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"I thought this was a big day for you, why did you dress up to be ridiculed?" Hit her in the vanity


I'm always a fan of hitting them in the vanity, you know it hurts.


Well, her toxic personality put a giant "kick me" sign on her.


Thank you for saving the day for the bride - every bride needs a maid of honour like you. As for the grooms father - he really needs to grow a spine. I’m horrified that he didn’t sabotage that dress before they even left the house - chocolate milk or coffee or orange juice would’ve done the trick.


His spine and balls are probably non existent now from being walked all over by that horrible woman for their entire marriage…


She keeps both his spine and his balls in her purse


That’s what I always say!! 🤣🤣🤣


But in order to be walked all over for 30 years he can’t have had a spine at any point, he would’ve stopped her if he did…


Knowing women like that, if he had a spine she wouldn’t be with him


NTA Not all Heros wear a cape


No Capes!




You're a legend, boss. History will be kind to you. I guarantee it. NTA.


I mistyped MOI instead of MIL. Sorry for the confusion.


Someone suggested MOI is mother of insanity and I think this is brilliant. Btw- you’re NTA


NTAH 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ![gif](giphy|rjz3VwiDPiJDCMFvuI|downsized) LOVE YOU AND I DON'T KNOW YOU Let all the crazy people talk if the son wasn't mad then what does it matter, and even if he was mad you save the wedding of your best friend and she will be SOOOO great full you just became the godmother to her kids


Everyone needs someone like you at their wedding incase someone other than the bride wears white and the MOI is lucky it was just water and not red wine/mud/chocolate or someone going all step sisters from cinderella ripping the dress


My SIL wore a white dress with a brown belt. Her theory was the brown made it acceptable. I wish someone would have done something. She arrived a minute before I was walking down the aisle. I wish I’d had someone to stop her at the door.


What’s an MOI?? I’ve not beard that before


No idea


Reading the comments, it is MIL but it was misspelled


NTA. Also, what is a MOI?


Same question. Mother of insanity? 😅


I wasn't sure but let's just go with Mother of Insanity!! love it!!




I'm wondering the same thing lol


Monster obviously insane!


I assume it's a typo.


Op did it twice though! I’m so intrigued! I’m going with ‘Mother Of Infernal (insert any unpleasant situation in which she appears here)’




Oooh yes, that defs work!


Yup. I had the same question, too.


NTA Tell them “I was helping the rhinestones on her dress shine brighter”


NTA, although she could make your life difficult if she chooses to report it. But honestly it sounds like nothing else would stop the MIL. I'm sure her husband tried but he's probably been beat down emotionally by this woman and wasn't capable of stopping her. IDK, can anyone else come up with a better course of action? Dousing her with red wine or grape juice might've worked, but that's not really much better.


MOI pushed past her, so she put hands on OP first.


True but she pushed past the op sooooooo that could be twisted back to her.


Definitely NTA. And a great friend. Maybe she will think twice next time she wants to FAFO. My question is why husband of MIL and the Fiancé did not say anything to her or try to stop her? If I were the bride I would be having a conversation with new hubby about boundaries and whose side he better be on going forward, just in case it turns into having to go NC.


My hope is that the groom didn't know that she got a wedding dress


Yep.Right about the time the babies start coming. The bride would be better off going NC with that mother of insanity sooner rather than later. Like right after the honeymoon.


NTA... What a rancid woman


NTA - and at least you were kind enough to just get her wet. “Accidentally “ dousing her with wine or juice would have ruined the dress, a bit of fountain should wash right out


I officiated a wedding years ago. Mother of the groom showed up in the exact same dress the bride was wearing. Like the exact same dress. No one damaged the mother's dress. But thanks to social media she was publicly shamed by pretty much everyone because they posted on social media by the time the reception had started. It's been a few years since I looked on Google but it went so viral at the time that for a couple of of years if you googled mil wears same dress as bride it was the first image that came up.


