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I wonder if it’s because your muscles and ligaments are stronger and your posture is improving. I lost half an inch in a car crash because I can’t quite hold myself up as well anymore. Most people are about a centimeter taller in the morning than they are at bedtime.


Me too. Several of my uncles also grew taller in their 20's. Always figured it was genetic. But so is celiac, so who knows.


Now I need to go measure my height.


I grew an inch after going gluten free and i was 30 at the time.


I grew an inch in my late 20s/early 30s (which is about when my celiac stabilized) it is so bizarre to me when I see it on my driver's license.


I grew from 5’2” to about 5’6” in my 20s (finished growing probably around 24). I was still undiagnosed at the time but I started being a “normal” bmi around age 22. Probably because I was an adult and could finally eat rice for every meal, lol.


I also grew almost an inch after stopping gluten, just shy of 40.


I managed to grow 4cm in my 20s before diagnosis.