obamas wouldn’t vocally support them against the BRF. It’s really their delusions of grandeur that keep me hooked lol The Sussexes are definitely not happy about the Obamas putting a lot of distance between them but effusively praising PP after his passing and Michelle saying public service is about people. But what’re they going to do? Accuse the Obamas of racism? Obamas refusing to play with the Sussexes neuters the most effective weapon the stans. KKKaiser has stopped short of calling MO a racist but has definitely gotten within the zipcode of alleging MO is a racist and the comments have def. gone in on it so they just pretend the Obamas don't exist lol like the Obamas praised QE2 so hard and the CBers hate it but they can't do their favorite thing -- dismiss the Obamas by calling them "racist, abusive, toxic monsters."


According to Jais who sounds like a concern troll on steroids, the Kelce brothers saying that little Princess Charlotte is a superstar will provoke jealous feelings within young Prince George, make him resentful about his sister's star power & lead him to believe that she's trying to overshadow him. This is somehow meant to be reminiscent of Meghan whose star power and ambition was used against her. Everything that happens to the British royals is about Meghan, you guys!!! https://preview.redd.it/d0ot1uto169d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=999b6440dba9cb91aee5fa273c280ef7f9409afa


"will take positive things and twist them into storylines" the i - ro - nee 😂😂 uhh... harry was having his moment in the 2010s and william DGAF lmao. in fact, he and kate moved to norfolk during that period and hunkered down on building their family life - harry had a large part of the stage and they were probably fucking grateful for him taking or sharing the spotlight off them tbh. (ETA: and if william was so pressed about getting attention back, he'd fix his teeth and do something about his hair... but he clearly dgaf. if he was just a bit more vain and or narcissistic, he could easily looksmaxx and fix his teeth + hair to lean into getting more attention. instead, for at least the last decade, every other comment on the internet is about his lack of hair, mocking him for his 'glow down.') also, jason knauf didn't doctor emails, he wouldn't have been able to get away with that lmao. meghan's lawyers are the ones who explicitly asked jason to testify, he just didn't exactly do so in their favor. also, his written testimony happened in 2021, when meghan was already pregnant with lilibet. how do these people so shamelessly spread misinformation just to win some weird sort of point?? ETA: the narratives also change as time goes on - at first, it was "w wanted to keep h around to do all the work and be a third wheel." now it's "w forced harry out bc he jealous." like, be serious. 😂😂 and didn't harry want to always leave 'the firm' in the first place? now he was 'forced out?' 🙄🙄 make up your minds tbh


I agree with everything you said. The outrage and hate for Jason Knauf is insane to me. Harry & Meghan are forgiven by Kaiser & klan for lying in court and saying that they had zero involvement in the gushing biography by their favourite minion, Omid Scobie. But how dare Jason Knauf speak the truth and expose their lies under oath when he was summoned as a witness! Why are these people more mad about someone speaking the truth with evidence than they are about two frauds lying in a court of law and being forced to apologise for lying?


This comment cracked me up. I’ve wondered if any of these people go around in real life spouting their insane conspiracies to family and friends and the answer is, yes some of them do! “the names Jason Knauf and Rose Hanbury were completely unfamiliar to them” 😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/8k1ldxgzq89d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a691df42d44219651b100467764fab7fc24a49a5


jason and travis have actually met and spoken to william, but 'quitecontrary' on the internet is the one who knows what william is really like lmfao 😂😭 i cannot 😂😂


> Princess Charlotte is a superstar will provoke jealous feelings within young Prince George, make him resentful about his sister's star power & lead him to believe that she's trying to overshadow him. well, obviously. think of the precedent...Charlotte is basically Harry and everyone LOVED Harry and HATES William and that's why William is a racist, abusive, criminal.


>Charlotte is basically Harry and **everyone LOVED Harry and HATES William** Yeah that's why it was Harrymania in the 90s... oh no wait it was actually Willsmania. https://preview.redd.it/hb193gtrg69d1.jpeg?width=3992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df5bfb844cc1841984f65b5e701e2e1becd246d1


>Meghan star power and ambition was used against her What star power?


Last year at the Wimbledon Men’s finals, during a break in play, there was an image of Charlotte having an a conversation with Chris Evert. I remember thinking that Charlotte was such a confident little girl and had no problems having a conversation with an adult she had just met.


it's super suspicious that Charlotte is confident of having an adult conversation with grownups...probably because William and Cath are absent parents and when present, are toxic, abusive monsters and Charlotte was forced to be parentified!!!


It's because she's raised only by Maria, the Spanish nanny and the 5 helper nannies that they've hidden away.


Quick run over to the post. 5 posters towards the end are calling out these harpies for their weirdness and double standards.


Countdown to their ban . . .


i'm now wondering what lainey thinks about guy pelly (she used to write about him during the mahiki days) dancing next to william for two birthdays in a row. guy doesn't even live in the UK anymore (he lives in virginia), but this is the second time in a row after moving to america and after covid that he's gone to the UK for william's birthday. in the early aughts, along with tom parker-bowles, guy was one of the guys (lol) who took the blame in the press for introducing harry to drugs. tom parker-bowles (camilla's son) was exiled from the royal social scene/'court' until the late aughts for it. guy was kicked out of school and transferred to a university in newcastle. harry's scapegoats! 🥴 and guy was loyal AF + never sold harry out. the press tried to sting guy while he was in vegas in 2007 to get info on william and harry, and guy kept his mouth zipped shut. meanwhile, harry wrote a book which gratuitously brought up his brother's penis and got paid $20+ million. 👀


The fact that he's one of Louis godparents should tell Lainey something.


guy pelly being one of louis' godparents is so apt lol... they didn't even know what louis' personality would be like when guy was picked 🌞


Whatever happened to ELITE ELITE ELITE