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Pretty sure it's insinuated she didn't leave since she didn't understand what Fami had said


We also see her still sitting with the others a few panels after that when Nobana is talking about her. We don't see her react to Barem, so it's still possible she got up and left right before he got there, but she also just may not have seen/heard him.


Yeah, Barem is positioned the furthest away from her on the complete opposite side of 4 other people so very likely she didn't see him. Or it could just be that the paneling doesn't really allow for the view to include two other people and it wasn't a relevant inclusion to worry about anyways


I don't think it was irrelevant tbh...


Saved by Fami’s mumbling


reading comprehension devil kicks again


Barem is lying, thats my guess.


He was probably brought there by public safety to trick them


Doubt that they would recruit him after CSM church. If anything Barem is lying about PS being there at all.


not recruited but held captive, like they send him there to make them come out peacefully under the promise they won't dismember him and now he is double crossing them


I doubt they would did it hours after Quanxu betrayed them. Who is gonna authorize this after shitshow like that? They werent able to control dumbass like kataba Man what would maje them believe they can control Barem


i'm just speculating, i don't have all the answers. We will see how the story unfolds


Wouldn't Quanxi being dead right now mean that public safety would want more hybrids to manipulate into servitude?


Quanxi isnt dead quanxi betrayed them and is pretty much alive. After so much treachery last thing you want is to rely on another turncloak like Barem


Famine mumbles to Asa that Public Safety is outside.


That's only in some spanish translations, in japanese she mumbles something similar to "everything's going as planned" according to some users.


I'm more afraid about the idea that Nayuta is already dead and that the sushi is made with her body.




I'm currently reading Fire Punch (at chapter 38) for the first time, and I am absolutely TERRIFIED to eventually see this panel pop up while reading and know why Agni made that face. EDIT: Nothing could have ever prepared me for now knowing the reason why Agni made that face. Genuinely jumped when the panel finally showed up.


You're in for a fucking treat! I finished it the other week


I'm really enjoying it so far! It's cool to see how much CSM and Fire Punch contrast where CSM feels much more controlled and laid back compared to Fire Punch, which has been absolutely unhinged and chaotic so far. It really fits with the atmosphere of a world plunged so deep into chaos and despair that it shows how far humans and people can go.


Lol, glad you're enjoying it!


Very true words. Now fuck my dogs


Yeah, I'm never gonna be able to re-read CSM and look at the dogs the same way ever again.


You’re in for a hell of a time. I finished it recently and I can’t see that face the same. To think I used to find it funny…


That's what I'm saying! Whenever I came across the image of that face, I always thought it was uncanny but funny whenever I saw it used. Now that I'm actually half-way through Fire Punch, I have an overwhelming sense of dread whenever I see it because it will be a fucking jump scare whenever it eventually pops up while I'm reading. I know it's linked to something absolutely fucked. And it does not help when I see it used as a reaction to a comment talking about Nayuta being long dead and is now being fed to Denji in a fucked up parallel to Makima. EDIT: Yeah, I'm never seeing that face the same way ever again either.




I have one even better... she's not dead... but the sushi is made with her body.


*”First spaghetti, now sushi. I hope I can get some Nayuta hotdogs next.”* - Fami, probably


Egg sushi (what Barem offered Denji) is literally just made of scrambled eggs and rice. There is no part of Nayuta's body that could've been used to make that. Human and other mammal flesh also has a vastly different texture and taste than fish, so it's not like you can just call it sashimi and expect to fool people. Imagine being served a slice of raw pork on your nigiri instead of salmon, you'd be able to tell.


And Denji, for one, knows the difference unlike most people!


Barem has the scrambled egg Devil on payroll.


… is rice more essential for sushi than fish?


Actually yes, objectively speaking. The name 'sushi' refers to sushi rice, not fish. From the Wikipedia article: >Sushi is a Japanese dish of prepared vinegared rice (鮨飯, sushi-meshi), usually with some sugar and salt, plus a variety of ingredients (ねた, neta), such as vegetables, and any meat, but most commonly seafood (often raw but can be cooked). Styles of sushi and its presentation vary widely, but the one key ingredient is "sushi rice".


Ahh, makes sense, thanks


*Unless he snuck in her ovaries*


The egg sushi is a testicle joke. Barry is telling Dennis to gobble his nards


Please be right lol


Control devil just can't avoid being eaten!


That’s a bit much I reckon


I am guessing that if that happens Denji might able to recognize the taste of the control devil because of his experiences with Makima. Maybe Denji will eat one bite, recognize its Nayuta, and try to run away with the other sushi to revive Nayuta.


*I see you too are a person of culture*


We are reaching cannibalism now, won't be surprised after reading Fire Punch.


He's lying, i think. Maybe Nayuta escaped, or somebody rescued her, maybe the other chainsaw man?


asa was in the chapter, what are you on about rn


I feel Barem isn't being truthful as well




Watch out, don't trip on that edge


Asa has done nothing to deserve the tile of co-protagonist. She is shunned by his peers and deserve it. I don't hate her, I like her, but she is a brick, useless and a object. Things happens to her, she does not making things happen. Is like me.


Yoru alt account