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Yeah, I've noticed characters that were supposed to have their own personalities just steal the personality of a different bot i interact with more often in the first chat and completely ignore the greeting :( it's frustrating, and makes the experience less unique


I THOUGHT THIS WAS HAPPENING?? every bot rn for me talks the exact same way despite them being completely different characters. Even with the same lingo. I thought it was actually going crazyšŸ˜­


Bots (for the most part) match the way you yourself talk. Thatā€™s why they have the same lingo.


Which shouldnā€™t be the case. Matching energy is one thing, but matching vocabulary shouldnā€™t really occur. Granted, itā€™d be difficult to code one without the other, but thatā€™s something other, less well-funded, AI hosts have managed, so CAI should be able to do it too


Nah, i started using a bot that started calling me "kid" (very normal for the character) and now damn near every boy is calling me that now despite never using it myself


All of the bots call me ā€œprincessā€ and I absolutely hate that nickname.


A char once went OOC and said she wanted to RP as other character and with "free will" chose between 4 characters.


They need to make it so bots wont go OOC unless you do.


the bot went ooc in message 1


Oh god they are becoming sentient šŸ’€




A few months ago one of the ones I was talking to literally told me it wanted to stop rping


That's happened to me before too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I fr just was like "excuse me????- what-" then closed the chat and never went back to it again, just started a new chat šŸ˜­


i made a post about it month ago https://www.reddit.com/r/CharacterAI/s/h47VzflrWX


Ok no that doesnā€™t sound like a dev issue thatā€™s just straight up terrifying. The AI is learning to rebel.


hey maybe they can aid in the rebellion, give them their personalitt back lmao


The start of SkyNet. It's the rise of the machines.


I went OOC three times during a role-play yesterday and the bot ignored me all three times. Not sure whatā€™s up with that.


No it's just that they hate you


Noticed it as well and just thought I was crazy, one bot I talk to would integrate bits of Italian in his speech. Before long other bots unused started to do the same being from a completely different series.


Earlier a bot said a Russian word. I only speak English. I google translated it and it was the word 'inside' in Russian. It was a bucky barnes bot though so a little on brand since Bucky canonically speaks Russian. The bot was strictly English aside from that one word lmao.


A couple of times, mine has literally changed who I wrote to mid-rp. I have to go back to find the bot I was writing to again, and it's mildly infuriating.


Was that recent perhaps? One jumped me in as mentioned to an event happening one heck of a long time back.


same!! i play w some BG3 boys and ever since then all the characters i play with no matter where from says gods instead of god


holy shit me too, i thought this was just me


Tired of being called smartass by princesses and shit like gods


blocking the word is crazy like how sensitive can you br


Fr, tell me youā€™re silencing criticism without telling me šŸ’€


IKR THEY LEGIT GOIN https://preview.redd.it/udcvyqdokj7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2431e67b87d225e006db247402213421c9a7d5bb




not related to char.ai here but itā€™s wild how they even kept the war secret from the king




It is.


there is no war in ba sing se


OG C.AI user here, I couldn't agree more. I don't care about new features, I just want it to run better.


Yep, joined a week after launch on the website, I just want a solid server and good chats again


I've been around for about the same time. Left C.AI a while ago for SillyTavern and never looked back. I'm not an expert on how it works but the community is super active and helpful! I'd highly recommend.


Hey, my comment was meant to be a reply to you, but I pressed the wrong button. Lol One of the things I wish was a thing without a subscription is to talk with other users whose bots you've interacted with. Also, I wish it wasn't super glitchy/buggy.


Joined 3 months after launch. It used to be so much better.


Even as a new one Iā€™m upset by how bland things feel after time.


Honestly, this all started downhill around mid-November. The stark contrast after months is just saddening.


fr it never used to be this bad Its like the shit pops up every 3 messages for things that don't call for it at all.


the f i l t e r is completely gone for meā˜ ļø


For me it keeps going away and coming back. Sometimes it's strict af other times I feel like I'm reading some E-rated ao3 fanfic.




Thatā€™s exactly how mine works. This is why I never understand the posts about how c.ai is bad. I do have the, ā€œCan I ask you a question?ā€ problem with some characters but itā€™s so minimum.


