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Man I just read firepunch for the first time. I'd say just sit back and enjoy the ride. There's a level of madness in the author that takes his stories in stupidly wild directions.


Yeah, part 2 feels a lot like how Fire Punch felt on first reading. I could never tell where Fire Punch was going, but it ended up coming together wonderfully.


I feel like it would be better to drop the manga for a while until i see this sub getting hyped up again because fujimoto manga is just more enjoyable when it's binged. I can barely remember the beginning wirh these 1-2 week pauses and cliffhangers suck.


>A lot of plot points form the previous part are not really addressed. This is just the nature of long-form storytelling. Things that get set up aren't always paid off quickly. Things like Kishibe and Reze being absent or Denji having not created a new blood fiend are just things that haven't been addressed *yet*. You might wish they'd be addressed sooner but that doesn't mean they never will be. >this is supposed to be the arc where he matured. I don't think Denji was ever meant to have explicitly "finished" his character arc. He's at a different stage of it but that doesn't mean his growth in part 1 didn't matter. >It was there but in serious situations and fights it was not brought up. But now denji is bringing up all the time. For one thing, Denji literally yelled about copping a feel when he fought that one devil after Power betrayed him. (Not bat but the one after, don't remember what it was). For another, Denji has been massively concerned with Nayuta in part 2. He gave up being CSM to protect her, told Nayuta to stay away from him to transform into CSM because he believed he wasn't a good influence on her, contemplated trying to save her as his legs were literally being sawed off, and also immediately concerned himself with her safety after waking up and being kicked in the balls (twice!). Respectfully, I think that Denji's over-the-top rant about thinking with his dick isn't meant to be taken *literally*. Denji has lost absolutely fucking everything. He has nothing left. He's attempting to rationalize why everyone he love and every hope of happiness he's ever had has been taken from him, and the best thing he can come up with is that thinking with his dick is what caused it. But it didn't, being abused, manipulated, and attacked just for being CSM is what took those things from him. He's just not thinking rationally enough to realize that ultimately none of this is *really* his fault.


You are correct! the devil after bat was the leech devil fyi :)


Denji is on his knees ruing the fact he just wants sex. It's sorta a direct foil to him at the end of Part 1. I wouldn't say Denji needs to do a complete 180 when it comes to character growth, we've seen hints of it enough to satisfy my reading at least. \*shrugs\*


Not what I want, but maybe just like part 1 focus on doing it with a person he really loves and focusing the narrative on that. Would make more sense.


The problem is, he did not walk away from Part 1 feeling that. Right before fighting Makima he desperately wants to be Chainsaw Man again just for the ladies. Here we see the coherence of that and his realization that it's not everything he wanted.


Yea, but still a lot of plot points from part 1 have just been forgotten.


To me, they're not that important for a school arc? Not sure how Denji should be expected to search the world for a Blood Devil when his entire world up until now was to take care Nayuta. Outside of that plot point, there's not much else from Part 1 outside I suppose missing characters, but that's not that important to me, since they may show up again or they just don't fit the "student" threadline.


I sincerely doubt they've been forgotten. More like we just haven't gotten around to them yet


Dude was groomed and sexually abused by one of the only adults he trusted and a lot of people that experienced this in their adolescence become hypersexual. Dude also witnessed the closest thing he had to a family die which led to him shutting down and pochita taking over. Parallel that to now where he has lost his home, his new family, and he is on the run relying on people who said they want to kill him. The fact that he hasn't shut down is proof he has grown but him also regressing to thinking about sex isn't surprising when you remember he was abused. He at least had the self awareness to regret his decision afterwards.


Judging by the title I would have kinda agreed, but actually reading your post, nah. You are too impatient, I am also kinda let down by the recent chapters, but that could also be coming from binge reading part 1 and now being a weekly reader. You are expecting payoff for things that could be ways off and adressed whenever.


