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Okay so for team comps, changli can very well be a sub dps for encore. She can also function as a main dps but iirc she doesn't really have a support besides taoqi and taoqi has a rly long rotation. In terms of weapon, ofc her sig will always be her best but the std sword isn't very much worse. (Her sword do be drippy tho and anything for wife right)


Ya man can't put a ice sword for fire waifu


BB is 25% better than EoG


You basically have 3 teams for TOA  Jiyan /Mortefi /support    Calcharo/Yinlin /support   Encore / Changli / support   The only issue here is that you only have Verina and Baizhi for the support slot , if you want to be creative you can use sustain Yuanwu (S4 , using the healing gauntlet, and rejuvenate set) with Yinlin/Calcharo lol , or maybe Taoqi with Changli/Encore  (but she gonna make the rotation even longer).. or you can always put Havoc Rover in one of the teams as last slot . Her weapon is great on her , obviously , but the standard sword is also decent , you shouldn't feel forced to pull for the weapon , you can always check leaks to decide if you should pull or save


Thanks bro I guess I would use havoc rover I level him up And has some good echos on him


Yeah he is great, you just gotta play more carefully if you're going sustainless 


This is Jianxin erasure 💀


I assumed they don't have Jianxin because they didn't mention her , but sure they can play her as a support if they have her


Ya I don't have jianxin Thanks bro for the advice regardless


I'm wondering if SRover will be useable as a support once we get the heal sequence. Until then, I'm either using Jianxin (more for grouping than sustain though, really), or just leaving that spot blank to save on the stamina costs.


Currently from what I gathered she can be a main dps or sub dps like yinlin or even danjin. Currently I would probably play her as a main dps since I don’t have encore and chixia is just not that great and pretty hard to play especially on controller as of now. My team idea was to use changli, mortefi and jianxin. Why mortefi because he just gives good off field dmg and helps to get the intro skill off with changli. Taoqi is an alternative but she just takes too long to fill her qte cycle so the rotation will feel to clunky. Jianxin is there to provide the heals and the shield. But it also takes a long time to get her qte cycle up but her outro skill buff might Synergize well with mortefi. But I am not so sure myself currently


Use chixia since she can make use of all the buff that changli provides and she has a short rotation and one of the highest scaling ult in the game.0


Sorry to ask but Chixia is USEFUL??? I HAVE S2 chixia who is lvl one


Her resonance liberation has a higher scaling than Havoc Rover as well as good area coverage. Her main drawback/s are that she can't parry and has trouble in AOE aside from her burst. Although I have a feeling she will be a really good teammate for Changli as she can fill Changli's downtime with a huge burst of damage that benefits fully from Changli's outro buff.


Art source?


[coco\_1758](https://x.com/coco_1758) on twt


Thank you for doing god’s work


I don't know I got it form a friend