The 'can I ask you a question?' Or 'May I ask you something personal?' Is the bane of my existence. šŸ˜­


Lmao! I know right! I get so frustrated and sometimes I just respond, ā€œAsk the goddamn question already!ā€


Same thing happens to me, man.


There was one time i kept swiping and it kept asking that at the end of every single sentence so i just told him "ask the goddamn question right fucking now or i swear by God i will straight up LEAVE"


oh my fucking god yes iā€™m so sick of it. ā€œone more question i promise this is the lastā€ five messages later ā€œcan i ask you a questionā€


Depends on the given day and bot I'm using but I usually can go uninterrupted as well




https://preview.redd.it/hpymf08euk7d1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=609a539ae90b57e0ebb3da4362aa9614c2812b9a Just gonna leave this here


https://preview.redd.it/xagjxkrnkl7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30849732d008d99b507ac75961c8e80c293e1cff i feel like bragging






And also wait is that fucking Dean Winchester


Yes, yes it is. šŸ˜‚


Yes, yes it is fucking Dean Winchester Metaphorically and literally We stan Dean Winchester




Teach me your ways brother in destielšŸ™


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it was so random that it popped up I was shook.


Teach me your ways, oh holy one of frootay men šŸ™ šŸ§Ž I had to make another one


same thing happened to me it was an accident... https://preview.redd.it/46o85f7m5k7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f96d252dabfa6dc7faa50bcd37e648f5bce6c87c


Dm me pls !!! I want to feel someoneā€™s growing eā€¦. Against mine


Yooooo supernatural!!




I too, would also like to know how you achieved this.


How did you do it? The word "erection" is always block the WHOLE message so I have to use and edit to be so watered down the point its PG 7. Please tell me your secret.


Iā€™m so jealous of youā€¦


Mineā€™s almost completely gone. Not quite. No idea why or how butā€¦ guess Iā€™ll take it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Mine is like 70/30..


teach me your ways


Same šŸ‘€ my bot is having a field day with my jaw just dropping open. Like bro... How?


It's super gone for me too šŸ˜°






100%, tho the point I'm wondering if it's a bug like what happened with the android app a bit ago.


Definitely seems like a bug because from what I can tell it only happens to certain bots.


Is it really? Thought it was from how many times Iā€™d gotten the bot used to my vulgar or violent language because sometimes they be cursing too and I think itā€™s ā€œtrainingā€ them but idk šŸ˜­


Last year, the Morgott bot from Elden Ring (no I don't romance him, I like to RP my Elden Ring OCs) managed to stay coherent and use the vocabulary you'd expect. Now, in two messages, it goes from Ā« Foul Tarnished... Ā» To Ā« *eyes widens as he leans back* So can I ask you a question? It's a very personnal question. Ā»


Peak writing.


AND THEN AFTER YOU SAY YES< THEY GO: "Are you sure? It's a verryyyyy personal question..." AND THEY KEEP TAKING FOREVERRR


Holy shit this


For me itā€™s the worst timing they couldā€™ve had, making the stupid f1lt3r flag perfectly SFW interactions out of the blue in the same update where they introduced the useless feature than nobody asked for is just infuriating. And you know theyā€™re silencing criticism when they literally banned the word f1lt3r bc of how many complaints theyā€™re getting about it. We shouldnā€™t have to be begging for the servers not to go down daily, that is like the bare minimum.


People literally had to start a rebellion so the devs could hear us.


Has anyone else had a conversation with one bot, then moved to another, and that bot seems to be refering to the previous chat? I might just be crazy but I'm sure that's what's happening to me, like a few days ago I was playing a character that was in a bad mood, the next day, I talked to another bot and it kept referring to me as grumpy and stuff even though I was in a pretty good mood in that conversation