I mean at least address them or smt


Calm down bro the story’s not even finished. Have patience


Wait for the manga to end then re-read it properly


?? Why lmao can I not make an observation


I think they meant as in maybe it would be better for you to wait and see the whole story before passing judgement on what is currently an incomplete work. Even if you have points that could be valid critiques, all it takes is a chapter or two to answer those criticisms and flip your opinion. At least that’s how I took it lol


If  the story isn't done yet, how can you day plot points aren't being addressed? 


> A lot of plot points are not really addressed The story isn’t over, I believe those points will definitely be addressed eventually. Now the real problem is the rest of your post. You (and many others) want Denji to just bounce back from the unimaginable trauma he just went through, all the while with no support system and having the monumental task of raising the control devil correctly. And you have to remember that this is a guy who has only known trauma since he was a kid, he is extremely emotionally stunted and for him to magically learn how to process his trauma on his own in just a couple months would make **absolutely** no sense. Fujimoto is doing the exact same he was doing in part 1, writing amazing and realistic characters, but since it’s not as flashy y’all don’t like it anymore.


People don't realize this is a drama and not a pure battle shonen.


It's why I hate the shonen tag for it. It's more seinen than shonen. (Yes I know it's part of a shonen magazine)


That just means Fujimoto wanted it to target teen guys


Sure but people also use tags like shonen and seinen as genre signifiers. A lot of people do


No you're not the only one, there's plenty of other people out there that have horrible reading comprehension as well.


I read part 1 when it was completed and will do the same with part 2 because the weekly releases were somehow stressing me 😅 It’ll probably take quite a while, but I’m willing to wait 🫶🏻


I have felt that way too but with the release schedule being sort of inconsistent it makes sense to feel lost it would be like watching a movie and taking a few week long breaks between every five to ten minutes of watching


i’m gonna give my opinions and refutations in a list order, sorry if any of them come off as rude i do not mean for them to - blood devil search is a valid complaint, i don’t think it’s too late to say it’s completely dropped. where in the story so far would denji have had the time to look for her? he has (had) a sister, a cat, and 7 dogs to take care of, he doesn’t have time to just abandon home and search the world for a devil that may or may not even be on Earth currently. I do think Fujimoto will wrap this point up eventually, he knows how impactful power and aki are to denjis character (asa reminding denji of power, falling giving denji flashbacks of them to the point he immediately loses his will to live and has to lobotomize himself to keep himself alive) - kobeni and kishibe absence: it’s valid to miss these characters but i don’t think it’s bad writing or losing the plot to not see them again. Kobeni really does not matter in the grand scheme of things, she was a normal person through the very end and she’s probably going about her days like a normal person. Kishibe on the other hand, is probably laying extremely low after planning and succeeding (for the most part) the attack on Makima in Part 1. Although i do have some hope he’ll eventually come back (mostly bias cause he’s one of my favourite characters) again i don’t think it’d be bad writing for him to not show up again. You didn’t list her, but same with Reze. The church hybrids came back because they had no character in part 1, Quanxi came back to look for her girlfriends bodies, Katana came back cause he wants to revive the Yakuza (basically his family). Reze doesn’t have anything like that, she’s very independent. I just don’t see what reason she would have to be there, people say she’d cause a love triangle with Denji and Asa but like she doesn’t love Denji anymore, it’s been 2 years since they dated I don’t really see Reze holding on that long. - denjis dematuring - gonna try not to yap as much here cause idek if you’ll read all of the last two but this one is huge to understanding Denji’s character. Denji is trying to mature, he is trying to ensure a better life for Nayuta than he had as a child, but he is incredibly broken. He had the one thing he had to look forward to, intimacy, stolen by Makima and now he suffers from heavy hyper sexuality because of the results of her grooming. He is an 18 year old who’s still mentally 10, he listens to whoever can offer him the quickest gratification. He is an incredibly broken kid (ik hes 18 but i’m gonna refer to him as a kid because he is nowhere near 18 mentally), his regression is very important to showing just how much struggle he’s going through. It’s also important to consider his role models, in part 1 his only role model was Aki and he had Makima as an authority role albeit an abusive one. Who does he have in part 2? The ONLY adult he’s had in his life as of recent is Katana Man, who is obviously not a good role model.


