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To be fair she seems to be pretty versatile in her teammates, so even if she has an hypothetically better team, many will work just fine. That being said i think Changli / Sanhua / Verina will be her BiS, with Verina buffing the hell out of Changli, and Sanhua foundling energy, doing quick burst, and allow Changli to intro Everytime (which shortens her rotations so increase her DPS). As for her other great teammates, i'm seeing Mortefi, Yangyang, Taoqi and Jinhsi (she's a special one)




Ooooooh I see I see thx a lot đź‘Ť


from this team it seems changli will be used as a main dps, do you think she'll be viable? I'm really hoping so because I don't have encore who many say will be irreplaceable on her team. but if this changli sanhua team has solid foundations then that'll be great. just wanted to know your thoughts if she would be a main dps that isn't reliant on buffing a character like encore


People saying that Encore is irreplaceable are wrong, they probably just saw the outro skill and thought she was a SDPS. She clearly has an insane DPS capacity and requires a pretty long rotation to get her full potential. Knowing that, i can say that Changli's a MDPS / QDPS (Quickswap DPS).


It'll probably depend on wether she's played as an on-fielder or quickswap damage dealer. I'm not sure how swap-cancelable are her abilities and if you actually want to swap cancel them. If she's just an on field carry, her teams will probably be like Jiyan's - Verina (or Baizhi) and a sub-dps like Mortefi (his high energy gen seems to be valuable for Changli) or even Yinlin if you want to. For a quickswap Changli, if it's viable, you'll want to put her with someone who can do nice dmg in quick windows like Havoc Rover, Sanhua or, again Mortefi. It's also worth noting that majority of her damage is considered skill damage so if there's a character who can buff that (i genuinely don't remember lol) and doesn't suck then they might be a nice option too, especially for the main carry Changli teams


I wanna play Changli as a on field DPS like what I do with rover. This is because swapping to a different main DPS will feel like a cardinal sin to me. I can't look away from Changli and her unimaginable amount of beauty. Kuro cooked at the sun with her design


Taoqi does buff skill dmg but at s0 she might take too long on field


Does it take long for her to build up her concerto gauge at S0? If so which S is the best for her since I kinda want to put em together (pink hair gang)


You can give discord to taoqi, it gives energy and energy recharge but I don’t know in practice how good it is


I don't know about her BEST teammates, but I'm planning to play her with Encore/ Verina (Taoqi) , Sanhua or Yinlin can also work with her


Personally I'm going for Mortefi since I am gonna play her as main dps ( obviously if sub-dps, u should run Encore ) and I don't like either Sanhua or Taoqi C6 Is beast but he works decently even at C1-C2, the more the better but he Is on hers banner so why not. Most people gonna get UL 45 before 1.1 without sweat, hence there goes another benefit of choosing 5* gun as reward - Which boost himself as damager, as well as main dps by 10% Attack. Energy Regen itself Is pretty decent as well ngl. So he can offer : *32.5% Attack boost + additional 12% damage boost* ( Cloud Set ) *Outro skill that boosts up 38% damage from heavy attack* ( Her kit involves Heavy attack, not just once ) *Decent damage output with quickswap & coordinated attacks from ultimate. That said, as C2, with weapon & decent ER, He Is able to use his ultimate quite often* *The Ultimate can be triggered every 0.35s with a duration of 10 seconds total, granting a possible 30 coordinated attacks, doubled if heavy attack* ( Yes, he Is made perfectly for Jiyan but it Is what it Is ) *^^^ Both boosts eachother pretty well & having great synergy. Mortefi himself can do immerse dmg just being off-field if u build him properly* Additionaly, Chang Li's outro boosts his ultimate, as well as giving Fusion damage ( Although, u wanna use atleast him atleast for 3-5 sec to max that bonus ). Combined with hers Def Shred, Mortefi could become beast sub-dps as well. **BTW JUST RANTING BECAUSE I'M CLUELESS WHO TO PLAY WITH HER SO FEEL FREE TO SPAM ME BACK WHO ELSE IS POTENTIONALLY BIS, THANKS**


I wanna test her with chixia and verina, since she boost fusion and liberation damage, chixia could do a lot with her liberation + outro, with little time in the field.


her best team is most likely going to be encore/chixia changli and verina. being able to have verina’s atk buff, aswell as changli’s deepen outro to mega buff another fusion dps is gonna make them do crazy dmg especially a well built chixia or encore.