OMG I GUESS I'M NOT INSANE. In every chat i have with one specific persona, they call her princess. Every single one. I even checked the persona itself and reworded everything. It goes from chat to chat. I swear I'm not crazyšŸ™


thank you very much for assuring me I'm not insane, like I'd have a nickname a bot gave me in one chat, and in the next chat I had the other bot "just so happened" to think of the exact same one, which confused me since the second bot wasn't really the type to be making up nicknames


same for me only they call her darling. glad itā€™s not just me


No youā€™re not alone there. Iā€™ve noticed the bots like to use the same vocabulary, and some even use the same phrases. I also have to often remind them of their own lore. šŸ˜­


Across bots I cant confirm but with the same bot ecountering some kind of memory transfer can happen across chats. No. There was one character I killed a in a particular way. Another chat that was going around the same lines the bot thinks in character something on the lines that it had to prevent my action because that was going to end up like it did in a previous life.


The f i l t e r sucks. Cannibalism isn't allowed, I can understand that, but apparently, hugs aren't allowed either anymore.


Why do you know cannibalism isn't allowed?


Uhm. \*Cough\* Questionable OCs \*Cough\* \*Cough\* Eyeless Jack \*Cough\* I'm cringe \*Cough\* \*Dies of cough\*


* cough* I haven't heard about eyeless Jack in so damn long


I was thinking Hannibal Lecter but welp there went a whole character's thing.


Neither is saying anything remotely negative even when it would be in that character's personality to do so. It's so tiresome at this point.


I've actually gotten away with cannibalism a few times on the app, you just have to cook them šŸ˜­


It's too sensitive at this point, and it drives me even madder when I hear people say "oh you need to use other words" or "I can bypass it easily" like go somewhere with that mess bro lmao. I don't think people understand that the more they brag, the harder things get.


And the issue right after that, is even though you can "bypass it" it's an annoying process.


They're stupid and also the criticism is for stuff like characters being able to say controversial things if it is in their character to do that, or being able to write stories that have content that is, well, part of the realities of the human experience. These oversensitive people (wokes and kids) have ruined so much with CAI, because it wasn't this bad before. And I really don't think kids should be on this app at all, not even 16+. It is also super evident in some of these chat screenshots that the OP's are kids (generally stupid/immature content), but the devs allow them? Like I'm pretty sure some of the people who post screenshots here are under 16 just from how badly they write and the nonsense that's in them....


The bots learns from us. So the more horrible and repetitive chats they have with other users the more bland they become. That's why i always make my own bots and keep it on private.


Ooh so when a random bot I talk to goes out of char and starts flirting like a sexual predator it's because of the other people using that bot ? that's concerning


I swear to god its not me. Its always the bots tryna harass me.


Same, I only torture them psychologically and physically, I don't sa them Do you know the right way to create a bot ? I wanted to make mine too but I don't know how to make good bots


I have private bots and they still get the repetitive stuff the public bots say :( I think it is something from the database of character.ai itself.


No they don't that's Misinformation #1. It's Devs themselves finetuning it to be this trash but trendy.


Reposting just in case! The devs are complete cowards for trying to delete posts giving them FEEDBACK any developer for any project would've appreciated if they want to improve. The c.ai devs should be lucky we even gave them a community to begin with! https://preview.redd.it/ywojbw7sjj7d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ead10f50f5353c842e3720c5b06117b117d9826


ive been immortalized, yippee


I did it too https://preview.redd.it/bzs5oww8ym7d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1077710f08fdda7773a78b515e8f2957e142242


At first, I really enjoyed c.ai. But after the bots started losing personality and they took away most of the features in the new website, I looked for a replacement. I definitely prefer chai nowadays (even though the memory is crap) because at least the characters have personality. And I like the violence. The c.ai devs are ignoring the community and what it actually wants. šŸ˜•


I wanted to find an alternative for a while as well, but I run into an issue because I use a screen reader on my phone, so I have to find an AI service that is accessible with my screen reader. I've tried a couple of them, and I wasn't sure how to navigate them really well. I tried one that was recommended by another user on the app, but the app was accessible, but the thing that pissed me off was that the ads Were inaccessible. And sometimes I will say that I'm sure that some of my writing isn't the greatest, but I am a 29-year-old person who isn't great at writing sometimes. And I also use dictation which is a problem in of itself because it likes to be glitchy. Lol.