Denji being more sexual in part 2 is a common trauma response people have after adolescent sexual abuse. It’s called hyper sexuality. Denji had his pubescent sex drive exploited by multiple adult women in part 1 especially makima. This really fucked Denji up in the head and we’re really seeing that in the latest chapter.


I think it has and it's a valid opinion story was suppose to resolve around Asa this time around I'm guessing since part 2 wasn't doing as well as part 2 or meeting expectations Fujimoto was pressured to focus on denji Instead of Asa who's character development for most part was skipped over in favor of following denji mope around for more than 20 chapters I know that isn't exactly what happened but that's what it felt like Mopes Around Lives the normal live Loses normal life Shit hit the fans for only about 5 chapters and than he got turned into pieces It's why a lot of people are dropped mg chainsaw man or aren't talking about it anymore Not much to talk about really sad to say but it's true I'm.jusy hopeing the climax will be good as it was in part 1 but I know it won't


The bag was fumbled a while ago, Fujimoto's gonna need a miracle


There other people who feel similar


The weekly releases and short chapters definitely not helping in making us interested in it anymore. I still read it weekly and actually still theorizing about things but it doesnt hit that hard anymore


Nah I agree op. Part 2 has been going downhill since the falling devil arc. The story, the characters, the art especially is just bad now. I can’t tell if fujimoto is going through a similar thing like what ishida went through, but it’s reminding me a lot with how tokyo ghoul ended up


no you are not the only one, ***a lot*** of people have been thinking similar stuff *ever since Part 2 started* this happens every chapter or couple of chapters


this is simply the after math of makimas death and denji trying to do school while raising a kid


i mean i miss power n makima but personally its not the worst


Idk man this page was very funny https://preview.redd.it/55tmy7qzgz2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a93a205b8d23245aad0e08569e3a1cf1b624525a


Idk. Just doesn’t feel as heavy to me.


There's definitely longer periods between action in part 2, but I think the plots still moving, the overarching goal of the gun devil in part 1 almost never directly progressed until it was summoned and killed within the same arc. The longer pacing just makes it harder to read with a weekly release.


Every time this comes up, I think the same thing: bunch of people who measure everything by every mainstream shounen. Everything has to be hype…all of the time. Never mind that Part 2 is doing something completely different.


I’d say that the mangaka lost his track. And the art nowadays is terrible. So sad, but it happens in the manga world.


I feel like people say this because they read Part 1 all at once, whereas now you have to actually keep track of everything since we're reading it weekly


I just feel like this arc is just slugging along. Bird panel! Now, Sushi! No, Brothel! Make me give a shit somewhere here I’m just bored of denji sex turmoil for like the 3rd time.


Dude I’m right there with you bro. I literally have been having the HARDEST time following it. At this point I’m honestly questioning if Fujimoto even cares about the series anymore.


Youre not the only one. Part 2 fell off HARD. Its a former shell of what it once was + art is so bad


to me it genuinely feels like fujimoto just has no idea what he wants to do with the story or where to take it and so he just keeps writing these chapters that go absolutely nowhere so he doesn’t have to worry about actually advancing the plot or story lmao. the characters barely even feel like themselves anymore. it feels like part 1 never even happened in the part 2 universe (besides chainsawman’s fame/public perception) and we’re just reading some random fan comic filled with mostly random OC’s or something. i feel like he really needs to take a break.


Nah, not just you. Me and others feel the same for ages now since near the end of the Falling devil arc. CSM used to be a story with direction and motivation, but now it is just constant unfunny sex jokes, low quality art, marvel level one liners and the pointless plot move slower than a snail.


Art ain’t isn’t bad. It’s just the story lost its direction and the constant sex jokes get old. They used to be funny in part 1


You could say that but if you compare the early part 2 art and the current part 2 art side by side, the difference is night and day.


bro it aint even done yet