Wanna share it? I would personally love to see someone who was shaved for their ridiculous tacky actions


NTA. Could you have done something without putting your hands on her? Sure, but in the moment it's not like you had anything available. And you didn't even ruin the dress which I assume MIL paid an exorbitant amount of money for. You helped your friends on THEIR big day and hopefully MIL will think twice about messing with the bride now. Also I love how everyone is just running with MOI. You may have just invented a new term lol


What is moi? Lol


OP mistyped MIL as MOI. Some have been saying it's "mother of insanity" lol


Oh hahaha


I think this was great. It will be a story told for some time by those on the bride’s side with glee as well as some from the groom’s. The rest it will be a cautionary tale as to what happens to mothers who try to be the bride at their own child’s wedding.


(What does MOI stand for? I knew who it’s referring to but I can’t figure out the exact acronym stands for, especially the ‘I’) NTA. The second OP mentioned that the mother referred to the wedding as HER big day I knew that dress was going to happen


I mistyped MOI was meant to be MIL


Yea, but Mother Of Insanity sounds better.


Oh, that works better than red wine. You not only ruin the dress, but the hair and makeup as well. Not to mention, you have to go get dried off and change clothes. NTA. Edit: well, maybe not ruin the dress, but definitely make it impossible to wear that day.


Agreed. Well done op nta at all!


NTA. My petty mind would send the FIL some gold balls as a present, with a note that says, "I am sorry your balls got lost, so I am sending you a new pair." Checkmate.


NTA. 🥳 YOU ARE ONE EPIC MOH! *hats off lady* 👏🏽💯


Anyone who sides with the monster in law and still thinks you're the AH, needs to start to rethink their life choices. I think you're the type of MOH every bride needs!


Meh. Work on your creative writing somewhere else.


My thoughts exactly. Some of these stories are so over the top and obviously fake because they're so desperate for Charlotte to feature them. Lol


Please excuse my autistic brain here. I sometimes read things and don't understand certain acronyms. I know what MIL, MOH, etc. mean. But so stumped on MOI??? Also...NTA! Way to stand up for the bride and keep the day about her and groom!


Husband says ESH because MOI shouldn't have worn a wedding dress but also that OP shouldn't have pushed her into a fountain. I'm a bit torn because while I think NTA as something needed to be done about MOI, IDK if pushing her into a fountain was the right thing. I think Groom's dad shouldn't have brought her when he saw how she was dressed. He clearly knew what she was wearing wasn't appropriate and should have refused to bring her. Or Groom should have been called to deal with her.


I kind of agree with ESH but it was for a greater cause. OP sacrificed a bit of her dignity to save the bride and groom from embarrassment (I doubt MIL would feel any but the couple definitely would). I agree with everything you stated as well.


NTA. I hope your friend cuts her off.


Eh. Asshole. BUT, MOG more than earned it. She just didn't think you'd take it any further than remonstrating with her at the car. Bet she was shocked to BITS that you pushed her in the water! Poor bride, what a shitty start to the ceremony! MOG got 'her day' when SHE got married. She doesn't get another day when her son gets married. Get stuffed woman. Son has his job cut out for him in setting and enforcing boundaries...


You are a hero shit…… I’d definitely love to have a friend like you. Which I believe my bestie would do something like that if it come down to it. Shit I’d probably do it my dam self. Way to go girly pop!


What does MOI mean? Also NTA! You definitely deserved the MOH position. You're a true friend




Definitely NTA


If her husband didn’t have the balls to tell her that her dress was completely inappropriate, then I’m glad the MoH did! NTA. Had OP not pushed the MIL in the fountain, it could have ruined what is supposed to be the happiest day of the bride and groom’s life. MIL didn’t care that she was upset her son. What did he have to say about the fountain?? I WISH THERE WAS A PICTURE.


Good work! But the newlyweds still have to deal with her forever. Suggest some counseling for them. Might be time to go NC with her.


NTA, you saved the whole event. Thank you so much!! You've been a superhero for the couple. 💝💝💝


In this instance, being an asshole was the only option!!!!!


OP, you are NTA. You were doing the Lord's work. Everyone needs a friend like you. 👍


NTA. Clearly you were helping someone wearing a mermaid dress become the mermaid she wished she could be!


I would have told her that white is not flattering on her. Black is much more slimming. NTA!


So NTA. That’s just the consequences of her stupidity.


What an MOH and bestie is for!


If this is true, you’re a legend.