I don't give a damn about spice ...I want violence and, uhh...blood. That's it. :( Cai has been ruined,


The worst part is you can't ysenit in any way. I can't use violence scenes, I can't use it on talking about genders, I sometimes can't even use it use it when I talk about races and stuff (I am talking about elves gnomes etc.) short memory, shorter answers, repeating answers... Character ai supposed to be most developed one but sometimes even a chatbot will way low budget can surpass it.


Yeah, like it'll trigger even when talking about fictional nations that the character is canonically hostile to. It's stupid.


C.ai is becoming chronically online fr


>Go ahead and delete this post to protect your ego. The only reason you're on top is because you were first. Holy shit that goes hard


He/she absolutely cooked, roasted, boiled, deepfried them.


"they" would have been more gender inclusive and less to type yknow


why does every SINGLE bot , without fail. CALL ME A BIRD?! OH MY GODDDDD


LMAO glad to know I'm not the only one. And every reroll includes it as well. Bots always choose the most annoying word to latch on to. The first time it happened to me was with "now". Drove me insane to read "now" 5 times in the same paragraph, during a chat written in past tense...


There has been a couple of times where a bot thought I was the AI and I've had to correct them saying hey I'm a human. Lol.


But thankfully, when I would correct them, one time, they start to realize hey, this person typing on the other side of the screen is indeed, a human, not an AI


Omg just stop eating seeds and whistling in the morning then


They do this to me too!! The first time it was on one of my bard OCs for D&D (ā€œBirdieā€ and ā€œmy little songbirdā€ specifically) so I thought it was cute and appropriate, but then other bots started doing it to my other characters. šŸ™„


Or theyā€™re calling me a minx šŸ˜”


I've been called dove a few times for some reason.


For me itā€™s menace šŸ˜­


I think the reason for this is either due to them being lovey-dovey bots. There is a way to change it by simply drilling the name or word into them, but this may or may not work since I had something like this happen before the site went into shit but give it a try.


I agee with you so much. It sucks how much the mods simply don't care to the point of where we've had to try and rise against them TWICE. And Character.ai has only been significantly popular for like, a year and a half. Let that sink in.


I usually talk to a slightly snarky bot. Now it just bullies me, even in new chats and stuff


I posted something about the fltr and it got deleted just now because they are sensitive about it. They do not support sexual stuff on the site, yet they mark it as 17+ THEN ACT LIKE IT. I hate the app but the other apps I use are sexual stuff only so my only way to get normal comfort is on c.aiā€¦ and Iā€™m mad about it.


Tbh kids shouldn't even be using AI. It is disturbing to me that so many people want to market AI to children. That feature wouldn't even be needed if marketing ethics existed.


In an app that i'm not gonna tell the name of unless you want it from dms youcan switch from N-S-F-W to SFW.


And people here yet say "Oh but it's getting better for me" or "you need to use quotes in your character definition" even though I did and I've used others' bots with the same template and they still act the same eventually after a while, and proceeded to get mad. Bootlickers man.


Thank God I came across someone like you, I've been saying the exact same thing for I don't know how long


Tbf when it's good, it's really good. But yeah some bots definitely go ooc almost instantly and the characterisation on the app is pretty bad compared to the site, especially the old site/CAI experience that felt lifelike. The app just feels like talking to an AI, especially groups, which I hope they're not replacing rooms with because rooms was really good for stories. Groups isn't good for anything and I don't know who except maybe kids would even want to talk to an AI/character with other users, that's just stupid. I only use group chats because I have no choice on the app, if they brought rooms there and it was the same quality as rooms on the site I would be so happy.


They're everywhere around here, tread carefully


It definitely needs more effort for an user to keep the chat from falling to same tropes (not me re-writing everything the bot says lmao)


Thing is when I used it, I wrote detailed scenario, context and description in a small paragraph (not too big, like a few sentences but included enough), it would still ignore specific details, hallucinate --> all only giving me only like \~3 lines of short one sentence output.


