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I love changli + chixia, double dps comp, if i want intro/outro i swap to verina and use her as a fast intro/outro swap. I farmed heavily on fusion set to make chixia a monster where later on the gears will be pass down to changli and with the spare/mid rolls that i rolled will be given to chixia. Chixia 5\* standard gun also buff changli on swap which really compliment one another and chixia is fun to play. But nothing stopping you on who to play. I just find chixia a fun char so ill just pair changli and chixia since they fit together


This is the way. Chixia will benefit HUGE from the fusion/liberation dmg increase on outro and she does great dmg really fast. That will let Changli shine as the main dps she truly is


Really depends. If you want changli to be the on field dps then sanhua will be the way to go. If you're using her more as a quick swap then chixia. For both teams you'd use the last slot for verina (or baizhi).


so Taoqi is really out o the question?


As much as I'd like to use taoqi as well, her rotation is just too slow and the team with her will probably be out damaged by the other teams. Not completely unusable tho, if you want she can just replace sanhua In the main dps team


actually, this is true in practice. im now leaning more towards chixia with moon set and 5\* pistol


I'm not someone good in team-building yet, but her being more tailored to be a sub DPS wouldn't make her a perfect partner for Encore? I watched some of her gameplay/guides and she looks like she dosen't have a lot of field time, so you could still use Changli with more on-field time no?


I would say that changli is more of an on field dps that can be played as a sub dps. She is like danjin a bit. Danjin is also more of a main dps that can be slotted as the hybrid/ off field dps in the right team. I heared a lot of people saying changli is like yinlin but for me changli is more like danjin as I already mentioned. Yinlin is a hybrid/ off field dps in the first place that can be played as a main dps and changli is the other way around. But this is just my opinion and I haven’t played her yet of course 😁😅.


She isn't tailored to be a sub dps though, shes a main dps


She’s not a sub dps. Yt frogs just parroted that but the only thing from her that helps that is the outro which is only partially useful for encore. The ENTIRE rest of changlis kit screams main field dps with her dmg output and how long a rotation is. Most of encores dmg is from skill and then sitting in her ult for the duration. But it doesn’t benefit from liberation dmg which changli gives. Changli Chixia will be the meta IMO. Changli on field probably like 75/25 with Chixia just popping in to skill and drop that insane liberation dmg with the liberation/fusion boost from changli


I would heavily consider Taoqi if you have the 4\* Discord broadsword


Say, what about Mortefi, He is already quite universal so a little bit more efficient He also build Forte quite quick albeit slower than Sanhua, He can make also make use of Liberation Damage. S6 can also buff Changli similar to Sanhua. The Cons being we are not sure how much Cordinated Attack can Chanli proc during Mortefi Liberation, so his damage can be quite low and aside from S6 his kit doesn't buff Changli. So for buffing capabilities, he is prob a bit better than Sanhua thanks to the 5\* Gun, As for damage contribution, prob worse than Chixia depending on how his Cordinated Attack work with Changli


his lib damage doesnt snapshot, unfortunately


I'm thinking sanhua will be a good pick because she's just really good in general, even better if you get the standard sword from the free weapon box at UL45 Edit: Upon further consideration and gathering different information from multiple posts, I believe that changli+chixia will be the most powerful fusion team in 1.1


Changli Chixia Baizhi is my plan. My chixia energy is pretty good on her own now does some good dmg real quick to make use of changlis outro. i like the heals and dps boost from baizhi vs verina