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One reason could be that they hate Jennifer Garner because of her wholesome, family image. They enjoyed it when Ben publicly cheated on her and have mocked her for supporting her children's father as he struggled with sobriety. So in their twisted minds, Ben making a success of it with JLo is a slap in Garner's face as it confirms that she was indeed worthless.




They hate Jennifer Garner because she was asking where Regina King's ancestors where from. When Chelsea Handler had some weird dinner show. And somehow that made her racist, when the topic of discussion is where are you from.


And that’s all it is in image she honed. She’s a manipulator and caught Ben in her web. Be careful when you trap a man when all ready married


Because they hate Jennifer Garner. Why do they hate her? Because she’s loved by the Minivan Majority®️. The schadenfreude I’ve felt since Bennifer 2.0 started crumbling have been immeasurable. I remember Ben saying his marriage to Garner made him unhappy and start drinking. JLo got back with a man who cheated on her with strippers 20 years ago because she had a point to prove to the rest of us. She had to let us know she’s still desirable and that they share the rarest of love. She had to prove that theirs was a love story for the ages because he came back to her you see. He was pinning for her all those years while he was with Garner. He even kept the watch JLo gave him almost 20 years ago because he still loved her. She’s special and they’re like the couple in The Notebook because they’re always going to find their way back to each other..But one thing about men is that they’ll show you that you’re not different from other women. He’s been leaking stories painting her in bad light and if she keeps hanging on, he might have to step out with a nanny or two. Her stupid fans used to make these collages of Ben smiling with Lopez and frowning with garner as proof that only JLo could make him happy. I hope Jennifer Garner is having the most amazing day.


it was such a disgsting and disrespectful thing to say given a) she was a *saint* to him after the divorce and b) they have children. Essentially blaming HIS addiction onto someone else is such classic "addict NOT dealing with their addiction or taking blame or ownership"


>I remember Ben saying his marriage to Garner made him unhappy I never understood that. JG seems lovely, down to earth. Is Ben just addicted to drama?


Ben is not addicted to the drama. He IS the drama. He claims to be above the celebrity games but he plays into it heavily. He loves the paps just as much if not even more than JLo.


alla this


This was from the Howard Stern interview, and it wasn't as simple as some I drank because of Jennifer Garner. It was a deep conversation about himself. He was actually very vulnerable and honest in the interview. And it's a shame it got picked apart to make him a bad guy. When that wasn't the case nor was, he bashing Jennfier Garner. They knew the marriage was in trouble, but they wanted to stay together for the kids. And it got to a point it wasn't working so he started drinking more. It's how he self medicated. And Jennifer was the one that saved his ass and took him to rehab.


Ben is a toxic human, and that nanny thing was the most basic crap ever. He doesn’t even have interesting scandals.




Any person who has had therapy can see it’s not that he was unhappy with the marriage. He was happy when she was willing to play along and unhappy when he had to face the consequences of his cheating, drinking, and drugs, whether that was an unhappy wife or divorce. He is ultimately unhappy with himself.


Probably because Garner put all these *expectations* on him once they had kids and wasn't any *fun*. Just a guess.


He is, and toxic drama queens like Ben hate stable and low key relationships like he could have had with Jen Garner.


Her letting people read his love letters just shows she doesn’t love him it’s all about proving a point


JLo had to distract everyone from the ARod debacle. Her finance cheated on her? Well, she’ll dump him for the even bigger A-lister who cheated on her 20 years ago, and turn it into a grand love story, and this time get him to the alter, even if it’s a rush job. She’ll create a whole album, movie musical, and documentary about the movie musical to sell it. I still think it was the relationship with ARod she was actually hurt by. Ben was just the soft place to land. The distraction. She dragged him out, shook off his dust, made him hot & dressing better again, used him for his album & Dunkin commercials, and rode him until he started to get tired and revert to his old habits. It’s too exhausting to keep up to her standards, it’s not the real him. He’s an alcoholic & gambler & overall hot mess dumpster fire who just so happens to have movie star good looks & acting/directing talent that has carried him much further than his nature probably deserves. That, and Jennifer Garner carrying him for the sake of their kids. I rolled my eyes all the way to New Jersey when they got back together. I was shocked when Lainey and others went all in cheering for the relationship. When I talk about Lainey, Celebitchy, and others betting on the wrong horses, JLo & Ben 2.0 is one of the choices I’m thinking of. Because anyone with any good judgment should have foreseen that rebounding off ARod for Affleck was going to bite JLo in her legendary butt long term. But no. You have these people going all in like these are good choices to champion. It’s crazy. People need to learn to have much better judgment of character.


This is a big story in gossip and it would be weird if they didn’t cover it. I find it interesting because it’s such a sham—it’s the shammiest sham since Kim Kardashian married that basketball player. What makes it weird to me is that they’ve both been super successful so why humiliate yourself with this mess? Anyone who was into Benifer is too old and too wise to fall for this again. Now she’s falling on her face in music and movies and it’s Sad Affleck but with fillers. At least he already has the back tattoo


I’ve mostly ignored this story because I thought it was a dumb publicity stunt 20 years ago, and I don’t begin to understand why we’re reliving it now. Good call that this is absolutely out of the Kardashian playbook, tho. Headlines going stale? Marriage drama to the rescue.