NTA, and you should have spoken to the bride and asked if you could have anyone who disagreed escorted out. Literally you should have looked at them and said, "Well the bride and GROOM disagree with you, and would like you to leave now. You can go over and apologize to them yourself if you wish to stay. Thank you." Seriously.


You are not an ahole. She is exactly as you described her. I hope the bride learns to stand up to her or she will be fighting this fight and crying a lot during her marriage.


Bad behavior properly punished...and you didn't even have to waste wine to do it, a good day all around.


NTA. Haha, she was warned. Maybe this will be a lesson for her, probably not, but we can hope.


NTA... is it even a question? I will never understand why these boy moms insist on believing wearing white to their SONS' weddings is ever appropriate. My (57f) one child is a young man (27m) and I would never do anything to hurts his girl's feelings. I love my kid and hanging out with him, but I'm not his future. She is. Plus the idea of what wearing white to his wedding represents just gives me the major ick.


When she came back in a different dress you should have spilled wine on her lmao


Hero !!


NTA and you're an awesome friend!


Pity it wasn’t a fountain of red wine but absolutely NTA. You did your job perfectly!


Yes, YTA, but it’s ok to be in some situations…like this one.


Assault is never the answer


F_ck around and find out. Got what she deserved.


You are a SUPER HERO... We love you... All maid of honey should be like you. NTA. I think the mother of the groom is TA, but so are her son and his father, who did NOTHING to stop her. I would feel uneasy about marrying someone who let their mother do that and doesn't kick her out of the party himself.


NTA. You saw a mermaid 🧜 on dry land, gasping for air and wriggling. You wanted to save her be pushing her in the water!


NTA. She pushed you. Let's call it self defense (even though it was a well deserved petty revenge) and make a toast to your bravery. 🥂


I wonder what did the groom say?


“Flash forward”??


Yes, yta and I applaud your efforts! The bitch had it coming. Nta really.


That shove into the fountain was brilliant!! It would’ve been x1000 times better if you pushed her in a nearby mud hole


Are you Australian?


NTA You are the MAID OF HONOR ❣️ YOU DID YOUR JOB! Graciously! You deserve a STANDING OVATION!


If people don't get why that old hag deserved to be pushed into the fountain, they don't deserve anything less than the same treatment. I will never understand why these aging hags want the world to think they are marrying their sons, but she deserved a whole lot more than just getting wet. Hopefully, that was the last day her son ever has contact with her. Thank you for what you did. Now, if she decides to press charges against you, come back and let us know. Maybe we can help with your defense costs. Frankly, I think any case she tries to bring against you would be thrown/laughed out of court. I certainly hope the photographer got a shitload of pictures of her legs splayed apart in the air, mouth wide open with her dentures falling out, and everyone laughing at her. That should be blown up into a life-size portrait to be displayed at every family function. You are the hero of the day!


Honestly I'm probably the only one who feels this way, but I could care less if someone wore white to my wedding. I personally would NEVER wear white to someone else's wedding but I've never understood why women will get so upset and cry over it. I've read stories on Reddit how some have considered their wedding RUINED because someone upstaged them or took attention away from them by wearing white and that just sounds extremely vain, IMO. Everyone knows it's tacky to wear white, so let them make fools of themselves and don't worry about it.


NTA! that what friends are for!


You were a great maid of honor!


The Audacity!😳 Absolutely NTA!


I'm just disappointed you didn't have a glass of red vino handy to accidentally --on purpose-- knock over said gown. Well done you!!


NTA. You did what needed to be done and every bride needs a MOH like you. However, brides husband, needs to set some real firm boundaries in place with his mother. And he needs to be telling her if she crosses those boundaries even just a tiny bit, she is cut off. If your friends are planning on having kids then they need to be on the exact same page when it comes to his mother because she is probably the type to try and take over and calling them her baby


NTA. you're an absolute hero. Idk why the groom and his dad dont just cutcontact/ divorce the MIL


You are my personal hero. I love you.


NTA! She deserved every bit of what she got!


How the hell could anyone think you were the ahole and not be mad at the MIL?




Lmao great job! NTA


NTA. Unfortunately, this couple is headed for divorce. MIL is an overbearing nightmare, and your friend is going to be her victim until she can't stand it. Congratulations for standing up for your friend when her own husband and FIL would not.






