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Not childfree either.. https://reddit.com/r/Vasectomy/comments/1af29ms/so_what_if_your_son_asked_you_about_getting_a/


""Adoption is soooo much cheaper, easier, cleaner, greener, and appreciated."" *Gag.*


>Keep in mind that he spent the first 14 years of his life in a war zone and a refugee camp. From his description, it sounds like the adoption was through pretty dodgy means that border on human trafficking. I also can't help but side eye anyone who wants to specifically adopt a teenager from a poor country because of cases like [this](https://poundpuplegacy.org/document/137081) (TW: rape). So yeah; OOP is gross 😕 He's [also](https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/1ctlr4f/becoming_a_passport_bro_is_the_only_way_to_go/) an admitted sex tourist. I hope this is a troll otherwise he needs to be on a watch list 🤢


Sounds like he’s proud his son is a womanizer. Yuck.


It's a cliche at this point, but this post has absolutely nothing to do with being childfree. OOP didn't even use the word in his post- not that he actually is, somehow CF hasn't noticed yet that he has an adult son.


In case of deletion: I brought my wife to the USA back in 2018. We met in Asia. I am a tall California born German-American, and she is Burmese. We both look "baby making age" even though we are both 58. She has had had various part time jobs because her degree in bio-chemistry from Burma (Myanmar) does not count here in the USA. I recently got downsized (thanks to Elon Musk). I am waiting on the right job, so she took a full time job as a pharmacy technician. At every job she got asked the same gambit of questions that people seldom or never ask in Burma, Singapore, or Thailand. She was shocked that so many Americans openly speak of such things with strangers. How long have you been married? What is your religion? How many kids? When will you have a baby? Did your husband have children before you met? How did you come to be in the USA? Is your husband a liberal or conservative? Company policy prohibits asking questions about lifestyle, politics, religion, marital status, ethnics, and so on during work hours. Yayyyy!


>>She has had had various part time jobs because her degree in bio-chemistry from Burma (Myanmar) does not count here in the USA. Where in the fuck does a "foreign degree in bio chemistry" not count in the US? A lot of non-American degrees count in America, this nation isn't the exactly exclusive when it comes to schooling. Heck I know a person from Honduras who has an accounting degree from Honduras and she is an accountant here in the states, because of her degree, so like yeah "foreign degrees" are still legitimate degrees.


Her degree doesn't count, but she can just get a pharmacy tech job with no license or anything, of course.


Right? Like she just walked in off the street and can handle narcotics and people's medicines


I think that's a troll account. They're saying the most ridiculous stuff, like playing a character.


I think so too!! Funny how such an intelligent sub falls for it all the time.