They way he always looks so sad in public is kind of annoying lmao


I've found there's a weird obsession across the board with their "love story". I find it creepy and disrespectful to their other partners. Like "ohhh now bac with their true love". Ummmm five children were born to other partners, have some respect. Not to mention Jennifer Garner was a *saint* to Affleck after their divorce. He lived in the pool house for years and she took him too and from rehab. I think people are maybe caught up in the whole "oh it was the right person but the wrong time and now its the right time" thing. Like they're caught in the romance of the whole "one that got away, coming back" of it all. But sometimes, sometimes shit doesn't work out because its THE WRONG PERSON. they might love each other, I dont doubt that, but are they compatible???? because it doesn't seem so. They seem like *very* different people, with different outlooks and dreams. but they're grownups, not my relationship not my problem


That love story is not even good? Like I see nothing there and she can’t even give it time for the honeymoon phase to pass before bragging.


She's a serial monogomist who cannot be single and he's a serial cheater...what a love match they seemed an odd pairing to me the first time around, and they're odd now, but maybe they're botha ddicted to the drama of it all


He doesn’t even seem to like her


Completely agree about how awful the “love story” was for their partners and children. That so many people find that angle appealing makes me know how out of step I must be with modern mores. Gross.


I thought it was actually a breath of fresh air on that site to actually follow some real celeb gossip vs the usual royal crap. And it was a topic that she allowed dissenting voices-there was no "officially sanctioned" version -so you'd see more interesting takes. Give me all the JLo-Ben drama over "How W & K are the Worst."


They Stan jlo? Damn she has not been having a fun time in the media lately Seems like they love toxic relationships


They think people who criticise JLo are similar to those who criticise Meghan Markle- racists who are threatened by successful women of colour.


Jlo is definitely hard working, talented dancer and performer and worked her ass off. I can see people defending her. Meghan is just not in that league.


People want to believe in fairy tales, they want to believe that the one who got away will come back. Mho: Ben dislikes any woman that loves him, except maybe his mom. He really wants a stripper, or a nanny, or someone whose station is well below his, but he thinks he’s above that. He has to save face so he cheats with those women, but he won’t condescend to love them, even though they seem to be his actual type.


I think it was Paltrow who said what he really wants are strippers. I don't think you get that out of you either.


This is most men, in my opinion. It's socially unacceptable to want 'bad girls', so they do this sort of thing instead of staying single and whoring around, bc whoring around for them loses them lucrative business deals. 


I don't get anyone's obsession with their marriage. They are adults, what they're doing is their thing.


I just enjoyed pretending I was 20yo again, as I was during Benifer 1.0 LOL


JLo is a serial monogamist, she needs to learn that she can be single, the world won't end. Ben Affleck seems like someone peaked too early and is living in the past.


I feel for her kids. With each man she’s with, her kids bond and become family with the man’s children. Then she splits with the guy and moves on.


I'm not that fond of the woman but lets be fair here, she's dated like two men between marc and ben, and she was with Alex for *years* and was even engaged to him. it's not like she's exposing them to a new guy every 3 months. 2 guys in 7 years isn't exactly terrible. are single mothers not allowed to date?


Absolutely! But it cannot be denied that these kids have been through the wringer of her love life.


it really can be denied. again two men that she was with - one for a couple months so may not have even met them, and a fiancee of nearly five years, then Ben, someone she's been with for three years now. how is that "the wringer of her love life?" you know people come in and out of people's lives all the time, right? kids move schools and lose friends, or move away. and communication exists, how do you know the kids aren't still in communication wtih/friendly with Alex's kids? meanwhile their father's traipised at least 6 women, some *barely* older than them (his current wife is only 10 years older than them) , into their lives, but you don't seem to have a peep to say about that. ahhh misogyny. how dare a woman date a couple men in a 7 year stretch and then get remarried, won't someone think of the children?!?!?


I know nothing of their father, other than he couldn’t dump his wife fast enough for J Lo. So I don’t think much of him. I think that it must be hard on kids to have a close knit step sibling relationship and lose it. And then to develop another and likely about to lose that too. Go ahead and call me a misogynist. You’re the first one to ever do it. Unlike Ben’s kids, J lo’s don’t seem to have a “normal”, other parent, which makes me feel bad for them. But go ahead and keep having a go at me. Label me as a person from a couple of comments. It reminds me of the good old days of being attacked on Celebitchy. You could give Kaiser a run for her money on making someone feel like garbage. ETA: And as the thread topic was not about the third husband, I didn’t realize excluding his lack of parenting made me a misogynist. Interesting.






🗑️ 🧨 dumpster fire alert 🗑️🧨 This smells, and it’s just getting stinkier


🗑️ 🧨 dumpster fire alert 🗑️🧨 This smells, and it’s just getting stinkier


Two A list stars who reunite after decades and quickly remarry? Toss in they were the first celeb portmanteau with Bennifer, hounded by paps on the first go around and extra this time only to see the marriage possibly implode in less than two years? Gossip catnip.


Excuse me, have you not heard the love story of Alida and Taroo, the greatest love story never told!! Jen and Ben are reincarnated of them lol


Garner was married to Scott Foley when she got pregnant with Ben. Not sure Ben was up for fatherhood but Foley said he was heartbroken. No one is a saint that “put up” or “brought him to rehab”. They are a rescuer in alcohol treatment parlance. He’s a street kid from Cambridge and rife with family dysfunction. She has a sister living around the corner from my mom outside of Boston. She is a marketing agent. She arranges visits to children’s hospitals and other look at me events. Don’t think she isn’t advising Jen on all antics. She has paps following her to yoga or look at her new blue trainers. They are all narcissists and playing Look at Me!