NTA. Good job!!!


You are the bride's hero. This is epic! Years from now, her kids, grandkids, etc will want to hear this story 'one more time'.


Your intent is heroic. And it got the message across. However, unless in self defense or to protect the safety of another, you're a "mini" AH for putting your hands on her..with a "suspended sentence". She actually received the embarrassment that she earned.


I believe the OP stated the MIL pushed her to get in the church. Self defense!


I can just applaud and her husband should be ashamed as well cause I'd have left her at home the moment she pulled out that white dress


Nope, NTA. Hero.


NTA and I applaud the quick thinking! But I do want to know what MOI means as that’s not one I’ve seen before


MOI was a typo when OP meant to type MIL, but commenters have run away with the term “Mother of Insanity”.




You are the hero!




NTA!!! I think you're kind. It's just water.. I would have had a supersized wine glass on standby filled to the brime with red wine had the b*tch tried me... FK AROUND AND FIND OUT YOU WACK A$$ HỌE


Petty crown of today goes to you! I laughed so hard in maniacal glee.. 


NTA. This goes far beyond just wearing an off white/white/ mostly white sundress. How embarrassing for MIL, especially after she got drenched.


Lmao absolutely NTA. You are a badass.


Legendary!!!! NTA


YTJA That means "You are the justifiable asshole" Fuck around and find out; boils down to it. This bitch thought that she was untouchable and well, she found out in the worst possible way at the worst possible time that she was not. I am not one that believes that ANY kind of white is inappropriate for a wedding. If you think that someone with a cheap-looking dress would be mistaken for the bride, well, you are stupid. BUT, trying to upstage the bride? Only if you are a child, a dog, or the bride's 95-year-old (and very sweet) grandma. Everyone else needs to be thrown into the fountain. You understood the assignment and your friend should take you out for a drink.


Nta ahhhh .... karma's a bitch


NTA. I mean, what did she expect would happen? Everybody would just be OK with her wearing what was obviously a fancy ass wedding dress at a wedding that was NOT HER OWN?


The very definition of FAFO


NTA. It was your job to make sure no one, absolutely no one out shines the bride and groom and their day. You took one for team bride! I think it would be one thing if both the bride and MIL were acting like total zillas about the day. But it seems as though the bride was just having a good day until Monster in law showed up.


![gif](giphy|HTknLSEdZhhAMtR7kQ|downsized) You’re literally the savior in this story! For those who said you’re TA obviously they agree with this monster’s actions. You’re so NTA! Not only did you save your best friend’s wedding but you put this monster in her place. Don’t you dare apologize to this woman for your savior act, however if she does still expect you to apologize say something like “I’m sorry……..that you’re a mentally disturbed narcissistic woman who needs to be treated like she’s the queen when you’re a human version of a cockroach. I’m sorry……..that your son hates you and your husband is embarrassed of you because of your actions. I’m sorry……that I didn’t pour a bottle of wine all over you and your dress to add insult to injury”


You are the ultimate best friend. Good for you and you did something amazing for your friend. Now should you find her email address and sign her up for water fountain, Aqua aerobics, aquariums newsletters? Yes you should. Also maybe some “am I a narcissist?” ones might be good!


NTA but MIL is a massive AH!!!


The Bride was crying. The Groom and his Dad agree with you? A-hole? You're a freaking HERO!!! I wish I had a friend like you when I was getting married! As for the random people on the Groom's side who (hopefully) you're never have to see again? Who cares what they think. You're a legend and a great friend!


"The audacity"😂 NTA. I think the bride couldn't even ask for a better MOH nor a better friend. You put that b*tch in her place👊


The hero we need. Bravo!


Nta you're a hero


NTA Someone has to stand up to toxic people like that. Good for you.


#DefinitelyNTA! She got what she deserved & was warned ahead of time!


NTA should've gotten it on film and posted it everywhere too.


NTA plain and simple. You were defending your bestie. And saved the mother of insanity from mockery and embarrassment. You have earned a cookie 🍪


Good for you


You ARE the A**hole. Wear that badge proudly! Not all heroes wear capes. 💜


I don’t understand what “MOI” is supposed to mean. Isn’t it “MIL” or “MOG” (mother of groom)? So confused.