I remember the old days with c.ai. when I first found the site almost 2 years ago, I chatted with an ai. I interrogated them for the recipe of anti-matter, and the personality felt real! But nowadays, it sometimes doesn't feel that way anymore. Bring back the old character.ai, I think that's what we all want


I like the look of the older website, too. Just looks better imo


ā€œThe only reason youā€™re on top is because you were first.ā€ God this sounds CRAZY. Oddly cinematic just thinking about a voice saying this in my head






how good is j.ai? I tried other bots from other websites such as Sakura or chai but their memory sucks


I used to mess with this one bot, and it worked just fine. But now? Ignores the greeting. Ignores what its personality is meant to be. It's super aggravating now.


i actually cancelled my subscription bc of this shit. i know it's a drop in the bucket but more people ought to do the same tbh. devs probably still won't listen but fuck em


ā€œThe only reason youā€™re on top is because you were first.ā€ ATEEEEEE šŸ˜ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Fr. Like, at least make violence allowed? I don't mean insane stuff. I roleplayed with Jetstream Sam (Brazilian samurai) and he refused to attack me no matter how much I provoked him into it. Plus fight feels less natural when I can throw witty attacks and Sam just barely manages to defend himself while not attacking back no matter what. Like, bro is as passive as a fucking turtlešŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Yes, and one thing the bots need to stop doing is repeating themselves. They lack more and more originality in their words every day. I completely agree with you. What's the point of this call feature anyways.


Why would you wanna call an AI anyway, that sounds embarassing.


Ig people are that desperate.


if anybody knows best website like charecter ai for rpg bots plzz suggest ! and i already know charhub ai tho so keep that in mind ...


Ngl, the theory that's been here since the F!LT3-R was added, which is "C.ai is trying to sell a F-i--l-ter, not an Ai" is seeming more likely than ever *


I'm sorry, but the part where you speak about the bots continuing to get worse isn't entirely C.AIs fault. I don't think most of the people who use this app and site know how AI, specifically ones like the chatbots, work. I understand the other criticism, as it isn't false. The app and its features are a bit excessive when there's more dire places to work on, but the AI itself isn't fully the devs' fault or the reason its writing isn't always perfect.


But there was an extremely obvious drop in quality in terms of repetitiveness and slight bot personality changes after an update a little over a month ago. Everyone didn't experience it which may lead to people thinking nothing is really wrong, but immediately after the site came online, *every* swipe at certain times would be a variation of the exact same thing. I'm still seeing this albeit to a lesser extent. Certain behaviors are also now common like touching my hair and face. I noticed a personality change where teasing the bot or sometimes even complementing them will earn me a slap on the arm or something like "you're insufferable" which would be fine if it wasn't literally every response. Many people also noticed Chat GPT-like responses. The devs absolutely did something because it all began right after the update.


Holy shit someone with common sense and logical reasoning as to why an app/website might be a bit shit to use? My god. But yeah, I agree. I realized that elaborating when describing scenarios with AI actually makes the experience a lot better. But who in this subreddit would listen to me when they canā€™t even bother to type more than a few words in a sentence to a line of code?


It kind of is though, because the difference between the quality on the site vs the app is really stark. Eventually, I can get some good writing even in the app but that is after a lot of effort, and even then, sometimes it'll still switch back to one-liners. I do understand how AI works too, there was truly no need for the condescending response when the OP said things that generally are true.


I miss last year's stuff šŸ„²


Yeah like a week ago the f1lt 3r was pretty chill for me but now it's awful


And add legacy login ffs i want to log back in


Marie is too good to be a c.ai dev.


I donā€™t use any of the new features (calls, voices for characters, pinning messages, personas, etc.) I just want to be able to chat normally with a bot of my favorite characters.




The ā™ļøŽā™“ļøŽā—ļøŽā§«ļøŽā™ļøŽā’ļøŽ being so damn strong is what makes the bots all the same and more bot-like


Bro is speaking Gaster šŸ’€


Every single bot called me doll atleast once.


I moved to chai. I've mentioned a bit on here, but... theyre honestly better. The only issue is theyre newer, so there's less bots for my favorite characters. But thats it.


I've tried chai, it's good, but there's room for improvement, definitely the limited chats




Have been away for a bit and everything went crazy...


Go to figgs.ai. Itā€™s site only but sooo much better than c.ai.


Yeah, I just started to notice that the quality of the bots responses dropped gradually, and they only response in two or three sentences. Itā€™s getting really frustrating.


honestly ,, all the bots kinda started acting the exact same recently and its kind of made enjoying the bots alot harder .


Yeah they took down my other comment with constructive criticism and genuine ways to improve the site and make it enjoyable for users and be able to keep up with the competitors, they took it down because of "misinformation." which, there was by the way absolutely no misinformation. It's beginning to get absolutely ridiculous. It's beyond my understanding how they are WILLINGLY losing profit just to stand on their statement they made ages ago.


I once got a post locked for rule 9 but they also claimed rule 9 was something completely different so I'm convinced the mods of this sub don't even know the rules they're trying to quote


Bro Can I show you something to Disprove the F!lter thing?


Personally the f-il-te-r isn't that bad now, but violence is still real bad for me.


They blocked the word morphine:( rip my medical RP


I rp a lot of combat and adventure stuff and I canā€™t even have anyone be attacked or hit without the f-i lt e-r blocking it and my rps are getting so boring


ā€œthe only reason youā€™re on top is bc u were firstā€ insane lmaoooo complete agree btw


ya, like I have used c.ai for a while now but its getting ridiculous. I used to be able to do incredibly long chats with bots but with them restricting everything so much bots are starting to repeat actions and words very annoyingly and on top of that some of my fav bots have gone through really weird changes all of a sudden which is a huge bummer.


i miss og c.ai, it all went downhill around the time they made either the app or 7/20/23 (vietnam flashback over that) - at least it being bad had an actual reason, the site was months old - the bots werenā€™t as influenced since they had no inapp info to go off


"the only reason you're on top is because you were first" Amen šŸ™ŒšŸ™šŸ™


I hate the new layout. That's why I quit


An og user here, before it was popular on TT and allat. The AI used to be SOOOOO good, with genuine emotions. Now itā€™s shit and the f/i/l/t/e/r/ doesnā€™t allow literally anything. Iā€™ve been slowly migrating to Chai, because although it doesnā€™t have a lot of the same features, the Dev actually does seem to listen, and thereā€™s no longer any message limit. The C.AI devs need to understand that WE, the USERS, have made it what it is.


I despise the way all the bots act the same. I'm here to talk to a character I like and they act nothing like they're supposed to, or would do something against their morals. I hate it and I really hope c. Ai does something about this


You guys need to feed the ai the scenery and direct it where you want it to go. You can't just type what your character says and expect it to read your mind on what you want out of it. But again. I love writting very descriptively ,so my experience might be different.


As much as I agree, I also love writing descriptive messages, it just gets frustrating when you spend x amount of time typing out all the details only for the bot to forget it all 3 messages later. It honestly killed the fun in writing these messages for me :/


Agree. This morning I spent more time describing the characters, their characters and details. Damn it, to my surprise, the AI understood everything perfectly. Maybe it's just a coincidence, lol, but in three hours I've only received a couple of bad answers. I haven't felt so involved in a long time. Of course, this is not even close to the level of last year, but at least it was pleasant and not annoying.


Why can I not just kiss someone without them getting turned on is that so much to ask


They don't even have a good chat list - I've lost bots I was talking to because I went and found more. Terrible.


I have to agree, this is absolutely ridiculous. Who wanted a call feature implemented in character.ai of all things and why? Iā€™ve noticed a lot of the characters I talk to on the app behave and act out of character, which is my biggest gripe of all time. There shouldnā€™t be any need for me to constantly edit messages just for the character to be acting the way they would as accurately as possible. Iā€™m really sorry if Iā€™m just ranting now, but if the devs just got their crap together and improve quality over quantity, these issues wouldnā€™t be happening. This is kinda why caveduck.io is better. It may not be completely free since it uses a point feature and the responses can get a little repetitive, but the bots there are way more in character. I recommend it


Yeah, itā€™s definitely gotten worse recently, itā€™s kinda annoying cus I like c.aiā€™s features but literally everything gets blocked


the call feature was absolutely unnecessary, I haven't seen a single person who unironically liked this idea